WHERE THE BEST CLOTHES COME FROM HORE VARIETY to SELECT FROM J. K. Hoyt WASHINGTON'S fcREATgST STORE The style and wear of our clothing is what we boast on. We are under no contract to boost any maker's" clothing. We just simply want you to wear one of our New Model Suits of Standard Make, and you will do the boast ing. We promise you better cloth ing and at lower prices. Schloss Bros, and Washington Lines are our stylish clothes for men. Men's Low Shoes of merit. Prices and styles to suit you. J. K. Hoyt | MEN'S HATS Washington's Greatest Store. The new shapes in all qualities of Straw Goods. ' WHY NOT DRINK COCA - COLA :.v your ho?.:e?3 nc-ltcr an'. cl:t.:pt:. Wo deliver if t: ?ii'c'. do:\ r. ClXGl.l: RiV jc ' ;i rtbi > vrv , ->r only I' ? ? ? i" s??r v.- .-?/a. oj:::.-; ; x> V. u.'L.. ;'ic: Ccea-CoI-i Ecftlifi': Wcrkss T>?, , ! c* i ? v trr z~~ rr< ? /"> ~ ? a a j : c ci H ;? ' ' M ' jl " ?- ?A -Immi \Jl ' I I & f m i P I 7 i "r\ TT> j ii ?_? : .. !i ?A { I - oif.astv' to : Hfer If? rJuxs-'-rTc^rht: in- . Cjt! v r! t.-ii kcWc.:< -< < :in . j> | ; | W i. t^vvays furnish an j ? nniusinn, instructive ; f. i.rcgr.-.m; Good seat?, J.j p'jlim atrs-iclants. ' i ? ? *J ? W ^ r V, J ; f ? <r? : L 2U J'ttilS fit e.. ? ijQ; ?C s <! ? ' '.. !; ': ? ?<; ? 3 1* r* ; v.' m ??- xJ' *??*? t*j -.y v f k ? \n^ ti?u ,* w yj. ;n I ? ? ? ?t?e. varC. .... 25c. ' J. F. BUCKMAN & SOwi We l-:;.!f:j;oii'!:J!Y worth IO rents at H cents j?er yard. ' (:.j!?MKA C IiOTII -at 1." rentit per yard. t?i:\F!JFVi* IiRKHS nf JO rcntn. #'l TCm ss f'.I.K (ftlllgham) at 10 centn. See onr line of M I IAA N*EBY ? Ibo prices mil Interest jrou. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO THE OLDEST MILLINERY HOUSE IN BEAUFORT COUNTY j . 1L. The "Black Rice.-' [ It Is difficult to estimate how many of the Chinese have acquired the use j I of opium. Various est' mages, accord ' Iru: to E. \V. Thwing. se.rWky of the i International Reform llureau. clakn I that a moderate llgure would be be I twecn 10 and 20 per cent, of tho male ' rop'-dation for 2 1-2 to 5 per cent, ot I tae total reputation. It In said that in some places 80 per cent, of tho 1 [ iuluit use opium. and at least . ouc-tentk of the women. Refore the f presc-nt anti-opium campaign began | tki-re wore ever a tkauraod registered I j o;nntt errv* In. tl.c city <>f Foo Chow1 i.l:ne. Tho C!:!nuac oJteu call opium, V/hst G*".e C;J with ti'c Scum. A r::te clerk ? in tLo t>..i-tu Fe gen I rrai ofllces In Topvka, Kno., recently brought a bride from 3an ; Francisco. SUc had never kept hou.-e and knew i but Utile about ihl"ga iu t!;$ kitchen, i A few morning* ago she j;ot after tlie milkman. "What Ukt!:i- mat tor of your miik?" r:.!:! great vehemence. ??I ?, / iv." ;.e replied. "What do vou flad wrong .villi it?" "Weil." said sl:e. "? very moving it Is eove.ed wiili a r.-.iiy t,:iu;y. yel low seui'i." " ' "And what da yow do with tUa *ci.ii'. y ? # "V.'lvy, 1 skim ;t o". u?4cursc. and ? j JUST RECEIVED A car of j Best Pat. Flour I I v ill sell at Retai! and Wholesale price^for cash. ' 'Phone 87. r ii. L. AllOiiiELL ? 1111 1 ?? ? II 1^ - Fort Wayne, Ind., on Fire Will; (''.ntliutduKin Over a Wonilcrfal IMscavcrj". . | A well knotty scientist recently la i iroducod to the , people of Fort j Wayne. Itid., n divt:nypj*y resulting from years of hard study, extensive ii:.:vel and raucli experiment In 3 that t f become i ho trik of thousands and ]f.* ?i-: that city on fire with enthu siasm o?t?r the many wonderful j things it has done. Stores of people who have suifvred for years with 5s?mc chronic ailment have been re J <ored tos perfect health after using ?!;:?< dln'ovt-ry ." a short while. The [ discovery is principally composed ofj .? collection of roots ( hue are soaked I ill hot Wfcrrr. then the juice is ex- j tracted from ileun. It is called Rootj a're! Mary say that the energizing ? ? .T ???.?is of 0:1c .