The OneThTngThat BRINGS JOY To all the household, big and little, old and young, is an EDISON PHONOGRAPH With a seleciicu of Edison. Amb.fol records', lhe best .Xmus present is sonu ihiu? ul! can I'ujoy. ,'U! van ?iui do en joy lh> i-Jiiisn Phonograph. new DeceuUr records. Come and li: ;t the very iatest mu sic ana get terras and prices. RUSS EROS. . u i hi. vi- t nr. : .rvMt us lhe Gem ? Theater ! \\ ii.ftri; ? icujmt AM' r:s. \i;:;J 'iI'LWIa rsinoriimir 1*1. AVI'Nc; ??ATIi:M K -.MuJiU linu-l I \ w xi:-ti>3 ?: *\Vt-;rTiti:v?;T .1 . .v.i,- drama.. ?' ;1? M--\||\Q1.1/S Fir: - 1 = I V. \t niuJU ijlf (io:il will v.fty two |?ri/i's. 41 liasul- j j |*:u ut ihI China tasi* us La?li's prize. ?j SUM-liui; Sihor Clmin's firii?li as ihcl ' (ii'iil Ionian's |?rl/i*. Tlicw twain if til! arti<|<-? wore purcitUMHl from tlu* A.l , SitlHIici* slotk. ' w n v yTvyvvvy1 My! We Are Proud of Klrschbaum Clothing No custom tailor has the facilities for the selection of fab rics enjoyed by the makers of Kirschbaura Suits. We know that you could not buy any better clothes than Kirscbaum's. You. can wear one of their stylish garments from $ 16.00 to $20.00 Gome in and let t:s prove to you our statement. VV are Sole Agents for Kirschbaum Clothing. ? THE HUB. ""K ^.Carloads of Hotses and Muks RECEIVED TUESDAY, NOV. 9 Farmer.- Corn Judging Day In>ii"d to fa:;i;u*t Stock. Finesi U' l'^cen Hire. ?Washhigtofl Kof^-E^an^ - i ii A.\ KSGi V 1S(J 1 ' K\;> 1 , irfc&as whl S; -h ?t v Fot a holiday Suit. j\.a M an a i one from a Real Tailor >jv clctiics we. r ' longer, fit better and lock better than cui? | tom-miUtc garments. i_H ft. GOLDSTEIN, Washington^ Only T ^ We carry a complete iin of Standard Watches ? as well as everyth: else to be found in an t . to-date Jewelry Store Repairing a special: \ '/ R. L.STEWAK'i JEWELER. *ratch Inspector for the N. S. Railway, SAVINGS AND TRUST PUILDING If you are looking for GLASS and GROCK1.P . WABt TOYS anil fither Ht-1 id iv Goods, rnr; to &ce us. \y. Phillips & Co. ? t -Si mMa: ComlrinKtl HTm- s ?.r interval Hnp 1 OHtnc Hirni:vli"itf 4i?* State. | 1 W?*?=;?m North i";? ndirm Cotiferenr'!] o'!:ce :J ')?> !?:. a* ?. A a UuMgh. The?"' | si; in ran.i.-l The r.'norpora- 1 : nr. II IJ L-iK fftij C. If. Ktng.J w?i* . ' run! .JT'tnem: wavcr.1 ?' iXi ? '!"?!:?' Oubirt f Wiieer ro j ? it' ? nvLlle, filled an amendment rr-i TV." rorptptrt are consld lorj' j good Indication of the growth) I of a~ low ii and Wilson is' steadilv I ni-ov;!,.;* if this i.'-u goo.*?. for November -last ! year, an ?increase of over l* 1 per cent 1 -y Wilson Time* . *' . E. Smith white, oi House * Creek lownnhi;), who swindled Bar bee & Company out of about $?;o? on [YfiT^ajfternoon of September '2 3. wa? arresttd at union station last night by Policeman Warren just as he was fix ing to leave for Atlanta.. Since the crime .Smith has been hiding out. II" returned to-this county to get his wife and rhild and was at the depot wait ing for a train for Atlanta when nabbed by the officer. He had already purchased his tickets, and in a few mor? mtnutcs would have been speed ing southward. ? Raleigh Times. John Swift, a white man or~nr -. spec table appearance, was arrested her* yesterday morning by request of officers at Bessemer City. The charge preferred against him was nos-sup rawiit. pro or con to this charge, but ment. pro or con this rliargn, but grlmiy awaited the coming of- the expected deputv sheriff to bear him escort home ? Charlotte Obaervy. Mr. J. F. Terry sold a bale of cot ton and the seed from same for $110.34. and still had 'J00 pounds of i the seed for planting. This is the beat record that has been reported in i Martin county during the 'season of ' high priced rotten. Some people say that farming does not pay. ? Will-, lamston Enterprise. Sheriff .1. Knox and Deputy Sher iff G. F. WtlleUSi-ef Bfuhswick coun?| ty, arrived -iti* the city mi the early, -train today, bringing with i L. W. Bra. Hhadc Dullard.. -Ho?.-.". ?> Erady and O. W Brady, the wh::- men from, the Green Swamp I sec?-'.: u:* the co;:nty, charged with j .m 1 " i:;H ? irnl ? rnj'ir m -personal j pro; -: ?'y ih.e \Vtuc?r.'.aw Lumber | Cv#.. and *oir..? of them witfi secret. ; with intent to klfl upon some | - -v.:;. loves of the company, upon, a ber.. h warrant issued some time I ago l.y Jndxe^ 1?yon at J-umberton. 1 '..-?.?'r ' -ii.-.r.het!, " I VIP1 ? lb" bmW^ ? bfiijily raised Itself from Its bed. tra *i'r ? ! the KuUJIng splittlnr tt-Trpfrr ? .vavi'ftd about 200 yards before i' s:; :t .Ir Th" ^roTTTivl. TTie Hie; nan ?ated- that the boiler must ha*v traveled at a height of forty ?>r flfiy Lr-e: ybov* ilie ground. T'.-.e 1 b< 11 "tnra-d over In Its bed, but ?'