MERRY CHRISTMAS i AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR We want to thank our friends and cus tomers most heartily for their support and ' patronage of the past year. It has been an other remarkable year in the history ofthis stoi ? avyear of rapid strides ? of sure and progress. We are thankful that our hard and earnest efforts have been appre ciated. K.HOYT Washington's Greatest Store. * o . Apprf-ciarive Gifts Xmas N oekwear just re ceived in a variety of styles unci colors. Guarnieeci Socks 6 pairs to box. ifi all colors'. Handkerchiefs, Collar &. Cuff Poxes and many other , things too nu merous to mention. - Don' t forget that an Kd ison Phonograph is a present for Uie entire family. RUSS BROS. I I!! I'K .rt RK I RAMKRS Ihe Gem Theater ? r A I'HIKNO IN Till: f.NKMY'S ? * AMI1 ? Indian drama. 1 ? \ Uli AY1\ IKIS1I LASS -A Rood , drama. THE MOONSTONE ? Drama. HI'MUtY HANKS* HAM.K'INA* I TION? Comedy I .The drawing for tonight's prize .1 ? *, Oi VJ :.Ue Christinas appearance, ivisny suitable gifts (or the O;. " st ire h" fcaity Knlccked Men's I'clk.i. Wo can make a number of suggestions, but a . isit here would be more convincing. If it's a gifr for the Men Folks we have., visit. Get something useful, such as Hand Umc-hirvf* ?ill< pi .in-jir initial; Hn?f, and solid colors; Ties in all the leading styles;, the latest Collars in all sizes; Suspenders in the best makes. ? If it's a gift for the Women Folks we are then your headquarters. THE HUB We carry a complete line | *>f . Standard Watches ?as well as everything else to be found in an up to-date Jewelry' Store. * Repairing a Specialty: - R. L.STEWART, | JEWELER . %V atch' Inspector lor the N. 8c S. Rjjjw^y. ^ INGS AND TRUST BUILDING ^PENNYROYAL PILLS SSSsJ ? 1 ? ? i i . -=f c and rranilh * ?%? ? n? _pt mcnstniation," They *re M LIFE 8AVEB8" to (fit. a a< i womauliooa, aiding denlopiz-.nt of ori >ns and body. Nc I 'cuo'.vr. Yeincly for vromcn cnnal* them. Chddui do harm? ule : bwomei a p?. isurr. PKU lio* BY MAIL. Soiw i br ?lri?c?rfM* >?T.' MOTTHrwPMTi AlOO, P-wI^mI. Ohf | - Stops All Kinds of Pain ftigiiL Nuw. MAKES GOOD !??-> ? ? I EVERY TIME! ^ ? * ? i j wits. liiinrBWU H<1 TOrT-mr iJnburs this morning after several wm In Mia. 3pfe ?Mckean. 1 Mr &htl All* A. J. r*\ ahtf la?lly will rpend Christmas In Plymouth j leaving the city tomorrow morning. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C: llragaw " left- last nig?i fctf!>url?aci_X3l2Ig the>^ ; will visit Dr. and. Jo ri'n ^TaniTTflj: for a fortnight. Mr. Hraga?w w^Jl 'spend some time in l.pxlugton before his return. ! M:ss Rlan-he l}or.nria. of Ron nor- j .ton. ,sp?nl y?v'erclr.> the guest of: ,Virs. Charhs l.i'Aretii on rouit?._ioj ht?twv from Now Ha::!. Mr. \V. H. Whi \-v. uf IVjnnvrton, I spei.l yo.?fevclay 'ji "ho city. " j Mrs. \V. T I!u0i:i'lt and child v-S turned to their t*e:n*? I1.* Royal nftevj. -p. two days' visit in the c!ty. Prof. \V. VJ. Smith wont .io A'-irom ? _vft?;erdny and will organize a band in i jf^haven l.ofore returning to the city. Mrs. I.- It. Mayo and children left yesterday to spend Christinas with ? lor pareais, Mr. xind Mrs. 1). II. ' .Mix on. of South Creek. I. Mrs. CS. T. llinson arrived from. | Parinville tivlay 10 visit her parents, i .' ? r. ar.d Mrs. 1., Kv?>rettc. Mr. Frank Short arrived this ! mornin.i front Kimirn. N". Y-. to visit ? his iv.m ly here for the holiday sea- j ' son. .( j -Miss Maude Stwar left this morn- j j lu^ to spend Xmas-nt lier homo in! j Little Miss Mary Louise Cobb, j d-yighter of Prof. Collier Cobb of the University at Chapel Hill, ac?