Dress Goods for Early Spring Dresses | A GREAT VARIETY TO SELECT FROM 10c. to 39c. Yard J. K. HOVT Now is the Time to replenish your Edison Phonograph Records Just received a complete filling in order of i-ibuay , Amberal and regular rec ords. This list contains some of the best yet to come out. Edison Machines on Easy Payments RUSS BROS. The Gem Theater JQtjE^^PKKTTTf^DA^RY^IAID? --a| Em J THE UROTHERS* RACE? A Com-| edy. ' - j-.'l THE JAPANESE INVASION? War | drama. REMORSE ? Melodrama. A TIRESOME I'LAY ? Comedy. ORCHESTRA. We will have to arrive Monday or Tuesday of next| week, a CAR SNOW DRIFT LARD To those who will send us orders to be shipped upon', arrival wiU give special prices. E. R. MIXON & CO: THE UNION GROCERY CP'S. CAFE' nVCTPD C served in all styles by the Noted v/IDI EilVO Chef? RICARD BONNER. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION? TRY US ?PHONE 327. FOR nwrXXLIXESS AND SAFETY use GAS far your table lamps. Accidents caur.ot happen from overturning, nor will your walls and ceilings be soiled or dlacoi ored by smoke. With the new burner devices and improve * ments, It makes a light that is unsurpassed for brilliancy. WASHINGTON LIGHT A WATER COMPANY WHY NOT DR(NK COCA - COLA | IN YOUR HOME? Better and cheaper. We deliver it to you for only 40c. dozen. Be sure and ask about our BLUE SEAL GINGER ALE. Remember we are Jbottjersof all high grade Sodas. 'Phone 132. Washington Coca-Cola Bottling Works : CLEVER BUSINESS MEN have long ago shown the poor pol icy of Indifference to dress, and custom demands only a difference frn style between business and dress clothes. No man is over fas tidious because he requires a made-to-measure business suit." He is merely a wide awake, energetic man of affairs and appreciates ful ly that he Is a gentleman and wants to look it. H. B. GOLDSTEIN. The Local Tailor. WMT A KXMmu I Traditionary error as to the aatur* of disease, and ignorance 'as to the right care and un of the human body, plus badly developed commun ity lire. prtMat a duration alarm\ug in Ita blgnesa and complexity. The concrete reeult. In one direction, la tuberculosis or consumption, which la much more than a mere disease or cause ot death. Rather la It the evi dent* of Ignorance and filth-, neglect, greed. It Is but. the penalty exacted from bad llring conditions, the re minder of precaution which ought to be taken, and the warning of further levies upon the Uvea and happiness of thos<_who neglect or are neglect ed. To get _ rid of this chief among | diseases and to solve century-old problems are objects not to be at tained by specifics either in medicine or social welfare. Because of the Im mensity and Intricacy of the under taking, uaoal methods are being merer and more adopted in an efTort to Ed ucate and -awaken people concerning the nature and significance of the situation. Among these no agency has been so thoroughly utilised by the campaigners against tuberculosis 86 the traveling exhibition. Ameri cans a/e said to be an "exposition people." Not alone have they made possible a long list of "International" and "centennial" affairs of greater or loss magnitude, but the less ambi tious and specialised exhibition has had a wide vogue. Art and educa tion. business and industry, recre ation and health have been duly and repeated displayed. Frequently in the course of a season Madison Square Garden i? New York and the Colloseum in Chicago have afforded a more extensive and successful se ries of desirable exhibits than moat of the widely heralded expositions. Tuberculosis, health and social "welfare have had an Increasing share in these localised exhibitions, but It Is the "traveling" or movable exhibit whiun Baa been cliimM pirwuiifiy for the tuberculosis work. Corn, Just common field corn, Is the only rival of tuberculosis as a provoker of trav eling exhibits, wblc'h In* the Central West with experienced demonstrat or#. Trained lectorer*~*nd abundant illustrative material have added very largely to the production of Amer ica's distinctive cereal. With the pos sibility of far less Immediate and spectacular results, the traveling tu berculosis exhibit works inversely, seeking to restrict the production of the deadly but minute plant organ ism which is apparently native to all climates and found in all lands. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Some men and many phonographs have bad records. You can save yourself lots of trou ble by not borrowing it. Charity that expects a return om the investment isn't charity. Many a woman holds the mirror up to art instead of to nature. The flower of a flock -of girls isn't ! a flowjy^pt all; she's a peach. Ever notice how much better a sample is than the real thing? Many a man at the age of 50 wishes he was half as smart as he thought he was at the age of 21. And when a man meets a woman with genuine blonde hair he always wonders If It is genuine. * While ft may not be lucky to have a rabbit's foot, every Intelligent rab bit knows that It is unlucky to lose one. Husbands occassional are men who stay at home and earn money to pay the bills of wives who go away in vacations. Recently a member of Mr. Taft's cabinet offered to the suffering manses of this country the consola tion' that "Even at prevailing prices they lived better and more cheaply than did Queen Elizabeth and her household." This would have been empty comfort If true; but the New York Sun exhumes from the account books of Henry Eighth, the father of Queen Bess, the coat of a feast given by that monarch at Holbein palace, under the schedule of prices then ob taining for certain articles of food, and the figures show that the afore said Cabinet officer drew on his imag ination for his facts. Bfiaf if. quoted at the equivalent of 4^ cents a pound in our money, aheep at 70 and hogs at 90 and pigs at 12 cents, fat ted capons at 25 cents, ducks and geese at 15 each and pigeons at 20 cents the dozen. That Is to say .ft dinner which cost a dollar In those halcyon days would not call for eight or ten. The meat trust has not even been scared enough to cut out the surplus bone !n the steaks. Those 46 lives on the steamer Ken tucky were saved through an Inven tion that a few years ago was ridi culed. wltfc their elffthlng from the Infected housws. Thitf^s about all that I can lay to you aow finises you want some information personally. ;V> ' On January 20, I was notified by Dr. Dixon and Mr. Vaughan, your 8chool Superintendent, that there was an outbreak of scarlet fever .at BloUnt's Creek, and he wanted me to come down at once and quarantine the building and do what was neces sai V, I Immediately *ent In com pany wiih Up. Vaughau ssd slosed the school building and quarantined the houses with the sparest fever. On Fehrusry 6, I went down again, furf^ lgated some residences arid . t he school building and gavo Intlfutfftoni^ that the School could be opened to day week If jio new. cases were de veloped. There has been, twelve or fifteen cases of scarlet .fevrf among the cUildren of this school, five oc curlng In the house where the tesch er was boarding. I understand there is some other cases of scarlet fever in the Williams neighborhood near Burgaw. The doctor. attending them reporting that he had quarantined them. This Is about' all that can* be done until the pattqat.eetover or dies, then the building should be fumi gated. <?>'/. Yours very respectfully. P. A. NICHOLSON. - Superintendent of Health. Chairman Board of OGunty Commis sioners, Washington, N. C. Dear Sir: The recent report from jruuf ? .County Superintendent ? of Hesuth, Dr. P. A. Nlqholson, regard lug the smallpox situation In your county. Is to t&e effect that there were five case* when first discovered and that onty seven cases, two more, I write to say to yon that this rep resents efficient health work In hand ling stnsllpox. It would sppear that yonr health officer has taken hold of the epidemic In the beginning and stamped It out If Dr. Nicholson should hold In check -the disease from now on, as he seems to be doing al present, he will In my opinion be do ing his duty as a health office! should. You will appreciate the value of such work by comparing the small cost of handling It In youi county as It hss been with the cost of the disease to other counties where the heslth officer hss allowed it tc gain a foothold before taking charge. I write this to commend you on the wise course pursued so far In behalf of the public health of your county and the