KOTICE OV SAU7.H North ' Ca?ol|n*. Beaufort Couity j Superior CptfV Bftore the Cl?rk | Claude Let and- -wife. .Sallie Lee Minton Rawla "anfl.wlfe, Norahl ?,-3 ? -He Rawla; M. Q. flftwla and wife. I Kra Rawla; J. J. RawlsandTwirei \ Jennie Rusfta'; Albert Rogerao and vwlfe, Lfczle Rogersoiu andj John. TTflwU ? _ . ? V yar ^ Dave Whicliard and Eatelle Whichard I "Iter guaidian ad litem Dave "Whichard; nnd L. K. Rawln, Allio Rawla tfnd W. Gllbort Rawls. minora, by their guardian at litem. R. H. Rawls. ? Under and bjP virtue of a dtfcYee of the Superior court ot Beaufort coun ty, made in tlitr trtove cause, fho un. derslgnod commissioner, appointee, in said cauEe, will offer for Kale at the courthouse door of Beaufort county, on Monday, January 3, 1910 *nt 12 m . for cash, at public auction. Mo the h(^he6t bidder, th?* following jdescribe<l tracts of lQhrl; situated In ^North Carolina, Beaufort . county. ? Washington township, 'adjoining lands of Asa Harris, Wm.. Gurganus, ^ the Mangum l.in?Js: \ Firat Tract. Comment ing at a pine In the co-Uity l'':e, vunfting somlr n straight ,line wltlf Wm. Gurganus Uno to a 4>lnc. thqti \ri>st with* Wn\jj Gurgauus" ^ine u straight .Jlne ta aj black gum. then a straight line South with Win. Gurganua' line w ? pine>lu Pine Log S^wauip, then v/eat down V run of P Ine Log jsWafop to the Man gum line, then "north a straight line with Mangum line to Ana Harris " straight line to beginning. Contain lng.^J2.7 acica. Saving m^l excepting from th%* said 1 27 acres above Be Scribed, the "Tfniowin^de^cflbod "10 acre*, embraced in and containing in . said tract, Lotwft: Beginning at a corner between Rawla and Gurganua In a. B: KffpytBon'B Itneto the lower! corner "of Rr?wls' field on said line! thence In a westerly direction with I the fence and on to the Ca-rraway lino, thence ip a, northeast direction to thej A. B. Harrieoir line, thence with thej paid A. B? Harrison lino to the btfc-l ginn'ng. Containing Art acres. In cluding outhouses, dwelling l;ou..tu ! ofllcea and buildings. Second Tract. Bmg^rning at a gurnl __ at the corner of Wra/Gurgajuis and, Taylor's line in Pine. Log -S* amp. and rnuB east a straight line to a maple, then North" a straight line to Wm. Gurganua* line, then west a straightj line to an oak in Pine Log Swamp, ~ then 8outh up Pine Log Swamp to be glnning. .Containing 10 acres, more or less. A. B. Harrison's ' Tine" 'to the lower ?orner of Rawl'a field on aald line. . (hence in a weaterly direction with ^e tepee and on' to the Carrawny ? llfle, thence In a northeast difrN t mi to the A. B. Harrison lire, thence "with the aald A. B. Harrison line to1 ? the beginning. Containing 40 acres, including outhouses, dwelling- hou*er offices and bulldlngB. Being a part ef and containing In the firat tract of $27 JKESl^gnd being that part of said dower interest, a life estkte on said 40 acres. This November SO. 1909. NORWOOD L. SlMtfONfl. Commissioner , KHKIUFF'H CALL FOR TAXM. The States taxes must be settled In full by 1st Monday In January. The uchool vouchers will l>e coming In daily; the people want their children t"Q"Vr"-p iTi"?f ho paid. The current expenses of the county must also be paid. Now It takes money to pay these bills>and It has to bo raised by taxation. Your taxes have been due since September 1st, and I will thank all, who' have not paid, to come forward and settle at once. Your taxes are due and there Is no J>etter time to pfcy than when you have money. Very >? peaUully, }? UO. & RICK8, .. j Sheriff, Beaufort Cp. December (, J|W ' . I will sell prrataly to parties up uatil the 2ftfc dqr-pt lumber. 