WASHINGTON 1UU.Y NBV> Entofcd a-4 -t?wtti>:if!-c!:'.5n mallei August d. 19?'.9. u: the fostofSc^ a" Washington N C . uuif^r tlia act t>: March 3, rST 9. Pl'Bl.lSlintJ KVR11Y An'KlINOi'N KXCKl'T srNp.VV. TT^^" 1 1 ' r "' M ' " 1 J. I.. M WO. I'l'utor iunl rn |>rii :?4i . Ti'ItiMi lii' V?. '."M1. Mi;st 1(11* I M?\ Ii.vn>: fl?? Mo:.:-. . . : . * * f our. Mw.t'M. . , . ! ? ? S!x .Month.- * ' ?? ? 0?IH V" t! ? . ? 7? ? r? ?? ?wlliryr r'-o* J ;i l.c pawr s Soni'lt-M'tl v.ll ?" l'??? u?i i f '.rlo". n'fr'.i ?? ?. will lu? < out * f\f it v \;i ? l'.n rat s tjUrl not.**.* io ?*;.??. is ?.? ? l? yr>u > r.o? -??>? t:?- K.tly n-.. ; . promptly :? i ? ? i . : ? i m- i - r ' i' HKcr. ant! the i-or. ? ' . t r*- iw linnvOiatJ' :uf< r . ? m i.? ?'?>r To i-lensc > W.\*MTN : . ' ' \ T- .!-?;?. ? LET Till: \ !?: ? VS. roi.i.ow. 4 Part'*-* !-\j\ r. p?!om!.J not fj.'l to lot "CV N ??? ? ? v t\.-m <?> !y wi?h tho n *??.*> i vi'.->h<:iw uii froiis . find friHi' J'- mw.-? .i val:iab!e pomjjanUfif. r>*:i llus *?' v ? r ?!???'* ;? Ips t?'T from ! . ' '1*1:1.* t!s" -??? - ?V. i? t'"il i N-?wh a w v lUiior >i rsT r.r DsbUca* i? r. !?,? s . I "l\? yit'. ? ? ' :i ? ??> -i- r -i ? i : i : Kit.riT r C<?!PI.\'> \tu r l 1 .u;ni:r' to solve by !cr .;i.- li e virtue;*: c.'i industrial nc<*idein? ouj.of tight, f u ! method Of dcalir. n wit is the que*! 'on | has Served about as lonft as It Is pos- | sible to make It do, and f lie re. Ifr liv ?latent demand for some Jsetter | ?fhemo for earing for dependents left I helpless through no fault of their. tiftll. ? ? ?>;r.*-"?tsai;o.w 1* ha?: " y it;. of ? .?? ' ? v making i' ?? ? i* ?.? upon industry. ? *il;o cud ilie Lu?ti<*n m*:*i fall i ?wii tlu> irtitjr.iiMi:-; but if :r ^ :-wti?Wr twtnlrn- rn*r?r" (ltoirl!*gir~r. . ' - : ?-*???? I-J tx . '? k;; ?' iiw-.^ins it rru. o1.. i-? ????' Mu? A\-> tvj-.'f .?a\ |V. .: ? I III* {..., ,... ? .<? . . v ~! ? ?'V. :?? ?^rkiuD'l ? ' v- . ' }},. -wiri. ? ? * l ' 1 '? !v.?i>ir.v of ' I ??? WaVlilnjr !i " 5.'" I'v.rviTi-lty. I'rmldoijt Wr.nii;.? of i!m? uf North Ahrrrromhto of il?-' i ' I vi'v;.fi y Alabama. Provident ivii ? :i:;:Kin t r "thi- r?!vi?r*Iiy of Min Pnvi.iinr Mit.hoii ?>r t . r-lt - ? : I'urol vi. i*rn( ']? ?*" t'l.iMiw; IV." I iilVi'tViy of Tnn. **V 1 "M-nutti Cil a*. II. ' ' Vl ( ?; ! j? " ' ?*?! ;?i i i ? w ci 'V.. ?i ;?:l? l.o ? \.. .v S ? : -ii- l !i " ?>, " A . ? .1 R:v.iP.a..: s: IiclL*; . I . > ? j l^t/ls wil! :>;ake exhibits gf their ?y?vhl facilities, etc.. . bfurlii?. '.?#p?,elally ui'oii the profe* ? ? "i 1 !?n?[nti-i'.tlon of teHcher.* in swr ?