WASHINGTON DAiLY NEWS Entered as second-class matter August 6. 1909. ,at the postofflce a* Washington. N. C.. under the act of March 3, 1879. , PUBLISHED 'EVERY AFTEDfltOI )X EXCEPT S IN DAY. No. 114 East Main Street. J. L. MAYO, Editor and rru|uktui-. . Telephone No. 2UO. HATE*: One Month J L\V Four Months l.u? S!x Months_. l.s>> One Ye*/. 7.' 3.00 ! Subscribers desiring the paper dlj continued will ('lease notify this office on date of expiration, otherwise. It will be u>ntlnue?) at regular sub?crlp Hon rates until notice to stop Is re oSTrefl. "" ~ If you do not yet The Daily News promptly telephone or \%rite the man ager. and the complaint will receive Immediate attccfticu. it is our desire to please you. w.sfiinv; ;? i> . ? c... ~UKC? iL .. LET Till: NEWS FOLLOW. Partlew leaving town should not tali to let The News* foUow them daily with the news ct Washington, fresh and crisp. It will prove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from hocne. Those at the sea shore or mountains will Had The News a most welcome and interesting ?Isltor. MI ST HE SKSXEIi. All articles sent to for publication must be signed by the wrft*r. otherwise they will not be published. V\ AKM! !1> \ ( ? I " Ol I'KAi I ]_? is Willi I. - liriK t? i * .-s:e<5 t 1 : i r msttsy ??? .i'.! ???.' iliv Uuiv. t tr.c cf n r.-'v 1 drought -*?r ? h : 1st ' V ' "-1 Vi'Ml. 'I'll- f.i' t is, s-iir.i'ly. * Si ;i * J. ? a'lti*' ? i'-uard war a~"Tb-nvi;.. -;.iv ah! ther?*?or<* wt-ry a>l?"J. <;??'; ?? 1 ;v-? r:*,T nrni:i:n?'ri'. ? ? "ia*i~rp ??? tt)-* ti tli i* mi both f.r;n?M -;i>ary ami wicked. The .-r-si at l.-? ;&i ?.T arm l<*. v: riuvi.*. and ?.f star:f a- r.vjty ? i !>? <>( nil na tJoyi/i in i ij ?? j ni;>r.nv.uu^.^??r I -s*?ir *!??? rfr-r . ? i:. * 7u... . ,\. - or*!* !,fN .*tt; ; ??Mi:ly Jin in;..- . t pe.-,. ??: ? ?: ? I'Mwii.'.! Grey. -h- llrlttnh miniver affa!r??. has la'elyj ? a!!ed ar?or;?:..i: to ?) .. fa.'t 111 it* |.?il? l> ? tlu a !i? -f.:r psr-t Hi . OMJir--H K ? day with i?> .a a ,.;w y. .ir "/...ami t-K,: ?H!il . cat .tii-. '.i. ? ??::n ?v tjiuj i,.?? ? tn'icr. ii'ac-*. _ ' ARH?fltr i-r..? y '\ . !? '? ?? n?'-r:* um-T ?onF!l-: tt;;!k:?n r.ad ju.-tr.^tit^hi \yv K-jr.\.?0 v;\:. ||:-J ?tero.-stfU. nnJ c 1:? * iwv'jm v :i i-t i\vsi:i whUli a quail er-een la ry di.-mj land iin.l R Ti - K ?.-...'.ia l":il i -ili}:. L n;:.i ... i ? r- ? ... . wsleh was i ea? r-avly r i.y th. Alge. iras . .-.iVr. t:. un?!,! hav.< anuA- t?s. .v.glo X ni-ri<:aii V. r,. ? >-!a .: ^ .-N :,r ^ !??-! .'I.1- -? v, ?!{!,. rr.-n? of there <;ttO|BVt<?n? an having Li'-' i;,M. hf?a.\y ;. r.:aits'-ii;s ..r iti -j j t ?? ?f ihei^. Jf is niKlaiiiuM" that ynu?thiiiK *r. tlif fill. ?? .| ial.lv i n here tit I y . *.rAi. . m,i> ri'i .. I . ? ; . ?.; ihn ta~ic*t (l^riKTi. rr Is to lie ????pri t t-.l flia" fh ffity exisf.s fnr |,i| r >,R,H t?;er? a.-i51 ? r; n:i ?:;<}.??. ih. re nr.isr bir.protef. tif?li for tTe hitHH ? u' < I r i y . ? it . and f.j. j?orit*:n e pfr,v.-*:< th.if a bit; polu-^raur wh?i :s knmvn *ii !:^vc- his revolver ill his pu- ki.'j is likely i<> i,a > ivouhle on his hea^r'ihan "a Vmail one. unarmt-il. N'a'lons are not rrmiinals in .flie fc.T.n- that ind!vi<tualH some Um**H are. but many of them are ,-?k tr?