? Suitable and useful I Gifts for Christmas % Gloves, Handkerchiefs~ar>d Hosiery ? Prices in reach of e\;ery Xmas giver. /. K. HOYT V Washington's Greatest Store. Jnst-RecCTvcd-^n nice lot of Picture Mouldings Bring-us your pictures to be framed Now ! Don't wait; come and get the hest selections. The very latest Edison music in stock. An Edi son Phonograph is a mu sical feastrpr the wbolc family. Ihe Gem Theater i in: twin msoTiugs:*' Juli: l" ;?medy drama. i:iv.\l.i;v .Melodrama. >ll. ti l; IIOIJ.AI: -Comedy4 Till'. I llOftSKSIlOi: A | ?medy. W.I|o">? WHO- Co;w?i>- drain. i RUSS BROS. i i Ki. i u \m; us ii.h svit.\Ti:n sonc;. Tin* <lo?itii; for ioiiii;lu\ |?ri/c :il . ?HELP IS OFFERED WC !;*l li* ; t Nt . '.Si N \\n V. OMEN. No matter how limited your mc ai ? n. the GRI A i A MtKICAN SKQR I HAND AND Bl s? NI->' l CM.: ? vil . Durham. N. C .. icady and willing to help You secure a Uumhcjs Kdueaiic.n. I heONLY Business College in the* Caro lina?. fii ? Wd cu r !?>? an IncvTroraicd Accountant and Auditor. A suf \ ? cicm y i. i ?- nicc < I s superiority L iiu'r now on easy pay ment plan. 1)1 I'A U'IMI'.N'VNi Bookkeeping. Shorthand. "I"> pewriting. Telegraphy, P?ui?* 'rs^: p. Civil Service. Knglisli Branches, etc. Expect. Faculty ? Rail read I'.-ic i'aid? Positions Guaranteed. [YOOCAN get them from usji Buster Brown's Trade Mark Registered GUARANTEED SI! /> ~ FSfc MAN. WOMAN OR CHILD The Best-Looking, Best-Feeling and Best-Httitig &s well a? Beit Wearing 25 ecnt Stocking* made. They arc sold four pairs in 4 box at ONE OQhbAR PER BOX land m? vsul replace FREE any pair thai wears Io^JtoIcs in heel or toe _ ^arithin four months from^Hate "of purchase.- X-ri us sho^\thero to you 1 J tho>* you how' tostop the drudgery o! darning. Remember we are headquarters for Xmas presents We ha.ve an i mm r n se -and- yjwtcrf stocky Something suitable for every mem ber oi TnYMamnv. -r ?.Iake purchases before' the rush. THE HUB J We carry a complete line of Standard Watches ? as well as everything else to be found in an up? to-date Jewelry Store. Repairing a specialty. r.i.steWart; * JEWELER. ^ *Vatch Inspector for the N. & S. Railway. SAVINGS AND TRUST BUILDING REAL ESTATE WANTED ! ! ! - l have moved to Washington, N. C.,-from Van Wert, Ohio, where I was Engaged in the Real Es tate business for more than thirty years, arfff 'Wtll. , engage in the same in Washington. N. C. I want farms and other lands for sate. If you want to sell your farm or lands sec me or 'phone W. M. KEAR, I Washington,' N. C. 'Phone 85. ~ tj^nce wnn rarker,:nave?.8-Strall Building' MOT V'S nriiiiunnui) nut a crfi-come * 1 h^in LJIW I nu 1 ILLV CTiiijw!on?.1rit*? au rip. ? ? ~ y o and banish "paint MK. of menatniat./>n.%They trr"HPB SAVKItS" to ffiiia a? ?toK- ' wonwuibood, ai.'.irik dc >lopt.:-ni of tti \na art* body. No 'MOW4 remedy iot Women cqnalu them. Unnoc do harm? J /fa ??*??<* $.'.?o pbii box by mail. sou - ^pPOSPPtybf ?lrn*irl?u. PIL iJotth zd. c^T?i^jd.aw* MWlffiniir ?? J.-;.:/:, COURT PROCKUHNGS. (Continued from First Page.) faun. I'rlnait!.,'. i inr l.mu ,n | pUtO. J. W. tisowart vs.. C. C. Sparrow. Judenioiii confirming sale.* Armour ? Co- vs.. S U. Crist. Mo tion t<> ye', atide judgment r u lit!. ? .1. M. Arnold vs. S. T. ami J. I,. ;iin;?wn. jUdionwit ~in fnTor ? of ' r. M. Brown v* win. A. Blount. Jr. Uidjimcm ia favor of plaintiff for 5P'v.tu be disthargej u|?on payuictu ?I. P.. und A ('.villus vs. N ? & S ?'.i It. Co. Jt?ljtittv:it'N in favor oi iiliylntiffs for $1,750. Mumjc Havis, Admx. .vs.. ij.. j{. .v Lumber Co. Art ion dismissed, flirty Parker vs. Penti. II. R. Co. At t ion dismissed. D. C.AVindley v? *H. A. <;. names ;.