CAROLINA.- FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 11, I9M. Madrid. Feb. 10. ?The internal Liberal: dissensions culminated today hi the resignations of the 8panlah cabinet, of which Morety Prender grast was premier. The King at once charged Joae Canalejas y Men tal, a democrat and leader of the ex treme liberals, to form a new minis try. This he has done, the ministry being constituted aa follows: Premier ? Jose Sanalejas y Men dee. Foreign Minister ? Oarcta Prletro. Minister of the Interior ? Senor 8a gasta. Minister of War ? General Aznar. Minister of Marine ? ? Arias Ml ' ran da. ' Minister of Finance ? Senor Co bian. Minister of -Justice ? Ruts Vala rlno. Minister of Public Works ? Senor BOAT BURNING aooo Theae Seturdej afternoon matlneee lure W? well attended, and hare been a prlrllece tor Ue school children who could not at tend during the week en account of their studies. . On account of Wfc lengthening of Ue days. Ue entertainment will not begin until t o'clock. The ckDdna axe requested not to cone before 4:30 o'clock. The management has agreed to al low suraee to accompanr snail cbli drea. where the parents ?aanot c6me with then. Part of the proceeds of the ststjnse tlat Ckarch 8uoday school bulMlkg fund, Coroner's Jury Holds Dr. Hyde for Death of Swope. CAPSULE GIVEN THE VICTIM The Verdict U That Millionaire Uune to His Death by Reason of Strych nine Administered at the Instance of Is Niece's HuwhaM '' tlon May Follow Investigation. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 10. ? Col. Thomas H. Swope came to his death by reason of strychnine, administered in a capsule at the iiuitance of Dr. B. C. Hyde, husband of the dead mil lionaire's niece, according to the ver dict of the coroner's Jury In Indepen dence today. Whether the drug was adminis tered with felonious intent the* jury said in its verdict It was unable to determine. The jury was out but little more than an hour. * But one bWllot was necessary to agree upon a verdict. Although there were numerous and hurried consultations between attor neys f9r the State and Dr. Hyde and his legal advisers and rumors regard ing probable prosecution were plenti ful. the case stands just as it did when the coroner's jury returned Its verdict Prosecutor Virgil Conkllng said positively that he would confer with his associates in the prosecutor's of fice before be took any action. It la s**d that Coroaer B. H. Stew art will begin an inquest over Chris man 8wope's body as soon as the ba ttel report of the physicians who are examining the stomach and liver Is Dr. Hytfe and his attorneys. John H. Cleary and Prank P. Walsh, spent the evening together at the physi cian's heme. They made no state ment. lira. Hyds is seriously 111 and the pfcy*lci?n te dsvotlag all his spare time io her. Dr. Frank Hall and Dr. Edward L Stewart, for damages for $(04,000 for alleged lfbel will be dismissed if Dr. Hyde Is pressed for depositions in the case now. It Is reported. It Is ex pected that the deposition contest, which waged so fiercely last week, will begin anew now aa the coroner's inquest is over. / If Dr. Hyde is ruffled by the verdict he Is concealing his feelings. He wss present when the verdict was return ed. After hearing it read, he turned to hie attorney and asked : "What does it mean?" Mr. Cleary explained the verdict. "I see." he said simply. Then hel ssked his attorneys to go to lunch with him and a moment later they] left the building. . - . V - UNIVERSITY TU report at FmUut Venable, or the State Ualreralty, to Governor Kltehln, aim eight hu.dred >u ttraatf Wodaata. He H? lie Bute Ue aat.eetflr only two !? la Its knadr a* (M Site. a ?tIMmce. coMtai amatjrS*e ?JSSLS 'WK?' MOdtaca. "Me*, .wttk it. taa riM at e%ht iu ?addoltaae. TViltiUi. earfcatr-Sre tboaaand dol lar. annually. Tie uitMMt* to la dakt tilrtr-tw. theaiaad dottara. It "Hi danaltartoa. K. m. dowae.t to oalj two iuadrad UoO aaad dollar.. FAIR OONUR IT4 Tie due .et for the next State Fair to Octatar. 