1*93, bmI on that 44y I will oter for sale Jpm remaly, consisting of corn, fod der, hay. eat*. ani all farm In* impll a. and aWe s*iahjpoHk)n of household and kite Ms f udnlture. ft. D. WALL. Deedtobe* 4, ltfS. Protect yourself and property with Good In surance. Bragaw sells it. gJWM.|BRAGAW & CO., >f=W Make the Home a Gifts Present of^a Hew "Buck's" Range . ?? Ypn like good, practical den "v vou? Of cpurgA you do, and so do your friends and relatives. Co'tld you povj'.ljf^^^cs.. for the wife a J'.lfl Ut.ll \WM!hl bo mure p.1:*'.'! . b" .t rrrp mrrfvl ? ?????wind1 " of the girej's goodners ' tSian ' Uin "very lie ?? ?t range in America? Indeed r.' -' Then frtiy not "snr.fcet tho trtfe.? -the >^mp, ttete -gift.-a five new Buclc's r aftge? - --*? ? ?i.J _ Hov will It pleare her, Its ?ajpof operation, it spurfect, baling and Jc<M?tug o.uDHtieBv-a-hd its beiuty and l(? economy o? operation will pi\jT?'a nonVc* of pleasure both to you and her. Inhere" Uffisi si ore by rang? m.\d j 10 rc:npara* .with .".BucUV, we know It ?'bee.ir.je Tor dver fin years tliey V.rtve proven such, the best for. every-rjpurposp. ? n^. . ...rw-,. \ - . ? ? - *j.' I _ ? Than whv r.ot n?t1?P tho homo ? nrcsent of . an elegant "Ulli'kV?" . SOUTHERN FURNITURE CO. W3UNC HES of BANANAS ' T now ripening- and will be sold for 50c. to$1.00- For-saleat . TA YLOE'S GROCERY Are Vou Carrying Enough insurance? T\lr. Merchant and Mr. Property uwner? Vou had better attendto this at once. Fires are numerous during the holidays. - - - Protection is cheap. G. D. PARKER, . , f / ... General Insurance ? Four Years' Experience* Havens-Small Building. ? 'Phone 85; L Tot Everybody We have Christmas gifts luitable for everyone from " Baby " to " Grandfather." Our holiday lines are the., largest and most complete.' Our patterns are exclusive and up-to-date. I TALK Miss "Katie Moore left this morn-j ing on the N. & S. train for East | J Orange and New Yofk..clty, where isiio will visit frlonda and relatives; ? for a fortnight. y* I ? V . | Mlta^Eeba D uniay rfcTimred last j night .from Turboro 'where 8 he lifyd. been visiting for a few days. J ~ ? ? Miss Elizabeth l.eary, .of Edcnton,! nnd Fanny" McMullen. ' of Elizabeth! |Cfty. spent the u.ght in the city, the1 guests of Miss Mary Pdv.lo. c.t ro;;:" 10 their hornet-: from St. Mary's' j school,' Rtrtelgh. Miss Linda Moore arrived Inst j ; night from Pitt county, where sin* j 'has been teaching school and wllli spend tho holidays with her parent*,.' Mr. and Mrs. J,. M.~ Moore. ? " i ' Misses Neva and Lela I' lft were-, o'j Wilson, arrived this ?f.r? i'ng to" visit ] Mies LAplse Buckram. ; Bit Mr. Norman Cordon arrived toda> J o "spend Borne -iimc with his family j ^hone. ? _ ? Ml 88 Alice 'Blow came over from] Pinetown ? yesterday afternoon tol spend Suhday in ilie rity. Miss Lorena Woolard, of Yates [Cutler foi' a few days. ? r | Mrs. David- T. Tayloe and Miss! -!ta Tayloe returned dast?nTTrht t'ronr ;a trip to Norfolk., ! Mtes Esielle Davis left yesterday I jnftrrnnnn fnr hpr Imtiw in Slu-lhv to I spend the holidays. I ? ? j | '.Irs. J. 11. Shavpmn'r. of i'Hiitejjo, . j-was a visitor in the city yesterday,! [accompanied by Mrs. Eureka SvJii-| I dell. L. Master David Duncan and little | Miss Emily Duncan left yesterday i morning for Raleigh to visit their j grandparents for a fortnight. Kev. ' J. W. F.ulford. of Jessina. j was in the city yesterday and left for) Farmvllle last evening. ^TTss "Ruth Pilson TSft on ihe A." C. L. train this morning to spend the holidays at her home In North Wllkesboro. - ? ? * * ? " Miss 'Claudia .McCullers left for McCullers, C., Mies lUftelyn Jones for Durham, Miss Flora Cooper for Greonsboro. and Miss Morrison for' Btfttor.vtlU tit** morn i ny. ?i> l !.