LEGAL NOTICES ?' 111 ' ?" ' ' '?? ? North Carolina, Beaufort Coantjr. In ' "* t?. W. a- PrHto?. ' By virtue Of an execution directed te the undentigned from the Superior court of BdSufbrt county, In the shore entitled action I will on Mon day the 3d day of January, 1910, at the courthouse door of,eald county at n'rWIr try mH to th? klghfiflt bidder for cash to satisfy said execu Mtiri all the fight, title and intereet which the said W. A- Bridges had on the 14th day of January, 1908, in the following described real estate,' * to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land In Beaufort coupty. State of North Car olina, and Washington township. "It | being a part of what is known as tlie j Sparrow lan J* and situated at the I corner of Sparrow street aud Moor's alley, , as they are staked out through j said tract of land. Beginning at the j northwest corner of Moor's "alley ?where it Intersects Sparrow street*. 239 feet "from the center Gladden street, one' of the streets of the town ?f Washington, running thence south with Moor's alley 120 feet, thence west parallel with Sparrow street 30 feet, ^ thepce north parellel with feet, thence oast with Sparrow street to Moor's alley 30 feet, it being the beginning. It being a lot 'fronting Sparrow street 30 feet,- and Moor's alley 120 feot, and is tlu? name lot of ^ lund conveyed In a deed from P. W. ar' Port and wife to W. A. Bridges, dat ed November- ZC, 1906, ttnd-duly re corded . In the Register's office ot_ Beaufort co'uniy and is referred to and made a patt'.of this conveyance." This the 2d day of December, 1909. * GEO. E RICKS. Sheriff of Beaufort County. -= ( 't _ ? Ui.' : SQTfrK. ^ All ,lot? iii Cedar fUll (colored) cemetery will be for sale on and af ter, January 1. 19 1 0. ' All persons de siring lots will' communicate with the city clerk as to j>rlces^ The Board of Aldermen at its regular Dcccin her meeting also parked ?thi'ioloWinK oriHnnnce^-to-wit: That on and af ter January I, 1910, the present col ored cemetery ,.?o\y being UBod wltl be closed and ojl ; burials must be in Cedar Hill cemetery. W. II? IV I XI 11 KV City Clerk. HilEIllFF'H CALL FOB TAXES. The States taxes must be settled !n full by 1st Honday In January. ThT sshool vouchers will be coming iu dally; the people want their children educated and tha teachers must' be paid. The current expenses of. the ?oonty must also be paid. Now It takes money to pay these bills and It baa to be raised by taxation^ Your taxes have been due since September 1st. and I will thank ail, who haw mot paid, to come -forward and settle art oneer ? Your taxos are.- due and there Is no better time to pay than ? Vftj i Biyec'uuiiy, _ J ? 7 OEO. W. TlWK&r Sherlff. Boaufort Co. December 6, 1 909 "~ NOTICE. 1 will sell privately to parties up until the 29th day of December. 1909. and on that day I will offer for sale the remains, consisting of com, fod der. hay, oat*, and all farming impll Uiu..L'. and aluu_a smallu^rfinn nt household and'kttchin fudniture. f< R. D. WALL. December 4, lfUD. - ? "We Have W Anything good to eat you want for Christmas Dinner. ? 