I? dated Mar 20, IMS. ?nd 1. dnlj Of DMdi for Beaufort county. In Book III, page 396. the undersigned will, a* Saturday, the ifth day of March, 1910. at It o'clock, noon, offer for aale to the hlgheet bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Beaufort. county, the following de scribed real estate, to- wit; Lying and being In Beaufort coun ty. State of North Carolina, In Bath township, anl described and defined as fellows: Beginning at a atone on the corner of T. d. Jardan,*now W. R Wilkinson's dlrislon line, thence eastWardly, with said division, to Mary A. PWey*s line, now J. Q. Win atead's heira; thence northlrardly, with aald Una, to the lead ditch, thence with *ald ditch, hack to T. O. Jordan "a fence; thence with the fence to the beginning, containing ten (IV) acres, more or leaa. It being the tract of land sold hy W. A. Muse and wife to L. F. Bell and hy said Bell and wife to Law rence BatUe. ' This 17th day of February. 1910. , J, B. KILLINGS WORTH, > Mortgagee. Br Waebington Horse Exchange To I. A. Sugg: * Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned it a sale tot tax4s held by C. H. RobereonT tax collector for the Aurora Graded School District, on the 3rd day of May, 1909, purchased ? parcel of land which was listed by t. A. Sugg for the years 1907 and 1908, which is described as follows: One lot In Aurora. The time tor re demption of the said land will expire on the 3rd day of May, 1910'. This J5th day -of February, 1910. >1 W- H. WHITLEY NOTICE. To I. A. Sugg: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned at a sale for taxes held by C. H. Roberson, tax collector for the town of Aurora, on the 3rd day of May, 1909, purchased a parcel of land which was listed by I. A. Sugg for the years 1907 and 1909, which la de scribed as follows: One lot In Aurora. The time for redemption of the said Istd will expire on the 3rd dsy of May, 1910. ? This 15th day of February, 1910. W. H. WHITLEY. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained In a certain l&ortgage deed made by R. B. Hopkins to Nor wood L- Simmons, March 26, 190S, recorded In book 152, pago 40, Reg ister of Deeds office, Beaufort coun ty, N. C.. the undersigned will on the 28th day of March, 1910, at 12 m., at the courthouse door of ' Beaufort county, sell at public auction for . cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described tractn of land, con veyed in said mortgage. In Beaufort county; North Carolina: 1st Tract. Adjoining tho landn of Joseph Smith, Roper Bros, et als. Beginning at Burbarge Cross Roads running with Yeateaville road to' Janice Bailey patent line, thence withi the snld line eastfrftrdly to the north east corner, thence southwardly to ? the North preek road, thence west ward ly with the?sald road to the be ginning, . containing tmsnty acres more or .le'Ss. Being theSw?me land tonveyejl by deed by J. II. Burbage to R. Tj. Hopkins dnd n*ccbrded in book 150, page 109, in Register of Deeds office, Beaufort county, N.-C. 2nd Tract Adjoining the lands of Henry Emery and bounded as fol lows: On the side _of South creek, beginning on Little "Creek at Heny Emery's northeast corner, thence with said Bmery's line south 2 1-4 west to the Main road, thence with said Main road south 74 1-2 east 70 ? yards, theuce parellet with Henry Emery's. line north 2 1-4 east to Lit tle Creek, thence down said creek to the beginning, containing five acres. Being the same land conveyed by J. T. Barber to R. B. Hopkins iy>d re corded in brtek 150, pago 90, Regis ter of Deeds office. Beaufort county. Thla February 21. 