Just a Few More Days and Good Old Santa will be Here Prepare yourself with his gifts for the young and old, before stfickisr*^ broken. TOY DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR _ J. K. HOY J ' Headquarters for Holiday Goods. lust Rccv tvcii?a nice lot <!>f Picture Mouldings Brim; us yam pictures to be frame J No a ! Don't wait; come and set the ?best ?iykcttoiis. . ? The very latest Edison music isi stock. An Edi son Phonograph is n mu sical fea;-; for the n hole family. Ihe Gem Theater ' Sl.l.ll!?i\<;.l'.K.\l 'l"Y--Mu#s> hatul ? i-oioroil. - 'I 111". Jli.r \ r',L?cr'.ii>li <1 vain a. \ liM^ssixi; soMKTnify iomks t\ u'Vily Urn ma. n.lli: MII.lox-A drama, a wvv.i* 1 rf-;h<? Kratiop- Prussian War. [ Next niu'yi Hit* (irm will sivr I ii'vay f.ro juizcs, a tii'iiutiful liaml jpaltkU'd ('!?.it:a vase as Lady's prize. a Silver 4'tuihcs Drusli us the i-.lcman*" pri/?\ Tlios?? bciiulir.i .iii-li? wt-ir paivftasdil" from . ( ? . > . ither ?ltuk. wvwvwywvvwv^ : T .Ylivf SHALL ! GET SM FOR CHRISTMAS? H SUGGESTIONS: iT. t m:;kv:i.i.a. ?:\'l ?!? ? ? \*'\ * ! Ol.LAIt 1M IX. (; \ i v *?t.\ = . " >milTs. sj i i k *i>. <;j (>'. i \in i:\\ : : ? ii. homkiiy, u \MHvt:i:< >. >u iti.ki:. i?. \t. > - * Til-: r \sr. ; v- tut:.:.-*. ri i:. What to Give Him for Christmas is'?. Problem We Solve Many Times a Day. '? ? j.u. j heinshcjJquartcrsfar.ViEn's thinvs. the ?.?irosrion is easily answered, ?i I or i> Jfh old .'.rid young, givat^aad ^ c . ..ii-- v. > '\o' j'Jci: i. Lit! lis? just rhe'yort 5> -jfc- i>. c v. i 1 1 ov -i p p letriatett tnos liiftf" \i- v, i: r L-ctsons ear'y . He the I ? % ... ....... L'at^-r na;v ih in Inter. ? < ~t ? ' r~~ 5 * 1~ n ? ' ? i : < i ~ ?: ? t. ^ HvU'v.1 ; ' j-T I, .)a? A3soc';doE - - . j\\\STl! VGTON, N. C. Opir.:' ?.t<-ck Paid in Since 15*02, Over"$A0.flOO OlTlCEkS: Frank C. Kugler. President; W. E. Swin dell. 1st \ ice'Pffji'.lcnt; Frank H Bryan. 2nd Vicc Pfgsiileat; fno^B. Sparrow". Secretary. PURPOSES-:? T<? buihl iij> f J i?- town. Ti? inak?> ktli'r nti/en* liy their owuir.ir their homow. . __Xj.ft.rui the gu'j'l U-'hil ??rj6jtx in?. 'In prorirte for rainy il.iys. To n imIc a foundation foV creilll. To put wwkly mivIdcm to work immediately. 'J .i jj- :)%iih- for the eiliieiitlnn of children. fri? ;;.i.i' iiiiiaev for ?i?jr purpose. COS'I OF STOCK i*m? * -ti c < ??nl - p?-r *-n?re <nili.it ion. 't'v.i *?*>-?? . ?? j-c: >'i.i.e fiich week mini maturity. VALUE OF S'l OCK: SI'MJ.iHi , i r -!mie nf in :i :ii y. l<?Miiith <?i 1 1 i?? ina'me ahmil -i\ and .1 Fi.ilf ye:?.*?. Nr-r r-jMiin^ ?.f wrlen juhL matured, i\ t*\ per reiif.^ier annum. Ml faxes paid liy the Association. + \>'?v ???!???> I ?> lt? '.|ifn?l Jhii. IkI, If) HI. TiTnc t -^TlV Ttrrrtr. \frtV. - ? * JE SSE ROSS and CHARLIE FLEMING, Solicitors HOME BUILDING 8c LOAN ASSOCIATJO^ I III V Kit ITD.Vli STATION *KWS. ! ? A Worncy"* l;??Ui>rnient AnMClatlon than been or^i^Iced at Magnolia | I School huutfo. in y .silrsf ; No. i. Lottr-i J A^re tow . :? .Mar.tle Will la fcP"j ?president. Mi*.i Ada Little secretary I tapd rroasv.rt-. Thc-e was a meeting' ? I.Ltl -I :i :?? i v;hvh WHS quit!