*ivt, j: ml i hi* aggress! renei;* <>| fine narioii may rr.ean the obllteratfor > of ar.othi'P, Mi!e-s an al.Ie policeman '# uiii.tn rratr = ? THK m:\v sistf.r. Gene. *mo ik l yea-.-y. ohl. was dft IfRhfed ' reoent ly ' when, the Kn?rk' hro'iRht a long enveted hahy Kiater. He. went forthwith to announce the glad tidings to the neighbor? To h^ Surprise, they were not inclined ?'? be lieve him. especially Edward, hif chum, who stoutly scoffed the idea of ,1 h^w arrival at Gene's house. With trembling lip. Gene ran to bis mother and throw himself, nobbing, again ?t the bed ?".lust think, .mother," he wailed, "Edward wont" believe I've got i hsby Muter Anrt yo?i know?" here h\8 senile of the world's ingratitude jgrew stronger and he wailed afrffwh - hyon linow how "good i w'Sff tryTrtm when they had kittens over a? hix house!" ? Harper's Magazine fAMFmi/M ( iUCKK \<iTF^t. Mr. John Mayo, of Messir, was here > iiii.t.pK ,tiU ?laiiKiiif.r, Mrs. Demos whealion. Several from this place attend"-! chtxrch at Spring ('reek Sunday. -'Lam week a finw little gifl came to make ft? homo'with Mr.' and Mrs. V D. Lewis. Messrs. C- D. Jone* aird W. I. -A*nn tlo left Monday morning for a trip to points in Pitt county. Our people turned ouTUn a body to the Airlcuhural Pair and Corn Show it AufOrft tavt Friday. We h?r< ?+ Waya felt proud of this little ttfwd cell our town, but we feel ?klclL t?* ceil krooder of It v: . because on last Friday li surely ? proved Itself something to feel proixl i of. We believe that this serttort of Beaufort county 1* one of the best. 11 j not the best, *jiot ;:i this great Stale, of ours. We have groat anil gooi men. beautiful, liure and noble w?Bh en. .rkh and fertile soil, and the \fer> j ijip^aiare ?? ?>i" our people prove tK.Ni I ?v Have, a healthful section. Whivj ~.i> iin'.v have a a .??.?at county*. y?i. wej believe it is only a diamond in tin j r vi-.'.t'h" iv> what it .will bo in 1 i *MMW?future. The exhibits at Av.rorn last Friday w?>uW do erect i*? to our [ great State fair: . 11 II. I. jVSTiCE. v ; ? KOI \|? |?l-: \|i IN IIUTKI*. Ad^vllle. free. i. -Joseph '3ln' ? if - Wilmington. a. well-known .tqTw'l i!i? man. was frund dead ?ii his rnom ^at an Asheville hotel about o'clock Nutans was that hi* death was due to] natural caures. Mr. Kal:it was 'a man about 50 .yf ate and widely known over] I the State. He traveled for the Xa-j ' tional Paper Company. He leaves a wife and a son and daughter. A | friend will meet Mrs. Kahn on her i way here tomorrow to break the i r\ews. TO THE CITIZENS j Hardy's Drug'Co , druggists, handle i : trilhooley's Iris'. Liniment, and they.i hack it up \vl*h what might be called I ia tiovernirent .bond. Iti fact a guar-! j mtcc certificate goes with every bot-| J tie. to the extern that If Uilhooley's ' tTfs^.'f.lniTTreTit rtnrs rot cttrc-firtrttja, ? :lht'utrat!su?. In any form. Salt i fthe-<m. I.umbago ?r any skin ail-l lavnt. yen are out nothing, an thel Iruggiy. v?ni bought It from will give! j-OaoL you;* money ai:d take the certiA-] [ eate for liis pay. The mat is entirely hi your < ; bands. ' (<;ii.h<miu:v n?