<? holidays at home. ? ? M!ss Mary" Wright 'left t his afier "jGrerii v liter ? ? There will be four rich comedies dramas, one of them being hand f colored. Six. picture* |n all to a4bu*e and interesV-?ou. There will be a double drawing tonight, With two fine prizes, a cut glass bon bon dish WK SERVE NOTICE TO ALL ? who WMpt nice photocrnplik ? of themselves 15* pirinimM ? rmntrn they i.m.'i i.nai I... ?| Ii?i?Hihor l.">ih. . ?H?r hes grown wonderfully, and ? ns we ennnut any vxrr.x ? help Just fcr n few iluys we ? are railing your attention to ? the above. ? RAKER'S STllUO. ? ! All Bay Horses are not of the um? value t jior are all remediA railed Croup 4fc Pneumonia Cures ?f . the lame ratae. We know "Vick*s ('roup ? PnesunnaU ' Salve doe* the work more quickly and surer than any < _ U?? market and hi the original! # **<! I?ncest. Take no chaiM ~ original, Vfck's. . > ??' r. .? iud a half dozen Japanese chiaa cupt ihd saucers, the drawing to lake ?Iac? at 8:30 promptly. The orches tra will play iu addition .to the lllus ; rated sons, and the evening will be sue which you canot affprd ti* misB under any conditions. Mrs. .Margaret Hovt won the <.<ii?rmd sain-cr.< last , five dollars In "vgold !s to given i i way .tonight at the t3aiet the ync.j lolding the lucky coupon. The draw- j n^ i:\ke3 place at s : 3U. ' IJvery mVh? i -_'2\l w pek some "on e will veceiyi? a, ive turkey. Tonight In addlti^n-tiri .lie valuable prhw the foiloVn*? pro-, ?rain Vr 11 1 bo given: Mandc Mu!l?r Trent tne c.ele*ir.if??2 poem ? . .*? fTco ;ia wodding'ta ? film everyone will 'ii joy. ilrUon r.nd Peer Is n -venr :to-y everyoiu' should j vltiieft-. This picture was hilled for! agt night'. n?:t the people of Greet)-' lillc .vrere vo rnrried away with iti hat at request, it v.as repealed "in j luit town last nigiit. .See tit's extel-j ie^t picture t?t the Gaiety u night, j The ?.n. .i -- !l tvrtjlnly ultase any a*s.u-ail. TO Vl'llK A 5liu? IX ()\:% DAY rake 1.AJJATIYJS UROMO (Juini'io I ra'uletf. Drif *a rcTi:f.<! n?o:.ry. {f it ;u;is-to ? u ^ cn^v.rr. tlgr-a. AGE NO BAR Jj Everybody iii \Viu>|)lns^n is Kiitiiblc. i Old people stooped with suffering. , Middle age, courageously flghtjng.j Youth protecting impatiently; Children, unable to explain; ^ All in misery from tbc'.r kldngys Only a little backache flivt. I f'nr^K ?^hen '.'on catch a coi-l. i Or ulicn yon ft rain the hack. Many complican.ons follow. Urinary iM.*o;*trcr?. diabetes, ferJgJtl'i I'sease- . ? ' \ i)r?ai;'H Km]:.- .? Pill; tH.'o Cure o\e?-v form of kidney il's. _ :.lrr-. I? 51. V.:i.!oy. *14 E: i-Mftl; street, \Vsiv'aInr;!:?!i. N. say?: "Our jHflo' dhfrghier suffered frcni. weal., :li!n*>y.-s frr-a li.rr* time.. After e-xor ?5s!np. rhe htuLgn; Siilie e-inlrol over he |.,:sHas?rTifVi.e U5?i;%.ey rocietions ind thli tlxi^lc/c'.urcd r.*.e a great i?*al flf "ennorr.nce. We gj\e her in a IV" remedies, but nothing seemed 'o go to the se-it of the cnmpla'ut. Afc last, reading about, Doan's Kidney Pills and being so much impressed r.-jtfi what was said about them. 1 procured a box Inr her at. the Wash ington I ft' They ifid lit1! ? tr world of good, strengthening her kid neys, relieving the bacHacheS"~and tonkag up her entire system." For sale by all dealers. rr.ee r. t> .