> .. ! i*. and .'h-njvntary gcfeool.!. Sonv! ' rr ? tr-3ct:Ttr ^o'.TTtTTTn- "Mr. o. ' : :;i! ! 1 v H ?** CU'uldtltul"-' Cjl'llU-'l- . ?? I 0 | ? ? ? .val :4JuUcr?ar:en schools, will ox -'? *. url. i! lia\i? :"in,o. '[ i?yj . ?? t : Hawaii ci' Kdu?-.t*!oi^ * .1! "? T<"?<;hwr-;' I'ollrgp of b*V.? i;*t " ? V. ?? ? ?. w*:M *r?lso mak? lars* > will cxiiibll !n r ii. " /_ ? ? '? ??'1;:ipi?K,":l . <*0!i ?*??**? o' '' for t > uf "Icfci'tivO "hear".J?*;? ? ? >?'??**? ' ?> Emiiy, in.jg.,... . will '? ^ :? *t?r | I* ? .. : " nl.o chemi-al, i a1. ii'olii^'ic il. |j>yrhult)jgt?*al ?'1? j ;~iv.;lrs. aic! >?. iuu>l supplies. v.-ill ??>:? ;i:t t:*? la;.?s?t J rti ' OlItiM' Or?at:i/:iti.:TVH Mrclitii; Wiih Anxoci.tt l?m. SuMlh'Tn S-.c:-^>v of l;Ml->rop:?; tii ' IV;- 1 i."lo?.y. K'.j11kUvj3 Ed ? (i " 't A - ?:??!? iat lni:, Allien* -an Scii""l jiV'i'-p I.'mshjo. Si.-ithorii A5sO?i.'';"* j *"? ? ilu- tlllln'in flliv ?" ?if I'uh'ir Sv!:i"'; A r.MHiin-v ?*f * lio iij'ivoi*. i'iM-jf. (Mi|l? ^?vr. iioi ii:r.l <aiul U?*-huo , iuEli- :1 .--htvr.Js will make (he raect.-^ ;4nfc "f. y"-'- tfoiiihyrn l-M'.n'iiioKal Ap ? r i I ifi'u ?h<? oi r::s-\<?n for a -?? itini ? ? 1 1 ? i-ii'ik ,1- < i i ? ? , Ti.<- rulmad* lave j?i\nuod half r. ;. ,*:,C hot^i.- V "Il :?].-? ? -k:! : ? ("huiioltv :s a la?*K?' ? -own:. : .1 ;-'i<l ^industrial ccntcy. and an ? ??:? ????'In-. i?!a-:o fur meeting, j-. Ii.fi. BIERLY. j . Sooreiavy. If vriii i'oijM &:o tu the Kuralyptu * j f. v.-sts oi iut.D.i! ,\:;>t_mlia Von wo:] Id ' C '.: U.iy n*" lid ? if- eaiarrh. Hyom*1? ! hr "i?* th?' Itli !:1 1. :it air nf il?V??i_7i?r- 1 v.j dirw i iu your home. !c is a xa.j- 1 : ? ? x*?Sr .-fttl . ai I; tvmr'iy. Ti) n i:;: a i oi.o in o\i: i>.\y ? :.A\ATIVr: HnOMO If!.." nniE--i-*?j? r.'iiui'! i.-.oncy if ,t . ::e. K"\V. (JSorK'S :*<? tin ?'?' h ltrr; BON'T V?'a!k or -Ride. Hi: HI Faik Over ^ ? ' i ! i jjj The Telephone ;i| . t:j .t L'.1!. ??*h,iii.i'. ? p ? ' ?] your hous * In iiiu ci: ?? ,/i (I your luius ? In tha el: f<r .-.i your fjrm :?r very snr- } j 1 * f : | , . -^iiu'v !fj\v texx. and i.',vo | t:,. i" ii- ar. ! per- j j J " j*| h-tpH i ":f ? iy !'r-ni ?"? .'in-it [ji L* 1 nt.nfii:* touch ?v::<] ? (/*! vctir I if*. ?<>.?. CIroccr. \t ck.77 ?e li'. ?'?tviihin'trn"; "n.l m-.r ;; i : 'H'otntlua s ! -? f jf L: ; ? n! jli- i4ii?vvviv*f rr.n ?;t "a? c Hi ; 1,1 ''??! toi'ORjm'r'cw.'M] .?? ;?' " 'y jy; c\ro?.!\a Yai.~v;Y> !:?' i';:?.. CO.. ? - ;v r ? ? ?. ' V' - V"' A .4 Cashing Experience' Iii: fiill ? r..-iiy:i man who is i!!-al t ;r;v'. To-He merely clcsset! a:, one ci. ho crowd '.vlit Qcvsr.camma di >:;j succj';.