-: , jnipros* '.lie Mr. w. I- Vaugtmn. the ?courtly fiii>??rl:it? n<lf nt ol schools. | jand >?r. jo/. ??*. T.k> lof roQQty, tccas^i j urer. wor<* i?re?ent. n , SUeppard. Micon Ailipood and M. 1 Uescoe amvulc:! th'.? i-orn show at I , Aurom lu&' !?'; id-.-.y. They say no^h 1 in? ? ould ohv*? beet; arranged more' ? ;M*rfrv?ly. A ;.nmnt<:o?:n dinner was I . -i,! .. ) y ? rt !? filjoyed. . WHS r; C\ M. L.iule last Satur' day i! am. o' "iuelown. iv vlsi'.S'iK Mtv. O. W. Woolard at Droad' fCT"<"e'; for several days. 1 v. - Kt:i?;u< Viru-erif. ainiTsaupnlors. "At^T -Pi!;1 1 ?*?<1 T? ? i r S Hi W:ii,lilnp j ton." u'fcstt-.of Mr*. C. M. Little , S'.;?';rday night ar.d Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis AlllRood at t ended services at Bunyon and werei 1 micr ,i? :u dinner of Mr ar.d Mrs. .1 H. T -Uteri n:i last Sunday. ' r. iv.,A %vTn?. L- -M. S!'.e;?j>anl Mid [ . J;':!nr?v;i fvcisls Mr. and Mi>. ! No1 ?' n . S!'.e!??Hfd r.: TV.tnyon la?: St;n jday. j 1Us.1h>i> Robert S' range assisted by Rc-v. N a t,li a ; i i ?T~R ard i n i? , of Washout jion. R.-\. C- L). Malonc. of Ba;h, and hiev. .7. VT. Pnlford, of Zlon conduct ed si*rv;. f?s Tuesday. at the Charitable I BroMicrbon-j Hall. Tvr*o persons re Nervous Dyspepsia II V. u Have II. H?i,| Tlii- Ix-iii-r. I Brown'* Itrt. Sf-irp UtiMriuiteeK JU-i.-iui. j "I va.- taken lapt Aug''..>i with a hc v*?rr .'astomnHi trouble The rlocinr J salt! ii was nervous dyspepsia. Ho : ^:i7C ti:" ii.? tin fir ^t.it. ? ? toon jl'is? iroiinipiil four week?. didn't f?'fl j any brtier a: tl??* end of four "vveolT.* i thaul did when I rotninencoil taking : his* nvdhlne. I touk everything 1 | heard -of. The 'irsi day of December. ? Iflos. i *ri ? r a box of M>o*na. I look 'theirs thi'i afternoon and the next day land haven't had one bit o? pain In my . j s*?". e < 'i ijlnco (lie ?; rul of Dwinbr. I took !i ? t? boxes. l'wl well now. | Ulee;* cood thai is somctrviiiB I liav- I j m'i <? ,%i .? in a number of years." Mrs. | \:. !?: m xr.M. ft r. n r. V. V ,1:;v.e r # ":--i-ai in U-.e form of a tablet ?- I j..-ei . r5;-r.an for ! ii ilise*! ion ?t .M.-nv, t'.Cu-.- diaer tltetr-nJ o!'r? rji; of pa-*, roul tu-omh. hefr'-l is::;, .??to. i- ?iv<* minute,*. - 2' ed K ?pr"'ff!)' . J)rK: j ? W.. ? i. i * I y i nfT* Ti7jjp??i?-! ^ ? ?>-" ilril.*.; ii- ? rrd :r ' ? ?** Tit ;.i> ;; ( 7 ,* ?r U-u?i ii'Oill I ? i"\ -r ?Eh ~TT?FF^ r A w \ Iv L .? -a Every bedy read this: " i:.n. t, i nti.'.i ,'!.tl <. ?. ? i;l:u: imr . wacan In- at yfa't-Joor loud- ' ?!rd\ ?:!> i ? ; ? go'.:! vai.' s. idi its? ? ? ; Ocrajcke Mriicls, Ocracoke Ovstcrs, Corned Hog-heads, Corned Meats, Sweet Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, ' Peanuts, 3 ! I "T Clams, j Fresh Eggs. i. Chickens, old ar.d joung, j Everthing that can be found jon a vegetable wagon. j Look for this wagon every day. A polite man to wait on you; he w ill give everybody good, hon ! est measure. If you don't believe I us iry the man today, and if - the i 1 goods suit you tell others, If not i tell us. And if you don't sec what ? you want on the wagon, 'phone i M6. We have it. Garfield Clemmon's Greatest Restaurant You F.ver Saw. relveil baptism and (out. pontons re reived confirmation^ thi'dlacoafft of the bishop vu considered excel lata -by a larpr and aptweclative au ?tflieuce. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cottfji entertained Hi whop Strange. Rev. S. Hiding and JKev^C. D. Malone uL 'dinner. . * ? 1 ? .\at omife. vX Tamarlx, was a guwi | at dinner, of Mr. and Mrs. \y. A. Con-* JSi*1?1!*... "1 . NACOMIfi. <iOY. .lOlIN HM.ll.li. "A;n?nj; ihe speaks." says the \V:ik? wijrtun S'ost. "SITled to addreaa.] tbo ryer-Tig TTf rfrc Ns? UL; <~^r and Harpers V on p rem*. I .ju r- .? <lon it! the <? II Ll.-n city, is I ?I - -I S'.r? H. of_Xi-v,|i Cirolina? W'4? ?"!:.! Know tTT if orT,r dlnlln-H Kalsbml (imnsraRii hud resigned as: Congressman und stepped liito ihe I shoe:- of liuv. KHchin. iil l'MKS itHK; snmi:, j ? H*s ? J. ? ?1. Uullar.ter hns nimlp ? sl'llihi repairs to the interior or his! drug store, wh'ch is; qt-.lte u.i im-1 provement. i The elevated railroads may he hack ! mr. vpi y. hut they are, mirying more , prii-" .-???! i" than ever before In their ' !^- 1 "i-y. ^ will be many a long year before Note Yortf will b?* abl* to'dis I-opso with the "temporary" aid of thCjfo t:n*lghMy tracks on stilts in tak'ii:. i ;i ;??' or f!i.-?l-l.. li .. iiiL,1 |'au ? >?nrer t raffle. - VtlUH vim r^n f|| YinliUp] the l,tv it is well to' figure on the fact] that the story of your acts vannot bo| kepj, out of the newspapers. *- f5i:rrru than si?A\ki\<; Spanking du|s not rure.cliildren of bedwetting. Tl^re Is a constitutional tiii* trouble. Vi? M. ijun}. ners, llox W. Notre Dame. Fnd.. will send* free to any inoiher her surcesM ftif home treatment with free instruc ' i"i" r**md rro mnni i In.i m , Uu itli,i tod.^y If your children troubled you In this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are It can't help it." This treatment also euros adults and aged |ooj Ic_t rou bled with urine di .cul-' ties by day or night 4 Out-of-town shoppers are hereby notified that Washington offers the best chances for Christmas shopping In the State. 1 FOH HKADACHE? -Hick's Capudine. Whether from Colds, Heal. Stom ach or Nervous rronbles, Capudine will relieve" you. It's liquid -pleas ant tu take ? net) immaiiiqtc^ Try It. l?c.. 25c. nnd fipA..at drun stores. A BUSY DOCTOR drUrrfr Keep a boHIe of GOV AS S PREPARATION In lite bone tni be ptepued for pneumonia. croup, colds, Coagn. rrippe, rata* and -or*otn In lun*t 4JKl ttroii. t* remit _3d (tves qukto ?chef. Alldrauuu. $1.00, 50c. 25$. NOTK'K. The annua) meeting, of the stock holders of the First National Bapk, of Washington, will be held Tuesday. January 11, 1910, between ttje hours of U o'clock a. m. and 1 o'clock p. I m., for (he the -purpose of electing I ,y>" tnmfnr - ? I 4 " A. M. DL* MAY, / Janll HELLO, Where Are You Going? To Mrs. Rice's to have my Coat So, preftnad for \man; my gloves. She makes my old s2it look like new. MRS. JJNA RICE Over Postal Telegraph Offk-/. REAL ESTATE WANTED ! ! ,{ I have moved to Washington, N. C., from Van Wert, Ohio, where I was engaged in the RealEs L tate business for more than thirty yejirs, and will engage in the same in Washington, N. C. ? I want ? [?