The Gem Theater A ROMANCE OF OU) MEXICO Drama. CAUGHT AT liAST-^CoaidT. t IB? WOOD-CHOPPER'S CHILD? Melodrama. . . * 4 A PRBS8INO LETTER? A comedy drama. ? * *. W1IJJAM THE POAt'HEB ? Melo drama. Jo?t Receiveif^^ i NEW EDISON RECORDS FOR JANUARY ?Filling in numbers, also. For home merry-mak* ing nothing bea^s the Ed ison. Edison machines on easy payments. Pictures framed on short notice, RUSS ^ROS. Tomorrow morning from 9 to 11 o'clock old maid's plot urea taken at half price; from ll to 2 p. m., wld * owa and widowers at half price; from 2 to 4 p. m.' widows and widowers, if taken together, made free. Ail on post cards. BAKER'S STUDIO. A LIVK WIRE. Realizing that I have such a good 1 opportunity to Work the Real Estate business along with that of my pho tograph business, I have decided to take out a State, county and city license to do a real estate business. Any property you have to dispose of give me a chance to sell It for you. I shall make phot^grkphB of all resi dences .or other property, having them on exhibition In my studio, showing the property, where located and alio how It can be purchased and on what tarms^ . If Interested call to see me ftt my studio. Yours truly, ' ? ' W. H. BAKER, Photograph. r * Heal Estate Dealer. MKKTING OF STOCKHOLDERS. A meeting .of the stockholders -of the Savings & Trust Co. of Washing ton. N. C.. will be held at their bank ing house, on Tuesday, February 15, 1910, at 4:80 o'clock^j^ m., for the election of directors and such other business as may properly come be fore the meeting. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Home Building Al4>an Association will be held at th% banking house of- the Savings & Trust Oo. on Thursday, January 27, 1910, at 4:80 p.. m. NEW Canned Tomatoes , 3 CANS FOR Specialties Cigars?and Tobacco/ Leary Bros. 1 Old Stand. JNO. B. SPARROW, Sec re tar jr. JNO. B. SPARROW, Secpetary. BOILER BURSTS? SAN KILLED! 7^ This in Penn?ylvania but it may happen at YOU* ; mill any day. j: We write Steam Boiler Inaurance<? Health and death Insurance. WM.|BR\GAW & CO.. IFfrtt Io?urmnce Au?nt? lo Waahiactoa. N. G. JJNDERAKERS . and Funeral Directors . ? : *? tura just Miami A UK* OF OUUN, BOTH ADULTS AXD UFUfn, AID sarrnm prbtarbd than ?Van TO" SBRVB TUB OBXBRAL FCBIilC. WE RBNDHIt OXLT VKST^XABS SKRVICB. ORDBBS FItLHD WITH PROMPTNESS Aim DESPATCH. 8KB OUB UXB BEFORE BVt TSQ SOUTHERN FURNITURE CO. DID YOU EVER DO THIS ON A COLD MORNING? before mamma got up to get break fast? If 8o you knovf the benefit of using gas for cooking. Mamma can touch a match and she has flra enough to bake, broil or stew, and papa can take an extra nap while breakfast isunder way. Of all mod ern conveniences, especially during t hat'the^h ou se ^Te "n i^p're'cTa'tcs* \ iko'a gas range or stove. W ASH 1 N GTON WATER & LIGHT COMPANY WANTED Your Insurance during 1910. CARL D. PARKER General Insurance? Four Years'LExperience. Havens-SmallJBuUding. 'Phone' 85 We beg to advise that the CUDAHY PACKING GO., -of South Omaha, Neb,, have-established a branch with us, and from now on we will carry a stock of their products. Get our prices before buying. Will have to arrive Monday, one car of best patent flour, -l-car of meal, one car of Cudahy's meats. Let us have your orders. - PIPPIN & WOOLARD - A First National Bank of Washington WASHINGTON, N. C. Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus Funds and Profits. $40,000. Accounts of Individuals and Corporations Solicited. OFFICERS? C. M. Brown, President; John B. Fowle, Vice-President; A. M. Dumay, Cashier. DIRECTORS? Geo. T. Leach, D. M. Carter. W. E. Proctor, C. M. Brown, W. E. SwindeU, A. M. Dumay. F. C. Kugler, J. B. Fowle, W. H. Whitley. BE FOXY When your friends invite you to par take of alcoholic beverages? declinc with thanks and content yourself with such sensible drinks as Of oar bot?Uog, and yqu will have the laugh onTnose who first laughed at yoo.^ BOTTLERS OftPEPSI-COLA. ' WHOLESALE GROCERS. Raisins 111 scllih??M??^ any price to Personal Mention Mr. C. -Meekins, Jr., returned this jnorning from a business trip. ? ? ? Mr. E. R. Mlxga retained this monlig from a business trip to Now Bern. Mr. H. McMullen left this morning for Plymouth. mm. Mr. A, D, McLean^left this morn - 1 lag for Plymouth on business. Miss lone HWyes left Inst night for her home la Ohocowlnity. Mr. Stephen ) Fooler left last night lor Bel haven, where he will spend a ?