WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Entered as second-cl&&8 matter 'August 5, 1909, at the postofflce at Washington. N. C.. under the act of " f ' rUDl^SHED fiVHRY AfTEltNOON EXCRPT-&U N DA Y No! 114 Eust Main Street. J. L> MAYO, Editor and Proprietor. Telephone No. :HH>. Sl liW KIITJON RATES: One Month J ,25 FOUl' MllBllW.-TTTT.--.TTr, 1,00.. SI* Months 1.50 One Year * . . . . 3.00 Subscribers deslr^jig the ptffrer dls roultnued will please notify this othce ou date of expiruiion, otherwise. It will be continued at regular sub?&Crlp-? 'Ion rates until uolice to stop is re ceived. If you do not pet The Dally News promptly telephone or write the man ager, and the complaint will receive ? iBiroMdliUe ;>tn nriiin, iLlnair il^alre to please you. p W AS 1 i 1 NGTON . N. C, D EC. 1 A . LET THE NEWS FOLLOW. Parties tearing ? >wn should not fa * I to let The News follow them dally with the news of Washington fresh and crisp. It will prove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from home. Those at the sea shore or mountains will flnd The News a most welcome and Interesting visitor. MIST BE SIGNED. All articles sent to The News for " h"nn t inn mimt he siynpM fn- the writer, otherwise they will not be publlsh#A^^^ In*' a WVr more shopping dav.?. li. n tig are vou from Hie end ot \ c t'ncle Sam quit his fool j. "? itpank the erring boy or put i.p : .-trap? T- ?? tr y ? . -?%v at VrtTora clearly *v -trar >. thing -that ,thl ?\ ur fit Van::- ?- .xre not poor ones. ? ? e ?u:ORtl"i -,;n Hello tlirl in the ? antral >1- think about h^lfoing in fer sl?*? if don't she ought to \v? -.vha* r-'*'pc poary'# friend? Tr> ti- xt" Poor t'ook. liow ihey lave h !m " IT?- ? " rTMilTy V Le ;.:*>d. ??? r tl'.*? ailvtrt-sing ? olumn* ?.?.day. You'll ? ?>m?- ueaivr' finding "re- v-r . thing > "!i liod in .ait;?l to. \Vutit!?r how mar.y \bt?'s *J '.?Vi Jki"'.- &.;r:ng on in tlx* o i nlpn? They are gru.d ligr. '.Th* vvearjji>r ..man .?ivmei^.to^ hit .? ywierday r?s" t?-r making -T'rnl trials lately. ' Well. if we don't; first suter??e:l. .ty;, ..try at'tin. I* the adage It's a?.?v:i time D'tu- an u.i^ tt> give iut something "f a definite nature. - -r re he -^n? heo". to fjie Capital Clfv -"lare'ly. Something li?r, the street and- wear ? Merry imim l.m* '<> the ct.i ? Jrrrt f-aiety th'-ater* anil som? i : tn en- to iv.n't iv.ti, ov. r a new l^af .lanu ?J' 1 i??fi->re the month is VT al'.i,* .tin. ui jr. j>aiee? to fail a'k. V.W-n y?. i, tern the leaf mak Soir.* fcik fe*-| good at! the we#** till Sunday mm ex. ' and i h-n arh-.> Mill j'a-.r.< ft Ike them TTow maiiT tw!nzs nr." an do fix day*. but when the seventh dawns Imw !|t?|.? ?Fun- ! P'oofU^Tprrr r they kfr-k like oir| Harry i lo?nl I paper" happen* ro notice Ot Well. ? thjjse who play the fiddle must like- | wise do the dancing. Ten more^days and Christina* is vi* h "S^n rrh The Dally >.>??* rol- I tim'tis '? i.d Ve i had it been a full crop he would ha ye 1 : cmdc a hale and a half to Lh^ sjjrtre. ! lOver and above all eipeaseat. Mi j Sellers cleared $1,000 from ills cot i ion crop. In mlditlon to *.hls lie made TOO bushels of corn. He mikes ull TliJir own- STI pp'lTeff " buys nol h !. 11 if that, can be raiseJ on tbe farm. Lie ! i-mw ?*1U coooa '-wl vp-mdi. the | money to buy corn., meat, flour an.! J other supplies. >lr Sellers tells ih. I.'x press thai be can raise-roiton al a cost of 4 cents per pound and corn 2 1-2 cents per bushel, lie un cultivate the aoil tiunfr secur ? the best TegTrlty with a | ariall amount of labor. Mr. Sellers makes a study ?jf hia_bnsiness Just jus the professional man stuirfes his , profession. We would like to see "?more farmers like Mr. Sellers come jlo l.ee county." I KAI1AVAY FOII YADKIN 1IIVKK. ' -Irctrie l.ln?? to lie lluilt From Kast lleml (o Winston-Salem. Winston -Salem. N. C.. Dec. H. ? Application has been made for a < harter for the Yadkin Itiver Kail way Company. The plan of the pro moters is to build uu electric railway from Kast llend to Dunnahe. Yad k lnsville. otid Winston -Salem The charter provides for "work t'j begin on the enterprise within two AT THK ciKM. A1 the Com tonight will be shown live tine pictures. The Biogfaph pic ture Tragic hove isToo good to mis *. The- pictures of Venice are fine too. iff.d voH-hiive never seen a liner pic tune than the Fortune. In this raag :e picture the fortune is "told by cards, each one of which shows i different a toilet, wuler | free. < Sc.