LEGAL NOTICES J^yriCK OK H.M.E. North Carolina, Beaufort County ] r Superior Courtrfipfore the Clerk] Claude Le* and wife, Sellte Lee Mlnton Rawls and. wife,"* Xorah Rawls; R.-'H. R?wla and wUo, Mil lie Rawls; M.C. Ray la and wife. TTvrt HiiMla; .1 .1 Riift'k and u Tta~ Jennie Rawls; Albert Rogers? , nud wife, Lizzie Rogerson: add' S John Rawla. ^ . v# " . n Dave Whichard and Estelle Whichard [ minor, by her guardiun ad litem J Da vo Whichard; and 1 K. Rawjc, Allie Rawls and "W. Gilbert Rawls. j minors. by their guardian at litem,' ? ^R. H. Rawls.' Under and hy virtue of a decree of. . t-h e fiunflrior-fourt of Beaufort cOUtl-J lynnade in the above cause, the un-j derslgned commissioner. appointed In said cause, "will" offer for sale at* the courthouse door of Ueaufort county, on Monday. January 3. 1910J ?'at 1 2 nv . for cash, at public auction. to the hi(,'lieiit bidder, the following described tracts of lar.d; situated ln| North Carolina, Beaufort county.! lands of Asa Harris. Wtn.*Gurganue,J nnd the Mangum l.mds: First Tract. .Commencing. at a pine] In the county Ijnev* running south a' ' straight line With Wm. Gurgagus I Hup to a .f>me. th?M? v-est ] t h V.'nv; Gursanus" line a jjtraight. line to aj black gum, IRcn a" Mn'.iMi-t lln?? S'jittfr with Wm. Gurganus* litre to* a pine in, Pln^ Log Swamp, l.u'n v. eat downi run of Fine 8 ?v n r.; > to tiv Man rum line. M:6n north a straight line with Mangum lino to Asa Harris i !lne; th,en with county lino a. straight -line to beguiling. Contain- 1 2 7 acres.- Saving and nxcopiing; frorf the caid 127 acres nbovo de-j scribed, the following dexcfTDetl {ftl acres, embraced in and w>nUvininR In I said,i JO'WU: Beginning at al corner between RawJs and Gnrganua In A. R. Harrison's line to tho lowed corner of Rawls' fl?*ld on said line thence In a westerly direr lion with I fence and on to the Cavr{iw})f )Ul?t. thence In. a northeast direction to fhej -A. H. Harrt*tm- Hue. thence with- tte?| said A. L<. Harrison.' lino- to the he r^iww:. Containing 10 acre.*. in cluding outhouses, dwelling 1io;;sof. offices and buildings. ' \3^| Second Tr25cT7 nezTrrrrirg r.t n fr?m: at the corner of Wm. G ir?a:i?is and; Tavlor'a line in Pino Log Stt_a;PP. nnfli ? runs east a*fitra.i%hL line to a maple, then North a straight lino to Will. Gargauua' line, then west a straight! line to an oak in Pine Leg Swamp, - -then south c.p Pine Log Swamp to be: -ginning. Containing !0 c-riM, tr.ore_ or less. . w ' . Third TractT\ne3ir.ning at a cor ner between Rawls and Gurganu* h" A. Tt. H.tTjsor.'s -lino -ftr it:-* lower corner of Jowl's flpld on said line. ? inence in a westerly direction v.ii'i the fence and on to the Carrawv line, then*"* In a iior|he.v>' direct- t>n' to tlje Ji. H. Harrison lire., v.ifh ??? ! -> 'i 11 ' r - ii ,r.'" the beginning. Containing in a.