* ? .... . m m Hon. J. Bryan O rimes returaed to lis home In Raleigh last night after (pending the day la the city. 9 . Mr. B. B. Corneas left this morning for Bethel In the Internet of the Jef ferson Furniture Co. ? ? . V ? . e ; Prof.vL. K. Bennett, of the Pan tego High School, was In the city to day. - *? '? . > ?'? Mr. Surrey Parker, of Plnetown,] was in the city today" on business. A Romance of Old Mexico, drama: Caught at Last, comedy; The Wood] Chopper, child melodrama; A Press ing Letter, comedy-drama; William the Poaohor, melodrama, Is the pro gram scheduled "for tonight's per formance at the Gem theater. Laat night the theater was packed to the door with patrons desiring to com pete for the prize, hear the fhuslc and view the lovely pictures. It cer tainly Is an Inspiration to visit the Gem," for one never leaves without! feeling he has been benefitted and in formed. 1*he pictures are- elevating and instructive and_nlways please and ] educate. Tonight's program will Vk?' a ''corker." Pathoe. fun, both in one. Attend early and avoid the rush. The Gem is a mecca each night for tho?e seeking pleasure. MR. HARDING WINS. Mr. Guy Harding held the lucky number at the Gem theater last even ing, winning the Sterling silver pitcher. No Reason For It | When Washington Citizens Show the Certain Way Out. ' There can be no Just reason why any reader of this will continue to suffer the tortures of an aching back, the annoyance of urinary disorders, the danger of diabetes of any kldqey ills when relief is so near at hand and the most positive proof" wIverT that they can be cured. Read what a Washington citizen says: Romulus S. Butler, 219 Harvey St., Washington, N. C., says: "I am well! pleased with the results that follow ed jgie use of Doan'p Kidney Pills In my case and can earnestly recom mend this remedy to other kidney sufferers. , I was subject to jjull pains in my back, accompanied by sharp twinges through by loins. Doan'c Kidney Pills, procured at the Wash ington Drug Co., removed my trouble and benefited me In every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cb.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name ? Doan's ? and take no other. v Weak Stomach Test Sample of Ml-o-n? Free. If you have indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, dizziness or bilious ness, no matter how long standing, Ml-o-na stomach tablsts will cure, or your money back. Thousands are getting rid of Indi gestion by using Ml-o-na. Here is wha one man writes: "I want to speak n good word rnr Mi-o>na and what it has done for me. I suffered^ something terrible with dyspepsia and indigestion. It was almost im possible for me to eat anything. Day after day I would go without eating anything. One day I read your ad. In the Bangor Dally News. I got a box, and befctfe it was gone I could sit down to the tablo and eat any thing, thanks to Ml-o-na." ? Horbert L. Patterson, Brewer (Bangor), Me., 1909. ? Ml-o-na stomach tablets are made from the best proscription ever writ ten ? they*cure tootsy cured. They { relieve 'distressed stomach in a few., minutes, fhey are eold by druggists] In every town in America, and by 1 Brown's Drug Store. A large box costs but 50 cents. T6st samples free from Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N. Yf asasmm Comfort Shoes W? cmrrj ? complete lis. of COMFORT SHOES la l.?rc, Button auu E Italic. E. L ^ROOKS' SHOE STORE "Formerly Knight Shoe Co. To Teachers of Beaufort County I have a supply of "Hamilton's Recitation." Regular price I1.2B, special price to teachers, , $1.00 WM. B. HARDING Pictures Framed to Order. MUSICAL PROGRAM AT THE GAIETY THEATER TONIGHT. 1. March, "How Do You Do. Miss Josephine?" 2. Overture. "The Brttlal Rose." 3. "Erminine Waltz." 4. "Happy Days in Dixie." j". v. ii<?n tfie W inds U Ar lh? Blow a Gale." 6. Barn dance. 7. Medley waits, y. "The Mer.dariu." 0. Incidental music.' 