* wallow of the juice i.? ,;:in;ost instantaneous. It i-eoms that lit icliews nl:?o;t any trouble of the j*u.:uaih, bowt-Js, kidneys and liver 1 : . : 1 0 that Sis soothing,' healing and 1 tonic action en tlie digestive and see-} rototy" organs 1> so rapid that oven Uj f of tl e v,ot*st eases of lnmges- < ??on. constipation and nervousness, I kidney troubles and rheumatism are :-?rfc;tibiy Ik :u fitted from the very] (start. " A small boy's idea of au entertain ment is- any kind -of a gather! ug wiicre refreshments are served. . And occasionally u man thinks he t&Jjeitig in-glcvted when his enemies r.?t*n'.l strict!.* to their. own buslnct*. When you live ?f Hoef. Chicken, Siir.d anil Trout, A.'. r':'- I'l'^'-lw, ISO ( V S"t Sour Ivrnnt). READ THE - Advertisements in * ?* The News and ? ' - i ? ' Give Them Your Patronage. YOUNO^CHiCKS. in order to have Kood^sailL??tur* in* birds it !> neceua ry thaF-^y havf * good start. The, car# glv>n the first tew weeka la iargely respoJ elble for success or faliuro later on. Regularity of feeding. cleanliness and plenty of grit and clean, fresh water are all important phases. Chicks should be. protected from storms and sudden changes of weather, da these very often result in heavy mortality. Poultry men dlffe^as to when the chick should rocelTe its first food. Good results have been sccured ?rhen the chicks have been permitted to pick a little sand or fine grit from a clean board when from 36 to 48 hours old. In no case should they receive food | of any kind, before they are at least 3$ hours old. Wtie$ about 48 hoars old they may be fed hard boiled eggs, crushed with the shelly and bread crnmos of equal parts, moistened In milk and squoezed dry. After that almost any of the prepared chick foods may be fdd about five times a ?lay till the chicks are from two to three weeks old,, when reamer grains, such a a wheat screenings and corn chop, may be aubstltuted and not fed oftener than three times a day It is adviaable to let the chlcka have go I ceaa to green feed at ail times. Fine clover hay cut with an ordinary straw I cutter is excellent and a*ao makes a good litter In which :o scatter th? feed. Feeding ^chicka and keeping them rawing is an art which can only I be learned by experience and for which no rules can be given. Keep the chicks hungry or st least suffi ciently so to m eager to eat when | fresh food Is offered them. | Sanitary Poultry- Nest. The present day tendency to em ploy sanitary measures in the dairy, Che stable, the doghouse, etc.. has at last extended to the poultry yard. The Industrious hen is to be provided with t sanitary nest, which can be readily washed and scrubbed as occasion de manda. This recent 4svelopmex\t is shown in the accompanying illustra tion. The nest la. made of wire and is supportod in a suitable iiousing, both Easily .Cleaned. of which cap be removed from the rhicken house when cleaning Is neces sary. When thus removed they cac be conveniently ; acod in a sultabU receptacle contriving boiling water and thoroughly ch .nscd of all lmpurl ties and undu#ln;l.i]o inserts. Softsh.il Egg?. The production cf sol '.shelled e?ga causes much anoyance and loss fn runny poultry-yar.is. ' Such eggs aro valueless for any r-vrpose fare homo u.?c. aa they caiiuct produce chickens end they cannot sent to market, | rays the American Cultivator. There are three causes of, sb'tshelled eggs, lite commonest o; which an in'sutlV <:oat supply of ahull fornrlng material i.aying hens require a onerous pro I ortlau of lime ic? their food, aa In ordinary slznd there are ;aore than ?0 ounces uf pure lime. Finely broken oyster. is an excel lent r.ncHa chenp form Ijo[ which to sup ply the noce3s:?ry :ime. Fright some limes causes a hca to lay an egg with out a shell, but this 19 not so serious a matter, and is only temporary. The third cause is due to a derangoment of the egg organs, and If the abundant supply of lime hau not the desired ef ?cct n.ore drastic rueaaurefi are need ed. All food of r. stimulating nature should be stopped at ntce. and an aperient given, consisting of one grain of ca'.omol and one-twelfth grain of tartar emetic. A little iron should he adde<V to the drlnklug water as a italic, and the food should mainly con sist of botled Tlce. Packing Eggs for Market. Instead of packing eggs in oats sa\? dust or t>r^, for transportatloh . tc market, try .Jaclng a newspaper oti the bottom of the box or basket. Put In a layer of egg??, laying them close ly so as tov prevent moving about Over this lay two thicknesses of news paper then anotherNlayer of eggs, and ,80 on till the receptacle Is filled. Cov er the top layer v.