Jump Right in Now __ Do your Xmas Shopping. Don't wait until the last moment. ? Another litre of Silver Comb anil Brush Sets. Prices range, $1.79 to $4.98, Worth up to $10.00, J . K. HOYT Washington's Greatest Store, i | Appreciative Gifts iXtnas Neckwear just re ceived in a variety of styles and colors. 8 Guaranteed Socks 6 pairs f to box in all colors^ , I Handkerchiefs, Collar & 4 Cuff Boxes and many other things too nu merous to mention. ' L?on't (in gel that an Ed ison Phonograph is a present for the entire family. RUSS BROS. .^rmrricTURE kramers The Gem Theater I ? ? JIM GETS a NKW JOB? Comedy: j A HOOLIGAN IDEA? Comedy. A CHILD'S LOVE ? Hand-Colored ! THE PEKJl'RER ? Drama. | A GOOD CIGAR ? Comedy. J TOUL.VS DREAM ? Comedy. I I The drawing for Itmi^hlN prize Itakeo place at 8.30. A Store of Gifts Our store has the Christmas appearance, gatty bedecked in many suitable gifts for the Men Folks-r? V'ff^can make a number of suggestions, v:s't here would be more convincing. ii ir'f, a. g'u't for the Men Folks we have i;. < - 1 w ! iff' iTscf tif, stjch as Handkcr # ksrehiefs. silk., plain or initial; Hose, fancy and solid colo r* ; Tics in all the leading styles; Ttv^' ? 'n all ip. t!;i' be .t makei. .LLit'sa gift. far the Women Folks wc are ihvts yottr headquarters. " ? _ THE HUB 4 SPECIAL HOLIDAY RATES AMERICAN.: KORTHAND & BUSINESS COLLEGE, Durham-, >UC. uurnam, ."VU-C. -.''.i??-* in the CarolSnas pre -lde-1 over by !nc-oi -.ynHtor -? fR^lent snara:;^ of lie ni'/cri Thk Z*lxa< i tAnplcip < roins<> Of 92CMMI j - V kifiji' I'D II IX'. m handed or 'nuUI*-:l !o will be a?* <?-ptofl for K.\rK VAU'H in pari payment for Tl'lTlON on any nnlwr.ltod scholarship purchased of i:h on or before January l."?, 1910. Only one coo pott- tK*?'?*pted from. ? ? ? ? ? each person. " COURSES OF STl'DY:. .Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting. Tele graphy. penmanship, Knglfiffi "Brain hes. Etc. ~ Kvpert Faculty ? Railroad Fare Paid ? Powltiong Guaranteed. Name Address l>*te f-expect to enter We carry a complete line of r? as well as everything else to be found in an up Repairing a specialty. R. L.STEWART, JEWELER . ?Vatch Inspector for the N. 6c S. Railway. SAVINGS AND TRUST BUILDING REAL ESTATE WAN TED 1 1 I r ? ? - r Ttl'.ivt' moved to Washington, N. C.r4fom- Vati ? J. ^ert, Ohio, where t was engaged in the ReafEs- j ^ '' ? ? i ^ ^ ? ..?? . H ? r>nA wtinf - | engage in the same in Washington, N. u. 1 want farms and other lands for sale. If you ant to ^sell your farm or lands see me or 'phone n?r. ==5=n Mina Dare's KjgJ Christmas By MARQARET LYLE Of course your Christmas day la aa id the caller? "you are coirs away ,or entortalu ing at home?" "1 haven't kept Christmas for sev eral year*;" re plied Mr*. Dare ? ? not since my hus band dlc<f!" The visitor, who only Un'eW tPTT hostess slightly, murmured: **lu deed'." syinpathct ically.and glanced round the beauti fully _ furnished .room. Sirs. Dare im?ii iiiii m was bare'>" 30,, [5fj \ handsome, 1 wealthy; and yet, | ? 111 a season wii*n ? the poorest ' get I some joy Into' their lives, nhe j was lonely and desolate. "" Mlna Dare col ored ftllghtly, aud, n?-?mlnf to think some explanation was necessary, added: "Wb had only been married a year, and on Christmas day he ? he was killed to an accident." Even after the lapse of aeven years she could scarcely speak with calmness of that dreadful catastrophe which had robbed her llfa of all Mght and Mat. "Since then," she west on, after a moment's pause, "I hare never kept Christmas at all; I couldn't." Mt?T Ancruin. the eaHefi sympa thized. albeit she thought her hostess morbid and aelf-lndulaent. "But atlll? *ha religion* part ef Christmas day?"