Another big shipment of Edison Machines and Records just received. . Call_ejirly and get the best selec tions. , To you who haven't an Edison: What is the use in sitting around and wondering what to do next, when you can buy an Edison on easy pay ments? I have all of the fun and music you want. Yob know how hand it is to amuse yourself. The RUSS BROS. The Picture Framers IJ1HE GEM 1 HEATER MACBETH? A Slu^f?p?are*Q drama. ^ GRANXV'S DARLING ? Inter preted b j M. Laroume, of the Antoine Theater, Pfcria; and Mine. Grumback, of the Ode on Theater. MACXABB WANTS TO GET ARRESTED ? Comedy by II. DuIho, of the Odeon Theater, Paris. We always furnish an ^amusing, instructive program; Good seats, polite attendants. the average corn to the coat It The to the railroad mated at 9.4 IS cents a too Id cost which the American more than his fanner then haulsd over than It coets the farmer ol Taft Advocatea Good Roada. President Taft has again Indicated his Intereet in good roads. The Vir ginia movement for better highways has put forward a plan for a road frcm Washington to Richmond. In a letter on the subject the President saya: "I regard this as part of the gen eral good road 8 movement in^the coun try. and I have pleasure in savins 6M ? Sprinkler. 81nc? water Is always needed la rolling th? macadam, a watering out or aprlnklar abould be provided. The road offldal cannot often afford la wait for ma. A cart with a capacity of from 460 to tOO galloaa will bo raft, cleat Most of theoe carta are pro vided with estrone!/ broad Uree. eo that the cart aaalata la conaolldattng the atone, laatead of rutting It Many oommualtlee are prprlded with one or taoro waterlnt carta, ao that It la often unneccaaary to psrchaao o now one for road building. ? The Cable Piano Co. of Richmond, Va., hare now on exhibition at 143 Weat Main atreet, formerly Smithera' Jewelry storo, some of their celebrat ed lfhe of high grade pianos, Includ ing their famous "Inner Player. ** Prospective buyers will do well * to Investigate the stock before purchas ing elpewhere. R U in FASHION? T t If you are not it is your own fault. If you ARE, maybe your clothes are made-to-order by us. If in the first class, it is time you made usacall. If in the second ? well, you know all about the supreme satis faction we give to our customers. When you come to our store you naturally come to a Woolen display that presents the pick of all the Woolens of America ? and more, you have the satis faction of knowing that your suit will be designed by the best of New York City's better draftsmen and made by skilled tailormen, with the same faultless style and flawless fit, that the highest priced tailors in Broadway cotlld supply. Royal anq Klee Tailoring means tailor made at ready-made prices. WRIGHT'S TAILORING PARLORS, Who Tailor Best in Washington. c+thu/qio K/ft Cf CWtoT. JVl' Consignments of New Goods are the usual order with us, which enables us to place before our cus tomers the very latest patterns in every desirable style and quality of cloth? it goes without saying that our ability to measure, fit and sat isfy every patron is well establish ed. This is simply to remind you that when in need of garments it will advantage you to call on us. H. B. GOLDSTEIN, the Local Tailor. Count Plies TRIANGLE SHRUNK TO SIZE U SIZE 8 <1 5-PLY ; SIZE V* SIZES COLLARS are made 5-ply, making them xhm strongest, longest collars jtou can buy. 4 . * all the latest styles and their quarter-sis** jrsute The eyelet button>hotei make them easy to slip ? ? a ply collars, r dangle 5-f lh* MM? NEW Canned Tomatoes 3 CANS FOR 25c Phone 'mY7 E. L. ARCHBELL Specialties Clgarsfand Tobacco." i ?Leary Bros.' Q1 J Staxd , I ~~~ ~ j MitcAtlam ami Brick Paving. H. H. BRADWAY & CO, GENERAL CONTRACTING. ArUft^ial gtone Pavements. Estimates Cheerfully Given. EDENTON, N. C. Choice -Cut ? Flowers Row?