10. March, Yankee Grit." ' See ad for the program of tonight's performance. WATCH INSPECTOR. Mr. R. Lee Stewart, one -of the city's efficient jewelers, who has boon watch inspector for the Norfolk and Southern Railway for sometime, has been appointed by the Atlantic Coast Line inspector for the Pamlico divis ion. This Is quite an honor Tor our young townsman. PHOTOS-" FREE. Special ofTer to the first white couple from now oh that gets mar ried In Washington and comes direct to my studio ? get a half dozen nice photos free. BAKERS STUDIO. THIS WILL INTEREST MOTHERS Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, a certain relief for Fever fshness. Headache, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regu late the Bowels and destroy Worms. Tfiey break up Colds in 24 hours. They are so pleasant to the taste and harmless as milk. Children like them. Over 10,000 testimonials of cures. They never fall. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Ask today. Don't accept any substitute. A MISSISSIPPI ^ENTHUSIAST | Mrs. Lena Gresham, of Clinton, Miss., Has a Few Facts to Tell Our Readers About Cardul. Ointon, Mlss.-^'Thanks to Cardul," j "i have been greatly relieved." - "I suffered for three years from female Inflammation, and haa taken medicine from four different physicians without much benefit. ! "I have received more benefit frQm seven bottles of Cardui, than from all the physicians." Just try Cardui. That's all <ve ask. It speaks for it:c!f. It has helped 30 many thousands, it must be able to help you. Trying Cardui won't hurt you. It Is safe, harmless, gentle in action, and purely vegetable. It you are weak, tired, down and out, try Cardui. If you are sick, miserable, and suffer from womanly pains, like headache, backache, dragging feelingst pains in 5ide, arms, legs, etc. ? try Caraui. It is-thc medicine for all women. It is the tonic for you. N B.? Vfrttt to: Ladle*' Advisory Dept.. ! Ooosa Medttinc C<r? Chattanooca. Tcnn., lor ; fc\trsc^^on?. aml64-pase book. Home T?-Mimcut 1 Women. ' sent ia plain wrapper, on requett. JUST RECEIVED 1 ^ ? " ; x .A big line of Toile du^-oord Ginghaips, Galatea Clotb. Linen Finish Suitings. Percals in -both light and dark, and a ful! line of better quality Dress Goods - > And Silk in all shaues. Gall in and let us show you Spencer Bros. Exclusive agents for Paris Patterns. STOCKING SALE. r SATURDAY, JAN. 22, MONDAY, JAN. 24: " Dorothy Dodd No Name Shoes . . . $1.98 Special prices on ali Shoes and Stockings. J. K. Hoyt. Prescriptions We are agents for Vinol, the great tonic reconstruct or. Sold under an absolute guarantee, Nyle's Kidney Pi.'ls Each box must satisfy or money is refunded. Pure Drugs' Toilet Ar ^'gars and Soda Wa WASHINGTON DRUG COMPANY THE GAIETY Pre grain Changed Daily ? TONIGHT: A OOlt.NER IX WHEAT ? Very flue Uiogritph draina, the fin est ever made l?y thin noted Arm. PRODIGAL SON ? A very line hand-colored drama. ? I ? QIEEN O KTlIi: QIARRY?A X a splendid picture. T X Watch our program for "Trap ? ^ f?r Santa ( lau>." n lliunrapli. f J ORCHESTRA 1'li.yn ^Xlglnly. * I Follow the ! Merry Crowd : ? i THE GREAT American Shorthand Business College DURHAM, N. C. A high-grade Business Training School, endorsed by leading business men, that qualifies men and women for EXPERT work in the Commercial World. DEPARTMENTS Book keep inc. Banking, Expert Accounting, Auditing. Shorthand, Type writing, Telegraphy, Pen Art. Special Preparatory Department. Expert Faculty ? Railroad Fare Paid ? Positions Secured. Wrtlro teach by -MAIL. Beginning Today DEMONSTRATION Maxwell House Blend THE QUALITY COFFEE Over the store of Harris Plumbing & Supply Cfo. All free; come, bring your friends and try a cup of the coffee that Billy Taft drinks. Expert Demonstrater will serve you from 2:00 P. M. <0 5:30 P. M. JOS. F, TAYLOE, THE QUALITY GROCF.R. 'Phones 123 and 124 Three Deliveries TO THE PUBLIC I solicit froniysubsf rlotiona to nil punerw ?ml mTiiullralg, ?n now te-position t? aenre y? ?. Also am adding full line Stationeries - Yonr wants can be easily supplied by W. J. RHODES 'Phone 180. - ...F ? a. u - Imperial Cafe - > HEADQUARTERS FOR MEALS AND QUICK LUNCH Oysters served all-styles, day or night. One ofVlorfolk's best cooks employed. ?Phone 92. W. J. FLOYD & CO. (? . ? ? y ' Theater This Evening. Good music and an exceptionally fine pro gram of Pictures . ' " the Biograph masterpiece; "Prodigal Son," a superb hand-colored drama. Other cood pictures. It will pay aH to come.

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