START P-AKi Y IN I Hh VvF.KK FOR YOUR XMAS SHOPPING FOtt MKN \i?kuiuii, (ilOTl'N, " Hi*n(1krrrtifeT?. Ho*i?-iy. Military III Siuokiiiu *??*'>, I'a .ivi-rinu >cU, MulJUls. Sus|l|'l|.||-| ??. !??! . FOJl \VOMK\ HitmlkeivltiW*. Gloves, WrllinK' Bosk* , <'omh mimI 11 rush >.rtR. Writing l'Mpi'i-, riulup|la?a \t'i kwoiir, Miirln Mini*. < <?l>ct Ci>U'|-?, IVdictMktM, I'lc. ? Tin i?M' \iiT.Mi:vr >i:t uni? fiahui J. K. HOYT Washington's Greatest Stortv JusrReccivcd ? a nice lot of Picture Mouldings j Bring us yourpictures to be tramed Now ! -Don't wait; cotno and set the best selections. The very latest Edison music in stock. An Edi son Phonograph is a mu sical feast (or the whole family. RUSS BROS. * THE PICTURE FRAMERS 1 he Gem Theater to\\i r\< n mxc stukl kails; -njti, ?aiHitiiii. ~ TIIK l AITlrtTL OLD HORSE A drama. AN OLI? COAT STOKY? Comedy. r-? A 4'1'KKH'S DKKAM BY MAKK ? TWAIN - M .1 gtc^_ | His l-TKST (ilKI# ? Cttraedy drama I A HKLATKI) MKAL ? Comedy. SUPERB SKKVICK To Baltimore via Chesapeake Steamship Line NEW BAV LINE "COLUMBIA" and ?AUGUSTA." Dlninnrooms on .Saloon Decks. -Eleaaat Table D'Hotc Dinner 75 cents; Club Breakfast. 25 to (>0 cents.* Polite attention anil the very best service in every way. We solicit, criticism of our service. Leave Norfolk, foot of Jackson st., daily exccpt Sunday b.15 p- m.; arrive Baltimore 7ti. m.. connecting with mil lines for Phila., N. V.. and all points East and West. For all informa tion and' reservations address C. I Chandler. G. A.; K. K. Mc.Millin.T. P A.. Norfolk. Va. YOU CAN GET THEM FROM USII Buster Brown's Tr&h?Hark Registered GUARANTEED STOCKINGS "MAN. WOMAN OR CHtt_& Wearing 25 cent Stockings made. The) are sold four pai? m a bo* at ONE DOLLAR; PER BOX IVand wc will replace FREE any pair that wear* fa Vrolc* in heel or. toe ] I -within (our month i from datr of purchase. Let us show ihetn to you ? , I show you how to stop the drudgery of darning. Remember we are headquarters for Xrnas presents. We h a ve an immense and varied stock. Something suitable for every mem ber of the family. Mfikv purchases before the rush. THE HUB We carry a complete line of I Standard Watches ? as well as everything else to be found in an up to-date Jewelry Store. Repairing a specialty. V/ R. t. STEWART, JEWELER. ' Watch Inspector for the N. & S. Railway. SAVINGS AND TRUST BUILDING REAL ESTATE WANTED ! 11 I have moved to Washington, N. C., from Van . -Wert, Ohio, where i was engaged in the Real Es tate business for more than thirty years, and will engage in the same in Washington, N. C. I want farms and other lands for sale. If you want to sell your farm or lands^see me or 'phone _ W.M.KEAR, Washington, fcN. C. 'Phone 85. Office with C. D. Parker, Havens-Small Building PiiKlio Hiring Ry -War-Dept. im_llar- j bor l.ines'Tjjis Port Editor Dai!;- N\ws: i .iad uccusiuu to- request I the War Department, through Capt.l E?vl f. Uixuvii. rnrpa ?! ijfinsinfiszBt j l' s. A . .-rationed ur Wilmington. N t'.. tor ait extension of the harbor lines on the waterfront of Washing- 1 ten. that ill"11 roup night be ex- 1 tended ? t : .vhriilv for about one mile . 'i*|?,w Creek. The harbor Hre- i f W.s oii^gton wcie established some years and p. numteer of blue r-t ru1 s w -177 dUfrihu : ej amuiui sa^. era I ?>:' t/.e won, and at a !m? ;* I ri-llvered a blueprint to lio ? tv.:::;.- of the Chamber of (Vtrctnetv \ v h I suppoc-o Is still ois SU. * "? ' ' C;;pt. Urov. n has? given not'ee that !'.