1910. CO WELL, SWAN & McCOTTER CO.. \ Corporation, Assignee o{ Mortgagee anSsAwner of Debt. " By Vaughan & Thompson, AttoytfteJ%. , NOTICE. I have this day qualified before the cltork of the Superior court of Beaufort county a8 executrix of the last -will and tea til men t of W. P. Baugham, deceased. AH persons who may have Just claims pr accounts against his estate are hereby notified * to file the sayte with me, duly Item ised and verified, within one year from this date, aa prescribed by law, else this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons who are Indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate settle meft with me, as such executrix. This February 13. 1910. MARY A. BAUGHAM, | = ? A FIRE SHOULD HAPPEN? Would it catch you unprepared? / All kinds of "good insurance (or saie by * ?? ' J WM. BRAG AW;& CO., ? Amenta in Washiagton, N. C. kUPEKB pToR SERVICE It .Comes Where Least Expected Several handsome buildings burned at Greenville. Insure Today and don't take i a't take chances RKEK^ C.D. PA -r ?v X FROM NOW A? DURING THE REMAINDER OP THE SEASON "Wk'SHJUJ, HAyK FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY THURSDAY " of the Very choicesfri-its, etc., such as APPLES, BANANAS, GRAPES, NAVELORANGES, LEMONS and CELERY These weekly arrivals will ttsnre good stock nil the time, and we shall be gl^d for you to give as your orders for such. - Having taken the agency for the famous brand, "MaxWeU House," Coffee, we shall sell that to the secjjislon of all other 33c. Coffees, or 3 Lbs. for $1.00. We have reduc&d the price of O'Dono hue's "Fifth Avenue" Coffee (front 35c. to 25c.), until we can clear our .shelves of this brand. -iiifl-i.1 AgentHfor "Town Talk*' Flour. . JOS. F. TAYLOE, THE QUALITX" GROCER. To Mary Bason: Notice is hereby given. Thalfthe undersigned at a sale (or taxes held by C . R. Robereon, Tax Collector "tor rb^. Superior court of Beaufort coun-l ty in the above entitled action. I. Geo. C. Rfcks, sheriff of Beaufort county, .vlll on Monday, the 7th day of March, 1010, nt noon at the court house In said county, sell KUhe high est bidder for cash to sat$fy said execution, all. tho right, title and in terest which the said R. B. Hopkins, the defendant above named, has In* the following described real estate, to- wit: First Tract. In Richland town ship, Beaufort county, on the east ?ide of South Creek" adjoining jhe lands of Henry l'tnosy, and bojm&ed ns foilows: Beginning in Little Creek at Ilenry Emery's" corner and running with Emery's line to the m^ln road leading from Aurora ? to Orogon; tlienco'wjth the ma!n road 70 yard a to a ntake, thence the course if the first line reversed to Little Creek, thence down Little Creek to the beginning containing 5 acres in cluding all "buildings and Improve ments located on sal3 lands. L Second Tract. Adjoining lands of Joseph Smith, Roper Bros, and oth ers, beginning at Burtage's Croas Roads.' funning with t|ie Yeatesvllle .road to the James Bailey patent line, thence with the* said Una eastwardly *.o the N. E. corner, thence south-' wardly to tho North Creek road, rfience" westwardly with said road to tho beginning containing SO acres more or less, being the same land conveyed by deed by' J. H. Burbsge 40 R. B. Hopkins, recorded in book I60,,page 109, In the Register's office of Beaufdrt county, whl*fc deed il hereby referred to as a more com plete description. This the 27th day of January, 1910. GEO: E. RICKS. Sheriff. -T ?