-;. ?}:vsi to!!? nowadays , TT~ .'HI. i ; . . I TT ' .;e v f) rr si ^ ?r.::': :i ui von? A ??: tI.:." Origin's -Taiior&g - Parlors r>" y "Who i'.i: ).? in Washington -\ - i'ouf. -Christmas Sinner ' ?. ' r.l; ;l''. ? rnr'i pTv, .S'YF-? %V; ': "v aiiJetl' to ir.c ii jKi. will ! .! i:s liil yciir nrycr. r, 2zi: Ccierv. Cfsr.beriirs, Grapefruit, Plum] c^LLin-. ?z!- sifd j full f/ne of Cam:- -'J mi Evaporated -Fruits- : Wo :;:rhfy.. .or niosi irf our cui.iom- j er<s r f < i -.- ir l>? ??? .??. jya or.c if y?o v. iii t 'phone us. / Bo HbcrcJ rmcl tr--c vs. y !--:r account for. on? JOS. F. TAYLOE, S THE QUALITY GROCF.R. r 'Phones 123 and 121 Three Deliveries " T ? , ? SHE Ttie Homesite Beautiful? Come Lets go to Washington Park by the Pamlico, ? C \ West Second SUcct Lot, IJast Mniu fiUect Home. Mnr T UK 1. ?; Street Home. Thlid Rtiert TTon:e. Yaluuble WltUrr '.'a i-iiity. Fiu:iv. ill IS,.;Ks Iloaufort it :i71 I'T?: frtiiiliPR. A. C. HATHAWAY', Washington, N. C. cuii Woo J Mi.VllW.RS N. \ . COTTON EXCHANGE Raines \V. Cc!c " L LEON WOOD & ?07, BANKERS and BROKERS s i r.ilNPS, COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLfMl". STRI1/1 . CARPENTER ni'ILDIVG, NORFOLK. VA. 1'rivatc Wir?v? t-> N.-Y.'55'ock r.r.chnnicc. N". V. tori r.xclianco, Chicago Hburt! oj i'r.ideand other financial Centers. Lorrespcndcace respectfully solicited. Investment -and Marg:nal accounts 'given careful attention. tlie- Worsted Man." A. musical aiici histronic treat awaits the publicin the presentation of this remarkable production of John Ivendrich But.;; by-local tale st : rTTtl c A ./v a a ? .1? scmoL AUDI Friday. Evening Dec. 1 7th. This wi'l he onV. of the evai'ts of. tfap holiday sea son. Solos, Dialogues and Chorus. Reserved Seats - 50c. Gen'! Admission - - 35c. Children - - - 25c. ~ Tickets cr. *aicat Brown's Drugstore Thursday and' Friday. jSeird Ivlc Your Order Now for Your Christmas Whiskey I And c#-t i . .?* i' *. ? ;?< .?dy . for ihe day. 1 will tend you fouie j of the whls-.oy you ever i-,it i (? yonr lip*. made ? iu t!ie r: ,t i > !,! 1. v.-ay. And i?r you wl?h I will send yi>u some | wines and ?;d ??/ lor il:t\ the in^i-.c jdvi cud C'.liO. Head J i-scio |?ri? -? ? . l.iy uv_ L. ,v: ? It;-, s < Id, -i.i!. ?#.."?<> | <j:tal-.;-iii:c. <;id. aal ??? $4.00 } ? Kmi.u:ii:rTiifr >H. 1 1> li }.,ai'> ntd. K.il ? . ' JSI.30 Sivjjro M'. i:>r. r. > pr. > jiii! " . . . gtf.AQ ? iu; !-.* : t:;. l'.y\ . (i /... . J$.J.3p \'v- t:!|. I I..M- ;.; ??.?!> nit!. !$J*.7.TT N? ii Z'-nifrt 7 j-ni? rid. pa! ;tt. . . 7~.~T.