$, Carnations, Violets and Val ues our specialties. V/ertdtrrg Bourpieta In aH of the newest styles, floral designs and bou quets arranged in the must urtlstle at y lea at short notice. Hharie trees. Rose Boshes, Climb ing Rooes, Rrergreen Shrubbery and Hedge Plant* In great variety'. Mull, telegraph telephone or ders promptly executed, by J. L (PQOINJI & CO. ruMum. raumob. a. c. HIW Milt CLERKS MUTED The Government' P?j? Railway Mull Clerks MOO to *1,200, and Other Kmploj-cs Up to ?2,A00 Annually. lliicle Rain will K/iM aum. Inatlopa throughout the country for Railway Mall Clerks, Custom House Clerks. Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Departmental Clerks, and other gov ernment Positions. Thousands ap pointments will be made. or woman ovor 18. In City or Coun try, can got Instruction **++ in formation by writing at once to Bureau of Instruction, 61 M. Building, Rochester, N. Y. Beautiful modal* of hi*?, of fine finish and paint, which dlrre gard util ity had conrenieno* et IkAmpwi and five the bees a raat amount of extra labor In gathering what we term "t>ee flus," with which they brace up. strengthen and sup}>d?t the little thin sectiona and frames ao ti> at they will support the weight or the honey when filled, are vary nice md aM In the aala of the honey, but are n great leaa of time for the baas, ami reaeon dic tates that there should be a radical change, glting larger a ad stronger sections and frames and aavlng the beea from loas of mlicb *1010. and the beekeepers the "expense of renewing them nhnually. Another much needed reform Is that frames should be shorter and of great* er depth than now standard frames and sections, for the treason that It will require a much am slier number of thferbqies 4o remain In the hive and cluster over the young brood, consequently thare. would be a greater number of bees In the field and a greater* n'mtffife; ot young bees would be raised. The m6re bees there are In a colon/, the greater quantity of honey they will gather and store during each honey flow, ar.d the great er Is their ambition to work and1 the less do they fear the robber bees and moth files. A colony of despondent bees exercise but little energy, loses Its fighting disposition and will not re sist a moth fly. 1 have found them dwelling harmoniously together In the same hive. In a few instance*. Another peculiarity of beea fa very remarkable; they have such rever ence for their queen tb*t If the coloay dies from 'starvation ahe la attout the last bee that dies m the colony. It seems thst they give her the lloe'e share of their rations. I presume that she la poeaeeaed of greater vitality and tenacity of life than the worker beea. 1 am not troubled with robber beea in the leaat? In fact. I give them no thought unless when they attack a queen less colony. IX ao, I transfer the beea Into another oeHoaf. ? J. W. pgaafcj'i'-'- ? ? Time" to Transfer. The beat time to tranafar combe and bees is from April 15 to May 1. At this time the combs me light and free of new hooey, and brood-rearing Is but fairly started, consequently the work is quickly .accomplished, with out the loss of "brood and a dauby mess of wasting honey, aa Js the case when combs become illled Ylth new honey, and brood-Ttartng is in an ad vanced stage. Conditions dlffqr so tHlely that no sot" of laws can be laid down for all localities, i wquld.f nowever, make this suggestion, that wherever early blooming trfees ore present such as soft maplpa .and elms.*it will not be necessary, tp . feed meal ; for when * It bocomes warm 'ehotiih' foi- the bees to fly freely, thesd' trees , jrjll be. found to yield patten ,-iti.abimdance. . 