*<?mpan ! led Mrs. G. K. (J. llenry yesterday [rami xnil *gpend Xmaa at Rev. x, i Harding's. Mi*8 Carrie Rrlght came over fnom " Str-panTs srhool at Bcawfort to rfcdt j her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rright, on fcJast Main street, I THE MOST SIMPLY APPLIED 5 nnil effective Remedy of modern /j discovery Is Vick's Croup and hwnwwhl ShK^, Knwu. >. y told ?iitflTei ini;. anxiety and | : !i? i;s;i!m|s of hmiir*. ?'i IPs it i lined If'i1 mortality f.?mi these dangerous ?l?*c;i*c* n'midcMiull/. h -nt'e ?!. ??hm1 be wit hum ii.s p: olcctivu* -'si', an I S!.o:i jn.<. ?t vi imr-si.-<i>. *r j- i ' ' . . - Nafure 's W* r ni r,g .\ot>o Hit U...uoy rc-roiio:..--. Sf? if t he tv.lor la ittiheahhy- - If t!!?,Pi> ?*"? tfevI?]UCn ' . Palace* !r?:fuctrt, ffMtty, jiainful It's tim* ::im lo use Douu'tf Kidney | Pills. y To ward uiT IlnKht'STItseasc or ?lia- 1 betes. poan'a have done p;reot work In j Washington. Mrs. E. 13. Cuthrell. formerly of J09 Brown street, Washington. -N: C.. say*: "For some time I* suffered from distressing pains through my kidneys. nn-pmii>u:lecLSy a dulj. nagging ache across my shoulders. r~was"ajso sud Ject to headaches and my kidneys were very tvonk. thp sprrpiiona bcinc very unnatural. At eight. I was rest less and in thf-morning felt tired and languid. When I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 procured a box at. the Washington Drug Co. and began their use. The'pains and acLe-i soon disap peared, my kidneys were strengthen ed and the secretions from these or Mmi b**rw;u. rognloy i? pntwf?g<*. ? U am feeling so much better now iliaf I i gladly recommend Doan's Kidney | Pills " For sale by all dealers. Price 50 , -cerrtj*. ? F<*Her- Mil burn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United j States. Remember the name ? Doan'a ? j an<l uko no other. CAPUDIN'E for "That Headache." ! Our Tasr ntgfct? madach1: and nervous thlB morning? Hicks' Capu- j dine Just the thing tc fit you for i business. _ Clears the head ? braces | th6 ?G rrer' NEW Canned Tomatoes 3 CANS FOR 25c or.o |<7 E. L. ARCHBELL ? Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. Leary Bros.' Old Stand. s.mcK T? the Public: : ? _ The shooting ot romau candles. nnnnn-rmi'Wr. ^7'?* or other tUe arms or any combination ?"*' *Ufl ? Itflw der or -Other efploaiv e material on theitreeta or foot way* of tho city, will not bo permitted. The ordinance covering the above ~wtjl~bp rigidly enforced. CITY MARKET. 2T.c Clilckeu-i, grown 55 to "w?0? Spring chicken- 10 to 2ac (ireen salred hides y<. (I. f?. hitk-.s- <i Creen hides. . . j?. _ 7 c Mixed wool. . ? IS to ?0c Tallow ,, j ;.?(i Wool, fre<: from burr* 2*>c Sheer] lugs 5 to lpr Lambskin . . . r . , . . ? 25 to 4Pc Lint cotton . ^ 11 |- ? Sped cotton. "?.lift ENNKTT'S PRPPAREP J Agricultural Lime makes every acre count and every testimonial good. Pre pared for all soils and all crops. Write us for prices and testimonials. AGRICULTURAL ~ LIME CO. New Bern, X. C. In young Ladlta. Plumi REAL ESTATE WANTED ! 1 I I have moved to Washington, N; C., from Van | Wert. Ohio', where 1 was engaged in the Real Es tate business lor more than thirty years, and will enjjage in tlic saJJic in Washington, N. C. I want forma and other lands for sale. If you want to- j sell your farm or hiyA. see mefor 'phone M. HEAR, ; WnVhinprfffft X r 'Ph,,nr. ^ Free to You and Every 8i6te <*???*? ?rlns from Woman's Aiimer,:^ I am & woman. 1 know woimboV suffering.*. * hare found th?> cnr.>. LwUl mail. ir?