~T7. <"? niifiv ' ;r.i! : ?S.."0 <'. r? J?a.OO. M' tiolaht mi. ?? .!. . ,?;S.oO t'M Vll^ii. l.i. jile ! .r.*:> 'v, 1:4! Sil.UO v ojtfrK ? ??-? ? s ::: 1 v. vvi:n:: iw:: ("?.t/.'.o.i. " ' yFFi'AtfX. KILLER, ' 1 K . \ . . K.VNi V I X c- ? ; P A ST, li u T ? ?Tt7 ; >. iV'Z^r il. f, _k ??--< fci' * i 1 L--: ' i -i r. ??a :i LTV V I'ov-a you wait ?. FIT. ? ' ?t k'rom Rc.;l Yiilor. "iiy.c'othes ir ;o:ip;or. ilt r an:i iiiok hotter t h a ii ? tri?-:njtlv ?/.irnvrnls. if r GOLHSTFiN w*ih?tw*<Wr * A Ijl ? V-' t ~ A 1 < ?JUST R ECEIVED ' ?? 1 : : ? -rr* "i\: i iorir. . JENKINS CO., boiessJe Grocers. ? BUSINESS ? OPPORIUNITIt RATE, 1 cent per word. IT Estimate nix words to -the line, an J . i inclosc payment wWrcopy. Answers I to ads. may Ue'^eceived at this Qfiicc. i.To insure prompt attention aH advec j tisemcnts. should be in business office "" I by 12.45 m. Ads. by miswHKor. tele .phone or mail given careful attention, j IIAVi: Vol" A l"IIII.I> H TO 10 ed lu Dhildrr.g>-.&ud Loan stock will enable you to give that child a col- 1 lege education. Jesse Ross and Charles l'leotnlng, solicitor?. fIktV ATf??GOO|) HWAMP I?AXI? * for vent. Mrs. I.. \Y. Myers. 1 * L so>ii;~o\i wim, iUvT xui< imTTX j Christmas at' II. C. Sparrow's. he! ; *lt be you. ('KhKllV .i.Mf ? it \ .III,.. . heln to make a Rood Xrtiav T^inn^i' You can get both at Tayloe". . -Phono li! 3 and UiJ. t'iu it. i' ?ocoariutr. band-i malaga * prawea, ci nan. at Taylle's. 124. Phones 1 22 ati 1 T <5i: s\i.:: ? o\r \i?n ophene wUT: Talert 1 m i ?iov<Tw.TT7ynr and In rx-'ellont rondlllon. Will foil at a bargain; very suitable for* .Craas Rift. Hwfl. Sparrow. OX TIIK 2?fVr"\VK WIM, HAM: .\ ! shipment of "HaylcrV readies. I j Fresh for Xraa.:. Crown's Drug : j Store. EvKltV iTodv sKf\Ni:i7^=miK:ii ; on oaHic*; anyt}?!nir won- irvan:. i from 1 Or to 30e per* lb., at Tr.?? Pfcer.QS 11'^ end |?4. ciivn i s voi r hi;i?i:r rf?R m*Y-! ler's ca.uily today. Roan's Lirufi j Store. 'Foil s.\i.k ? my irftsii>j:xri:, ton APi'ly tn nr. w. . lrtoi:n:. l'.\!S!\s IV U j loose. Nau mi t;ujp, ??u nno! l:omo-Rr:,wn i-' an Kntf. at Triy-| 121. v. i: l.i l TV> .!!'i:rniii\ c~.\ ,~x\". Cf r- nv; i a!,j >?,.| I"'1' - Wje "ill luva tliLi j ftrr T:;?7 o, wvvV." Taytoc'>-..i hone* li:; and 121.* ! it. it. !.. PHiixmrxT or? t ? ? ? Y. I iorae E*ehanKe ! v. l.v 1 !n9. BulldS wne'cly. .?o*-je Ro*s or Ciiarlc? McminlrR will loll vom how. * W X u %rr~.\ I'sT^m:. ? calved by [?_ fi_ ^j^yo ? Co. ; < rui.ii AX illicit: i;y snv. ? ausokitiox Mi-rriioiK ; 11 y?" ?' ?'^er "from l)l?*?*d;n^, iirh ? -n>r' W?