*Uh & blanket or ?h?*l. This will be"fefftid moro siti? factory than the old way. Notes. If your hei.s arL' not getting aloos In their moult as fast as thejr shpuld, give them sorao kind of tonic and food that will help* the growth of new feathers. "Keep the house clean" is good ad vice for any eeftson, especially valua ble for the hot moatha ?hcn fllth so quickly breeds d:??ast?.. ' ' CITY MARK err. Eggs . Chlcktrirt. grown. ...... Spring chickens.-. ...... Q. S. hides Green hides..* /. Mixed wool Tallow A i . . , . . . . . Wool- free from torn. . sufferings . . . i.ambukta Corn I.lnt cotton.^ SoeJ cotton systemic: cleanser known. y 'r ?r Small V\omen. No matter how small she is. a 1 an may always bave a good Ugure. If she baa not one ta. be*ln with, she should economize .In stfme other pnrt of her wardrobe. and call in U40 services of a good corsetiere. If she cannot be impressive, she. can at least be neat and gooc^tto look at Use only the straight 11* and dovra lines in tho development of your gar ments. Whateiter you do, allow nothing which cuts tho figure borlsontally. Tho princess model, which is so much a part of the present mode, should be a iiuse-of rejoicing among small women. ' J ~ : Do not ?car shirtwaists and skfrts of contrasting materials. This cuts the figure in half, and les sees greatly the effect of height. Dispense with belts, if possible, and If not. ranke them as narrow as pos sible, and always of tho same materi al as the frock. Coats may be almost any length but that most usual of all, tho three auarter. nils is usually fatal. There's no better Epring tonic than Hollister's Ricky Mountain Tea. The standard for thirty years. Tea or Tablets, Mc. Qet a parage today, and youll thank us for the advice. I Hardy's Drug Store. | Macadam and Brick Paring. H. H. BRADWAY & CO. ORNKBAL CONTRACTING. |A;tlflcla' Stone 'pavements. Estimates Cheerfully Given. KDKNTON, N. C. We want, to show you ' our Comfort . Oxfords p ? , A glance in our window will make your corns' shudder. E. L. BRCjQK8' SHOE STORE Formerly Kulgbt Shoe Co. Pamlico Grocery Company Jest ItcclvcO, One Cw Load of ? Cutter's Fancy Patent Flour v ' CALL AXD SEE V.R. , PItlCES IMGHX^OX ALL la-Vim OT GXIOCERIEH. The A i patronize News Advertisers DURHAM Is a flnc rity and her schools mid col leges ocrtipy a place In the forefront or IMEIUCA'd UKST. Th os. E. Cupper, Dicorporatod Accountant and Auditor, member of the Naiional Association of A'ocotrfitanta and Bool; keepers, and the North American Aujllt Socloty, is the man at the head ?f tho popular American. Shorthand & Business. College, Durham, S". C. Thla. Insti tution IA one o/ the ihosi talked of in -Durham today, and iB'being rerratded as a stauUuTd of Business Educational excellence. Ita 1 Qcrlosj; worl: la due to untiring efforts of an EXPERT FACULTY of established reputatlou. These Experts can make an expert of YOU ?iu .vou can eaKily win promotion aod success. Wherever yon find- an ''American" c^duate yon find, a man or woman* occupying n good position at a good salary. Wft&t this ychool la doing for oth ers it can do for YO'JI :? v ? i The tpecia! rates to out-of-town Students the "American": la now m^Ul&g should api)oul strongly to every thinking man aud tvernau _ desirous of scttfftng the BEST In Business Education. ?s|t will PAY ANYONE to lnvostigate.Mror full information concerning tho Book keeping. Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Penmanship courses, etc., address, + ? amiiichvix* 'shoxithaxd ^ business college, pox 140. Durham, X. C. - < ?< Furniture J Furniture!! - ? i We are headquarters for all the latest in House Furnish ings. See ourhandsome line of Mattings, Druggets and Rugs. 1 Cash or credit. Jefferson Furniture Co. . MBjS3KHrcK-.t<3aaBS Vv.^-i . .

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