WISfflNfiTON DilLY" fftws Entered as second-class matter August 5. 1909, at the poatofflce at Washington. N. C.. under the act ol March 3. 1879. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. No.* 114 Knst Main Street. J. L. MAYO, KiKtui ;in?l Proprietor. Telephone No. U'JU. SiL-lla?CJl!l?TU>\ It ATI'S: One Month. ... ,$ tour Muii-.li i S'x Months : 1 Onf.Yw ? ?' 5OT.fi ivi ??! 'A : Ms on ? * . v r'..'4.. will be * <is r *1<m rni? < r. . elved promptly _? ? AKer, and 1 :??? ? ' ' tnimudi:i!c .<? I-, nt.. . zv ploasw >???!. LET 1 i'l \ I OLI.OW. ?urn e a ? ? | * TV ? ?.! -V i: ? n i! ;.ly f - or" ? : .. * ? . . >i t-uT i V.~ *<*itor. vest ix? ? >:ii\i:n. nil fir?*f,!'-s to Th??* Now#' fr?r ??MuiWIcaM"' nvHt bi' v-fi'-cfi hv ;ht> tr.-y ui!l not b-> pub:Nh< >? r-; i Til. i/. ^ - \\\ mii i. v* n: '.n:; and ? rat***. !? ?* made in any ihi.U- ! n?|ji dosij* d, ? hav?? j'ru^' I s ihar posse iireatey strength and - dur;):>H;'. v IV ! s ns lx-r 1 !"? day jfor. ' ![ - i'uriiow. .J* can -<?! I much cheaper than lumber. box factory Ik 'u be operated in??oi;n*c tion with the Tiew enerprlse The cor/. par. y Jiff u res that th?* by products se -ured from tire raw mi terial wij| yield a return sufficient to more than rover -the cost of reducing ltkto pulp. This means that the com pany -an manufacture wrapping _ paper at a cost no other mill can ap li:va I'lar.r. which will be ;n operation about July 1 next, will h*1 5^ tons nf payer every 24 bourn. The mill I'* being constructed with a view to iri ??reaskig the produ^^o low tons* a day a- soon as practicable v fea ture of the process Ik that ar.y soft wood ?*an lie used. Anothfc# mill will be ? reeled next year fir" Hat'.iesburg, Miss . as the company hns .-losed a contrac? for the refi..-.' ? ? ! '?.? ?:;a : i . ? . I - irt?ru : . t i U >11 tllllt \lc;'il*y. Tiie ? ompa-'Ty ' Is negotiating wih a tlor.ei; l.ig l>:rr.b- ;? . om panics who^^c flguriiiL' u: jMttlrg in plants nf their own < it a .'oyal'y bn.Ms. i Mi?uv. Kv? :y i.n-.v and t hen it is th*- a ? 1 , duti of ?:w* j.r?'ss to record the death , _ of som*4 v, ?-ll?kr.ov.-n le?4?r of tbe| - Lost {'aiiff; bv. l if ;s ;i fw jileasanter I thin* to announce rh** fa? t that some are still living to a ha)*' and hearty old age., ' Am?ng_ the. la'.ter may be iiamed Col. John S ilosby. who ha* just paHK'-d the seventy-sixth milestone of i Hf* in, good health and surrounded ' by hi* friends." wu ? ? _ ; While (here were perhaps greater military leaders than Colonel Mosby | there was In the entire Southern army no more striking or picturesque figure than the leader of the Famous _^Mosby's .guerillas." a band of pick ed cavalry whose special duty It was the scone of ~ hOBtilitlefl to andfher, here, there and everywhere, now makliTg an unexpected attack upon the enemy's Hank, nov." cutting Abe line of communications. anflr always ~ "?"~ bource fST atmosr- supernatural dread to the Northern armies. Though small In numbers hlsTeom tnand was a picked body, and so great did Its prestige become that we are told that young men in the commissions to accept places as pri vates In the guerillas. It Is also said that they never ,carrled rifles, but LU"- J *.1 tuUtQl& t " ittd tneir aninuen bb m..?o,uu,.