(s2t i.i n nn : \t . p.. Sr. I'aiil, Minn. i A Saving of ; I 100 Dollars ill long il.'iitgei;?Mi<? >irUneSH ? ran be neemiiplMied by iMvliy* ready Viek*? <*r?>up ?V I'tleiiiuonia Salve." |t? the greatest preventive aitrt !'?? nspl elieeLer. -Money buck ir il'?t dellttlned. .*?!? and St.OO Jar*. TO CURE A COLD IN' ONE DAT Taku LAXATIVE UBOMO Quinine Tablets Druggists rotund tnoney If ?t | rails to ruro. E. \V. GROVEIS signs iu-?j Is on, et'.-b too2. 25c. _ . NOTICE* . ? s; ? 1 v.-JH ?=* 11 privately to parties u;: URTtJ thr tisy of 1 r4??!4tmiK>r ?1UUU.. ji.d *on that day | will offer for talc the roinjifcns. consisting of corn, fod der. hay. oats, and all farming I in pi 1 tnonth'. and also va^small portion of 4rousehold and Icitchln fudnlture. R D. WALL. December -I. 1909. Scrub yourself daily, you are noi, clean inside. This means clean stomach, bowels, blood, liver, clean. Take Holltstor's Rocky Mountain Tea. a Uioruugh cleanser. Try ji to (tfght. ? llardy's Drug Store. PILES CTKED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS i PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding riles In ( ta U ?1hv? or monev refunded OOc. Health, depnds. as -nature show?. Mqre on +h?? interior tluu? sqppose.' Keep your system from lroi*Wrjiie? free, ^ R.v_ utdng 1 Initiator's Ro? ky Mom? tain Tea. ?Hardy's Drugstore. ! THE GAIETYj J Program Changed Daily ? ! TONIGHT: | Tin: i. it:- ? a m rrfiihnt ?.r i:u- ? * rni?ico-I>i-u?.-iaii War." Willi i % wonderful picture of the lllsc.'!; T 1 1 ??h,L ' % i J" t AST VOl R RREAlt'oX THE ? '? WATERS V stood plcutre. It ? 1 + >liowg tin1 reward for .i kind % J <leed. ? 5 ( ROWN I'RIXt E OK (dill* { If MAW DRIM.lNt; HIS llODY* ? |J (ilAltll. Is} t(ii: i?k.%sa\t novs i.ovk ? |$ KOI! IIJK I.ASIV ? A liiuli r|H ? IX picture. ? |X 2 | Follow the ? Merry Crowd WOMEN'S SHOES I] |T IS WITH A FEEL ING OF PLEASURE AND PRIDE THAT WE i. ANNOUNCE THEAR EN'S FOOTWEAR FOR ?. | THE FAI L AND WIN TER seasons: hail ar ?\ ttftht-iore. where woaen'i Shots are told. ? They came to uts direct from the workshops of the world's most ' r.o*m-r;?t+rHi?. of tt'om^na Shoes. There's' many a new style feature In the r.-.n model*. iiiiU *v-r- will take^tbe greatest pleasure in Hhnwin^ our j women natrons the hnmitiome foot-wear that will be-in vogue during 'mlng fcavon. ; ? S. R. FOWLE & SON Home Building & Loan Association WASHINGTON, N. C. Capital Stock Paid in Since 1902, Over $30,000 I OFFICERS: FrnnkC. Kugler, President; V^E. Swin^. dell, 1st Vice-President; Frank H. Bryan, 2nd Vice ! President; Jno. B. Sparrow, Secretary. PURPOSES: To build u|> the von n. To make better < itl/m* by their owning their hornet*. To form (lie good hnbit of Mrvlng Tfi |inn-i<t<? fin- rainy day. To create u foundation for credit. To put weekly luTings to work Unuietl lately. f , To provide for the ^duration of children. Xo *nre money for any purpoae. J COST OF STOCK: Twenty-fl\e renin per Khar* initiation. ^ Twenty-live rents per ktar< each week- until maturity. # VALUE OF STOCK: , SIOO.OO per nhare at maturity. ?* I" I/ength of time to mature utock, about nix and a half years. K*t- fHi uiuuK of aeriea Just matured, 0 1-4 per cent, per annum. .