17 to 11 inclu?hre. Tito waa aattled at the meetlfic of tie V Irctnto-Carol lna-Oe orfta ralr Circuit, held at Roanoke, V. ANOTHERJLAWYER ? m Tia Norti Carolina ?a (ranted QsBS*~W iwnaman, Mr. J oh. H. J practice hto profeaalon. tie law. aaar Brat began the atodr of law der tie Ira of Rodaiaa ft Rod ...? aad completed hla cauree at the ?tate untraralty. He la a aon of Captain aad Mn. Herbert Boaaer. Out of. a elaia of tl appllrantf, Mr. Poaaer wa, one of tia U netful St SSiSnSsaJf. CITY Adopts Novel Method to Punish Crime. ADOPTED TACTICS OF RING Alexander Peacock, One of thgjnroi*. Mutter's" Proteges, lie? His Fist OB His Squandering Clerks? -The Short age gSBO.000 ? ? He Declines ?o Prosecute Them. Pittsburg, Feb. 10. ? Alexander R. Peacock, one of Andrew ' Carnegie's 30 "young partners," has again as tonished Pittsburg. Finding that some of his employes had ftquandered about 9260,000 of his money, be locked himself in a room with each of these men, one at a time, and, it is alleged, beat them soundly with fads fists. Then he drove them from iriis office. He declines to prosecute them. Bbfore chastising them, how ever, Mr. Peacock, who has about l$15,000,00d left, made the employes |slgn over to him the real estate and other property that they owned. The discharged employes of Pea cock for a year have been living ex travagantly. Some months ago Mr. Peacock became fearful -that some thing was wrong, snd he employed detectives to tratl his employes. In structing that daily reports be made to him. In the first report Mr. Pea cock was told that two of his most trusted men had "bought wine" for chorus gtrls and men about town St the Hotel Lincoln until far In the morning. . Girls In Poker Game. Peacock refused to believe this. He ordered that the hotel be watched again. The next report was that not only viere there two employes "buy ing wine" at the hotel, but one of them appeared in publlo places with a woman, who was showing s coat given to her by this man, which, she toasted, had oost $400. After midnight, one of the men, who was being watched, started a ?poker MM wUb 0*1 j otorvi girl* ?nl hlMOtf MP player. He tare each girl $15 with which to play agalnit him. With $500 in front of him he was overcome by the wine and had to 6e carried off to bed /at which time a male friend of one of the chorus girls took the vacant seat and lost the money to the women. It required only a. few days of In vestigation by Mr. Peacock to find that from the particular branch of his business. In which these men were employed, there had been $250,000 in profits in the last year which he had never seen. AT THE GAIRTY. ' The funny picture. Punch and Judy; The Day After, comedy; Chooalng a Husband, comedy Bio graph; The Ugly Girl, hand-colored Pathe d'art; Tramps' Romance; Re pairing the House; ts the elaborate program scheduled for the Gaiety to night. Bring the children out to see Punch and Judy. Toatfcht the draw lag for the beautiful silver butter set comes off tonight. Come, yen might hold the lucky nam her. Hear the orchestra toatgkt by the home boys. Their music -will he of a high trrade. The program at the Gaiety this even ing fee a swell one, yon can t atfrrd to I . AGED AUT0KT ; ?m ? of Mm (Mm 1. ft*** If ftat Waahlagtoa can bout oMbe oldeat ohan*eur la North Carollea ta tho 'rfeireoo of Mr. Hmii4 W tow til. who l fl* the three NQN and ten apoat. Tha New. claim that h? | la the oldeat driver of as auto la the ith. He handles hi, raaehln?wltti the deftaeea of one maajr rear, hit Jnalor. Quite a number wltneaeed hi* eapfolta jeaterdax afternoon. Thla popular aged eltiien la actlra and ea erietlc (or one of hi* ape, Mr. Wla wall la bound to be ahreaat of tha Umee and not (at left Oaa of the nrellaat perTormancee fet the HUM la billed to be praeent ted at' the Oam 'theater thla ereaLag. The feature reel will ha tbellera' Heart, b? McDanlel Rlche Thla laiwd pMUra la. acted b> Mr. Dorl |TaT, of the Odeoa Thaaur. Pari*: IMeila Geanne aad Marie Laureat, or the VaaderlUe Theater; Roee Rldde. of tfea Opera Coaalfue; Mr. DeLor Atheae Theater; J. Reaei, of the Kealeaane. Theater, other pic to he ahowa are Won la the A Un SPENDING MONEY "Up Against Wrote a Nan Who Ended Life. "OUTLIVED MY USEFULNESS" .A Silverware Salesman and Inventor of a Device For Cutting Butter, Kills Himself in a Batliroom? "Keep Voop Monej Fntll Old Enough to Enjoy It," He Advises. New York, Feb. 10. ? David Butcher, 56 years old. a silverware salesman and an inventdr-otfc-a device (or cutting butter, killed HUnself in a bathroom at ths Hotel Ra^nond, In. East Twenty-eighth street,'- this Al/ ternoon. He filled the tub with warm -water, got in, and. fired a bullet Into his head above the right ear. Butcher took 9 room -at' the hotel last August. He had difficulty in paying his way. The management today sent him a bill for il28, re questing payment. It' was shortly after receiving the statement that he killed himself. In an open letter he wrote: "Why? Simply, I sm up Against it. A man lives to be G6 years old and finds himself a stranger among strrfhgers; has three resources stealing, begging, or the ne?t best thing. I have taken my choice. "No doubt I will be missed as lit tle as any other person. 