- farml and other lands for sale. If you want to sell your farm or lands see me or 'phone W.M.KEAR, ' C - Washington, >L C.- 'Phone. 85. Office with C. D. barker, Havens-Small Building. i HOLLISTER 9 S?j.Ay iif-untv-ir; 1 24 Muggiis A Dust Medlcfno (or Busy People. Brlnoi Go Hen Health and Renewed Visor. A : 'mm-IMc for CiuiKilpnt ii>ti, Iinll;ro*Huti . Liver a?i'l hiilne/ iruiili't s, l'luiplcx. Ertcma. Impure Hull 3<r'-Aih.s'r.-;n-?li l?.>\\?-4v, ilcudiu'bc mi'l riMkacln'. 1;*1U?' <y Mount uln'IVn in li-t Co'in,^ .1 Ixix. itoiiuiac inn<ic l>y -+tol.t.tvrt:i DlU U, COJJTANT, Ma<li H>u, Win. COIPEH lil'CGtTS fOB SALUW PEOPLE NEW" ~ Canned Tomatoes 3 c ans-for 25c Plipnc 97. E. L. ARCHBELL Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. '.eary Bros.' Old Stand, j GIVE XMAS Presents That Are. -snrli ?iT Shoes. Boots, Bed RoomS Tippers and Sox. ~ ? Knight Shoe Co. The Only Er elusive Shoe Store in the City. XMAS FSttlTS and CONfEGTWNS WHOLESALE arifflTCTAIL "* Now's th^. time to purchase them. Don't wait until just before the holidays. Large supply of Currants, Raisins. Citton, Grapes,- Oranges, Apples. Bananas and Nuts, all varieties, just received. All fresh and sound. PAMLICO GROCERY COMPANY If you are looking for GLASS and CROCKERY I! WARE, TOYSand otherHoliday Goods, come jj to see us. y Phillips & Co. A LETTER TO SANTA CLAUS Don't Wait ! Sit down right now and Santa Claus that you want sensible, useful gifts, not those that will afford only momentary pleasure on Xmas morning, but those that will be enjoyed and be." useful for a long js sesi&sias It will be unnecessary to write him to go to JamesTET. Clark Co.,*because he al ready knows that the useful ? and ? sensible- mur.t ? come from us. HERE ARE A Fp OF OUR MANY OFFERINGS LAIKKS. i'? r l.udics*, Men and CM|. KTT-r i'i1;"- in HU- tuluiK uitd Umi. IiuU _ M ytow. Art Department. 2nd Floor ? ?jjfi e u ill be fuuilll 11 lllll|>nl. Iltelrt gathering ? fancy c-hinn. , ?nti?iuc l>ru*s, JupntiCKo drawn Murk, Mfxlcnn drawn work, Umpire art ?IIYer, silver anil JS?1d handle iimhreHii*, 4c'., ?c, Smoking Jackets and House . Coats. * ? H* "''"thi iTihii <,- wltlr* I>I;U<] Ifiii. lining, wt ?i..TQ to Phoenix Mufflers . ^ ? Mfrfftiiod op wool, In nil colors, , Phoenix Automobile Scurfs, #l..TO. Handkerchief Department. We have for many years en ? iortd tl>* *rrwf'fioB Hie lurgeMt, imret elaborate nji<! 44iinp|rle HiiriHicrrhJef iH-part nient In this eity. Thto year wV have erllpgeri all previous- ef ? Ipl U UL_LftHcl>, beauty anil value. Bath Robes and Lounging Robes. ^ : . In beautiful rich <leHlgu*, W.80 up. ? ' StcfpS ? AH Kinds of Pain Right Now. MAKES QOOD EVERY TIME! PRICE ALL DR)JQ Discovery in its Line in 50 Ye mmgm

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