., she ventured. Mrs. Dare shook her head. "We had been to church In the morning," she said, brokenly. "No ? Christmas day has nothing but pslnful memories for me." ? Miss Alteram spoke a few kindly words, then passed on to oiher things ?lust before taking her leave she ven tured. half timidly: "I wonder If I could ask you to help mo on Christ mas d.v? We are glvteg a dinner and entertainment, to u number of the j very poorest lu the East^'ead. r.nd i: ' tr so di&cu't to get adequate assist ance." 4 . "I!" gasped Mina Dare. VI ? !" , "Ves. it is jt'.bi such as -yen t!:r.t v,-e , nerd. Perhaps you will think i' I and l?t me k.row i.y r*m>rn:a:; '.vrj ?v. .JnujiU, I Jihou'o "tgr-4c4Tiy n'.'ato- ; rul" fe:to said goodjjy and wvnt her - hn- h<vt , >o ition in' ?y*-to ihroF* yir.a Dare nil ^o re fuse i he request, the.sgh at flrtt aim felt inclined ;o C?i .-r>. sh-' would I'fa.I ie <?. ir.r nc'hlug on 1'hrhtDifl* cay, i?i:d hi%l;-;::r. io V,i\ rMfjr. Tor onu day In the >??&!??, Mves generally gray ! e'.rJid. w .->-./ ?! r.ot !>?? korplr? rhrl*1 rc.as." *o :-?r as she v.,*?* e<Sn eerned. - Sri!J, It wa% more hecauso j he wps really ashamed to -frt'iise h?r: frler.d'a roi'.iepi than ftr any b'-tt"f reahon. that .Mrs. Dar? a' lecath wrotol and voluntf errd her tcrvfrnT for' A lor.jj. wide rcoiu, naturally b.ire eno-.ah. but made briftht itrhh bunting anil a profusion of holly, mistlotoe, anil other evergreens; two Ions tables spread bountifully with Christmas! fare; and all down the tables ro?$ of | | pair. thin. but htppy. and for once, j .at leagt.-elean fares ? these .were what ? Mlna Tjare^aw when the entered with "Nljss Ancrar.i the h: 11 where some 309 1M.?r ! i 1 1 1 .. aaaa v.. u.Hrg ropnv.i All were mear.ly dressed;, sone wfrrel To~aciuul iag?. ? many .wore "barefoot 1 ed; none boasted even decent shoes.] MIna's heart went out to the little guests, and she thought with a pang'! 0/ the seven selfish years of brooding and useless solitude. ? Soon she ..was waiting on the chil dren." laTktng'to them, even laughing with thenf. In helping others her own grief seemed to be soothed ; and she proved herself an admirable assistant.. After the dinner there was an enter tainment ? magic lantern, singing and playing. Mrs. Dare both played and sang well, and became a huge favor ite, singing pretty nursery ballads, to the delight of the youAgsteri. andlfr companylng other singers. But when at last the children filed out, cheering end singing, and Miss Antrum began, to thank her helpers. Mlna Dare he'd up her band. "Don't tj^nk me," ahe said. "You oughrto\rebuke me that I have never before thought of help ing to make others happy, whateve# I might feel myself. I have born hjppy to-day; all my heart was in Hk work. I have been selfish ? very) Christmas which I hope may serve roe, not at Christies* time only, but throughout the year." Mlaa Ancrum clasped the speaker's hand warmly in her own. "We ha-e Christ's own promise." ahe aald, aoft "th*t whoso ministers to his little JJ* " i eap his Mlna s eyes tilled with tears of hap plness and her pretty face flushed as she turned to go to her home. All the way through the snowy streets she murmured Joyfully to herself: "in asmuch as ye do It unto one of the least of these ? " 'i-hkm? free; ; " Ten dollar box candy jflven away. *UJ^hpJ<M uckjr number? With given. The one holding the lucky number will receive the i|10 box of candy on dlapUy In the cam In front of our store. See it and try for it. , *???? urine |fU I Mr heMesscoi* *l*e luuimu % Ue oi Hudnut's j NQfttK. VortA .Carolina. Beaufort County; In llwrSuperlor Court. F. T. Phillips vs. W. A- Bridges. By virtue of an execution directed o the undersigned from the Superior -Qiirt of Beaufort county, In the Lbove entitled action I will on Mon lay the 3d day of January. 