^ But, this Is of the past; the present tmet Is that Oolonel Mosby is still en joying good health at a ripe old age. ; pullets Down, at "the barn he had a ! aort of a side loft. In w.hich he had | stored-* lot of oats In the bundle. ' The hens. and the pullets/ as they I matured. and as -the season grew | colder ami -the. outside forage was | rut off. took lo working T* (he oats j U|> in the loft, for their dally bread. aThey had kept this going for some i tme before our friend noticed It. ! ::of.'-?*d -'otlectlons of eggs in the nr?t*? in the various triMitah* r.: the >rayi<\ u-t.l was v. lunlering jJ'ir. hlld it.; reu t!?e hct:> ip 'o lay *r.g so. i H< ? ? i" . .. pror.t inn i . an. . ii.;s and that 'to Vcy iii.e:' v i* ilie i.-* ;l?orns ~ lUiW ij *7 ' ' mil k*fi. and soe . ion. !'./.i t:. ''vl> . ??.. .??? w.?rth io\'i' iV.J'i ? : ?? II.- '," Iih .hijUl tu Ii.j. ? *f ?' '? did. I'Oia'l ? Miivtc rvf j-** > ? de '!:?? J'Trr In' in i n?- %-oru* ' ??: ?l . i.nd m. I,. j - fed V f.'.-' v.'h ^i.oah aunwi US W drtwi;. ;?i i\ l> ?; ? - I.t.-y ill! t!:t? winter. el February nearly Marrh ?" '? id nu? about <md lie ? : " ' ! ? ;".d "loss saril> tiiki good j 1'iitn h i.echorint in lay at a good | i'l'oti; It: winter, rml"? siu-h rondl will do it. Y??nr Tlnr-': omT nfTtie will. ?Mill t he's* ti'*od not tuvessarlly *'a t ? ??Irho-; f!u: tii.- hit nation, :i;? Tir-tiiive tu scratch for the ?rai: a t . r v ? ha:. \ . -."tended . rfmll iii'i nf must *?" d.wr- toped 1 :. ? Ij.-I: i ?: v. . :! ..c:i t-ar j for :|u? hi-". Mm* ,:deriuU".^ | ?Now i i .Mr. Se:i?.-ll-is iftlf the; v. ;i: lireat mail ?' l'*opl? h'dlevv Mm ?o ?.?? he would fjiiirn 1 li?* offer after 0:e iinpiirdonab!" treatment he re- 1 .m-v.-.I a; tite'hanft^ of President Whoever heard of a North t.'aro-j I Republican spurning an offlrp [".-at had a salary? The only thing; psvitWell spurn* 5s the fellow who rVeeps him frrm pie rofFnter. hum -i4u44a? ?hn u i littWf have all | agreed upon. ;'.iol that is to skin I .SkltTiier at: J annex t: themselves. ? t NVtt s and observer tci .\i?vr:iiTissK ic \ll AVishiuu Spare lu .\-naa Taper Must Hate < upy in (lllire by Mon dft> Morniim. i All advertlsei-s wishing spare in _ J I tA jiuummJli. . PlmUjiinii. ndlj<iu? , <>* the l>aily News are requested to have ttieir ropy in the office Monday morn ing. not Inter than 9 oYlork. This ; edition will he the largest ever issued ! in Washington, .and no up-to-date merchant ran alTtml not to have spare ] Ji* it will rl<rulftte- generally through lout this eastern KertJon. IteKular itHvcrtisers are notified tliey must have ropy for rhnnge of lads in the ? f.ire hy ? o'rloik it' t!te^ lik'site saiiu- lo jipprur <>ame day. 1 >l""' I". III U| ? j rnngeiiieut of ??lv?-?+*ser?:eni? and l?et ter service ir-ide-f*d I:' ?fi?