*erit \. C. I.. K. It- Co. Anion dis missed. Jr.;v it. Pe;ry and wife vs. r. T. PfrfHrp? "et fi!. dismissed. N". It. Itbbhisoni Vs. W. B. Mack in son. a; -Cot ? Judgment in favor of l?!uintifT for >"0. Washington Horse Ex. Co. vs. \V.il son a.- .McCoy. .Indgment in favor o? defendant for costs and funds at tached" (iRlry Iron & Steel Co. vs. H, SjUi-e man and wife. Judgment non-suit, defendant to pay costs. liatno sadoiery t."o. vs. H Sumiuui and wife. Action dismissed. defen dant to pay costs. ? ?=-.? S?ott Boef.nK Mfg. <v?. vs. H. Susman and HiCe. Ac lion dismissed, tie fondants to pay costs. Hamilton Pan's Mfg. Co. \s. H Susmamnnd wife. Ac tion dismissed, defendants to pay coats. National Booty?*: Co. \ SI. ?yrry-~ man & w?fi\ Alston di.tnls.<cd. do-, fondant* to pny costs, Natlo: al Kr.atnelling At Stamping Co v?1; It. finsniH ts d w I fe. Art ion dismissed, defendants- to pay the costs. v " ^ Cordon Metal Co. vs. H. Sustnan and wife. Action dismissed, defen dants ti> pay the costs. Iiobir"-'>n Neckwear' Co. vs. H. Sus j'.mn a?,J' Arti.ni dismissed. de ? :idauts lu_i?ay the costs. P.WTIK.o I.OCAl.s ?ember I I. M:hk i?ia Skavender. who lias bec'f ? I! for *oni* day*, returned to school; T*:esdiy :nortilr.g. We were glad to! .ee her hack. .Mis'!' Ruth Credit intended jJip mu- 1 at nolhavon Friday evening. Mr. J. w. Res pans made a flying | |fri-> to Washington Monday. Mr. P. I*. Johnson returned KrJ-1 [day front a tr?t? to Norfolk. Mr. Rufus Bradley, the new prearh ' i'veni-lie?> hi* ?!-g. - nr. v.. >. crecile returned fron \'*?rf?lk Friday evening, whore ho at-, tendod the meeting of tlie Seaboard! ! Medical A*so>'iat<on. reporting a very| p2easunt vi.O. L jlr, AV. 1'- Hor.utt, a former minis-, ter of this' '.own. and family, are vls-| [ting .Mr*. Hocutt's mother, Mrs. An nie Wilkinson. Mr. Willie Gurkin attended church | at Athens Sunday. - Mi.-s- Aleeze Aycoek. who has beer. morning. There was a surprise party given at the JioriYe of Mr. J. . Will tiny on' last Wednesday <v>?*ning ln;honor of Mrs. Fannie Dunbar and ItWr .sister. MIm Rallle Whitle. Mr. K. A. Windley and Miss Pearl Davis visited friends and relatives at | \thens Chapel Sunday. Misses lrta and l.otta Bishop spent Sunday with their sister at Belhaven CU+ ^**4 Friday evening a crowd of boys and girls visited the home of Miss Pearl Smith and after playing many games all returned home, de claring 'hey had spent a pieasan' evening. Miss Temperance Ayrock spenPFfi-1 day night with relatives In Belhaven. where she attended the musical giv en by Miss Pearl Baum. < Misses Olga Smith and .Adelaide Old visited friends and relatives at this place Saturday. Misses Eveline Radcliff and Pearl atcadville P. H. S. HELLO, Where Are You Going? To Mrs. Rice's to have m v Coat Suit cle aned and pressed for Xmas: also my gloves. She makes my old sup look like new, MRS. LIN A RICE Over Postal Telegraph Office. krke! piikk: : T?n dollar box candy Riven away . VLfaft Iiilll fco!4 lu^k-y rrrmhrr? \\trrr| every cash purchase a coupnn^will be rive I. The ??p<> hol !;np>" lucky number will receive the $10. box of randy on display In the ease In front of our tare. flee h and try for It. We will also give a second prize If \ lady holds second prize coupon a bo' tie of Hudnut'a toilet water. If a gen tleman, a box of cigars. 