r U'<-- . CALL FOR , Horse Shoe OVERALLS ' AT RUSS BROS. CUT FULL LIKE PANTS. HORSE SHOE OVERALLS MAKE WORK A PLEAS URE. RUSS BROS. The Gem Theafer THE LIFE DRAMA EON BONAPARTE AND JOKEPHINK OF FRANCE? A |r??l feature picture. BRIDGET ON STI^KlS? Splendid cbmedy. TEDDY IN Jl'NGLELAND ? A pic ture sure to please. . PIERROT'S JEALOUSY AND HIS DRUNKENNESS. The drawing for thin week's prize takes place tonight at 8.30 o'clock .sharp. Special Reduction THROUGH JANUARY, 1910 We have decided to reduce prices on all Clothing, Over coats, and on Ladies' Suits and Cloaks. We do this to make room for spring stock. Novv's your opportunity to take advantage of Wearing Apparel at almost your own price. THE HUB We carry, a complete line of Standard Watches] ? as well as Jeverything else to be found in "an" up to-date Jewelry Store. Repairing a specialty. R. L.STEWART, JEWELER . <Yatch|Inspcctor for the >?? & S. Railway. SAVINGS AND TRUST BUILDING ENNETT'S PREPARED Agricultural Lime makes every acrc count and every testimonial good. Pre pared for all soils and all crops. Write us for prices and testimonials. AGRICULTURAL LIME CO. New Hern, N. C. STOCKHOLDERS' M KKTf \(i. The regular animal moctiifg of the stockholders of the Home Building feTjoan Association will be held at the- banking' house of the Savings & Trust Co. on, Thursday. January 27, 1910, at 4:31) p. m J NO. B. SPARROW. Secretary. COULD YOU THINK OF A BETTER NEW YEAR PRESENT For your fajnilv than to HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED? Think how it would help them all? no, matches, no lamps, no bother. Call us up. Estimates gladly given. Washington Electric Plant. In the home, nothing like for croup, pneumonia. Price. 25c. HARDY'S DRUG STORE P. S ? Goose Grease sold here also. Drug Store PANTBOO ITKMH. Mrs. W. I*. Judkln who has-been very 111 lately Is convalescing. ^Tfce boya of the High 8chool are* ^rfow practising for a tournament. U A large party gathered at the home of Mr. P. H. Jolt neon where they were entertained as the old year was leav , lng and the new one coming In. ^ I wonder how many have reqplved to quit thinking the old. bitter thoughts that may have engrossed their minds during the year that has just passod into history, snd during the new year of 19 10 to think only thoughts that are pure and sweet and kind. "But of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, *It might have beert.' " Miss Gertrude Radcllffe left for , .Greensboro Monday morning, where she is attending the State Normal School. MeesrB. Joo Allen and Tom Klll ingsworth were in town Sunday. Miss Golda Ricks, of Washington, who has been visiting friends and relatives of this place, left for her home on Wednesdsy morning. Rev. W. O. Win Held tilled his reg ular appointment at the Christian Church Sunday morning and even ing. Misses Mattie WlnAcld and Lillian Spencer left for Wilson Monday morning where they are attending school. Mrs. Alice Recess spent Tuesday at Washington. Misses Aleese and Temperance Ay cock complimented "their aont, Mrs. George Old, of Belhaven, with a vlalt last week. They returned Thursday, reporting a charming tlmo. Mr. Claud Ricks spent part of his holidays In Pantego. ,^Mr. P. H. Johnson went to Wash Ington Tuesday morning. He rettp-n ed the same day. 8chol began Monday after a ten day Interval for the holidays. Miss Eflle.^arvls, one of our teach ers here, did not teach school for the first two days this week on account of the death of her grandmother. .Mrs. Rlddlck. Mr. J. C. McClure, of Washington, , was here Tuesday. He returned Wednesday morning. I Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Clark were In i town Sunday afternoon, visiting Mr. I Clark's mother. Mrs. \V. B- Wind ley. Misse's Lena and Maude Windley, of Washington, Miss i^MJJe Hill, of Newport News, Va. rMessrs. R. T. Windley. of Wil mington. N. C.. and W. H. Windley, of Washington, spent Christmas with Mrs. E. S. Credle- They returned home Tuesday. Mr. L. E. Bennett, principal of the Pantego High School, returned home Saturday, after attending tfie South ern Educational Association at Char lotte. Miss Ruth Credle spent the holi days with her grandmother, Mrs. W. B. Windley, of Washington. Miss Lillian Wilkinson returned to Raleigh Tuesday morning, where she is attending school. Mr. J. P. Clark Spent last week In New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Clark and their little son. Walter, of Edenton, were here this week visiting Mr. Clark's mother. p. h. S. Sad it Sad. A mother, who was rather fqpd at | the cheaper ten. twenty, thirty