%ll frtxewpalil by the Aaaoelatlon. Mew HOries to be opened Jan. 1st, 101 0. Time to buy Hock. NOW. y* i JESSE ROSS and CHARLIE FLEMING, Solicitors. HOME BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION C. 0. MORRIS & CO., BROKtRSl WHOLESALE FRUI TS AND PRODUCE Arrivals this week. 2 Cars Meal, 1 Car 20th Century Flour, 1 Car Flake White Lard, 1 r~ "f" Reliable Mot, I Car New York State Apples, ? ? - T - - ? - I COi The Hbmesite Beautiful ? Come Lets go to Washington Park by the Pamlico. - ; ? ; f ? Swamp and Highland Farms For Sale. ^ A. C. HATHAWAY, Washington, N. C. - | Leon Wood MEMBERS N. COTTON EXCHANGE Jnmt-s W. J. LEON WOOD 6^ CO., . BANKERS and BROKERS (STOCK*. BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME STREET. CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLK. VA. Private Wires to N^Y. S*ock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago HoaSi of Trade and other Financial Centers. correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marg:nal accounts given careful attention. | REAL ESTATE WANTED!!! I have moved to Washington, N. C., from Van Wert, Ohio, where I was engaged in the Real Es tate business for more than thirty years, 'and will ; engage in the same in Washington, N. C. I want farms and other lands for sale. If you want to ~ SClf your farm or lands see me or 'phone I . . W. M. HEAR, Washington, ?N. C. 'Phone 85. j?Office with C. D. Parker, Havens-Small Building. iNUKHJUi & SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLL'OT and If. M. KERR. Receiver#. OIRKCT THKOlGll TRAIN SKIiVIfK RKTWCKN ALL POINTS IN KA8TI.lt*- \ORTII CAROLINA, AND VIA NORFOLK TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. SCHEDULE IN 1.1 Fl.t ? SKIT. 1ST. ' TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON EXPRESS: S ? 4 f A -V . daily, Sundav. for Mae keys Verry, Eden ton. Eliza beth City. Norfolk, .connecting \v!tli all lines North, East and West. A rrive.4- Norfolk 4 ?23. P. M.. connet iii g : t .Mat k-ys Ifcrry for BHhftvon' and ColumVi'i Branches. 1.00 P. M. d- I y 'except Sunday, for Markovs Kerry and Intermediate stations. T.13 A. M ? lv for Greenville. Farnvllle. Wilson, Raleigh and inter mpflla'e ?' ' i h a 5 Mrive Raleig'i 1*1.2? A. M ^Conneuta at Wilson and Grccr.vtHe with A. C. Ii. It. R. 3.20 r. M. d:i:ly/exc4t|U Sunday, for Gr-.vr.vil!?, Fli mvil'tf, Wilson, Ral eigh and intermediate ^tai ions. Arrive Raleigh t?.-3T P. 31. "Connects rj, Farni\!He vi;h Er.-il Carolina K. R. for all points North and South. '.!? rt.ril; exic.|.t -iur 2\cw 3.15 P. M. daily except Sunday for ev: Hern, Morehead City, Beaufort and ii)te;q>ed late points. Connects at New Bern at 7.30 P. M. (daily) . for Oriental a id intermediate Htaticns. Connects at New Bern at G.13 P >.T. jdaily for Kin* ton and Golds'.. oro. ri.no P. dally except Sunday for P.netown, Belhaven and intermediate stations. . r -j ^ '? ? ? " -i ? T.