^d. or protruding. Plies, send ! me youVicrVire'^ and I w.ll toil you 1,JV' : ' ' ?? ? ????????? .. . abeorpt im also tend winil^ | racist fren for ir;al. j 'roai your own locality if requested j fMmer!iat? relief |l nil permanent cu:. I "''"tirRd." a?nd no t^oriey, but t?^!l ? "thom of i hid ?r - ? Write todn*- io' Mrs. M. 8'iii.T.f: . Jk,;: r. . .Notre Oaftic, fjicl. ?* RATES Rodius, $15 to 25 per large aod airy, $10 ppr wceU. . Address, Jrtiss^ULIA A. SMITH, Supt. of W. A. Blount, M. D. ' S. T. Xichctscn, M. ffc lra M. Ilanljr, M. D. ' W. P. Small, M. D. L. Nicholson, M. D^. J no. C). Blount, M. D. J no. C. Rodman, M. D. Visiting Physicians and Surgeons Professional Column ? ?*" SPECIALISTS H. W. CARTER, M. D. Practice Limited to Diseases of the Eye. Ear, Now and Throat. Hours: 9-12 A. M. Cor. 1 2-5 P. M. Gladden Sta.. PHON L 86. Washington, N? C. . Dr. I. M. Hardy PRACTICING PHYSICIAN .. . . a"d SURGEON Washington, N. C. " DR. H. SNELL Dentist. Office corner of Main and Respass Streets. Phone 100 Washington, N. C. ? **TiTr ?"* H. S. W1IU) JUNIUS D. CRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW-2 Washington*- N. C. ^ ? Pwcticc ln the Courts of thfc First Judicial District, and the Kcflgr.il Courts. John H. Smell. A. D. Mac Lean. ? Harry McMollan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN - ATIOItNEYS.AT-I.AW Wellington, Norlh Carolina. W. p. GRIMES ATTORNF.Y-AT-l.AW Washington. North Carolina. Pi ac ticca In all thfe Com .5. %Vin. 1:. Hodman. WUcy c. Lot] num. RODMAN & RODMAN ' - Attorneys. at-L-.w Washing, on. N. C. ^ . M. BOND. Edenton. N. C. ~7" NORWOOD l? SIMMON'S BOND &--SIMMONS ATTORNF.VS.AT-l.AW W ellington. Norlh tiarolina Practice' in trilOonfts . . I.. Vauehan W- A. Thompvm VAl'CHAU & THOMPSON ? at l ORNi; vs-at-law Washington and Aurora, N. C. Practice in all the courts. H. C. C ARTER, JR.. ATTORNEV-AT-LAW Washington, N. C. Offic-e Market Street. ~^dwari7l^stewart Attorney-at-Law.l Office over Daily News Washington, N. C. COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORNr.V-AT-I.AW. Offat-c Savings & Tfiis: Co.. Building Rooms '3 and 4. WASHINGTON. N. C - STEPHEN C. 13 X AG AW und i.oL-nselor-' . Jt-law Washington, N. C. NICHOLSON & DANIEL Attorneys at-Law ^Practice in All Courts Nicholson HoteFBuilding Business Cards Jj- A. PHILLIPS & BRO., FIRE And Plate ,Gias& INSURANCE. ? Porj FIRF^4NSURA! J. and P. B. MVRBq The J. H. Simmons Marble TUnfGfdflife Co. ? MONUMENTS - Prices and Work Rijtht WASHINGTON, N. <;. WHITE -"HRBER - SHOP ? "? -"""wiua, "r?p. ' mm Buy Your see

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