4>uts!?e of my sister and my boy there Is not s soul on earth to drop a tear or give a sigh. ' '"w "The Metropolitan clock is Just tolling the Iran tongue of time to that tune of 'Nearer. My God, to Thee.' Not the midnight hour, b?t my last here on this -earth. Simply. I have outlived my usefulness. "Young men, don't spend your! money. Save It until jo'u are old| enough to enjoy life." Among the man's effects were Shrlnar'a badge and fes SOCIAL Ladles' Aid Society Function at Real. | deace of Mr. W. D. Woolard l?at Night Much Kajoyetf. The social given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Woolard, West 8ecend street, last evening, by the Ladles' Aid 8ociety ef the Chris tian Ohurch, wss much enjoyed by those In attendsnce. Delightful re freshments were served. Quite neat sum was realiied for the church. I The ladles, of this churcl^ always en- 1 tertajn royally. STORM WARNING Weather Bar* a a Predicts Northeast) Storm lUr Afternoon trad Night. The following telegram has t> ? , [recel*NL>y the local weather dln-j playman. dated Washington. D. lex htacttd Gtfted r?| Mm lar mm of L. P. The state University trueteee at their annual meeting In Raleigh [elected on the (rat baflot l.urlu. Polk McOeehee. to he profeeaor of [law and dean of the lav department [at the Unlrer.Hj of North Caroline. He received 21 votee on the tret bel j lot oat of the 14 east. , Mr. McO?e I hee. whtf It at prevent In New Terk, I will eocpt ihn tender lie aiirfnii [the late Judge McRae. Ttm new deal waa graduated front the Vnlrerettr and alao etudled law there under Judge Manning. The trueteea are to he congratulated oh their eeleetlxi. VALENTIXH PARTY. Hand Circle of the Church will give a Val Partj la the building formerly H. ?, IS STILL RISING The River Gettiog Higher, But > More Slowly. CREST IS DUE TOMORROW 4T ? Several of the IMstrlcts That Bore the Brunt of the Great Flood Are Swept ? Tour of Iupertkin Made by One of the Offlcfw and Crisis la Expected bjr Tomorrow. F Paris. Feb. 10. ? Bright sunshine, and clear bracing air thpt carried a heavy touch of frost cheered the in habitants of the flood-stricken sec Itcms of this city today after many huunj-OT rata had renewjti their terrors. The Seine is still rising, but more slowly ngvf. I The waters are ten inches higher than they were yesterday, but the crest of the present flood is expected by tomorrow. The authorities now think there is no fijrther danmegr, as the cold weather promises a cessation of the thaws which have done so much to bring on the second flood. They are tsklng no chances, how ever, and Paris Is making frantic ef forts to forestall another devasta tion ?_ Several of the districts that bore the brunt of the great flood are again swept by the waters of the river, and an army of hundreds of men Is busy throwing up dykes at every threat ened point. Mortar, bags of Band, bricks, atone and timber are used and many of the dykes are built as flrmly as If they were to stand for years. The system of measurements that gives Paris warning, of a rise In the river, shows, accor(ling?Uo a state ment from the hydrographic offlfre today, that the crest of thlB second ary flood will come tomorrow, and that the rise will equal the figures of 1882 at least ? a serious disaster In itself. Pasay, one of the worst sufferers In the first inundation, today Is again *Si4*r..:*Her to * depth of several feet In many places, And tfre- tn habi tants have been forced to flee from the homes to which they were begin ning timidly to return. The situation in the Auteull dis trict today is worse, and In other sec tions dangerous. M. Millerand, the minister of pub tic works, today made a personal tour of Investigation. BlfYS PAPER Mr. W. I. I'mlerwood Has Purchased The Greensboro Patriot, One of Oldest Papers in South. Announcement is made of the pur chase of the Greensboro Patriot, one of the oldest newspapers In the South, by