- 1 1 :i i tl> " - tW-itg Store ad. Thtice Srmed is the li> iiic v. Inch Ii i/w ul; \ iek's C ii.up ami I'ne ?.imnnln Sal*e. 01-n inunt'li< n idea and perlcit siicresH. fn it. -*. ?"?? and $1.1 tU. All Druggist*. I for the prize Saturday night which L will be a five dollar gold piece. The ! Expiation Is a BiograQh_drama. one lofthe boat thai will be'shown la this town. Thtv~two comedies' will keep you laughing from start to nnUh. 'mid ihr Monk's Motiwr i&_a. &pleiidi*} drama which everyone should se ? -4.1c Gaiety ^'vyfn fnrm "7~Tir~T^ : o'clock every night. and music in con-! J tiuuouH. Follow the merry cro*vd and have jl, jolly evening. . KII.I.S WOMAN. )\OI NI>S MAN. I Ashevllie. N. C.. Dec. 14. ? A' tele phone message from Dillsboro to ' night states that Belle Frizzle was Killed and Cole Bard seriously {wounded with a shotgun, near Dills : bor(i, this afternoon. I It is said that Bard and the -wo [man were trespassing on Elijah Chil Jdren'1* premises when the latter or dered them to leave. Children, who gave himself up to the authorities at PUlsboro. alleges that the couple then began to vise foul language -in the presence ?t his Tamily. He returned to his house for a shotgun, with one barrel of which lve is said to have killed the woman, and with the other wounded Bard in Of? ai m and chest. I The more the country thinks about it the more it realizes and appreci ates the fact that President Taft's message had nothing of the grand , stand play about it kiikk: fikkk: : Ten dollar box candy given awav. ; \\ no will hold tacky number? WTTTT every cash purchase a coupon will be i given. The one holding the lqcky number will receive the $10 box of candy on display in the case in front of our store. See St and try for It. We will also give a second prize' if i lady holds second prize coOpon a bot tle of Hudnut's toilet water, if a gen tleman. a box of cigars. HARDY'S DRUG STORK. I'nder Hotel Louise. TO CURE A COLI? IN ONE DAY ? Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggie* refund money if it ) fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ; ture 1? on eucb bos. 25c. INSURANCE that protects your lire ? not In come only. Gowan's Preparation in the home insures against pneu monia* colds, croup, soreness^ in tangs and throat by destroying Inflammation and congestion. External and penetrating. All Pruggiits. Sl.OO, 50c.f 2GC. _ Itt^ *urc today. . j HELLO. Where Are You Going? ' To Mrs. Rice's to ha\ c rgy Coat Suit >clcaned and pressed for Xmas; also i my gloves* She makes my old suit look like new. MRS. UNA RICE J Over Pomarfelcgraph Office _ Money saved is money made! A Welsbach Junior Lamp burns 2 feel of Gas p i hour, and gives 50 Candle Power of Light, where an | open lip bums 6^fect of Gas and gives 20 Candle Pow 'er. W" ' Certified Rye, 3 years olt|, gal. ....'T $3.75 'Nelson Zourlxm. 7 years old, gal $3.50 Country Club's Blend, gal - . ? $2.30 ?L C. Corn, gal . T. ....". 18.00 ~ Mountain Corn, gal. . . .1 $2.50 ''' OhLJf. C. Apple Brand/, 5 yeArs old. gal $4.00 Old Virginia Apple Brandy, gal. $3.00 My now Catalog is ready. Send for it. It is Free. MAIL ORDERS 'I) | for rent. Mrs. L* W. Myers, 15J SOMEONE WILL QKT THE 1K>LL | it be you. CKLKRY CHA N BERRIES | help to make a good Xmas dinner | 4 ? .You can get both at TayloeY.. *^ione 123~and 124. : ElM'KX MORE DAYS AND THE L^oll will be given away. Make : . your votes count, at J. K. Hoyfef APPLES, ORANGES, GRAVE FRUIT. I malaga grapes. ^tJcoanuts, bana I nas, at Tayloe's. Phones 123 ani J U? FOR SALE ? OXE EDISON GR.VPH -and in excellent condition. Witt | sell at a bargain; very suitable for Xmas gift. H. O. Sparrow. EVERYBODY SKINNED A HUMK on rjmd!w?; anything wou want, from 10c to J?0c per lb., at Tay Phones 123 and 124 NOW IS THE TIME .TO MAKE VOIR votes count-"? every 10c purchase means another one. at J. K. HoyCs. FOR SALE? MY RESIDENCE, COR ner Second and McNalr streets, at a sacrifice. For terms fftee R. B. Brown. 