- iolvei-tls i ing patre;:-. if rfie \rws nJll rooiply with "t 'os rem:es?. A FULL STOCKING At GhristsfiaSJimc Is a 6>;;)J Miing. tut n full head during the rest of '.he year :* better. You can ?;ll your head *.tti utaful knu*'t . J _c irf-U?e mo current hi-.to^y by subscribing for tilis rjv.fpoper nnd rcac'.i?o it rwtfulirly. U'?VOI \ : MIA To i ]. ? ;;> |>o<il.uii?i us -i :j*.i repair mai. \\> make viVu ? I i#ert in ten week*: assist y?u to swM'uri* pusiilon. I'ay big: nurk 1 iflt'usunr: demand f?r men Kr";?' ? reasonable: write for particulars I and *am]>I* U'i>suii. Kmpire Auto* mobile lu?^ttit?>. UiH-heelvr. N Y, If you could 4:0 i o 1 ho ISm-aly|M 11;; { iVrofs of Viiruid" AunlraliT.. o?j would nni? k1y (s?*t ri?T. of ont^rrli. (!;*oni?*i ; "urii: s--= ?N' iQwi.iltal air of i for ! ???* dir. . r toyouv home. It t> ;? iu-T-V j w>n?l;*rful eatarrl* :?*:ni'dv Whether (root Mmur . . i DON'T Walk or Ride. I Talk Over The Telephone. You can have a Telephone put in your house in the city or at your farm at a very sur pas^imjly low cost, and save many a long drive and per haps a life by being in direct and instantaneous touch with your Doctor. Grocer. Mer chant and Brokt r. Weather reports and mar carri w icc tireu daily. Inte.-csicd parties are re quested to communicate with Mr. D. W. Bell, M'g'i 1 CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CO.. - Washington, N. C. This proposition will inter est you. and it would be well proach of the cold Winter months. I 1 A Crushing Experience befalls many a man who is ill-at tired; To be merely classed as one otthe crowd will never command big success. Dress tells nowadays than ever before, fcet us make y>ur Xmas Suit and you'll h -"dressed "Wright." Wright's - Tailoring - Parlors "Who Tailor Pest in Washington." c I Your Christinas Dinner Will be complete and pleasure will be added to the i occasion if you will let us fill your order. Fresh Celery, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Plum Pudding, Fruit Cake and a full line of C anno/1 a n/t Fumnviinrf Crnilr ?mm'mmm-amm** mm ^ m mm ?(? VI W M I Mltfk/ We have engaged turkeys for most orsour custom l ern, jnd will ?lad to ?pruf ?nn ??????; ?t, in T'nhr.-.. --- ' ? Be liberal and give us A guarantee to pieace wUh to <?on* will no* in: mffcr ? ?" . per, by r. : uxplanator jaut Lets go to Washington Park by the| Pamlico. . ? ' "i CAf) Q \ f p - Went Swtinil Street L:>>. East Main Street lloinc, Mar- | I r V/IV ij/lLu lipt Street Honfe. Third Street llnme. Valuable Wharf I Property, l'nnr.v in Hyde, UeaulWt a ml i'ilt Counties. ;V. C. HATHAWAY, Washington, N. C. ? r ? t ? FiirTON-SXeH^^ Jduja W. Pate i-feCQN WO 00 & CO.. , BANKERS and BROKERS *TOCU?. tXONDS, COT TON, (,KMN ard I'ROVIS IONS. 7i Pi I Ml". S' I'ft ERT, < ? AKP&NTUR niH.DJNC:. NpRFOLK. VA. rnvate- VVUvs ;<> N. V. N. V. Cotton Exchange. Chicago ,li(i.ui!,oi Trade a::d c:hcr Centers. Corrtsjfcndnioc respecifcily solicited, Investment anc! Marg:nal accounts {riveri csreftii attention. FREL ??} YOU? MY SISTER erlng from Womon ^'AUtrentol^ 1 inn n woman. 1 know T.'oauia'H JrofTetVaj;-*. 1 have focud the cuxt. ***** " ".?? ?"'* ii "trj-.cta.ni. to at. . Iu5iTvr"ij>.T7. !"