1. would set ^the tombs ?N^~frpl(?h' the bees have died during1 wjnter fn" an empty hive body, and place 'hem under a strong colony and close' up all open ings except the entrance under the paas over the upoeoupled combs con tinually when leaving or entering tbalr hive. In this way th{ combe will be kept free from, the wax mouth en til each time as they can be need for a warm a or some other purpose. When thegneetf geta crowded for space In the uppen- body aha will go down and- oowmfence fraying eggs in the empty oopibf bettor* These coipbs of hatching brood cafebe used to great advantage In buftdtAg up weak col oniee pr making nuclei. In the spring the beea "require large quantities- of water: -^'frequently happens. In early aping, that they are s tilling IkHHlw Wiu, <h. IcmoM water thmj tweome u ehllUd U.< m uv,W iojtftr '? A- this oik ROOF lava' ?s >i ? To My Frlen4> tu Customer!: I hare returned from Belhaven where,! have been doing extensive tin ?nd sheet Iron work for tfi'e put fonr months. I am bask to you now raady ?ad willing to do all kinds of tin and ihset Iron work on short notice. I remain, your ?ery truly, J. A. PHILLIPS. Ill1 N. Market Ct., Washington. N. c. Brery house needs claaalng now. 80 doas the systmn. Do It right, bast and surest with, Holtlstara Rocky Mountain Tea. Cleans the bowels. Irlrsa oat winter's Impurities, makes rou sweat and healthy. < 1 ' H?ve your Pictures Framed NOW I Don't wait until they be t come soiled. WM. B. HARDING for OLIVKR TYPKWRITKBH. for Easter 1 1 he best line of ren's Oxfords I ever brought to the city. E. L BROOKS' SHOE STORE' Oowan's Preparation, King of Externals. bearing proudly- the seal of public approval, Rested to the limit, and never found wanting; destroying Inflammation and congestion wheh externally applied, and wherever introduced being unqualifiedly endorsed ? it la npt too much t* say that GOWAN'8 has astounded physicians when applied In caa? e? of Pneumonia, Pleurisy, ? Croup and Colds. A bottle of OOWAN'S PREPARATION in the house means security for the ldved ones and peace of mind fOr the entire household. The marvelous and increasing growth of the Cowan Medical Company ? manufacturing but one remedy and It the King of Oowan's Preparation was used on my child when it was desperately ill with Pneumonia. Immediately after the second application my physician called, and finding so great an improvement ordered Its continuance. The child made rap id recovery in a few days. G. J. HECKLE, Druggist, 924 East 8L, Alleghany. Pa. all Externals, Is evidence sufficient that ther Is" nothing "just as good." Buy TODAY ? your druggist has it ? take nothing else, de mand and insist on having OOWAN'S ? It does nit that la' claimed for it ? or your money cheerfully re funded. -Three Sizes: $1.00, 60c., 21 c. i if n-' ...... - ? r7 . ? 1 1 ? ? WHY NOT DRINK , COCA-COLA ? "IN YOUR HOME? . Better and cheaper. We deliver it to you for only 44c. dozen. Be lure and aak about our BLUE SEAL GINGER ALE. Remember we are bottlers of all high grade Sodas. 'Phone 132.- < : Washington Coca-Cola Bottling Works FROM NOW AND rfuSlN'G THE REMAINDER OF THE SEASON WE SHALL* HAVE FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY THURSDAY Qfc THE VERY CHOICEST FRUITS, ETC., SUCH AS APPLES, BANANAS, GRAPES, | NAVEL ORANGES, LEMONS . and CELERY The?4 weekly' Arrivals will insure good stock all the time, and we shall be glad for yon to give as. yonr orders for such. Having taken the agency for the famous hfaad. "Maxwell House," Coffee, we shall sell that to the exelusloa.ef all other 85c. Coffees, or 8 Lbs. for |140. We have reduced the price of ODono< hue's "Fifth A venne" Coffee (from S5c. to Mc.) /until we earn clean on* shelves of thin brand. ' I , . ^ ?' : -??? ??*? : Agent for ->**own Talk" Flour. ' r . jos. f. taylOe, TH* QUALITY OROCEfc. , 1 1 " ,i i ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT OF : MILLINERY just received by express. i pome id and see it. You can eas ily select your Easter Hat out of this assortment. J, POWERS-LEWIS CO. j ... "

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