-re*.' in.claditu: ?. tit houses, dwelling ho tie. ? _ra office* ami buiAdings. Rains *> jwttr of and ron*.Uiiiliig in the first trac ? of 127 acres, r.nd being ths ! part of said tracf.' Tn" vrhTch F51ITI? I.fte oVTri-i "a dower interest a life estate on said NCSIWOOM ].. SIMMONS. I. - Commigsioverl SrJKItU 1'S < ALL I'OJl TA \ Kri. . '&?*' Staifi tav-3 mu.^t bo ^ettle?l [ii ?f'..!I 1 .? 1st Monday in January. Th** school \ou?hors will bo com iir- in dr.iiy: tho people want tliolr children c?' u:.tod and the teachers nio?t be paid. The current expense* of ?h - cm .inTV HlUSt 111^0 I '? 11!'. ill. Xml ;i faiJos uioney to pay these bills nn 1 It be..: .xo i'e raieeJ by taxation. Your' taxes have been du?; since September 1 Ft . and I will thank, all. v. ho have paid, to eoroe forward and fi'.lf at once. Your taxes are dtfls aiid there is no better time to pay than when you have money. ~ Very, respectfully. ? " GEO. ?. RICKS* - Sheriff. Beaufort (!", l>eoomber G. 1909 N0TICK. I ii HI k'iI ii-vmi Iv In irirl i . Ti until the 23th day of December. 19T9; and on that day I will offer for pale the remains, consisting of corn, fod der, hny, oats, and all farming Imjdi "? ments. and also a small portion of household and kltehln fudnlture. TJ*. D. WAU December 4* 1909. *i ? * o ? o ~ Fire Insurance. ,TX EL V live the necessities of li fe. as well as fts luxuries, the wiic man t elects the best his money can command. Fire is one of ilk < WM.IBRAGAW & CO., T r Y%L. Losurancc Agents in Washington. N". C. "" > XMAS FURNTTUR1 Mpke the Besf Gifts Omuiiv 1 1 icy are useful, became they are ornamental, hrtstiue they are lhoi oushly practical. lVrhrij". y< u aic firdhu; it h?:rd J o' ilcriile ji'.M what to give? sf ?o, won't vou'ii^: take time to drop In to the Southern Furniture rom* party's More, tvhere hundreds* of i^fT Ktt??;eRjIoi?s .'.t imtc |.i-rsvi;t theia selves. Choice pieces cf*furnltuie for ever > fi-lend or t elation, tor old and yoaii^, fur .father, for mother, sixt .or, brother, num. ami utiele aud " y.i'i ct heart. ? la't ihe. Kmithn :i l'ur 1:1* lire ("wiupi-.iiy's store soli* your Christ nig* gh't question. We'll solve it quickly, satisfactorily and economically.* -SOUTHERN -EURNlTORE^m Are Toutarrymg Enough lasurance?; Mr. Merchant snd Mr. Property Owner? You had belter attend to this at once. Fires are numerous durinrz the holidays. Protection is cheap** C. D. PARKER, (7c iv Mavens-Sniiil Building1* "Phone 35. Visit our store and be convinced ? but don't wait before the rush begins. J. H. Harris Plum > ? i.i? &Si'ppl3r*C:>. |r . Yoar Soviet Ki Christmas Gifts For Everybody We have Christmas gifts iiiifrahlo... for everyone from "Baby" to "Grandfather^ Our holiday lines are the^ largest and most complete.^ Our patterns are exclusive and up-to-date. Mrs. KafanV Kultle.'^of Brooklyn,1* arrived Inst night to -visit Mrs. H- H. } C'arfowi, Mrs. Kettle will be remem- J "T)^i*ea in this. i.? .? h~Uvu-- -asJr Miss Fanny Grist. ? . i ? : ? Mies Iteba Duniay left yesterday, ior' Tarboro to attend a dam e last uight In honor of Miss Mary k Powell.- Miss Dumay will bo the" gue?L of Miss Isabelle Clark. ? * Mr. Frank Jordan !eft t'.io <-'ty yes terday afternoon to- ir?