????? ^uiiiuinti. 1 n snt to jt ]i'cn tt onjl l, this cart? -jau. my r.udt r. fur % vum U' ? , ' dauk>h: ? T. yi?ur inol L>. . .or your titer. 1 Want ?*? t?-]l you how tucuro . ouivdvi-* :u hoiui mm'* out th.h?lp of aductor. A:, n tar.rti UDckr>ir>r<; wonji n * mff. ruiK! What v. nvwuin km... frj; ?tf?r?tnci, WO kiK>w than am dtvji.r. 1 Utu.w il?t my h n-. tii utnunt i* Knfrauid -.ure cirw for w Ml I ?.uh?r?t UlMfit*.! BJt ?latama.l tMWeaD. Sc^ 0HtS< hmtfX Mute ?fC'uUa Tuoora. tl Cr??th?; alio pclci b Nad, fcjtk mi t?*m, tiar-ag (na ftalltct, oamvaaKt, er?e?h iffaafmc m t? qm, wtiarchoir. at:>ra lact?.lMl taafcai. wniiMti, Wnt. and bfaddat tret Mi t akin cimd c / rtilMim pacaliai to our Pes. 1-want to e-nd }r-u a cjmjl.'a ha ti ft trialmi actirtir frr? to ^rwru to y<m that > ? i yuUr'-x-If ut liorav, easily, quickly iuuI K>n4f. H< m^njbfr,. tluil.it cBl cdj? y? r.ofr.ia*o Kivo till iriiUmih*. a compl^o-trlal : aud if j ou it will cos? vononlv about 12 n?*n wi-'t or 1' ?< than twov.nt* n day. IS ; r-- with vnir ivortc or i'x-.-r tint Ion. Jusl uikJ nj put r.-c# and aetata, tell mrbwjnu - i-Y and 1 Will iEoirwTnuni r.t' voip.-i- . "irifT'i.'. tt.4-.ir, '.rtftin wr.<r> . .u.iil I v. f. ab<o M<:ncl v,m fraa af twV, rn> lK-.k-"*?m Om MfOiCAl ?V?W ?ah r.t >-!in-.\inK win woai-jj hUlTi r. nnd V.nw ihi v caaVaeliv.curv th?':t>? ^ . >??.? v iiimhouid havo it. nnd l.iim t>? ?Mck J:r fcjrji'l. Ti) i?lrn tui-?! :?tor t-.t\ ? : v.? c.!i <);i. rnli(iR," tou caa (nr .ronrKcK. Th<*i-nn<I-i ? f \vopi? ji havrrt:t? ?: \-.'hr\rnona r mj\lr. 1 ? all old or rtun* tfl Uc'.btrs ol CHihUrs. I will ? i whi, h?T?\illly Hadcff<-?*tr.allvrurr-? ?rrlun". r.??-n S;H:iu-nu-.h ?r..n>iIiiT tn ymint' IoUiWi Pli*iii|iim i >?' ?! iiwa j-r yi>r Uto. I can rrfor jrou to India* of y'otir own Ic^Uy v.lm fctintr aad rill jliii'.jT ? r ?. In" H?r? TraatiMaixwillv ciwai nil wouivn'mUnva.-'*^. tsad K'aU? ' w -u-t ;ua1 siM aia rttif bddrati. and 'hi* Irndav - 1 ??Mtirn ui i? yiT > ? Ik : rt<* ;n v.iu ::u?v iiot ? Ji.iJi oiT?*r r.cnin. Aiidw* ?? MRS. w. 2UmrflCRS, Bo* m - - Notre Dame, lnd.f U. S. i*. WhM '<*11 any sTr!-n?-. jSend Me Your Order Now for Your Christmas Whiskey I And gr: i: j:; yo.ir home- r ready for t:ie day. ! w ill send you some ? of the iir.re.-t, best,' well-aged whiskey ycti *??ver. ii?;t to your lipsTtnade ] in the p:r.?u eld hoiiei't way. And if you wish ! will send you some ! wines an l Irandics for flavoring the r.'.iiCf id?o atid cake. Read these prices: they ai;e low : . ... Clbsan I lye, K jt'ais, olil, gal Mi J?4.."SO (jual-a-Kine. <t years old, gal iM-00 ?ii^iii'tliiei' Mt. H ye, it years old, gal $4.50 . *l4uvage Mt. Kye, ,*> years old, gal '' '4 $S.JS0 /Hlsht(|>lrc Itye, o yciftyohl, gul $3.1*0 ('erllfltMl llyr, :} yearn old, gal $11.73 Country Club's ltlentl, 'ga! $2.30 N. C. Com, gal. ? $3.00 Mountain Corn, gnl. . . ! 82.30 Old V. C. Apple Itrnuily, 3 years old. ;cul $4.00 Old Virginia Apple Urandy, gal $3.00 My new catalog is ready. Send for It. It h Free. >f?L ORUKRS OCR 'sPKCIALTYT "\VR1TK fOTTC A T.