cent | melodrama, on? afternoon took her young daughter, who had grown to , consider herself above that sort of I thing. ' The daughter was bored, but the mother was greatly interested, and finally, when the heroine had got into | a seemingly Inectrlcable position, broke down and sobbed heartily. "Mother. I would \'t cry here," whls I>ered the daughter significantly, aoi tenting the last word. "Let me alone." replied the other hysterically, "if a thing is sad. lt'i ?ad; I can't cry according to price." Marriage ? Before and After. Booth Tarkington has written some exceptionally clever fiction. More r? cently he has been in the limelight la the role of a politician. Not long ago he was the guest of some of hit friends at a theatrical supper. In speaking to his neighbor at the table on the subject of marriage, Mr. Tark* lngton said a number of -eplgrammU cal truths about this Important sub ject One was: "Before a girl marries a man. her opinion of him is much the same at' that held by her mother. After the honeymoon is over, the young lady generally comes over to the viewpoint her father hajL** i The- gra'n(f"jury"a Inquiry into the ("white slave" traffic will incidentally i prove Interesting as showing how Closely campaign muck-raking ad heres to the facts. JKXi NOTICE. Aif persons owning dogs and have not paid taxes on them, are notified that unless It Is rfbne within the next 10 days the owners will be warranted. GEO. N. HOWARD. Chief of Police. The Garden. \r- People can live without garden*. 1 Vegetables are not necossary te the | support of life, but they come ta I handy once a dky In a we)) regulated | family. Breed and water will one going, but It la a prett/ weak mo ' tire power for the human body, oven when meat and coffee are added. Vari ety !? the spice of life, an^ It la cet? tain that variety In food promotes healthful, vigorous life. Only a few leading vegetables are required by the ordinary taopily and they are eas ily raised. Beans, boots, lettuco . cab bage. tomatoes, okra and -turnips are all easily raised, and the garden that is abundantly supplied with these will add much to the table. Then the gar dener can add as many others as he has time and space for. The man Is a shabby sort of fellow who does not provide for a* good vegetable garden. Plant beans every two or three weeks, so as to have a succession of crops. If beets are too thick, transplant them. They bear that well. Money In Fsrm Animals. Live stock of ail kinds is now on a high biiala and no doubt will continue so tor some time to come. There is money in growing farm animals, both for the animals themselves and for the good they do in producing fertil iser at home. Keep all young stock growing on pasture, and do not be afraid to feed a little grain to supple ment the grass ration. A Good Rotation. A good rotation for mixed farming is wheat, clover, meadow one year, cow psature for one year, corn and oats one jresr. This makes a six-year rotation. Where there ire permanent pasture* on the farm one year can be cut out by not pasturing the clov sr the second year. Do you know the slse of your vari ous fields, or do you merely guees at It? Tou ought to know exactly, not only that you may accurately esti mate fertiliser needed for the land, bet that you may know the erop ylelda. ?? The beginning of arguments In the Tobacco Trust cases excites a general curiosity as to how much lire has oc casioned the smoke raised in that quarter. One box cigars free._ See Hardy's Umg Store ad. Hicks' CAPUDIXE Cures Sick Head ache. Also Nervous Headacfce, Travelers' Headache and aches from Grip, Stomacn Troubles or Femai'i trou bles. Try Capu'dine? it'1; liquid ? | effects Immediately. Sold b? drug ; lists. The long indoor life of winter makes the blood weak, the system easily catches cold and disease. Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the greatest winter remedy; prevents .colia and disease; !:ceps you v:cll all winter. 35 cents. Tea. or Tablets. Hardy's Drug Store. HOLLISTCR'o Hocky Mountain Tm Nugget* A Busy Rtdtclno lor Buty PcooU. Brlnfl? QoMmi Health and V?#or. . ,or r?n?Mpatlon. Indigestion. Lira* m ^ r?" ri'n|...-*.Ecx*i*a. Iinpur* Blood, Breath. slunjfUh IJowcK Ucadach* und Backache. it.Rocky Mountain Train mb lot form, cents a box. Genuine tn.i<lo ay Holluteb Da I/O Co* pant. Madison, Wk 60L0E* NUGuETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLf 1)R. HARDY'S DRUG STORK -IN BLANKETS $1.98 and Up. ?T\ ? ? . v 1 1,1 NOTICE ! The annual meeting of the stock holder* of the First National Bank, of Washington, will be held Tuesday, January 11. 