State. Yours respectfully, W. 8. RANKIN. . . . ? ? jj' Secretary. r/ * i HE Milsn-yrRT ODIMTIK8 ur THE DAY'S NEWS -KruniUM^r, of Mlnersvllle, Pa., Applied for a marriage license one day this week. The party of the second part was on? Elizabeth Yu bensky. After receiving the paper he left the office,- but returned In an hour and told the justice he wanted j the name changed to Annie Oouri- , kas, as his affections had made a ! "?hlft." Mrs. Jeremiah McClelland, SI years old, Is back at her home In Kittanning^-Pa., after a walk over hilly roads to New Bethlehem and re turn. She walked 24 miles and says It was only a llftfef * Jaunt. Vernor E. ityifefeft. a retired mis sionary or h0B XSgqTes, Cal., closed hU mouth with safety pins. He had pushed three pins through his lips and snapped Uaqpr whev ftnwl by his wife. At the receiving hospital Bennett would not give any explana -tlon except he thought this waa a good method to keep from talking. It k d* ?dy odoifaf tmkm and conieaby process of ELECTRIC WELD INO ONI SOLID PIECE OP STEEL, atnod sad Kay wire c an neither aepsre; : aor raft oat Uninjured by be?t, cold, or ti? uctkm of the eleme?*a ? ample pu?Muu hu been J. H. HARRIS PLUMBING & SUPPLY COMPANY WE CARRY IN STOCK of the wilUmow* MOORE'S MODERN METHODS They wl pwibnljr nim u ytm ofice ripn. . We caB wppfy a durtdy any of their Looms Leaf Bmdert, Cabinets ?aci Record (onm Phomo for " Moore' s Modern M**o 4s." ' A Hftajof mnd Instruction book comHnod. " WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS JAMB L. X'AYO. F*. rtflwaH ? 114 kaJt turn st. WAanwc.row. it. c. DID YOU EVER CONSIDER How many hoars you spend deuiing lamps and how much money you spend for shades and burners in a year? Let us wire your house at cost, and you will be rid of all this trouble. We keep up the lamps free. Washington Electric Plant, city Hall >?? '? rSj le-to-Measure Y ailoring Co. ken today. We guaran ral satisfaction /'O wCm We carry nothing but SHOES, therefore we are better prepared to look after your needs than anyone ?w% fflQ /-?i C&UJ V1 ? ?? .r ? Hicks' "CAPlimNB Cui^ Sick Hud AJso Nerroo* Hee<lac&o. Travelers' Headache and aches from Grip, Stomacn Trouble? or Fema? j trou blea. Try Chpudlbo? !t> Hquld ? effects Immediately. Bold b* drug MKETIPfG OF STOCKS OLDKB8. ? A meeting of the stockholders of the Savings & Trust Co. of Washing ton. N. a. wlM be held at thelr^ank lng house, on Tuesday, February 15, 1910, at 4: SO o'clock, p. m.. for the ?lection of directors and such other business as properly come be fore the meeting. * J NO. B. SPARROW, Secretary E. L. BROOKS' SHOE STORE VALENTINES Come early before tne best ones are sold. WM. B. HARDING JUST IN THE NIGK OF TIME I received my magazines just in time to save several subscriptions from being sent off. As lam now is the News business help me to push it to success. ? V^J. BHOnF.S ?pkoMis*. .>|jtynr ? > .? t ? vyytin wm THE GREAT American Shorthand Business College DURHAM, N. C. I ^ Business Training School, endorsed by leadii^business men, that qualifies men and women for EXPERT work in the Commercial World. DEPARTMENTS Boofcfceeplnc. Bentlna. Expect Accounting, Auditing. Shorthand. Type writing, 1 eiegraphy, Pen Art- Speciml Preparatory DiUrttnent. Expert Faculty _ R?ilroad Fare Paid _ Positions Secured. We elao teecb by MAIL. - WASHINGTON, N. C. CAPITAL STOCK. SURPLUS FUND. lU.m.M Accounts of Individuals and Corporations Solicited. OFFICERS: C. M. BROWN, President. A. M DUMAY, 1. B. FOWLE, Vlce-Prealdeut. . OnAtar DIRECTORS: . "O""' A. M. Duniy W H. Whitley! " RESOURCES OVER S3M,?M. Standard Watches ? m w?U as everything BEv*-? ? else to be found in an up U(!*l 1 r3Vl to*d"te Jewe,ry Store. </?: Repairing a specialty. S^rk/9 R. L. STEWART, JEWELER. ?V?tcb iMpKtot lor the N. * S. Railway. SAVINJGS AND TRUST BUILDING GAIETY THEATER This Evening tiTUP I 1PP1 Ar< /? ?? t? ?? m* " i!' " ' 44 44 t|4r I i nn An M ACn Written by the Rev. Madison Peters. This picture is conceded to be one I ilC LirC h one of the finest pictures ever produced. THjE JEST" Comic. The Musical Program for the Life of Moses will be strictly IN A HEMPEN BAG" Biograph, classical and semi-sacred. M ' ? : I" . " >- .

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