\JX>6. " FRANK MILLER, - - Importer and l>ealer In Wine* and Ijquors, 1204 kast siaix sTRKi-rr. ? ? - - - - ?k:hmoxii, VA. i H A. NKSGIV 1 NG IS PAST, 3UT ^ Christmas Will Soon Be Here For a holiday Suit, you wait a FIT. <Get one from a Real Tailor. My clothes wear longer, fit betttr and look better than cus tom-made garments. H B. GOLDSTEIN, Washington's Only Tnflo. JUST RECEIVED Another Car Klko Brand Pure Ayj>!e Vinegar. Ask * your groC2rymin for it. 7 H. M. JENKINS CO., W holesale" Grtfcers. -A J- j ? OPPORTUNITIES Estimate *lx words to the Hoe, and Inclose payment with copy. Answers } to ads.. may be received at this office. { To insure prompt attention all adver- i tisemtfnts should be in business offlcc by 12.45 m. Ads. by messenger, tele- , phone or^trjali civen eareldt attention, j 1IAV K VOL A CillLl) v ??(> _ 1<J I years old? }2.50 V' ' * ^st-l ed iu BuU^inr an.! } "a .'i"c.cK I ; vri? j? *? - t ' I 1 A COllOfC . ?. ? ITNv. ? and C ? 'to:1 . 1 syrTP ; . 4 :~T. .? ? .. It T3V* ; ????: ' C&ux.r ' *1' * ; - ::? ' w | help to ? ...let4. Yon c ? ".'ayloe's. I'honc 125 : r- ? ? ] APPMUCoiLU::.; PIRATE : malaga grape- "cocoanuta. bana na?, at Tayloe's. Phones 123 an1 1 ? TTTr , i : ; u> sale ? one eimsox gimph?j ? rplumc vrkh ? 1~"^" ? i'"nro vemcal&J and In exceUor.t condition. Will | . w'lt at a bargain; very suitable forj Xnir.ii Rift-' H. 0. Sparrow. OX THE 2UT1I \VK WK.ii .V shipment ? of "Hityferls" randies. . Fresh for Xmiis. Brown's Drug Store. Hl)I.II?A V 1'AVr.i: AT ON.JIAI.F price toda^^jit Wash itxRton* Drug fninpirny.- j - r Kviatvl [{OltV MKINNKI) A illXJCK on faciei; anything, wou want. _ from !0e to 50c per lb., at Tay Phone3 123 and 121. GIVE I S VOI R tJ!!l)F;j FUll HI V. ter's randy today. Brown's Drug S*ore. *' frTu i: VoT 7m ;m <;ht aijYmj where, to buy ycuui Xmas rupplfefi? [ Just take r. urcp in .To? Tayloe'.; grocery ? and if you don't sco what vTfu wanr^usR- rdr~It. Everything t<> ploa&t* the Inner man. Phoney. V23 and 124. Tw<> delivery wa~-j orr and wheel delivery. nicest i.i*f "holTiay PTPKH ever shown In town, at and helow cost. Washington DruK Co. IT WMJ, i!i: HKADU.V SEEX THAT the largest variety atid beat values iu . Xmas handkerchief^ are at James K. Clark Co. TH11 J.\>IKS K. CLAItti CO. HAVE on sale a large assortment of Em pire art silver. It Is strictly high gfachp, eq mil':to~StrfliiT^ In _beauty and "wear, but half the prlrff; NEW CHINA RECEIVED BY Ex press today. Bell, the Jeweler, op posite Hotel Louise. Washington Drug Co. THK ROOM NOW OCCVI'IED A8 AN efSre by the ^Electric Light Plant will be for rent after January 1st. Apply to Dr. W. A. Blount. UA18IXS 1X.WHOLE, HALF. M loose. Xuta all kinds, and fine home-grown pecan nuts, at Tay loe's. Phones 123 and 124. KPBCIAl* VALI K8 IX BLANKETS, l_ prices 41 to $10v- Ideal Xmn gifts, at James E. Clarks. WE 1>EFY COMPETITION OX CAN dies ? 