'fanne 8ft i_ Walter Credle & z Co. - Buy. Your MORSES and MULES from GEO%(JH. HILL Mi FOR OUR FRIENDS? . We hope they're numerous; AND FOR OUR FOES- . We hope thgy are' few; We wish "A Merry Christmas" and? A Happy New "WMTBRAGAW & CO., = s. First lasurancc Agents in Washington. N. C. Make the Home a G if t~a Present* of a New "Buck's" Flange. You like good, practical gifts, don't you? Of course you do. and bo do your friends and relatives. Could you possibly select for the wife u gift that would be, more practical, be_a more constant reminder of the glfen'A goodneas Ihan^the re ry finest range In America? Indeed not.' [Then why not maftS-ftos wife. ? the home, this gj?t, a fine new Buck's" range? ? * . How will It please her, its ?aee 6f operation, it sperfect baking and cooking quwlitl? , and its beauty and Its -economy at- .operation .will tnove a source of pleasure both to you- and her. r* ? [ r '? There is no stove or range maile to compare with "Buck's", wo i know it because for over "CO years they have proven sucb, the best for every purpose. # * Then why not make the homo's present of an elecant "Buck's?"' ? SOUTHERN FURNITURE CO. Are You Carrying Enough Insurance?! Mr. Merchant and Mr. Property Owner? You bad belter attend to this at once. ? " Files an; numerous during the holidays. ? = Protection is cheap, C. D. PARKER, ? General Insurance ? Four Years' Experience. Havens-Small Building. - 'Phone 85. JUST RECEIVED Another Car Elko Brand Pure Apple Vinegar. Ask your grocery man for it. ? 'H. M. JENKINS CO., Wholesale Grocer& iHXNKSGJVING IS PAST, BUT Christmas Will Soon Be Here For a holiday Suit, you want a FIT. Get one from a Real Tailor. My clothes wear longeTTIit hem r strict looR better tftaftCJS ? tom-made garments. fl B. GOLDSTEIN, Washington's Only Tailo -SPECIAL HOLIDAY RATES _ AMRR1CAN SHORTHAND & BUSINESS COLLEGE, Durham, N. C. The ONLY Bnalne** Collie in the Carolina# preaided orer by Incor porated Accountant and Auditor? a aufflclent guarantee of ita-aoperl -w. T * ? __Th,a coupon when signed and ?OOri FOR ? handed or tnallvd to ua will be ac gsft.oo ? cepted for it* VacIB VALUE In on a complete oombiaed eoarae ? part payment tat TUITION on any ?r ? unlimited scholarship purchased of IOO.M ? ua on- or before January 1G. 1910. on any complete iringlc eoarae. ? Only one coupon accepted from + + ? + each peraon. CDPR8198 OF OTUDY: Bookkeeping, .Shorthand, Typewriting. Tele Ljigirtij. rwimauslilp, gugllql* BraiiuBM, Ktc: K rpert Faculty ? Railroad Fare Paid ? Position* Gaar*nte*d. Name Addreaa Date 1 expect to enter ; TOWN ~^r~TAtK Miss Ruby Stllley, of Edward. whoj has been teaching school at Jessema, I passed through the <jfty toda^ on her] way home to spend the holidays.,, Ml 68 Love Edwards, of Bdwanl, was In the city todaf. 9 ? Mcspi s. W. T. Doughty, o f Aurora, and E. B. White, of Edward, were Washington visitors today. " " * Mr. Bart Waters, of Route No? i, was In town today. Mr. R. G._D. /Hill, of Chocowinlty, was a Washington visitor today. j Miss Louise Moore has arrived from school at W J ns t o n -SaTera , a nd (s spending- the holidays with --her- per lents, Mr. and Mrs. E. _B. Mooj Mrs. I* B. Suskins. of Baltimore, is visiting in the city. Mr. John Wilkinson, of Bclhaven. was here thin mornin,,. - *<- > Miss Mary B. Hoyt will leave to morrow for Beaufort, where she will 'Hi win! (flir 1st uia j with hor parents. Captain and Mr A John. K. Hoyt. lion. John H- Small returned from Washington, u. c., last night ref) spend the holidays at home with his family, * "Miss Bess Boyd arrived last iilght from Washington and wj.ll spend Christmas with fr'.cnds iit-ths.cityt* from the Jpnlvrrslty of AVest V'rglnls. |. and 'will speud the holidays .with hisj parents ou East Main street. ^ Misses May helle and Katherinc Small left this