-''vvill l av-? a public hearing In the, rooms o: th.p hare her of Commerce lv.-em'e;- l "; rt l t^p'rloek a. m.. ,ni wait It t'n'.o ho will be plad to hoar from any 'iniere.-trd parties. My lm pivssioii is :!.at Cap:. Brown wJll wish 'to L'.ivt' ,5 he views of' all the citizen? j relative 10 -tliC present harbor_ l'nea drtenmlnir.g whether any changes are i necessary. 't is t<> he hoped that all of our 4uLlzo:i.-:- ;i:ii s'mlarlv those who own larul.f- fronting on Pamlico River, w ill attend this hearing, and in the meantime, give this matter consider ation and lie prepared to attend the meeting and make ar\y suggestions which may occur to them with refer ence to the present harbor lines, or the extension of same further east wartlly. If it is desired that harbor Jlnea be established further up the ?liver thaTr^at- present . ? I have no doubt Capt. Brown" would be glad to be informed on this point. This is an ir-portant matter, because the har bor lines when once established will absolutely control In the extension any wharves or opan piers out into tire river. ' . "Respectfully, JNO. H. SMALL. | Washington. D. C.. " j December 6, 1909. TO ARREST ZELWA. Washington, Dec. 10. ? \ .resolu tion authorizing the President to take the necessdr? steps for the apprehen sion of President Zelaya, of Nicara gua. and for his punishment on the charge of murder, if the facts in the possession of the State Department warrant such action, was introduced in the Senate today by Senator Ray ner. ? The resolution reriteir*the circum stances connected with the execution of the two Americans. Groce and Can nop. by order of President Zelaya, as generally understood through pub lished reports from Nicaragua. The resolution will lie upon the table and Senator Harner has given nriiiee that he wll address the Senate in its sup ?prnr ? ? ? Rsi:j.t to nation. Washington . Dec. 19. ? -As^a part of the fight being made .against, the ! acceptance by the government of th? statue of Robert E. Lee as a perma nent addition -ti? the=hall of fame in the capltol build Ing. the Vice Presl dent today laid before the Senate a resolution adopted by the Michigan commandery of the Loyal Legion on ?*=t>venvber 4. This resolution char-! acterizes as an insult to the nation the suggestion that if the statue of J,ee be rejected by Congress, Virginia FQR IIKADACHK ? Hick's Capudlne. Whether from Colds, lieaf, Stom acfi or~*Nt?rvGi2s i roubles, CiilHidlhC wtll relieve you. It's liquid? pleas ant to take ? acts Immediately. 'Try :t, 10c., 2ic. and SO at druc stores. FREE! FREE! FREE! Everybody read this: Every morning and evening our rwagon -will be at your door load [ ed with everything good to eat, such as? Ocfacoke Mrllets, Ocracoke Oysters, ~Corned Hog-heads, Corfted Meats, A Sweet Potatoes, 1 Irish Potatoes, Peanuts, Clams, Fresh Eggs, Chickens, old and young, Lverthing thai can be found jon a vegetable wagon. Look for this wagon every day. A polite man to wait on you; he will give everybody good, hon est measure. If you don't believe us try the man today, and if the goods Suit you teH others, if not tell us. And if you don't see what you want on the wagon, 'phone 146. We have it. Clemmon's eatest Restaurant You Ever Saw. will withdrew tho broui? statue of Ccgrgo Y.'ushtagton, which accom panies It. The commatidery protaata vlgorcuialy against wrrppttng the sta tic ol Lee In confederate uniform. MHN. ( LA ltK 1'ASSED AWAY. Iliilelgh, Dec.. 10.