WlSHINfiTONIWIQH^ Entered ns second-cjans matter i August 5., 1909, at the postoffice at! Wa&hlugton, S. C.. under the act of.i March 8. 1879. PUBLISH SO EVF.RY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 114 East Main Street. J. L M.YYO. Krtltiif nntl Proprietur. Telephone Xo. 200. SrilSCIlUTlOX KATES: Ohe Mouth . . Tour Months One Year. . . $ 2S 1.00 1 3 00 ? Subscriber* desiring the ? continued will please notify this Office o?j date of expiration, otherwise, it will be lontlnupd at regular subscrip tion rates until notice to stop is re ..-elredv I! you xio not pet The Dully News promptly telephone or write the man ager. and the coiunlaint will reeeite. Immediate attention, it lifc o??r desire 'o ni?HM you. WASHINGTON. N\ C. I) EC- S. ? LET THK NEWS FOLLOW. Parties leaving town should 'not fn'l to let The News follow them dally with the news of Washington fresh and crlap. It will prove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let fei from hojjie. Those at the sea shore or mountains wtR find Thu News a most welcome and interesting ?lultor. Ml ST HE Slti NEI). All articles sent to The News for publication lit u at be signed by the writer, otherwise they- will uot be published. Al'ttOlM r\llt AM* i'OltX SHOW It m- !|Va:V.M lll'Ull ,? MHIHT' trf ?pfratlthiHien to the editor of this p? jier to visit the thriving and growing section of Heaufovt Vbunry Known as Kh-hlat:d township. To mingle with those I people, than whom there ;tre n?? !.-r?i r. Is indeed an inspira tion ;? *? :i :i l?":iedl?"t!on. To view the .1 i f their cotton and corn. see thrift lit ul energy-, displayed ????? -'vv hand and to partake of - t ti'ii-rmw hospital if?-, carries with :? desire always Indulged in by the writer with feelings of un alloyed thdight, *?* lv:r!rg the la>t deride This seoj i i.?is ? *'(- county ha* ina-le ? a-mi. derful stride* Especially e.-fn 'his bo sad with reference to iheir knowl edge of farming and educational up lift. it must he a matter of no little l>rM? to these stirring people to see v! '.t a matter of no little prld" io.t!ie?!.? stirring . people to see what they have done and accomplished. Not only to them is i* .V :*STTrv Tor- seif=? rr.lse. but to tlioae who resid" !u "ther parts* t)f the county, there e?:nses a desire to emulate and follow -hern In what they are lining and nndertakl^r jf>'? arc alnviy; r?-:n|i->-'l wrii.> 1h;t Richland to^r:sh:]> is 'timi s foot stool." possibly," though, this asser tion might he :i injsiiomer. >e*t, when one sees what the citizens have per formed?what they have brought IflHh froth the SMI r f Hod ? TTasJ given them, product* that cannot" We Hied ?&fiy whe.re In rTiT TiTT* Ta?37 we do rot think we are. missir.g the mark wry far Th*y are Ideal farm ers in the broadest arouse of the . End ay last we were again" "permit tr-d ; to visit this greet section ot country1 uncn : w ^ a-. < asion of tlie^gr'.i nitn v al Kaif and Torn Show, given under i the auspice* and direction of the Att-j rora It^ta! Merchants' Association. Tie- -y ' '??fTTTTs TnTr was~~tcV~brTnp] iogf-:h*v the i'armcrs. not only of! Rich lard township, but the farmersj cf the *n?ire counties of Deaufort and Pamlico, giving them an oppor-i tur.ity to show what they are as ag -rfctilturalists. have i hem ? talk and discuss f irming in all its various and sundry phases. and then endeavor to instill in enrh and every one a desire" and amb'.Tii.n >o stri\;e for greater' things in the future. No teader of The Daily N^WB.can for one mnoicnt ? take In .the value of such a coming! together of tho?" who till the soil nn less they had h*en on the ground andi seen personally for themselves. That' ft was a great nrraslott Is speaking in( the mildest terms. The good that was accomplished cannot as .yet- be -uat I ? mated or foretold, f ri the first plnrer the exhibits were a revelation to every visitor No section anywhere, could present a better result. Corn.n stock, truck and other things too pnjaerons to mention, greeted the . amazed eyo of all. There was rioT'aj shoddy display anywhere. Tt seemed ^ as if the very acmp of perfection asj farmers had been reached. yet. thes?? good people are stiH striving for a higher and greater mastery of the loll. Tak!iiK the past as n criterion, . the future horizon already depicts ttrls coveted *osl ? ? , Yes. the editor c?f the Daily News was gratilied at this exhibition in more ways than one. In this good . land thirty one years ago he wan per mitted to view the handiwrifk of the Supreme AcrhH'eet" for the first time; herb he roamed as a boy among the forest, and h?re It was he was ush - IitWJ ? HI 1411 II l lull. ? . Bum. ? nf ? Ma sweetest ties cluster there ami far ever feel in ?>onie sense grateful *nud I thankful. -ji It was indeed good to by In Au-!j rura, shake the hand again of] the citizen?, admire Uieir patriotism., their' energy, their ambition. *1 The fair was a grand success front' lirtn-to Ian*. and shnu'Sl tt-kT In ihej coining _ together of the formers onj such occasion ts ilestined for nothing but good to ea?h and every one. ltj i??rvHS 111. ?ui for greater u?np;'.l!'iOf,s a?] farmers ar.d implants determination ! to become better. ~ As " t'TiTMrTu f n ? ^ s "arnp- hub'. the t lti?| zens of Aurora canifUT be excelled. ' They simply knn\v~Tiow (o do things and Friday they did it so ewell that ' each an4 every visitor longs for the ?time to mingle with them again. Con ! spicuous among these is none other biH tin* editor of the Daiy News. , V NOTAUl.K ,\ SSHM 1 1 1 < AC> K. There is a notable asbeTnblage of j Christian workers gathered at Wades i-lnn'iv-thi*; w?wk ~U4ufc. Uaptiat hunt u( North Carolina' are ''mee'ting there in 'annual session'. This denomination ! ranks numerically the strongest or liealth depnds. as nature shows. I More on the interior' thai, most mppose. . your s\stem i rom ImpurtTTtor fretf Hy using Hoilister's R?w-ky Moun tain Ten. ? llardv's Drug Siore. saplzatfen in the State. preachers will have a most excellent report to make. Some of the State's brightest men tlll'tho pulpits of the Baptist faith. They have always, t'rorn inciplency. been a power for good. and their assembly in an^rom nrtriiUy In State convention is^ ths ; fi'.:ir- for ? i; lat ion, C*^he t?' n ?? so fortunate as to entertain them. I Mr. W. A. Thompson, of Aurora, [".was a vftilor In our -town on \Mon ! day und ..Tuesday. U PII.KS C'iltEKIXHtt TO 14 ?>AVS PAZO OINTMENT ft guaranteed to cure anytase of Itching. Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles In 6 10 14 dart* or money refunded 60c. Syrub yourse'f^tlaily, you are not cleart"1" inside. This means clean stomach, bowels, blood, liver, clean, healthy tissue in every orgun. Moral: jTaW liollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, a thorough cleanser. Try It to I flight. Ilardy'a Drug Store. Joy .Mothers know real joy who have wen the ?|uick relief given lo l ho little ones l>y Tick's ("roup and Pneumonia Salver- Have It ready. 2T?. no- and 81.00. All Di-ukkIMs. Your Holiday Needs CAN BE SUPPLIED BY US. In our store you can find many sugges tive articles for Xmas. Why not give ? him u ? FOUNTAIN PEN? We have- the ones .with quality aiiu pricps. Don't wait too longlftfore buying. H. G. SPARR The Scin+a Clans ow, ausaj t if you are looking for GLASS and CROCKERY*^ ? * WARE, TOYSandotherHolidayGoods, come |" 4 ? " & Co. -4 JEWELER. A'alch Inspector for the S. Railway. VI A-XD T B I.rS T BUI I-DI N G We carry a complete line of Standard Watches ? as well as everything else to be found in an up- - to-date Jewelry Store. Home Building & Loan Association WASHINGTON, N. C. Capital Stock Paid in. Since 1902, Over $30,000 OFFICERS: frank C. Kugler, President; Vv. E. Swin dell, 1st Vice-President; Frank H. Bryan, 2nd Vice President; Jno. B. Sparrow, Secretary. PURPOSES: To build ui> the town. To niiikc hefjrr elti/enN by their nu iiIiik their lioines. To f?.n:i I lie Rood hal>it or Having. -?