^ hoi!-' days- In Tarborc. Mr. Jesse H. Mayo !rfi ycsloriffly* for Belhaveu and other ,ilace3 0:1 L.i.ln..., Miss Rosaline Duke arrived yosier-] day afternoon from Gilin?rto;i to visit Miss Goldic rick*. Dr. C-. T. Wlndley spent yesP.rrdav ; In the elty and returned last- night] to his home In Belhavcn. ? _ ?. I)i- .tohn C. ? P.ndniati ? rninriw.l tn ; day from Wilson where li? went yes- . terday on professional business. ? ? Rev. M. T. Plyler left yesterday j for Belhavcn JLo^siM'jVd yevr.-vl dav:: . there. . ? . .* - Mrs. W. A. Jordan and little son; who have been visiting Mrs. J. l\ C alines on l-'ast Fourth s'reet for the ;?aj5t three week?, lift this tcorn!rig for Aer home In Emporia. A"a. mr m Mr. IF. K. llodges. of Oil Ford, was . a Wahs'.ngton visitor today. ? ? Mrs- A. M. HaTvk'n* arrived thls{ morning from New Born. to vlsp. Mir. J Harvey Bright on Ertst Main -street. ? 5~ ? Mrs. Herbert Jenkins returned 10 the rlty.thls morning after a vjste to, Greenville. _ Mis. Glen Waters -Mills I morning from Bayboro where she at- . tended the funeral trf the late Mr. Kills Plcklos. Messrs. havid ric.kles, M. J. Wright and Ralph Phillips also returned this morning. Five fine pictures tonight, with an! illustrated song and the prize draw- . '!ng r.t s;?,0. The pictures last night' wefe'dne. and a goodly crowd attend- j ed "thrftbghout ' 4j?T ? ovun'.nK. ? "Hi? 1 Uiiu no'..- -i ml >.tonil:ni'sls nT Hi- pir-1 turfcs Is pf nnsual perfeot'on. and the r^nTnestr". -nd ir.:tstraic:i song a<ui> ! 'o- the ^popularity of this play house. |The program for -tonight is a happy o*jc,: thpre being three rood eopie | dies on the list. Be sure to ?onie \ j 0 y f oucvlf . nrd take a rli:.:--'. I sit the lino prfre bought frer.i A. (J. }Sm!ther'3 stock. Ml OILY I\TK!Ii:ST!:i> I'M'JII.i; A Oreenvll!e nan who was timior i IRS in the ooutuix- xcjH 4nro n Jttrh. ?"?M pl;-tn'|pe a*?4 ? wnarkeri: "Hoy, Jkottnjc follow, what kind of_ivh!bk?\v ! Stare ad. y o '?> <> ? o^> <>?<**<>??? > V.'lrS S^JY!! VOTIJ'K To AM. ? ^ w:i.> H'ifit [ !: t iiM t|diS ? i ^ '? !hrii -, !, !,? far <%1>i i>iuiaK $ *> hy ? >. T trade t > s >. -J. v ?? ? ??:??: ; : :iiy. and 4 > iy- \s - v ?. ?iri asiy cxua ? > lii'!p !-??? a few ?Iiiys, we O > stro in'Irvs vnur cttrn? Zwil-1u- ^ | 0 the aliare. ? > MAN KlfS ST T I UO. ? $ Special Messa fo Mother" Wo want every mother so Snlve that >>l?e may ktw.v. what .. ni.iit /? iVli.rl ???.?! remedy It is in the h?r.>e. Will trfuml tin- prl, o ta any di*s;fr i*(led put*. All DrugKiHts. have you been drinking, anyway?"! The* Oitfgu1. Hie mm, willing to takf I ti Ufeiurv^uubweriMl, TTffWJfig a brJTTT4 he had been' using. -The farmer put ' on an eager look and iaid^'Have yo i , got any left?"- -Spartanburg. S. t\.j Journal, Rciaember. aomeone will gel the' To in r.old id be given away by the Gaiety* Saturday night. Remember] .