Mr. W. I. Underwood, who has been the acting editor of the paper for several years. Tint rhange of ownership occasioned no Ilttttt snr prise la Oreenaboro. Underwood l? well known in tWs cftr- He la n eon of Rev. J. E. Underwood, at one time pastor of the WreC Methodist Church here. Mr. Underwood has mads good In the; 0M1? and s one of the Bute's (toning Journalists. UMBB ( ABnnCft PIGKOSH Ocean Springs. Miss., Feb. * Carrier pigeons may prove aa invalu able ?adjdhct to the practice of medi etas In rural districts. A physician' cf Ocean 8priirgi hss demonstrated ? their usefulness. Having many calls Into the surrounding country sad finding It dljPcult to keep In touch dally with hla patients, he hit upon the carrier pigeon plan. The birds, bearing In a small aluminum capsule a report of the condition of patients from whose homes they are released, have been known to return to the doctor's home at the rate of more than a mile a minute. Urgent calls are thns promptly answered and vis Its which are not Immediately neces sary are obviated. r. 8. OFFfCKR IN CITY. Mr. Wllllanfc Mullen, first officer of the U. 8.. Buoytender Violet, arrived In the city laot evening (rote Fred - ericksftnrg. Vs.. Where he was ca!ttd to the bedside of his sister. tfr. Mullau eipoc*. to join theTtotet her* tod?jr or tojilo^Fow. CAPTAIN SHARP OB An ? . . " i , Washington. Fob. 11? Capt. Ale* ander 8 harp. V. 8 K. ?M her* to of pneumonia He had command of the Vlrtfalfc during the ardtind tho- world cruise. ' Tli* eon eolation a' peraon haa tor Those Interested in Hog- Raising Should Attend Meeting. \ WILL BE A WEEKLY AFFAIR Those Who Keep l*p With These Meeting!* Will So lH>uht Becoinr the Mont PronperuuN mul Up-to Ihite Money-makers of Till* Coun- 1 ? Attend Tomorrow. All parties Interested in the cheap est method of raising hogs will meet at the Chamber of Commerce at 10:30 tomorrow morning. The sub ject to be discussed is "Hog Raising In Che S5uth." No fa nil hi- should' miss this meeting. Beaufort county is (he natural home of stock raising and forage crops, which go hand in hand. With sufficient stock and the proper rota tion of crops, our lands will be gotten in such condition as to assimilate the fertilizers used upon these lands, thus eliminating much of the cause for failure. It will also cause our farmers to raise from 40 to 100 bush els to the acre, depending upon the quality of the lands. Every Saturday at 1 0:30_tarmers meetings will be held at the Chamber of Commerce. T^fese. who keep up with these meetings will no doubt become the most prosperous and up to-date money makers of this county. CHANGE NAME Tlie Protestant Episcopal rhurcli to , Change to "American Catholic Church.** Nay* fllnhop. New Orleans. La.. Feb. 10.-- That the Protestant Episcopal Church will have Its name changed to the "Amer ican Catholic Church" at the next general convention of that denomi nation Is the opinion expressed by Bishop E. W. Osborne, of the diocese of Springfield, III., who Is on a visit to. New Orleans. 8entlment for sucb ar change TV growing- stronger gen., ernlly among members of the denomi nation, Bishop Osborne says. HONORED Wright Brothers Presented (.angley Medal by Chief Justice Puller of the Supreme Court. Washington, Feb. 10. ? Orvtlle^ and Wilbur Wright, the aeronauts, were today presented with the liangley medal of the Smithsonian Institute by-?Cbief Justice Fuller, of the Unit fed States Supreme Court, who Is also chancellor of the Smithsonian Institute. The medsf was created in 1908 la commemoration of Professor tABtley and his work in aero dcomics. Wilbur Wrtght in accepting the aiedal declared that when the Wrlgfct brothers had perfected their com mercial Hying- machine organization they Intended to ge back to rewsarch work and announce some starillng discoveries. He declared there nae research work awaiting which could keep six men huay-a lifetime. The medal was struok In the mint at Paris. It was designed by J. C. Champlaln, a member of the French Academy. rererae hi from the Mai of thA Institution designed by St. Oandena. Duplin*^ in bronze also were pre sented to the Wright brothers, and one replica was kept for the Institu tion. TO BKOIN WORK. Rev. R. E. Hoffman preached at( the First Baptist Chnrch Wednesday I night, and pleased those who heard | him. He will begin his regular work! Sunday, by prcachlng at the Plney j