-? of ur char n. JMiLwitb .foil liMjiycuojiiiv tusj r'u0^r?ir ti ? r*? n?y r.adrr. for rcoraclr. i.'t. daufhtvr your mother, or your*&t?r. 1 w J.r t A" . , w core joarwtlvta at hutui- \? :;h oat thrholpofadoctar. M?n cunt undrn-twr <1 women a Huflerlnn What wt worn.* kneu fm uewtws, wo kuow bettor than any doctor. I know that my'Lmf treatment I- ?ar. and sure euro for iMcarrkMa cf WtitiU fottvm iknlu On Sw tMey^sfeaaa i . , - ' ?I nttonut ncafiar toour an. 1 Want to a<ad you a mmtUh tea to ft haatnaal **??* **?*<> ?w? fo yo?. e*a euro youraelf at home. naallv. quickly and ?oraly Remember, that. rt'*M ml rm aefto* to ass ssssutfs 25-"' ?szs'zv^n!''?, i T. , , T, i? ',* u!ie^L:rt?a^^g?!.1: qjy, 1 "You k*? !t- wd ?*?? ?o tteMk tar fcaraaft. Then whr-u tho doctor I gyration. ytmcao de<ida for yourself. Thou?aad*of uojum havecur.d ^ - wUI> my horef nymwdr- It cure* a|l aM ? mk, T# Beton ?f InKKn. I will ei plain a ffcMva?1 ?r 1 r r ' - ? ^h*r*'V y?? Ut". I can refer yon to Udl?a of r. tr!. any , tiff.-r- r that t hi* las. Trattml r.tvlly cvratall poew* aau b**Ullv iU?a>a wnlnfran ?our own k? ?llt y who know and will gladl pl?UJj> and women's 'V'"Vr* worneS iSlY ?. wi. summers, Box h - - Notre Dame, Ind., u. s?a. Your Christmas And get It in your homo? ready for the day. 1 will send yoh of the purest, best) well-aged whiskey you ever put to your llpa, m: in the good old honest way. And if you wish i will send you so wlnea and .brandies ,fov flavoring the mince pies and cake. R< these prices; tbe/ye low: ? ? GlbfloaJljp, 8 /ears, old* g?l <^ualeu-Fine, 0 years old, gnl. Hiimgardncr Ml. Rjc, (I years old. gal Havage Ml. Kye, 3 year* old, gal. .... Certified llye, ;t yeiira old, Nelson Z?.uiIm;:>. 7 yearn old, gal $3.50 Country Club'* I'.lend, gal $2.50 X. C. Corn. gal. j_ $3.00 Mountain I 'nrn, gal." $2.50 Old X. IV* Apple Jtrnndy, 3 years old, gal $4.00 Old s'ai.l I'.randy, gal $3.00 My 8cn4 for it. IjJ is Free. MAIL oi: I* (is OITR SPBOIALTY. WRITE FOR CATALOG. J FRAkK MILLER , Importer and I>ealer in Wine* and IJquors, 1204 KAHT MAIN HTREKT, - RICHMOND, VA. t-- ? ~ ... JUST a few hours qjore to " finish your Christmas Shopping*, so you had bet ter save time by coming here. James E, uiark (Jo. U I XMAS FRUITS and CONFECTIONS WHOLESALE and RETAIL Now's the time to purchase them. Don't wait until just before the holidays. Large supply of Currants, Raisins. Citron, Grapes, Oranges, Apples. Bananas and Nuts, all varieties, just received. All fresh and suund. PAMLICO GROCERY COMPANY BOOKS for Holiday Trade '"Gift Books, Novels, etc. WM. B. HARDING " Knight Shoe Co. The Only Er elusive Shoe fttor* in the City. ? ? " ^ . XMAH SHOPPEH8 Should s<-o oyr line of BOOTS, Sll(?i:s. SOX. nntl IIJSI) ROOM 8LII?FEltS. Ke?? onr window for ?UKges tions. Patronize Your State's Industries * Buy Red Raven Hose for Men, Women and Chil dren ? 25 Cents a pair ? .Every pair guaranteed_? Red Rirven Hose is the product of ^orth Carolina, and the peer of any Hcse in America at the price ? - 25c.J J. F. Buchman & Son. TOYS! * We are in the Toy business therefore we can supply your wants Just received a big line of Carriages and Wagons At a very low price. NEW TOYS Arriving Daily. See them. ^ The Home of Santa Claus. Money saved is money madeL ? A Welabach Junior Lamp buius 2 feel of Gas pe' hour, and gives 50 Candle Power of Light, where u open tip burns 6 feet of Gas and gives 20CandlePow er. How much do you save? . ? WASHINGTON , LIGHT ~ & WATER COMPANY JUST RECEIVED A big shipment New York State - ApplesJ^ ? T:rR.-MIXt>N&- COr New! Something Different | ? ? i ? . . i ureatest ujscovery in'.u* " 1 " in 50 Years. saw .1

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