1909, botween the hours of 11 o'clock JLjta.. and 1 o'd^ck p. m., for the purpose of electing offl m., for the purpose of electing direct ors for the ensuing year. A. M. DUMAY, Jaoll f PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding piles in . f lo 14 days. RMOLUTION SHATrtMfe YW Moral tuasfon ftchsme Work on Jack Jons*. A little boy came home one Jay from school. La a my. Mkurn. An other boy, Jack Jones, had given hU? a thrashing, and j? wanted raven g? "Oh," said his mother, "donl think of revenge, Willie. Be kind to Jack Heap coals of fire on his head. Thea he will become your friend." Willie thought he would fey this method. So the next day at recea* |nst as he was buying a lemon pie for luncheon, Jade appeared and said-' "Look here, I licked you yesterday, but I didn't give you enough^ Now I'm golSi'; to lick you again." And ht planted a hard blow oa Willie's little stomach. Willie gasped, but instead of strife tog back he extended his pie to Jonea "Here," he said In a kindly voio* "I'll gi>e you this. I make you a present of it." Jack, in glgd amazement, fell upoa the pie greedily, and It had soon dls appeared. >> ' ? "Gosh, it was good!" he aaid. "Whai did you give it to me for?" "Because you struck me," said ths^ hoaper of the coals. Instantly Jack hauled off &n4 ?truck him again. "Now go and get .notber pie," he said.,? Ladles' Hozzu Journal. Thousands of Happy Homes owe their happiness to the use of Vlck's Croup and Pneumonia Salve. Its the prompt, quick re lief, and preventive, it nips the trouble before It can get to tho (longer point. See? Be wine have ready. 2.1, 30 and fl.OO jars. All tfrugglatfc. Moore's Modern Methods of Bookkeeping Quickest, Simplest, Most Economical A good Equipment to start with Two 5x8 Binders \ TOTAL COST 1 ,000 Record Sheet* (choice of / forty dklerenl forms) / *7 65 2 Volume Cabinet (for holding books) \ / . 40 Alphabetical indexes / We will be glad to ?how you how Moore's Modern Methods are used. Telephone for a Catalogue WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS JAMES L MAYO. P*. PhMt 2M 114 EAST MAIN ST. * WASHINGTON PL C. CITT MARKET. E*?? 2Gc ChnkMi, grown . . . 1G to 10c Spring chic kens 10 to Ke O. M. hides go Oreen hides 7c MUed wool.... .18 to Jd? 3 rso Wool, tr?? from burn /.loo Sheet-Hugs ,5 to 10c Lsmbsklo ......J IB to 4P? (Jo? . . rr?. 80c Lint cotton . . . . 16c Beed cotton.... 6c :U J'MAvi NEW Canned Tomatoes 3 cans for 25c Phone JW i v E. L ARCHBELL SpeclsltlcsfClgars and Tobacco. Leary Bros.' Old Stand. Mr. Business Man: You need a Gem Calendar Pad for your desk. WM. B. HARDING Framed to Order. AN OVKKCOAT WITHOUT FIT IB LIKE SOUP WITHOUT SALT. ? fellow fefeli uncomfortable, looks uncomfortable and 'la uncomfortable when hit outer garment doeah'4 per fectly fit hla form, no matter what the reat of bin apparel may be. Oar specialty in tailoring for men la fine fit overcoats, dreaa, walking and busi ness suits. , . . H. B. GOLDSTEIN, >Vaahiagton's Local Tailor. Ladies' Evening Slippers In White Satin ana Kid. Red and Blue Kid, Pink Suede and Katin. Black Patcpt Leather and Saede. E. L. BROOKS' SHOE STORE Porm*rV Knight Shoo c#. / .*? - Sale For the next ten days 'we will offer Special prices on CHINA, PIC TURES and many oth er useful things. See the beautiful line of STAT UARY that we offer at 1-2 off. Now is the time to buy. ' Harlie G. Sparrow . IUT HACK THE DARK BARRIER to comfort xftnd happiness In the homo by having yourself and family supplied with gas from our tanks, through our mains and your house service pipes. Your equanimity will not be disturbed on receipt of y^ur monthly bills. May we talk the mat ter over with you ? here or where It will suit you? WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER ' COMPANY A large line of LACES and EMBROIDERY just received, which we are offeriag at lowest prices. J( W. Phillips & Co. C.JG. MORRIS & CO., BROKER f WHOLESALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE ^frrivals this ^eek. 2 Cars Meal, 1 Car 20th Century Flour, 1 Car Flake White Lard, 1 Car KingaAs Reliable Meat, 1 Car New York State Apples Cabbage and Potatoes. Let vc lir ordenennw alnncr J. K. HOYT Washington's Greatest Store On account of extreme bad weather we were compelled to postpone our throwing away of 250 packages and 3 loads of wood until Saturday morning. Remember, this isifree to everybody. %J. K. HOYT. Washington's Greatest Store. ? ? ? . ' i inlli ft i- II I utmtkumMut i ii I. ii

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