*o;neone pels a live turkey each n?Blit I TT ? . ? TIlA |Hcl;tfes r i i m I - * I w-1' r",ris;r,i y merHnriiUHt sh?1 r*? t ? . !vv;i c'otupl intents. T^r'orii'??ilj ^.Mive is a liigh-elas.s YetogKajih film' that everyone should s<je. . A Ilumv t Without Children- and Jr.'k Rabbit jlur.i'i ;: are two pli-ture.* sure tu i.ic;*so. ir.f?re*t and amuse all. The Pririeo and the ranker Is a fine dr:i 'uutir picture that \v he rover Exhib ited hr.s been the*subjcct of the high est <-?imniendutio<i. The doors arc "per. from 7 \o 11. Don't forget to { vave "year rcepor*. you m'ght be the lucky follow. Follow the merry I Arowd whw! ? To the fiilc:;'. ofl course. . ?? members and oilier* at the Chamber I of Commerce last evening to disruiui ways and means looking toward" the ? holding of an agrlrvulturdl " fair in Warhlngtof in 3 !H <J . and ji-;lginr| from il-.e lm%-pyt f a1<?? , rrheiuc It looks now a* If ti;?i fair h an assured fact. Several entl:uh!r..r,'.!c talks wore made. The president ap pointed Mersrs. W. l>. Grimen. A. C. i Hathaway. \V. Mt KearTlS. A. Daniel! rind .!. h . I5llckmr?n.' :i Committee to Kiihm'.t plans and drafts suitable by- j lavs and mttho<fs~bf procedure whirl* j aro to be submitted to a meeting of j the chamber, to be' railed th^ last of] December or the first of January. I One Im'\ cigars fire. See Ititfg Store nil. IH RIAL I/OTS KOK KAf.K. To the Cit *ens of Washington: I have decided to give. the |?V.jlic| the behent my am dp the eiij-j '?"t Morula' njpht whlh va. no I'ro.M-vl l ran :-.?*!! ."if1 lots i"i if.. square |'v .fnnurrv ?. | fi ? ;? nt 5ld| 1 "" ? -1'1 " '? ?' .'.a immorJI.-.Tlv Jho;v,Hrj;. ?,i*:-Fn 5rc the yr??.?et.t cemetery on g.-odj HlfiH I..WII. You ar? requited to] eomA o::i and look over this Jand iiuxl lyewji... if,.!!.-, II N, Ul.Ol'XT. Pdcf?m?'nr !? . 1P0P.* If tn:e frieor'otbip plays any v when - yo*t- -ka^?- - r'trrhnsei ?yi Christmas presents and on your w: v| .home pacing Raker's Studio you will , find you. have made a mistake If your ? iriviiu r'aun t rather have n nice I'ho Sflacapii ? r.;,-. hir>^ | else you wild imagine f.hen 1 would [think l.e Is not worthy lo be railed j voitr friend. p?'K(?r'? Si-.d:o. . I ? s vn.M, : : ? niicn ilioy nee I ho in. fn?ai the ? a v din IUXIK lltr IT < AKi: hron Ki.iU". Within nfen day |wc :u? iu r.iiu: JnT (In* un:t:iuf kind. Tlioy arc jroJnu ;i > l>?? s?dd :?e in utnrTi c r till. \ ri tr s-'oiTT" Tjin-r- n? " riiW i will uiv?? Jrt?ia a plfttKunt i 'I'hoie 1WI. -p- ; ? T >i.\?K r,.\w:ny. 1 W. Khoilcs Proprietor. . NEW (Tanned Tomatoes '3 CANS roi^ 25F~' lior.c 07. L\ L. ARCHBELL Sracirdiicr. C !::ar,s r.pd Toiia^co. Old Pt.inri, niniiEST cash phioks paid for CHICKENS, EGGS mid ail jTn' l70T7i\ a K i r~ Ku7;rc T We earvy Hnjr, Grain and nil kinds Feedstuff ? We handle the V?'fJ be?.t Flour nl uhole | salo. PAt'L &. CUTLEW I. AS-r \VA ri:B STUKUT. !ZZ: JUST ARRIVED . r" ....... . ^ A New Line of Ladies' and GjjJdrev's SWeaf$rs~^ in red , white aqd gray. We arc Sole Agent&jn Washington (or Parj^ Pattctas. Spencer Bros. fOllJ) YOl* ^IIJXK OF A ifcTTJKlt CHRISTMAS PRESENT For your family tlinn to IMYK VOI R If c???