morning for Attnapa- ' lis to attend the Christmas festivirie*, j returning on Tuesday. Mist EMH'l i !? -< Ji'i'iMH.iiiH iuori)ing fbom the state Normal, at Greensboro, to ?pend a fortnight with her parents. Mr." Allen Moore wifl arrive to morrow from Norfolk where he has been attendiug school and will spend the holiday eeason with his mother, Mr*. J. B. Moore. . Mr. N. Collin Hughes left thta mocAlux for Chapel Hill to spend ? ?????????????? ? WE SERVE NOTICE TO ALL ? j ? who want nice photograph* ? > ? of, themselves ftor Christnnui ? j ?- present* ihey mutt cgnne by ? December 1.1th. Our trade ?' ? ha* grntrn wonderfully, and ? > ? as we cannot get any eitru ? Christmas w?c b bis ptrcoli Mrs. S. P. Willis and little Miss] Edna left last night for Morehead Clljr to spend the holidays. or unlT^ Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. P^ior and ' faiutly,^Q?- Fayeilerllle arrived today | ttr viait Mrs~Prlor's mother. tfTrs. T. i H. II. Myers, East )!?in street, for the holidays. >fr. T\ D. Aldrldge, of Soufh Creek, j ?vap a v'Kitor ii^flic city toduy. Miss M. NVynkoop, who has been In! the millinery department of Jar. B, J Clark Co.. leftr- this % afternoonyto ! Fpcnd Christmas at her home in Phil-1 adelphia. ? * Mr. \V. A. Thompson returned yes- 1 terflay toTTIs home in Aurora after al week in the city .attending court. Mr. J. M. -Robinson has gone to his j home In Clinton to spend the boll-! days after a few days' visit in the gift. n ~ ~3Tr.~ ;iTwl TTrBTP. C. itos&'aiid f a intly j leave tomorrow for Plymouth where ! they will spend Christmas. Start the winter in a healthy con dition. be free from disease. Hollls ler.'H kocky Mountain Tea. the most reliable preventative. Nothing so sure to keep you well all whiter and save doctor's bills. Hardy's- Drug Store. If true friendship plays any par when you have purchased you Christmas presents and on your way hone passing Dakar's ntudlo you * \ll find you have made a mistake if your rrlend hadn't rather have a nice pho tograph of yodr?e!f than anything' ?Ire you could ima$Jne then I would thluk he is not worthy to bo called rour friend. Baker's Studio. .One Imx client-* fiec. Sec liarjljV; Hntg Fi! OJV Ulf. Tlioimancii; of sufferers from dys-1 f?eps?in and " storatch trouble have} beer. made "well -by taking a very 'mall dc*e of Holllsteri* . Reeky I Mouiiialii Tea afier each mcul mtil at' Oil Urn*. Try i;. HolHyter'.r Dri:g ' Store.- " Ten ?'a?l?nr box candy given awav. IVho will ivold lucky number? Wit.i j -?very cash purchase a coupon will bo j "iven. The oiie holding the lucky I .umlicr will receive the Sio box of | rnndy on display in the case iu front [ >f our store- See It and try for it. kVe will also give a second prize iJTi ady holds second prize coupon n bo: ie of. Hudnut's toilet water, if a gen leman, a boi_qf cigars. HARDY'S DRUG STORE. Under ITorfl Louise. lion't forjet t;> remenber that v.*. u:xo:??:s i* at t!i." head cf l.'ie lis; in n\c: ntnrs ami coxi-'rieTioxs IThc I-'lnrldn t)rantf? I^wl.t l iiscrtatal Jiaiilw In C.ui.:>? ly^r.ijirli in qur.'.lty am" i:\';u:slto ti'.tft;. 