Grove Church near Jaraeeville. TO NUCCKKft NR. RAUGHAM. At the cailcd meeting of the Bowtd of City Aldermen last night at the city hall, Mr. George Hackney, ? Jr., -Was elected a member of the Im provement Committee to succeed the late Mr. W. p, Baugham. VAI.EXTTNK NIGHT. The young folk are making their ntunl prtsyaraU? for m peeper cele bration of Valaattne night. Already the different show windows are ex hibiting beautiful . and attrac tive soufcMr* of this veteran saint. Of conrae the comic pictures come In for their share, and donhtleea there arin be plenty**-" riled" old aaldt when the day Km paaaed. ?l '? m< , KIKG GliaTAVE DOING WKI.I. Stockholm. F?b 11.? Klnp iluiHn l? dolus woll ?? * ran It of the opcr ...o. for ?pp?.dlcltto. GIVEN TWO YEARS. Oliver Spitzer Sentenced to Gen k eral Prison. IN DECEMBER HJ* * r1?* Was m Cuniplnirj to l)r fraud the Government In Wdgli Iuk of lni|M>rt?tionN of Hugur Wa? ? ,>oclt Superintrmlfnt ut the Wil liamsburg Plant. I New York. Feb. 10. ? Oliver C. Spitzer, former dock superintendent at the Williamsburg plant of the American Sugar Refining Company, was today sentenced to two years in the Federal prison at Atlante, Ga. The sentence was imposed b? Judge Martin in the criminal branch tof the United States circuit court- Spitzer was convicted last December of con spiracy to dOCraud the government in the weighing of importatforls of sugar. Spitzer, who has been In the hos pital in Brooklyn since his convic tion, collapsed when sentence wai pronounced. He had to be held up by two deputy United States mar shals when he went before the bar to learn his fate, and when It had been pronounced the, deputy mar shals carried him to a chair, where he sat as if in a trance while his law yer made the perfunctory motion for a new trial. Spitzer's lawyer. George M. Mac kellar, asked the court to commit his client to Jail pending an appeal, but Judge Martin denied the motion, and decided that Spitzer should go to the Atlanta prison Immediately. Accordingly railroad tickets were sent for at once and Bpltzer will etart for Atlanta during the afternoon. RESOLUTIONS Board of Directors of Rank of Wash ington Pass Resolutions on Death of IMrector W. P. Ilaugliam. - TM- taUgldM ? WQUjtgn. ,hjr_ th? board of director, of Uw BuC of Washington In meeting assembled February 10, 1910, were ordered Epread upon the records of this bank and a copy hereof sent to Mrs. W. P. Raugham and published in the city papers. ?rii. : Bending aa all must before the Supreme Will of the Divine Ruler* we nevertheless deplore the ~ertnrereiy calling away from this earthly com munity of our late associate and fel low director. William P. Raugham. Having been in close touch with him from the date of the organization of this bank, of which he was a val ued director in continuous service since that period, we make this rec ord of our deep regret that we shall be henceforth deprived of his wise counsel, his unusual foresight, his unerring Judgment, hia untiring en ergy. his unswerving loyalty to tha Interests of this* institution. ? For the member* of hln stricken family, of whom he was so tender snd so proud, profoundest sympathy Is hereby expressed, and "We rever ently Invoke Divine Guidance, be seeching for the sorrowing the strength and courage to endure, aad the grace to anbmlt to the Higher Will with Christian rsefcgnaijos By order of the be&Ftt of directors. 9BTH BEIDGMAN. * J President. THOS. J. LATHAM. Cashier. 1TIKODORH ROORKVHLT. JR. to marry mew tore lady. New York. Feb, 1*? Mra Henry Addison Alexander, of No. 43 W?t Forty-seventh street, announced to night the engagement of her daugh ter. Eleanor Biftler Alexander, to Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.. eldest son of Col. Theodore Roosevelt. Young Roosevelt since his gradua tion from Harvard has been learning [carpet manufacturing in a factory at Thompsonville. Conn. ORCHESTRA PRACTICE TONIGHT. There will & a rehearsal of the M. E. Church orchestra In the annex of the Methodist Church this even ing. All the members are requested to be present and all others who are interested are Invited. 5 I New ? in Today's New* ? ? Gen Theater. + ? Gaiety Theater. ? ? J. H. Harris plumbing ? Supply 4 Co. ? Plows. 4 ? J. K. Hoyt ? Lacee. # ? OwoilM. ? ? Ckwpak, SUuuktt 1*. * Oooa* Orataa UllMll. . ? ? - ? ? MBS OlDtMKt. ? ? Vlck't ???mil ? ?'?*?*????*????