7 7iT? T Vt r>rl < i i, Undor Hotel Louise A If you want a reliable remedy for toy never raRs, and Ooose Grease for rheumatlsm^nd all aches and palna. Praised by thousands, and, If you try It you will do satqe. Manufac tured by the Gooae Grease Llnjmsnt Company. For sale by Hardy'* Drug DAUGHTERS OF COX FEDI?RACY. 1 Itequest^l .to M?el Saturtlnj Altec- ! ? nuon at Ureslileiit of Prcnitleiit. The Daughters of the Confederal' arc rc<iaeaie3~~tJ7-iutet at tht* real-" dence of the president. Miss L. T. Hodman, West Mailt street, Saturday afternoon, at A o'clock. Uu?!ue*s of importance. MISS LENA WINDLBYt 1 ? ? ?. ? ? ? - Secretary: ' ? 1 When one noman has a g.rudgL* against another she teH* l*ho neigh bors! how sor^v. ?he feels ?or tl\<^ * oni:in'i> husband... Household Cares Tw\ the Women of Wa>liiii?i?Jir^n? Same. ns El>rwhei v. Hard ;o attend to* household duties Willi a cousta n fly in hln k hark. A woman should rot lave a bad hack. - , , ? And she wouldn't if the kidneys) were velfTx^ Doan's Kidney make well. Kidneys. Here is a ^Washlnttun woman who endorses this claim: Mrs. Charles T. .l:i< U?on. 2'22 Tel-| Talr street. Washington. N. C.. says: I 4I suffered from kidney trouble for .wrak and the see ret ions were -so fre ?luesrt 1:: passage as to ?au30 mo great annoyance.'*- My hack ached nlmo.se constantly and at lime I had sharp, shooting pains throagh my loins which almost prevented me from per forming my houfc.vork. 1 finally heard about Doan's Kidney Tills and -proi Iirati a Bupply ?r I Wnfhinston I >n:? (.'o. They strengthened my kld r.evs, regulated the parages .of the srcreUtons and entirely removed the u:iiai. in my ha-l Lliave not had any symptoms of kidney trouble siiiop then. I can rocommi'iid Doan's Kidney Pills p.r far superior to any" other kidney remedy I have ever used " For sa|r? by all dealers. Pr'.ce ."0 cents. Foster-Mil hum Co., "HufT.ilc. New York, sole ageat:; for the I'nitcd 'states. Itemember the rfamc ? Doan's ? nnd take no other FOft FEVEHIS H X rJSS and \CJIIN<; Whether from Malarious conditions. Celd.* or overheat lag. tr; .ilicka' Cap udino. It reduccs the fever and re I Sieves th? aeliir.r. I?'s !:?iuld ? 10. aud 60 v.^nts n: dri? stores. Day after day be walked the street. Looking for a present for "Wifcy" sweet ; "I know what'll please her moat.' 'said he; Tea." ^ 1 lardy V Drug Store. A wopian. worries until she pets wrinkles, then she worries because she has them. If she Cakes" Holls ?or'k lu?k> .'.iountaii. Tim *nt wnni.i' have neither. Improve your looks. Bright eyes, Hear complexion follew its us^. Hardy's Drug Store. HOLLISTER'a nucky rnuunrzdin Tea r uggeis A Ru?> Medicine lor Buty People. Brings Golden Health and fi?r.e?- u Vies*. ? A in. i,|&r ni*l KWiwy tr<?ul>k-?, Plmj.l.-, Kr.-.-mn. Inipur'' ni.*?:.nji?i nrvo-i, siuK|ni, ?..*?! ...fica.iA.n* ao<5*Ji.- Wa? a.-. l-? Kooky M<".ntni? Tt-nin t.-i ? - let form. ..S . . a . .. bo*. <???'? . ina.lo bj Di;i o (".*:?*??*. M.i.ii- Wi . GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Hi'. Iliittly'g Drue Store. notick! ? t;hj animal awing oi thr- aio.:; holder* of the First National Hank7 of Washington, will be lteld Tuesday. .In ruiary 1 1,-1 91 0,- between the hours of 1 1 o'cloi k a. m. and 1 o'clock p. ui.# for the the purpoxe of electing directors for the ensuing year. A. M. Dt'.MAY, janll Cashier. PRUDENCE " ?-t? ~T~- "? suys buy a bottle of Gowan's Preparation and be prepared lor croup, cold#, pneumonia,, coughs ntld sore throat. Gowan's pre vents and cures by destroying inflammation and congestion. Kxtcrnat and penetrating. 