-A'' ? For further particulars, cdnsuR-Xorf d:; u Southern Railway folder, or "]>;>!y to T. H. Myers, Ticket Agent. K. T. LAMR, GEN. MGR.. NORFOLK, YA. fcAisT CAROLINA ~~ i Teachers' Training SchxmLk .... tJ] ' F.sublishv'd and maintained by the State tor the yoiinc men ^ and women who wisKto qualify .themselves for the profession of 'each iris;. BuTIdinjfsT'anTequipment new and modern" Saol- *% tation perfect' ? ' - K SESSION OPENS OCTOBFR 5TH, 19M. ^ f'i I .>r nrnsnectiiA and information. address ROBT. H- WRlfiHT. President, Greenville, N. C. Pi & ^ _ & <<. 2?^T<S* 7?.T? ? Money saved is money made! A Welsbach Junior Lamp burns 2 feel of Gas f et hour, and gives 50 Candle Power of Light, where an open tip burns 6 feet of Gas and gives 20 Candle Pow ~&T~. How much du yuu save? ? WASHINGTON LIGHT & . WATER dOMPANY / Welsbacu .la lb.* ? ? BUSINESS? . OPPORTUNITIES I RATE, 1 cent per word. Estimate six words to the Hoc, and] inclose payment with copy. Answers to ad*, may be received at ihis office. To insure prompt attention all adver tisements should be in business officc by 12.45 m. Ads. by messenger, tele phone or mall given careful attention. STENOGRAPH EH AND T Y P K WrltefT- D6t mo write your letters. Mlfcg Beulah Tbomason Chamber of Commerce TELEGRAPH CliASS, STARTS JAN uary 1st. Excellent opportunity. For particulars call at Western Union Telegraph Office, or write W. S. Green. NOTICE ? SMALL BOX MISSING1 containing eye glasses and frames.1 A liberal roward will be given when! returned to Dr. H. W. Carter, cor ner of Main end (liadden streets.! COME AND SEE MY NEW X.MAS stock on display Tuesday, Decem ber 7 th. Store next to Singer office. Bell, the Jeweler. t ' FOR SALE-^ONE RO'LI, TOP DESK, one leather covered couch. In quire at News office. h SHERIFF'S CALL FOR TAXES. The 'states taxes must be settled ?n full by 1st Monday in- January. Thol school- vouchers will bq coming In dally; the people want their children educated and the. teachers must bej paid. The current expenses Of the county must also be paid. Now it takes mowy to pay these bills and it has to be raised by taxation. Your taxes have been due since Septetnber 1st,, and I will thank all. who have not -paid, to c5me fdrwarfl and settle at once. ? Your taxes are. due and there is no better time* to pay than when you have money. Very respectfully, GEO. E. HICKS." Sheriff. Beaufort C - Dcrember C, 1909. WESTON HOUSE 2 27 East Main Street, WASHINGTON, N. C. Per Day. Hyacinths ami ale kinds oy FALL AND WINTER, BULBS Wc have a Hue assortment. Plant early fur. the licst' rcttults. Send for new price list. CHOICE Cl'T-FheWEHS . Wedding Roquets, Floral Designs, and Flowers for all occasions. Mall, tell'graph anil tclcphoue orders wiH l?e promptly tilled by J. L. ODljlNfHree., njiiiikT.u, hai.i.'ujii. x. r. ? ? 'Phones 149. Under-AQd by virtue of a power of sale contained Ln a certain mortgage tlw<T,~cxectiterT "try -tymnet J . * D'.xon and wif?