1910. at, .he courthouse do<rf*^^ald county at ! 12 o'clock m. aelLtotfcc highest | bidder for "cash to Kan*C?.said exee?-j Jon all the rTghtr title and interest ; which the said W. A. Bridge* had on i rhe 14tl? -day of January. L9QSu_in_j the following described real estate, ? lOiirit : - A certain tract or parrel of land in i t county. Htnt.- of North. C'ar-| Dlir.a. and Washington township. "lit being a part of what is known as thc j Sparrow land, and sltyated at ihe] illey/fe they are staked out through ! said tract of land. Beginning at the j northwest corner of Moor's alley J where It intersect* Sparrow street,, 239 feet from the center of Gladden ureet. one of the streets of the town of Washington, running thence soyth with Moor's alloy 120 feet, thence west parallel with Sparrow street 30 feet, thence north parellcl with Moor's alley to. Sparrow street 120 feet, thence east with Sparrow street to Moor's alley 30 feet. U being the beginning. It being a, lot teentlng Sparrow street^ 30 feet.' Moor's alley 120 feet, and is the same lot of land conveyed in a deed from P. W. Fort and wife to W. A. Bridges, dat ed Novejnber 28, 190$. and duly re corded in the Register's office of Beaufort county and S? referred te and made a part of this conveyancc." This the 2d day of December, 1909. OEO. K RICKS. Sheriff of Beau Tort County. CTTT MARKKT. Eggs . . .... rrr: . . ? . . . 25c Chickens, grown 26 to 30f Spring chickens 10 to 25c Green salted hides 9c G. S. hldes^ 8c Green hides. -7c Mixed wool . . ? 18 to 20c Tallow 3 l-?o Wool, free from burrs 20c She'erllnga 5 to 10c Lambskin 25 to 40j. l.ir.t cotton Al 1-2 Sf?e?i cotton u.iJrt Cicltt* CAPi ntM: Cttrr* Sick llcad - ?tiuC *v; Also N*ervon3 lit- lack?. Travelers' . Headache r.nd a*'"s from Grip. Try Capuu!::i ? it'?". liquid ? effects Izimd'lluiuly. Sold l??-*drug ftlsta. If you v.aai a reliable remedy for croup cud pneumonia the mother's -i^-nevor an.| Goo&c Greasofnr rheumatism a:, J all ache* and pains. Praised by thousands, and if you try" It you will .do the same. Manufac tured In fUe Goose Crease Liniment Company. Fcr sale by liardj's Drurr HELLO, Where Are You Going? I ... .. 1 1 o Mrs. Kiev's to have mv Coal Suit ; cleaned and pressed for X mas; also my gloves, shr inal^iM my old suit k look like new. MRS. LK^A RICE Postal T^lygraph Otficc. ? roil HK.\I>_\< HK. ? nick's Capudlm. I Whether from Colda. H^at. Stom ach or Nervous Troubles. Capudine will relieve you. It's liquid ? pleas ant to take ? act* Immediately. Try It. 10c.. 25c. and 60^-. at druc stores. "?ay after day he walked the street. Looking for .A present for "Wifey" .sweet ; "I Snow that'll please her most." ^ said he. "It's Molllsfem ? ftocky ? Mountain Tea." Hardy's Drug "Store. A woman worries until she gets wrinkles, then she worries because she .baa thetn. If sl*e lines Hollls ter's Hovky Mountain Tea she would have neiitor^ Improve your lpok" Drlfcht c>r.i, clear complexion follow its u ? 1! > R in lift ?Moie> .V TICK. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the First "National Bank, of WawMn "ton." will be held Tuesday. January 11. 