60c, 25c. All druggists. TOE"?HEEJL MEN'S HOSE. One of ihc most useful and practical Christmas gifts you ; can thinlTof for a man. The Special Holiday Dox is a skillful J reproduction in colors from an oil painting by a distinguished! <fts> or all black. They are genuine INTERWOVEN. ? ? ?Six Pairs in a Box $1.50 PRESENTATION BOX AND POUR PAIRS $1.00. Can you beat ft for the price? fja mm S. C/.07H/Z&& X/V1AS FRUITS and CONFECTIONS! - ? WHOLESALE and RETAIL Novv's the time to purchase them. Don't wait until just before the holidays* Large supply of Currjyits, Raisins, Citron, Grapes, Oranges, Apples. Barjanas and Nuts, al! varieties, just received. AH-freSiEtec! sound. PAMLICO GROCERY COMPANY CITY MARKET. Ees* 25c I Chlcltvitb, grown 25 to 30( : Spring chieUeiix 10 to 25c Green salted hides 9c G. &. hi Jos sc Green hide* . . .T. . . 7i Mixed wool ,..li> to ?0c Tallow 3 l-ijo | Wool, Trey troiu burrs 20c I SheerllnRS i IjAiu i)8k in 25 to 40c 1 l.int coil on 14 1-2 . See. I i-otfon 5.60 LQST CHANCE ! tain the latest thing in hoi j iday Box ami-Note paper at : and below colt. From now | until the 24th we will sell jour entire stock of box ant? 'note paper at and below fccstr- -w WASHINGTON todAy^ One Big Show at Your STOP! LOOK! LIHTKX! I Free to Von and nt Vour Door! A < 'H ItlST.MAS rRESKNT. To everyone who will spend $1.00 with me. Santa Claus will be on tho I wagon to give everyone a present, j Be sure and get yours. This offer | begins December 20th, lasting sw i days only. Remember, everybody | gets full weight and honest measure. ] If you don't see what you want on Every day in the week,, everything good to eat. Garfield Clemmons, jThe Interested Restaurant Man. if ycu want to jtaic money, trade with us. ?J'llci; IIKSIKOVKI) SHKMtV PLANT. Shelby. X. c , Dcc. 13 ? Fire which Liirokp out "at midnight last night I completely destroyed the |?lant of the ? Shelby Machine Supply Co. Kxtent of loxx Ik not known. _ BOOKS for | Holiday Trade j Gift Books, Novels, etc. | WM. B. HARDING | One bottle lludnut's toilet water free. See linrdjr's I>iuk Store ml. ? \J1 V Hj A. V1/VO Presents That Are Practical ?such as Shoes, Boots, Bed Room Slippers and Sox. ? ; . Knight Shoe Co. The Only Exclusive Shoe Store | in t ha City. ENNETT'S PREPARED Agricultural Lime makes every acre count and every testimon i al good. Pre pared for all soils and all crops. Write us for prices and testimonials. AGRICULTURAL LIME CO. Xewr Ilern, X. C. 1 "IVe Have It" Anything good to eat you want for Christmas Dinner. - 'Phone 80. Walter Credle & z Co. r "Patronize Y our State's Industries Buy Red Raven Hose for Med, Women and Chil dren1.? 25 Cents a pair ? Every pair guaranteed ? j"Red Raven Hose is the product of North Carolina, and I the peer 'of any Hose in America at the price? 1 F. Buckman & Son. T n >,r1 toysi Just received solid carjload of Toys of every descriptiotH>in clyding Go -Carts, Carriages, Perambulators, Hand Cars, Ve locipedes, Wagons, Automo biles, etc.. Call and make your selection _ ? before it is too late. H. G SPARROW7 The Homeot Santa Claiis? ? - Moaty saved is money made! A Welsbach Junior Lamp burns 2 feet of Gas pe hour* ai^d gives-SO Candle Eowerof Light, where an open tip burns 6 feet of Gas and gives 20 Ckndle Pow er. How much do you save? WASHINGTON - LIGHT & ~ WATER Welsbach Junjhr COMP A JUST REGEIV A big shipment New York State Apples. R.R. YOU ? MY SISTER Free to You and Every Sister 3u?. erlng from Woman's Ailments. I *m * woman. I know woman's ?nffnringa. I hare found tbg cure. this care jm, my reader, for yc,tir*?lf. ytror daughter, your mother. or;onr?itnr. I want to 4 J mi how to cnr? y, ur-** lv<* at homo with oat the help iwf a doctor. Mi ? cuuwt nndentuxl I Wf>I?en * rotffflng*-. Wl?at wAomm knowfiw 7? know b*UMr than any doctor. 1 ' ?W- - ?y>?>?*?<^tnient to anfeand nxrt, earn fortMftiifciia m Wttttab dutorm Dm

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