* Suban E? to the Washington Horse Exchange Co., a corporation. ' on March 6, 1906, which is duly re rurut'd lu tut? omti1 of the Hegmer nr Deeds of Beaufort county, ln book i 129, page 457, I will sell at public I auction for cash to the highest bid der at the court house door on Mon day, the 6th day of December, 1909, at 12 m.,.all that tract or land id Longacre township. Beaufort county, Bk?Hit*d on the north aide of Pamlico River, bounded on the east by the lands of Jarvis B. Alligood, on the west by the land now occupied by tin. Firry, i uift ut wUWi was formerly the Roscoe land, bounded on the south by Pamlico Hlver. Be ing* the Identical land described In a deed to Chas. Alligood to. parties of "the first part, recorded In book 126, page 592, register of deeds office. Beaufort county, reference is made to said dfced for better description, and the va'rfouf d6?ds therein referred to. This November C, 1909. WASHINGTON HOR8E EXCHANGE NORWOOD <L. SIMMONS. Assig nee and Owner of Debt. Fowle Memorial Hospital Surgical and Medical Cases. Visiting Physicians and Surgeons W. A. Blount, it. D. S- T- NicboJacn, M. D. Ira M. Hardy, M. D. P. A. Nicholson, M. D. W. P. Small, M< D J. L. Nlcholvon, M. JD. Jno. O. Blount, M. D. Jno. C. Rodman. M. D. URATES" | Private Rooms, $15 to 25 per w^at. v I Wards, large and airy .'>10 per' professional Cotamn > 81-KC1ALA8T8 1 """ "ft. W. CAPTER, M. D. Practice Limited to DUeam of the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Hour* 9-12 A. M. . Cor. Miln aid 2-5 P. M. Gladden Sta., 'PHONE 86. Washington, N. O. Dr. I. M. Hardy. - PRACTICING PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Washington, N. C. ATTOllXEYS H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES WARD & GRIMES attqrneys-at-law Washington, N. C. Wc practice in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the . Federal Courts. John H. Small, A. D. MacLean, Harry McMullan. SMALL, MACLEAN & McMULLAN ATTORNEYS-At-LAW Wa?hlngy>n, North Carolina. W. D. GRIMES atVorney-at-law Washington, North Carolina. Pi act ices in all the Coui ?s. W. L. Vaughan W- A- Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON attorneys-at-law Washington and Aurora, N. C. Practice in all the courts. H. C. CARTER, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW." Washington, N. C. ~ Office Market Street. ED W ARmTsTEWA Rf7~~ !A?orney-at-Law.J Office over Daily Npivb " Washington, N. C. DR. H. SNELL ^ Dentist. Office corner of Main and ^ Washington, N. C Win. n. Rodman. Wiley C. Kodnian. RODMAN & RODMAN - Attorneys-at-Liw Washington. N. C. \> . M. BOND, Kdenton. N. C. ^NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS - ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW Washington. Norili Cacolina. Practice in ail Coutts. _ COLLIN H. HARDING A 1 1 UR.S I. V Office Savins, :& Truat Co.. Building Rooms 3 and 4. tw ASHINGTON, n - STEPHEN C. BRAGAW - Attorney and Counselor-'1 at-Iaw Washington, N. C. Business Cards G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO., ? ? And -Plate (Glass IN SURA N CE. Fori FIRE INSURANCE # see J. and P. B. MYERS The J. H. Simmons Marble iand Granite Co. MONUMENTS Price* and Work Right. WASHINGTON, N. C. WHITE - BARBER - SHOP Th? only flr?t-clM* whit? shop in city. A trial will convince anyone of reas onable. Judgment. We have 3 chair*, 3 firtt-claw white barber*. Satifactlon C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE of all kinds. Bay Your - t HORSES and MULES' J frotnj '

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