-ents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name ? Doan's ? and take no other One bo\ clears free. See TTaffly's iJrug Store ad. * If true friendship plays any par when VOM have nurr.hnsert? you_ Chrlstmas presents and or* your way home passing Baker's Studio you will find you have made a mistake If your tograph of yourself than anything elRe you could imagine then I would lhink he is not worthy to be called your friend. Baiter's Studio. WKL.L ! WnNhlngtoniunw huivly knotv good tilings when they see them, from the way our 11IY1K FtttlT CAWl', Jim, been going. Within a few days we are going to bake' POl ,NI> CAKK of the genuine kind. They are goina to be sold at price* in reach of all. Do not inisM our Mince Pies. The> will give you a pleasant surprise,-? * Phone. 180. 11TTIK BAKKBY. W. J. Rhodes, Proprietor. NEW ' ; I Canned Tomatoes 3 CANS FOR "25c Phone W. ? V" E. L. ARCHBELL Vvfr?| ?->,?< .V<: .?fv. Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. Leary Bros.' Old Stand. JUST ARRIVED n A New Line of V I r?Alnr' nnA /*J?? I A f n e C <c, n in red, white and gray . ? \ . ? Wc arc Sole Agents in Wasfckigtpn lor Pajis.Patterns. ? .Spencer Bros. ? cot LSI VOl- TIIIMi OF A * llgTTKIt CHRISTMAS PRESENT - ; | + ! *"'*? your family than *? ! ii.ui: vori{ j- norsE \vnn:i).' i Think how it worild help, them 1 n"? uo matches, no lamps, no bother. Call us up. KstlmatCf Kindly given. ijrFHE GAiETY I Prosran Changed Daily TONIGHT: t , v |i? M ' T.'io Vi I.T r'.l* ? "Ft'imi f!*' J ! ? ? i clchrutrd jtoein. j;o a 'oKom-.i.\ \yi:ih>i\<: ? a ;1r> picture pvnrjtti'.i' will enjoy, j s; HlilTON ANI> ItflKR ? ?Tlih' i* | J win- s lory thi^nh|Nli"/Ji! Iiav * ?> i?Uu\vii yrslfhluy. l/uV t he pro j ie i?f (iiwm ilh* asketl that it 'f Ji it slioHii Mlii'ic aii'M ln*r thy ^ they liked it in. ? Kpiik'HiIht thai at K.i{U this I J evening wc sfvi* the sr>.no in o <i?hl to tin- h"li|?T ill' 'In* r??fl ?? aw ii WASHINGTON j| ^ ij electric plant. : j Follow the ? ? _ '! Merry Crowd . rrrm {? . P?n drawn. ,v turkey every ' t?. nticht- next irn>k. Home Building & Loan Association WASHINGTON, N. C. Capital Stock Paid in'Since 1902, Over $50,000 OFFICERS: Frank'C. Kugler, President; W. E. Swin dell, 1st Vice-President; Jno. B. Sparrow, Secretary; Frank H. Bryan, 2nd Vice President; Stephen C. Bra gaw, Attorney. Do you ever expect to own your own home? start. Now it> thr A good way to prepare to send a boy or girl to collegc. No institution In Washington i doing mo much for its stockhold -ers as this association. Numbers of our subscriber* do not build and <lq not intend to: they carry utork simply as an jnvysUueiit and it pays them more than 0 per cent, and taxes. It oobipeis them to save so much each month. aniMs absolutely safe, t'nder ordinary condi tions they can hypothecate the stock at a bank and always with the association to the extent of 90 per cent, of what has been paid in,? .. -Subscribers can withdraw on 30 days notice. ? Wc have many subset ibeis. ami i?un hmhcstmm aimuMt c r n'y "ti u s- ? '.ness and profession In town. _ * New series will be opened Jnnuniy 1st, 1010. See Jesse Robs or Charlie Fleming. ? HOME D11LD1NG i- LOAN ASSOCIATION. ? _ r r , Jt Tfjyou are looking lor ULA5ft anflXKUijMLK ? + * WARE, TOYS and other Holiday Goods, come ? to see us. yy. Phillips & Co. t C. a. MORRIS & CO., BROKERS f Arrivals'this week. 2 Cars Meal, 1 Car 20th Century Flour, 1 Car Flake White' 1-ard, 1 Car Kingans Reliable Meat, i.1 Car New York State ^Apples, Cabbage and Potatoes^ Let your orders come along. THE UNION GROCERY CO'S., CAFE ? AVCTPD C served in all styles by the Noted UlOlEilXaa Chef? RICARDBO*ENI?.i? MEALS AT ALL ORbF.RS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION? TRY US_ 'PHONE 327. ' =- ? *'? . Now YOur& ulsites e Jefferson Furniture ComDanv-th? w - Home and M mtocenU nnut'c umir fimolk droo Tib where voiTtl find nothina

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