* To provide for rainy1 day*. To (ti'Ule a foundation fur (*edlt. To put weekly saving* to work ImmrdiafHj. ? To pro* i?W? (MliK Allua at nblldien. To mil- money fur flny pnrpose. COST OF STOCK: Twenty-ll\e cents per nliare initiation. Twenty-live crsls per uliare earh wtpk until maturity. VALUE OF STOCK: j 9l1. (daily) for Oriental ar.d intermediate stations. Connects at New Bern at 6.45 P. M. daily for-Klnstun and Goldshoro. "5.30 P dttrty-ettfeH iM>n onable judgment. We have 3 chairs, 3 first-ciaas white barbers. Sati'action assured. Opposite Postal-office. A. B. DRAUGHON. ?rop. ? 11AVK VOL' A rtni.n h t? m I years old? ?3.50 per week inveat 1 ed In Building and Loan stock will I enable you to give that child a col ! Charles Flemming, solicitors. one leather covered couch, in quire at News office. I.OST. STRA YEI> OK STOLEN Black nnd white Will pup, 'two black spots over eyees Liberal re ward will be paid for return to J. T. Ross. II. L. St'SMAN. PRESIDENT OF the ^Washington Horse Exchange . Co.. leaves next Saturday, Decem ber 11. for the West, to purchase ? one car load, each of horses and mules. Save the middle mail's profit by waiting \\ntil our stock Washington Horse Exchange. A HKSOl.lTlTlN- F< )R~ T II E X K\V Year: Resolved, That I will save more mojiey in 1910 than I did In 1909. How? Ry tak'ng out some Building and Loan stock, payable weekly. Jesse Ross or Charles Flemiuing will tell you bow. NOTICE.* ~ 1 will sell privately to parties up until the 29th day or December, l U 00. and on that day I will offer for sale the remains' consisting of corn, fod der.- bay, oats, and all farming impll jaients. and also a small portion of household and kltcbin fu&tflture* *. R. D. WALL. December A. 1909. . ? r HIGHEST CASH PRICES PMB TOf * 1 CHICKENS, EGGS i and all COUNTRY PRODUCE We carry ifajr. Grain and all kinds Feedstuff ? We handla ? the very best Flour at whole sale. PAUL-& CUTLER ? 1: EAST WATER STREET. Buy Your HORSES and MULES froml TELEGRAPH CLASH, OTARTS JAN i uary 1st. Excellent opportunity. For partlculara call at Western Union Telegraph Office, or write I W. S. Green. I NOTICE ? SMALL 3IOX MISSING ! ' containing eye glasses and frames. ' A liberal reward 9lll*be given when I returned to Dr. H. W. Carter, cor I rer of Main .and G/adden streets. CORN MEAL MAN I' F At TCREI> BY j Jonathan Havens is strictly pure | and made from new corn. 12 MELL, THE JEWELER, IS NOW I open and ready Cor business at his | new stand, opposite Hotel Louise, j Get prices 'before buying. U A.% ? El# I OMTION TRICKING logs ; S years' experience: refer ences. John Bmlth, Leech rl lie. Fowle Memorial hospital Surgical and Medical Cases. Visiting Physicians and Surgeons W. A. Blount. U. D. 8. T. Nicholson, M. D Ira M. Hardy, M. D. P. A. Nicholson, M. D. W p. Small. M. D. J. U Nicholson, M. D. .Ino. G. Blount, ?*!. D. Jno. C. Hodman, M. D. RATES Private Rooms, $15 to 25 per week. ' \Tards, Urge gpd airy, >10 per week. .. ? ; Address, Miss JULIA A. SMITH, Supt. of Nurses. Professional Column H. W. CAFTER, M. D. Practice Limited to Dbeases of the Eye.. Ear, Ndse and Throat. blouix 9-11 A. M. ' ' Cor. 'Mala-and I 3-5 P. M. Gladden St?? 'PHONE, W. ? Washington; N. ~C. Dr. I. M. Hardy PRACTICING. PHYSICIAN SURGEON Waahlngton. N. C. ? . T DR. H. SNELL Dentist. Office corner of Main and U C tha Rpallatir Snnv/ Storm. the Funny Duel Sc?ne, ?the Thrilling Explosion Sceae,