1910, between the hours of fl o'clock a. m. aiti j o'clock p. m.. for the the purpose of electing directors for tho ensuing year. ? * A. M DUMAY, Jan 11 Cashier. I 1 SORE THROAT T". ?' 1 t-. i:,---, L XMAS FRUITS and CONFECTIONS . WHOLESALE and RETAIL Now's the time to purchase them. Don't wait until just before the holidays. Large supply of Currants, Raisins. Citron, Grapes, Oranges, Apples. Bananas and Nuts', all varieties, just received. All fresh and sound. PAMLICO GROCERY COMPANY In which to complete your Christmas Shopping. Better hurry now than to be in flic ou?h and rush later, We are waiting for you. ? . : CHRISTMAS^ GIFTS ? ? ? ? - Write today for our tan;e illus trated Catalog of WATCItkS JKWKLRY. SITjVKRWAIIK. ' CCT-CTAJW, *T. and welect your Chrtstniaa ^ift* in your own home. We sure you trouble and nu.n* b Wo mimI gooda on nfttHtinl, nod We send goods on approval; and prepny charge* on all g?H*i* bought by mail. Wrae fodar Paul-Gale Greenwood Co., Inc. Jewelers and Silversmiths, ^Gniubjr St. ami City Hall Ave. KOItFOMC* v \. LORRAINE HOTEL Granby and Tazewell Sts., NORFOLK; VA. European Plan, $1 per day - up." L. BERRY DODSON. Mgr. HOLLISTER'o Rocky asuntain Tea Nuggets A Bu?i MctMclna for Busi Pao?la. Brings QolSsn Health a ad fccasae* Viflor. A itppclMc for Con slimit tern, IikII ;r?*Miou. Liver lluuobTEa Dm o Comiuvt, JCotliioji, Wi i. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW P?0PL5 Dr. Hardy's Dm- Store. 50 Per Cent. WscoMTl 50c. Box Paper - - - - 35c. 25c. " " - ? - - 15c. 35c. Paper 18c. Our entire line of Xmas Paper Must Go! - Ton a vi One Big Show at Tour Door Twice Daily ! 0TOr! LOOK!' LISTEN! Free to I on ami at Yetu? Doorl ? A CHRIHTMA? I'REftRNT. To everyone who will spend $1.00 with mc, Snnta Claus will J>e on the wagon to give everypnA a present. Be snre and get yours. This ioffor begins Decern t>er tvin. days - only. Remember, everybody gets full welgfct and honest measure. If yon don't see what yon* want on mtirt day In ths week, eterytning good to eat Garfield Clemmonv The Interested Reatau rant 1 HYACINTH* AND ALL KINDS OF L PALL AND WINTER* BULBS WeJ??e a fine uaortiMat.' Plant ' eirfe for tlxs be*t rtrolts. Scad for I new |?ric? lto. J ^ CHOICE CIT FLOWBR8 | W?Mia( noqncts. Floral netlfni, '??d Flovrra for all occmIobs. Mail, | telegraph and telephone order* will | he proaptljr Ailed toy _ J. L. O'QUINN & CO., FliORlSW, RALEIOH. X. C. 'PhoarM 140. BOOKS for Holiday Trade Gift Books, Novels, etc, WM. B. HARDING Clue !mtt!e HkUriiC, ti.ilrt wafer frct^. Set* llanly i. urun .-iiore a:l. "We Have" li" Anything good to eat you want for Christmas Dinner. 'Phone 80. Walter Credle & i Co. r. ENNETT'S PREPARED Agricultural Lime AGRICULTURAL LIME CO. New Bern. C. GIVE XMAS .That Are Gifts Practical ?such as Shoes, Boots, Bed Room Slippers and Sox. Knight Shoe Co. The Only Er elusive Shoe Store in the City. L WATER' f Aim* xt tuiTir an Welsbach Junior. Patronize Your StateV industries Buy Red Raven Hoje for Men, Women and Chil dren . ? 25 Cents a pair ? Every ? pair guaranteed Red Raven Hose is Hyp prouuct of North Carolina, ana the peer of anyTToseSn America at tht price 25"c. ... L F- Buck man &Son. TOYS! We arc in the Toy business - thprpfnro Wf ran supply Your ?vants Just received a big line of Carriages and Wagons At a very low orice. NEW TOYS Arriving Daily. See them. H G. SPARROW, . ? ?. - TIfi .1. fc n 4 /^|au. F11B IlOmgi OI MQUt vailtg; ? ' mr\ meat New % '* ' mi)

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