??? _ Jl(" '.brown out of it. A negro wlJo wan sleeping near the boiler vas had 3 v n't Med. The fireman K'.s^Ifiiaod v. broken arm- ? Elizabeth C':y Tar llo?.\ 1 l Al't lUTi: for "That lleiidnchC." , Out last night?. Headache and ' nervv.u.% IhU morning? HScW Calm dine Just the thing tr fit y>?u for business. Clears the hea-l ? braces I Ute ii erves. ? Try it. At drug stores. | "FREE! FREE! 1 I . FREE! . 1 Everybody read this: , Every morning and evening our , I wagon will be at your door load ed with everything good to eat, such as? Ocracoke Mullets, Ocracoke Oysters, Corned Hog-heads. Corned Meats, Sweet Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, Peanuts, Clams, Fresh Eggs, Chickens, old and young. Everthing that can be found Lon a vegetable wagon. Look for this wagon every day. A polite man to wait on you; -he will give everybody good, hon est measure. If you don't believe us try the man today, and if the goods suit you tell others, if not tell us. And if you don't see what you want on the wagon, 'phone 146. We have it. Garfield Clemmon's (jreatest Restaurant Yuu Ever Saw. EMPIRE ART SILVER Metal, heavily Silver plated, and is fully guar We have a large line, embodying Cotnb and Brush and Mirror Sets, Shaving Sets, Manicuce Sets, etc. The prices are v.ry low^0nsidering the class of merchandise. SUPERB SERVICE To Baltimore via Chesapeake Steamship Line NEW BAY "LINE "COLUMBIA" and "AUGUSTA." Dini.igrooms on Saloon Decks. Elegant Table D'Hote Dinner 75 cents; Cldb Breakfast, 25 to 60 cents. Polite attention and the very best service in every way. We solicit criticism of our service. Leave Norfolk,-foot~of Jacksonstr, daily except Sunday 6.15 p. m.; arrive Baltimore 7 a. no., connecting with rail lines for Phila.. N. Y., and all points East and West. For all informa tion and reservations address C. I. Chandler, G. A.; F. R. McMillln.T. P A.. Norfolk. Va. NOW! Is the Time Pictures Framed. 1 Don't wait 'til Xmas eve. WM. B. HARDING CHILDREN'S Dress and School Shoes Metal and Patent cloth top. Give us a trial. Knight Shoe Co. The Only Exclusive Shoe Store In the City. I licks' CAPUDIXE Cures Sick He??d " ache. Also Nervous Hcaflarr.r, Travelers' Headache and aches from "CrTp, Stemaco Troubles or Femai trou bles. Try Capudiue ? \i'r liquid ? effects JmunHHiU-ly. Sold b? drug atats. "We Have It" Anything good to eat you want for Christmas Dinner. 'Phone 80. Walter Credle & . i ? Co. z Your Christmas Dinner ? *'*. Will be complete and pleasure will be added to the occasion if you will let us fill your order. Fresh Celery, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Plum Pudding, Fruit Cake and a full line of Canned and Evaporated Fruits We have engaged turkeys for most of our custom ers, ?nd will be_gjad to secure "yon one if you will 'phone us. Be liberal and give us your account for one month, A guarantee to please you is all we can offer. ~ ? JOS. F. TAYLOE, The quality grocf.r. 'Phones 123 and 124 Three Deliveries I ^-HELP IS OFFERED WORTHY YOUNG MEN' AND WOMEN. S'o matter ROW limited ?uui means of education, the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COI.LEGK,, Durham. N. C-. is ready and willing tohelp\ou secure a high-prrrtic Barrings Education? The ONLY Business College in the Caro linas presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Audtfrerts? ~A suf i -cient guarantee oi its superiority. Enter now on easy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS; BooCTteepTngT Shorthand. Typewritrnjr. I eleKraphy. Penmanship. Civil Service, English Branches, etc. Expert Faculty Rail road Fare Paid ? Positions Guaranteed. . Only 18 IVIose Days Before ChristmasI Why wait until the fast moment? ~ Every 10c. Cash Purchase Means Another Vote on the Doll. Toy Department 2nd. Floor. \ ~ Come Before Assortments Are Broken. , FOR THE MEN FOLK Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Kid Gloves, Smoking Sets, Ties, Handkerchiefs, etg^ mV^RWARE? Brush Sets, Mirrors," Manicure Sets, Fancy Ribbons \ Kid Gloves The handsomest line ever shown in this place. lftc. to $2.50 yard The Best $1.00 Glove iD Town. Fancy Linens Table, Bureau, | and Sideboard! Scarfs. 12 l-2c. to $5.98 HANDKERCHIEFS ' _ Every known kind of Handkerchief (or men, wom en or children, it, 5c, 10c", 12 1 2c up to $5.98 each. FOR WOMEN FOLK Kimonas, Scarfs, Neckwear, Pursea, Gloves, Umbrellas, - Handkerchiefs, Writing Desks, Box Paper, etc. ?Infants' Novelties Th? Daittv Hand-Paint ed Articles. 29c. to JS.98 each. xhri^ T On Friday nighr gcxrtlie-t-= . ,^nv, -j GEM THEATER will give two exquisite ar- Boailfiflll stock* of1 a'.'g?1 Smother' & Hand-Painted Co. and nriw on dianlav in " otte GENTLEMAN olding Lucky Cou