> ? ' ! * NOTICE. North Carolina, Beaufort county. To R. L Davis. f Notice la hereby given: That on the 3d day of May. 1909, the unde signed. at a sale for taxes by George B. Ricks, sheriff of Beaufort county, North Carolina, purchased at said sale a lot or pared of land, situated In Pantego township, adjoining B.ul-J ! lock containing 10 acres and llstejNiy ?aid R. L Davis. The taxes for which said land was sold being for the year 1908 that the time for redemption under the sale made by tho said Ooorgo E. Ricks, sheriff, will expire on the 3d day of May, 1910. This 25th day of January, 1910. B. H. MOORE. said lan<$\will expire on the 3d day | of May, 1010. ?? This 0th day' of February, 1010. DlXO.^i & BONNER. ? v NUT!tt? To R. F. Beunetj.: Notice 1h hereby given that, the un dersigned at a for raxes held 'by Gab. E. Rinks, sheriff of Beaufort county, on the 3rd day of May, 1300, j purchased a liorcfel of lond 'which w, i- listed- by.R. I*. Bennett* for the years 1 1 D?*7 and lOOTs, wh'cli ii leioribod as 1 follows: Home arJ Killi1. The time for redemption o? *h? raid iar.d I will empire "en the Cnl' day of .Mr. IJtt. .\ j 'This 15fh day of February. 10 V W. H. WHITLEY. NOTICE. . iTo C., C- Sparrow and J. \V. Stcwirt, | I Mortgagee: \ - Notice Is hereby given that the tin- . Iderslgned at - tft Personal Mention ? 1 1 ? MI?M? Effl? *o4 Alloe JarVia, of BeUi??n, ihU 8*lurd?j la -the "city the gueats of Miss Elouls* Davenport , on West Second tint Judge Q. 8., Ferguson, who has been holding court here for the past two week*, left this morning for Cur rituck county. Mr. Oeo^ T. Leech returned this morning from a business trip. * ?' Mr. Brown returned this morning from Henderson. Mr. J.Jg. Cox, of New Bern, arrived in the city today. Hon. fc. 8- Ward left, this morning fqr Currituck county to attend court there. ' >" . * Dr. D. T. Tayloe left this morning on a buslnasa trip. Mr% N. L. Simmons left this morn ing for Cutfltuck county. ? " DECLINES CALL Rev. J. Ay Sullivan Receives Veryj Flattering Call to Another Church j Bat Has Declined. Rev. J. A. Sullivan, the beloved pastor* of the First Bnptist Church , it to remain In Washington, to the de light of his congregation and the clt leens generally. It has just leaked on that he had a most flattering call to one of the most Influential Baptist churches in southeastern Alabama and haU been considering same for the past several weeks. Several tele grams haVe been passing back and fofirth between Mr. Sullivan and the Ichi^rch there, but on Saturday Mr. Sullivan after mature deliberation and prayer decided to decline the call. The church in Alabama that desired Him as pastor was one of the most up to-date in that section of that State. The chprch pays a large salary. By some means the congregation of the First Baptist Church, this city, got an inkling of what was goipg on and I yesterday morning after, the service held a congregational meeting, with the result the pastor's salary was raised. This ls>we11. Mr. Sullivan is : too vatuable a man for Washington to'lose. He Is accomplishing a great and lasting good here and it would be a blow for him to leave. The Daily News takes occasion to congratulate the congregation . of that church on the fact their popular pastor JETs-d*-" rided to tetnnin. | : AT THE GEM. t Another, fine perfQrmance is psom- 1 ised all thoso who attend the Gem theatei* tonight. All last week the! iheater w^s crowded rind everyone ! (ke in the highest terms of j I. Tonight tho following j a been arranged ; A Glo- 1 comedy; Fishing, pa no- i :n Tastes. th<**\VUfo, com* Uttle Angel of Roaring j ?stern rnelodrr.iaa : Th?' present 8pi the picture program h rIo?js 9L.iv i ramlf; 3us| Opul'M ill hear ed by t Schema I Sleepy . C-.