'I'hme ISO'. ? w. .1. huodks. In Bad Fix fix," "I had a mishap at the age of 41. which left me in bad writes Airs. Georgia Usher, of Conyers, Go. "I iimrfiinmni.Tini-i tnr Ihrpg ftnys^jmrl nftfr tlint I would have fainting spells, dizziness, nervousness, sick headache, heart palpitation and many strange feelings. "I suffered greatly with ailments due to the change of life and had 3 doctors, but they did no good, so lconcluded to try Cardui. Since taking Cardui, 1 am so much better and can do ail my housework." CARDUI I 41 The Woman's Tonic Do tk# allow yourself to get into a bad fix. You might get in so bad you would find it hard to get out Better take Cardui while there is time, while you are still in moderately good health, just to conserve your strength and keep, you in tip top condition. In this way your troubles, whatever they are, will grad ually grow smaller instead of larger? you will be on the up-grade instead of the down-'-and by and bye you will irilvc at Uie nuitli pole of perfect hrallh, a bottle at your drugtfists' today. htct* A?t?TVKr> , . ; PTNew Line of Ladies ? and Children's Sweaters in red'wTiifeandg rs y.~ . . "<"?/ We are Sole Agents in Washington for Paris Patteraa. . 1 ? ' ? ' Spencer Bros. Christmas Gifts \Vaterman'\ Itlcnl Fuuuialn !*<?? 92..V) lo 94I.UU A Pipe . CI.SU to ifuunut> "Toilet Water 73c. Rox of Cahl?iere Bouquet Soap . OJkT Box of Cigars si.oo WASHINGTON DRUr COMPANY 1'thegaiety ? ? ? Program Changed Daily TONIGHT: ? Nt'HHHf? A V<l?Kl?? A muwy 5 of Ihc I'lfnrli Revolution. } A* VISIT TO I'XCI/K ? A Rood J viincdy. ? A KtlXtlHl) SKTUOT ? (Ximrxly. 4 Jl'IKaK NOT, THAT YK JIB X NOT JUM?D ? Featured T llpnicmbrr that every J till *\veek we s'vc uniky a Tar ? -koy free. ISveryorc holding * Z ticket should be un linnil vharp ? ly at 8.:W> (('clock, the hoar ,'IWf ? drawing, j X Don't fuilTri >?? this ovfniii^s X program. .... | Follow the I Merry Crowd Home Building & Loan Association WASHINGTON, N. C. Capital Stock Paid in Since 1902, '.Over $30,000 ? OFFiO&RSr-Frnnlt C. Kuglor, President;. W. E. Swin dell, 1st Vice-President; Jno. B. Sparrow, Secretary; Frank H. Bryan, 2nd Vice President; Stephen C. Bra gaw, Attorney. Do you ever expect to own your own home? Now is the time to start. A good way to prepare to send a boy or girl to college. No Institution in Washington 1 doing so much for its RtockboM ers as this association. Numbers of our subscribers do not build aad ' do not Intend to; they carry slock simply as an investment and It pays them more than 6 per cent, and taxes. It compels them to su*? so mucb each month, and is absolutely safe. Under .ordinary condi tions they can hypothecate the stock at a bank qrnd always with th? association to tbe extent of 90 per cent, of what has been pdid Ul Subscribers can withdraw on 30 days- notice. We have many subscribers, and they represent almost every bnn inoss and profession in town. * * New neries will be opened January tut, loio. s jj, See Jesse Ross or Charlie Fleming. HOMK BUiLWNO 4k LOAX ASSOCIATION*. I f you a*e looking for GLASS and CROCKERY ! W A RE, TOYS and other Holiday Goods, come- * to sec us. t. w. Phillips & Co. > *?<>? C. 4. MORRIS & CQ^ BROKERS WHOLESALE FRUI TS AND PRODUCE Arrivals this -week. 2 Cars Meal, 1 Car 20th Century Flour, 1 Car Flake White Lard, 1 Car Kingans Reliable Meat, 1 Car New York State Apples Cabbage and Potatoes. Let your ordcra como along. TBE UNION fiimCERY CO'S. CAFE AVCTC D C served in all styles by the Noted UI31 EJVO Chef? RICARD BONNER. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION? TRY US 'PHONE 327. the JefftrUfi Furniture Company?the florae anda0ifice Outfitters. ... , "v: We are right in the thickest part of the battle, fighting for your wants and necessities. or 4.1 I ? "

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