- ? Mrs. Clark, wife of Chief Justice Walter Clark, of tho Suprame-eottrt, died thts morn ing ?t 11.30 o'clock'. She had been uLUiluuili' lU-Ot pneumonia for., sev eral days, but there had been aucTT Improvement 'the past 24 hours that two of her brothers. Major John W ' Crahaw. of Hillshoro, and- Dr. W.- Graham. of Charlotte, had loft i for their hoiKesi being assured by the j had" h ' good ^ 'prospeo ^ or r et? Ve ry\ I , limv-evoc, ? thla morning thrrc ?rrrmr I upon her a "sinking' spell." such aj^ she had experienced several times tho past several days, and there was not jleft mi melon t vitality to enable her to rally froth its effects. Mr. 1\ M. Mayo, of ?outh Creek, returned to his home this afternoon. Hon. Jol*.n H. Small is horag. nt jtcncUnf? the sessin.i ? f tin- i'lHnTlor : court. pv *?JPI'RE"A COLD IX ONE DAY To** LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine , Tn^Rts. Druggists Tefuud money ir it jfrti'.s to cure. _E. W GROVE'S slgna rnire is oil eachTbox. 2Hc7 j Day aft;.-r day he walked the street, | Looking for a I present for "Wifey" sweet : "I know what'll please her most," said he; "It's Hollixter'a Rocky Mountain Tea." Hardy's Drug Store. NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION.^ f have this day qualified an admin istrator of C. T. A of Mrs. Winnie White, deceased. All persona Indebt ed to her will please make settle ment with me; and all who may have claims against her estate are notified to file th6*same within one year from ?his date, duly Itemized and verified as prescribed by law in su?-h cases; else this notice will be pleaded In har of l heir recovery. This 11th day of Derember, 1009. W. T. BAILEY. Jr.. Administrator T A of Mrg winnto White. INSURANCE that protects your life ? not In. come only. Gowan's Preparation in the home insures against pneh lT*_ monia, colds, croop, soreness in lunga and throat by destroying inflammation and eougestiuu. External and penetrating. All Druggists. $1.00, 50c, 25c. In sure today. ' Did You Ever Consider ? . ? ? "V . . ? THE QUALITY OF A TOY OR XMAS GIFT BEFORE BUYING ? C y ^ We have many sugge?tjve articles afxiving daily, and assure you your wants can be sup plied liert;. QmLStock consists of many ar-~ liclcs^too numerous to mention! H. G. SPARROW, The Home of Santa Claus. HOLLIST?R'o Rockj Tea A Bu*y MtJ'cino for Busr People. Bungs Coldfi Health and Renewed Vloor. A >- TH'?*itie for <*? ?n?i h?*t Ion, 2 :2<ll jre <i i>>a. Liver ai"t hklnr;- lr?ul>n*, Reirmn, Impure llntl l?i??uil4.s>lucyUiillott elr..Uta?lui-i?o and lint knrlif. I ? ullw!;; Mount <\\r. Tr.vUi i.ib '.Tl form' .1 box. C.rnui'ie tnj.lo br IIolli^tku Dnru CoxraNT, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS fOR SALLOW PEOPLE NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stock- J holiti rw r f thft Fir.f V..Hai^| Hnnlt | of Washington, will be held Tuesday, January ll, 1910, between the hours of ll o'clock a. m. and 1 o'clock p. m . for the the purpose of electing directors (oT^&Saensuiug year. A. M. DC MAY. Janl 1 . Cashlerr ?HELP IS OFFERED WORTHY YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. No matter how limited your means of education the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE. Durham, N. C., Is ready and willing to help You secure a high-grade Business Education. The ONLY Business College in the Caro lines presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. ^A auf i cient guarantee of its superiority. Enter now oiveasy payment plan DEPARTMENTS; ? Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting^ Telegraphy, Penmanship, Civil Service. English Branches, etc. Exp Ity? Rail .a v... PaM ? ? - ?? 1 road Fare Paid? Positions Guaranteed. "We Have It" Anything good to I you want for M Christinas Dinner. 'Phone 80. Walter Credle & i' Co. z CITY STARK KT. Eggs _ . ; 25c Chickens, grows 25 to SOi Spring chickens 10 to 26c Green Bahed~~ kidea. . .7 7. T.Sc G. 8. hides 8c Green hides 7c Mixed wool 18 to 29? Tallow t 1-20 Wool, frw from burrs 2Qo! Shearlings I to 10c Lambskin .. .26 to 40? Seed cotton 5.60 to 5.75 "1-1 nt cotton . * 14 3-4 XMAS FRUITS and CONFECTIONS WHOLESALE and RETAIL /'& the time to purchase them. Don't wait until re the holidays. Large supply of Currants, sitron, Grapes, Oranges, Apples, Bananas and varieties, just received. All fresh and sound, PXfaLlCb GROCERY COMPANY GIVRXMJ Presents That Are Practical ? such as Shoes, Boots, Bed Room Slippers and Sox. Knight Shoe Co. rhc Only Eyclusivo Shoe Store in the City. ENNETT'S y~~-~ PREPARED Agricultural Lime makes every acre cqmit and every testimonial boot. Pre pared for all soils and all crops. Write us for prices and testimonials. AGRICULTURAL HME CG. New Bern, N. O. NEW Canned Tomatoes 3 CANS FOR 25c * Phory: 97. E. L ARCHBELL Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. Leary Bros.' Old Stand. NOW! Is the Time To have your Pictures Framed. Don't wait 'til Xmas eve. WM. B. HARDING _ ? Washington^ Greatest Department Store. =z FILLS Th I S S TORE Evepy train brings us more novelties to $dd to our already complete stocks. Every de partment is filled with careful selections from the world's best manufacturers. GENTS FURNISHINGS. In this department wilt be found every wear necessity, as well as tho beautiful and luxurious. Wide variety of Men's , and ItojV Xcrkwciir 2.V. to 81-00 Excellent values In soft finish (Cot ton and i.inyn llandkcr2ti(e?I at Sr. to 50c. All-Silk Muffle? and Iteefers 91.00 and up. ? IMioenlx MufHIerN ? one of the most popular neck pieces of today. . .50c. Automobile Scarfs 91.50 Sox, In cottdn, silk and lisle lOc. to 91.00 pr. Oloves of every kind for dress, work, walk?nK and warmth. 25c. to ?I.OO. * Travelers Cases Comprising leather qase with comb, bruAh, etc. 94.50 to 9<t.50. foliar and Cuff Dag*. * Suit Cafifs and Trnnks Special values In Suit Cases at Trunk* for $3.O0 up. Sweater Jackets , ? . In sLLbe?l colore, . r BO c. to W.OO. LADIES NOVELTIES. EmpTrw ifPt fif tver. tn'Tomtt. Brush and Mirror Sets, Writing and Dress ing Sots and Individual pieces. Leather Shopping IIukh at ."50c. to $3. no. Ilcautlful Jet Shopping !hiK-s $1.2.1 to $3. SO. Fancy China and Bra*?\vaic, just the thing for the housekeeper. Tourist Cases. Those are beautiful roll-up cases, rubber lined, and are a luxury to the traveler. $I.oo to 93.00 Face Cloth Cases 33c. to <Wc. Neckwear Everything In iw?. Btyllnh Xirk wear Is here.. ......... JMc. to $1.50 Handkerchief Department We believe that no one would feel satisfied to make purchases in this line without seeing outb. We have the the^p'rice's10 # ^ tM ^ ( Mexican and Japanese Drawn Work A most elaborate display of these goods 25c. to $15.00. LADIES SWEATERS " Excellent values' at iJKi.OO to IH.OU. Furs The very newest styles and best values. * .* Gloves We are Ihfi Qxeliiftlve agents for the famous CenCImerl Kid Gloves. To those who know gloves. nufT sed. 4?pa^e forbids mentioning more, but they. are here. ? "

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