-rj. Tin: f.AiMTv. Another atr/a^We and progrnu l?p oxhlH : at the ! Fifteen minutci paused : k*?!1 have tkfc pen in my head trying ;o 'think j of porr.rj cute way to go. u;.? a catchy ad. If you will just tell me how to create a great er. .demand for faces ? j fncg? wire"!, tgtir with, kto on the] streets. In otor Iipmes; tell me how to j get people mora Interested in each ! other's likenesses; If you will toll mcj correctly. \ will set up to Coco-Cola 1 at Brown's "Drug Store. AKER'S STUDIO ! ^ ? 'TTITV jMABKBT. Eggsr.i Kc CbioJcens. grown...., 25 to 30c Sprloe chickens 10 to 25c O. d, hides. ... . . 7c Green hides*. . cc Mixed wool 1? ;o 20c TMfbw . .'. f. ........ 3 i Wool,' free from burrs. 20r Sheerllngs ;'. . . 6 to If* Lambskin 25 to 40c Corn. ...... 80c Lint cotton....,; . ...13 1-2c Seed cotton 5.50 LastCallforTaxes This is to notify all persons that unless thsy settle their taxes by the ffifct Monday In March T shall be com pelled nhder the law to advertise. All those In arrears should call snd settle at once ia order to avoid extra cost. This Is the laat notice. : w; B. WINDLET, City Clerk. * Remedy ICpl 5c. Worth of Ice will save 10c. worth of Meat; just l#c worth of Meat saved per week amount* in a year to |).tl saved. Read the bulletin board on our wagon for icy items. ^ 'Phone 83. / ' Crystal Ice Co. WASHINGTON, N..CV Gaiety theater tonight. All last week the program*, each night, were high ly appreciated and deservedly to. The Illustrated song* by Mr. Whltten la being enjoyed nightly. Tonight the title of his song will be "If l| pould Qaln the -World by Wishing." I In addition to the illustrated song! the management will show the very latest pictures on canvas as follows: The Last Deal, Biograph; The King's Command, drama; Over Zealous Do mestic, comedy; Pishing Industry at Gloucester, MVm. All of the above films are new and cannot be seen at any other theater but the Gaiety. They are Instructive, laughable and pleasing. Remember the orchestra plays nlkhtly all during the perform ance. Be among the merry crowd going to the Gaiety tonight. FOK HEADACHE ? Hick's Capudine. Whether from C-jld^ffeat. Stom ach or Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you. It's liquid ? pleas ant to take ? auta^immed lately. Try it. 10, 25 and 5tfc. at drug stores. PILES CURED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days, or money refunded. GOc. Have you been betrayed by prom ises of quacks, swallowed pills and bottled medicines without results ex cept a damaged stomach? To those we ofTer Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea -to learn, the value of a real soothing, healing, curing remedy. Don't delay; start tonight. Hardy's Drug Store. The world, dear Agnes, is a strange ' affair. ? Moliere. i Terrible Croup My Utile bqy, who Is four years old.1 has suffered a lot with croup. On I several occasions we thought he w;:a gene. After trying all the old time reme dies and most of the new. I came home one night at midnight, and my r/ife waid, "The toy has the croup again ? supposa. yov pet a bottle of i!y ?mel." \"Xdjp Junk"/' I ' .id, "but v,*i vlJl riren! ->f c our money so they alt 111 get some." I hr.jtencd to an all night drug store, brought it homo. !:i live mln itte- J'.c -yr.a brenthlns, easier. !:? flf ?e ? . Misvi'v*!