1 5 HAVE YOC THOUGHT ABOUT where to buy your Xmas Fupplles? Just take a" peep in Joe Tayloe's grocery ? and if you don't pee what you want ask for it. Everything, to please-Uut- inner man. Phones 123 and 124. Two delivery wan on* and whwlTWIvery. WA-VtEfi" lOSITHKV XLtCCKINU logs; S years' experience;" refer - encs.^.-Johtt Smith, Leechville. X C. 1*4 I/O ST BETWEEN PROF. NEW hold's and Dr. S. T. Nicholson'.* residence, one large Iron key. Find er please return to this office. >:EW CHINA RECEIVES* BY Ex press today. Beir, the Jeweler, op posite Hotel Louise. RAISINS IN WHOLE. HALF, 1-4 boxes, and In 1 lb. packages, also loose. Nuts all kinds, and fine home-grown pecan nuts, at Tay loe's. Phones 123 and 124. r7.vr.~7sTitA yl:i> or stole*? Black find white bull pup, two black spots over eyees. Liberal re ward will be paid for return to J. T. Ross. WE DEFY COMPETITION ON CAN _dl?s? 10cr ? 5c, 40c and 50c per lb. We will have this entire ? line onened un the last of week. Tayloe's. phones 123 and 124. MR. B. L. srsw.vv; "PRESH)ENT OF the Washington Horse Exchange Co., leaves next Saturday, Decem ? lifir 11. Inr the Wast, to purohaoo one car load each of horses and mules. Save the middle man's profit by waiting until our stock arrives, about December I7tb, Washington Horse Exchange. MINE MEAT, GOOD, BETTER AND best, plum puddings, fruit cakes, from 2 to 10< at Tayloe's. Phones t 123 and 124. ~ 1 * X RF.KOLI.rtfem FOB THtv KKW Year: Resolved, That I will save more money in 1910 than I did In 1909. How? By taking out some Building and Loan Btock. payable weekly. Jesse Ross or Charles Fleramlng will tell you how. ' " The most ,'bealthful."*^lp-bundlng medicine" known to science; gently Hoothes the liver and nerves, makes digestion easy, brings to all the sweet sleep of yo.uth. ?' Hollister's Bocky Mountain Tea. thirty years eht best. Hardy's Drug Store. Visiting; Physicians and Surgeons W. A. Blount, M. D. > 8. T. Nicholson. M. D. > Ira M Hardy, M. D. h v A. NlcHoTson , M. D. . W. P.' Small, M. D. J. Nfoboteonr Mr D. JnoTd. Blount, M. D. ^ Tito. fc.' Rodman, M. D. - ? RATES ? >?*" " - * v' ?V Private Rdoms,^|15 to 25 per week. Wards, large and airy, $10 per' Professional Column SPECIALISM 1HL_ W. CARTER, M. D. Practice Limited to Disease* of the JLyr r'ar, Nose inflTllfOii.- ^ Hour*: 9U2 A. M. Co r. Mala and I-HL M. y Gisdden Su.. 'PHONE MV/VWasbingtOn, N. C.v Dr. I. M. Hardy . PRACTICING PHYSICIAN 1 *nd SURGEON Washington, N. C. DR. M. SNELL ? Dentist. Office corner of Main and Respnss Streets. Phone 100 Washington, N. C. ATTOll.VEYS H. S. WARD. JUNIUS D. GRIMES ? WARD 8c GRIMES 1 ATTORNEYS- ATI. AW Washington, N. C. ^?&practice in the Courts ol the First 1-1 Judicial l>l*ir|ct. and the Federal Uourt*" John H._ Small, A. D. MacLcan, Harry McMullan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMUtXSN : ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. W. D. GRIMES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Washington. North Csrolina. Piactices in all the Cout A'm. B. Rodman. Wiley C. Iiodmaii. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Lnw Washington, N. C. W. M. BOND, Edenton, N. C. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS-fT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. Practice in all Couits. W. L. "V augfaaa .W; A Thnmptna VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington and Aurora, N. C. Practicc in all the courts. H. c. CateR, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Washington, NT C. Office Market Street; EDWARD L. STEWART Attorneyal-Lasv.^ Office over Daily News, Washington, N. C. COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Offirp S.vln.f. A, t-,t, | p?llrtt,[)| Rooms 3 and 4. WASHINGTON, v r - STEPHEN C. BkAGAW - Attorney and Counselor-] at-law Washington, N. C. NICHOLSON & DANIEL - Attorneys at-Law Nicholson Hotel Building Business Cards G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO., "-FIRE And Plate .'Glass 1NSU ForJ FIRE INSURANCE see J- and P. B. MYERS and Granite Co. MONUMENTS Pric99 and Worlr1tig||( WASHINGTON, "H, c. Th? oo'y wh|Mlhop ,n . ^ convlnca anyone r*na * onable judgment. W?1 ? ^PPOJitB Po^il office Ijijllijj, M lON.^rop.