10c, 20c, 25c, 40c and u^c per lb. We ^flll have this entire line opened up the last of week. Tayloe's. phones 123 and 124. ?Mn. n. l. KisjiAvFiiKsinKyrcTF the Washington Horse Exchange ' Co.. leaves next Saturday, Decem I her 11, for the Wetft,' to purchase one car load each of horseB and mules. Save the middle man's profit by waiting until our stock arrives, about December 17th, Washington Horse Exchange. MINE MEAT. GOOD, I1KTTKR A.NU best,_-pjum puddings, fruit cakes, from 2 to 10, at Tayjoe's. . Phones 123 and 124. A RESOHTIOX FOR THE XBW Year: Resolved. Thst I will aave more money in 1910 than I did in 1*0*. flow? B retaking out' some Bnttdtag and Loan stock. *??Me weekly. Jesse Ho?h br Ckarles Flemmlng will tell >yol!i how-. . mm iit'H AWit'im he: celred b]T H. B. Hi;o * CO. THK GI/OVH DKI'ARTMKNT At Jam? E. Clark Co.'? hut Ik. gtnrw! giw *111 Fowle Memorial Hospital Surgical, and Medical Cases. Visiting Physicians and Surgeons W. A. Mount. M D. ?. T. Wkhrtmn, M. D. ? ~ ? Ira M. Hardy, M. D. P. A. Nicholson. II.' D. " \ ? W. P. Small, M. d. J. L. Nlchoion.li* J no. QJ. Blount, M. D. f Jno. C. Rodman. M. D? Private > Rooms, $15 to 25 per week. . Wards, large and airy, $10 per Professk ~ 8PECIALOT8 rf. W. C AFTER, M. D. - Practice Limited to BImmm of -the ? ? ; Bit gfy% MfThroat. Hour*: 9-12 A. M. Coc. Main tad 2-5 P. M. Gladden Sts., 'PHONE 86. Washington, N,-C. Dr. I. M. Hardy PHYSICIAN =>"<? SURGEON L Washington. N. C. S. E>r7h7 SNELL . ? \ " Dentist. , .Vice corner of Wain and1. ? i^esfriss Streets. Phone 100 - Washington, N. C. .vrroitxKvs ?H. S. \V7\RD JUNIUS D. GRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTQRN&YS-AT-LAW Washington, N. C. iudiciul District, anil the Fqiteral Courts; John H. Small, A. D. MacLcan. Han*^ McMuIlan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & TilcMULLAft ATTOkNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, -North Carotin. W. D. GRIMES ATTOR X i; Y- AT-LA W Washington* North Carolina. Practices in all the Coin .5. ? tt'la. 11. notlRian. Wiley c. lioilman. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorn eys-at-Lr.w WaTinTngvon. N. C. BONO, I-ldcnton, N. C. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS n'BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS-AT^W North - Practice in all Couits. W. L. Vauighan W- A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ^ ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW r Washington nnH Anrr.rn , Practice in all the courts. H. C. CARTER, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW" Washington, N C. Office Market Street. EDWARD L. STEWART - Attorney -at-Law.j uince over DaUyNew*, Washington, N. C. COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ottlce Savings ft Trust Co., Building Rooms 3 and t ' WASHINGTON, N.Q> - ? STEPHEN C. BRAGAW .. Attorney and Counselor at-Iaw Washington, N. C. NICHOLSON & DANIEL Attorneys at-Law V * (^Practice inJAll Courts )1 Nicholson HotelfBuUdlng Business Cards __ i ? 2-1 ? Ix; ! G. A. PHILLIES & BRO., And Plate [das*1 jnwsyRAjirF, - twjf ? ? *< FIRE INSURANCE see " J. and P. B. MYERS The J; H. Simmons Marble ? and Granite Co. MONUMENTS ' Price* and Work Right. rWAWTKfimfrf v rNHB WHITE - BARBER - SHOP

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