* he vns * v:nd a'dvei;. :? hro':n thi f-rrv.ip :t> ?;ulcl:ly it. sea rod of a c hild I hop-.- v. i!l ;:':ve iiyomei .1 ??? ' i a ; hiiii !v f;?% : renvil.-:" T'.r /. L\ Clark, 2 ) ' S. !I. Wa-h U-C. Oct. 7. ! \ ? H: Is n rojaurV.iiL !/ Iv ? : ? r.i'.dy !:: of it: id it;, *lun?ld cvi.i> hom?* 'v?i? re there r i Fall ii?v.'.ru/,:Uu:,i !io\>' *0 c.ji-' f'ra.Lji i-omes wlt'i ?-aeli ots'll. C*. 1 r,i ; lore f'yomei outfit meladhig lahsler iro.~t^ 31.00 at dr : rv f ry\v!ier.' and at Rrown's Drug Store. !t V guarantee?! to cure i-.tiarr!i. coughs and cold?. SPECIAL ATTENTION Is called to our lin* of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR for LADIES at all priced. Spencer Bros. Exclusive agents I for Paris Patterns): ISIVAL'S STONE ROOT * -rv V N COMPOUND A Prompt and Specific Rfnwdy for all kidney, iJVer and bladder ? DISEASES. GUARANTEED b j ua. / Yon take do chaace. v> Washington ^ Drug Store. THE GAIETY: Pro gun Chanted Daily PRIZE TONIGHT ; THE U8T DEAL# ? Blograpi < ; KING'S COMMAND. ! I > OVKRZKALOl'8 DOMESTIC. ? ; [ I FISHING INDUSTRY AT ; GIjOUCHEHTKR. MAH8. ! I I ILLVSTKATHD HONG, ; | "If I Could Qaii^the World by < ? ; Wishing/* ? GOOD MUSIC. ; : Follow the 4 : Merry Cro wd f WHAT WE ARK DRIVING at Is this: We have the largest as sortment of bolls, hooks, hinges, nails, screw?, tools, shelf and build ers' hardware of the very best grades that you'd care to see. No use to you or us to bother with "seconds" or "thirds" ? "the best is the cheapest" every time. That here. McKE LI,- RICHARDSON* HARDWARE COMPANY DID YOU EVER CONSIDER How many hours you spend cleaning lamps and how much money you spend for shades and burners in a year? Let us wire your house at cost, and you will be rid of all this trouble. We keep up the lamps free. Washington Electric Plant, First National Bank of Washington ' -x^ WASHINGTON, N. C. , CAPITA I. STCX.K. S5?.OOrn?. Si RPIA S i IM), StSMM.VB " Accounts of Individuals and Corporations Solicited, OFHCKRS: C. M. DROWN". Prcsi?U's;i. A/M DIM A V. J. 1). FOWLi".. Vicc-l'^sitii-nt. ? Cu.'.hier. DIREC'l ORS: Co. T. Lcacli, C. M. Brown. F. C'. Ku'cU-r, I>. M. Cjrtci . ' \V. U. SwinJi'.1. * .J. U. Kow!?. \V. T. rroctor. V- Uuniay vv '-L V/hltl? ESQLRCES OVER S3n0,G0t>. | What Kind Of Lights I Do You Bum ? | * COMPARATIVE TABLE OF \ | Candle Power Costs of Various Commercial Lamps Now < | in Popular Use * ? ' Gas at $1.25 per 1,000 Feet, and Electricity at 11 l-2t. K. W. Kind of Lamp Ghs. Humphrey 5-Mantl^ Inverted Gas Arc' Humphrey 3-Mantle Inverted Gas Arc jHfumphrey 4-Mantle Upright GaH Arc Welabach Upright Burner Welabach Reflex Inverted Burner .. Feet o. Candle Watts Power K per hour 480 306 39^ 80 100 16 11 19 5 3 Hour -02 ; .01375 .O237o .00625 '.00375 Electricity. Tungsten No. 1 Tungsten No. 2 Tungaten No. 3 Nernat No. 1 Glower Nernat No. 2 Glower . Nernst No. 3 Glower ? Nernat Np. 4 Glower Nernat No. 6 Olower . . ; Kdtaon Incandescent Edison Incandeaeent Bdison Incandescent Rochester Oil Lamp (oil at 14c. gal.) Flat Wick Oil Lamp (oil at 14e. gal ) 32 48 m 48 < 112 160 ' 208 820 16 ** 82 50 83 gaL .6830 10 gal. .0165 40 60 100 88 185 277 370 55 110 176 .00465 .0069 .0115 .01012 .021275 .031855 .04255 ,06394 .066825 .01266 .02125 .0046 .6614 COST ?ER 4 Hours .OS .065 .095 .025 ".015 .0184. .0276 .046 .04048 .0851 .12742 .if 020 .... .0253 .0506 .0806 .6184 .0056 Month ? 26 Days ' 2.08 .) 1.43 2.47 , .65 -.39 **? JSL . .48 .62 1.19 r.05 2,21 331 442 ML 1.32 2.09 .48 .15 mm ? ? > i WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER CO. j . ?'..la 111 ! * v. ... , Ail