< [if THE GAIETY * ?"'*? PrDsran Chsnged Daiiv / TONIGHT: f| !* II ji'jvsi: wikili? ? Think how if would help them all ? ^-ito matches, mi lamps, no bother. fall u* up. I-Miniatc* cladly given. . . WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. Ki aiM!?KII AI.1V y A IiIl!'.. i'Iiim YitAtfraph iilm luki n froia J Citiy Maoscpael'* story of that 1 jiume. *\ IIOMK WITIIOI'T CllJIr < ill;! N ? A story of a noble 1 ?;At'K-KAU::lT IH'XTIXCi; ? A |(irlui<> ?4io\vi:ttt li<>n they hunt rabbits hi t*un;;iiry. Till: 1MJIWK A\|) THK I'Alf- ] I'KIP? A' vcij :|rama that 4witl ? please 'FfrrynntT ? Follow the ; Merry Crowd Home Building & Loan Association WASHINGTON. N. C. v Paid in Since 1902, Over $30,000 OFFICERS: Frank C.!er, President; W. E. Swin dell, 1st Vice-President; Jno. B. Sparrow, Secretary; "---Frank H. Bryan, 2nd Vice President; Stephen C. Bra ? gavv', Attorney. 1 . N- ? Do you "ever espect to own your ? ?'?ii h start. A good wn y to prepare to ?t-i ? :i boy or tflrl t?j roll eg No Institution In WashiriKtoft ~t rteir.j: * o much J< r ?its era as this association. Numbers of u'.ir mbscrlbjjp ilo no do not Intend to: they carry t.iof-'-: in vest r navs them more tiiati i"r^:i' :? ' ,r -!: 1 ii'.*:- --or <:> is tlx* litut? to riiiOld and ? a lid it i . ? j-uve so much WclMnoitth. and is t ions Titty can ?y|>m:i"t'U.i' iMr-rtrr- .i fart* r.:id iI-.m association to the extent of J'o p- nt. jij, wliuc has I Subscribers can withdraw on S?J da' .- nullre. We have many 'subscriber.*, aiii! :>?>? rqpre^n* almo . i .iiH "i!d in. ry bus* ww I'lL.-i I h ? ! New aeries will be opened .lifnni.;ylsl, !!)!<?. See Jesse Ross or fiiarlio Fleming^ 1IO?. 2 12 lJl'H.DlNO r.'i.VN* 1 SUMMATION. | j If you are looking for GLASS and CROCKERY ? t ? * IV -fR F TfTVKarulr>tln-r HnlirinvGoods. COOIC ? 5 tcf see us. T. W. Phillips &C CoT . F ! K * \c. G. MORRIS & CO., BROKERS \ WHOLESALE FRL'I FS AND PRODUCE 1 ? Arri"i1?jthic 2 Cars Meal, 1 Car 20th CenMry Flou:, 1 Car Flake \V:iiti''Lat3, 1 Car Kingans Reliable Ment, ! Car New York Sui-e. Apples, Cabbage and Potatoes. Let your orders come along. THE UNION GROCERY CO'S. CAFE OVCTPL^D C served in all styles by the Noted "-^cr-lr-cr-a j_. I. ~ Ciu.7 j~? r; v f ^-5 P. 1 ?= MEALS AT ALL HOURS ' ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION? TRY US ?PHONE 327. Now Yours at the 'Jefferson Furniture Company?the Home and ~ jvr; Office Outfitters. __. If you intend to give any Xmas presents, now's your time to drop in, where you'll find nothing - - ... .. '? _ i.. ? ; ? VUI HI* nuiezr luvmiiy juyycjnviu arpv.v.,, va^v.. ^^. We are right-in the thickest part ot the battle, fighting for your wants and necessities. F or holiday gifts ^we- are the" leaders. Our store groans with everything to make your Jiome calm and serene during Yuletide. We will help you if you will call at i Alii* flf/vy/n FiAoV . C^<*A nmvn nt/vkf^ A

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