HjHHBip r BJ direction at Uw Board of Cotm the courttouM in WMhlnj ton, bezlnnlns Hondw. M?r 9, mo. for the transaction of criminal and civil bualneae generally. and that the ?aid apecial term will have all the jurisdiction and powers that regular terms of the Superior court have. All persona and witnesses summoned at the regular or special term and offl cera or others who mar he hound to attend the next regular term of the ! court shall attend the special term -under the tame rules, forfeitures and ; penalties aa if the term were a regu- j lar term. ' & . ' ,?:)&}:. j This April 5. 1910. ? ? I'-t GILBERT RUM LEY. *| Clerk to Board. 1 ? North Carolina. Beaufort Count?. Superior court May term, 1910. L. W. Cook vs. Neva May Cook. Defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced In the Superior court of Beaurort county to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant; and the said defen dant will further take notice that he It required to appear at the term of the Superior court to be held on the' 11th Monday after the 1st Monday In March, It being May 23d, 1910, at the courthouse of said county, in Waahington, N. C., and answer or demur to the> complaint In aald ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In aald complaint. Thla 15th d*y of March. 1910. GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court NOTICE OF SAUi. By virtue of the power of aale contained in the mortgage deed exe cuted by Jno. T. Jones and wife to W. B. Bedditt. dated September 24. 1907, and duly recorded In the Regi lster's office of Beaufort county, in book 143, page 394, w^Mft la hereby referred to, and aa executor of the Mid W. B. Bedditt. deceased. I will ?ell at public auction, for cash to the highest bidder, % at the courthouse door In Beaufort county, at noon, on Monday, 18th day of April. 1910, all that tract or parcel of land, situated in Richland township, Beaufort coun: ty, described In said mortgage aa f j1 lowa: Beginning at the aoutheast corner of Alexander snd Church streets in the town of JCdwartf, ' and running , southwardly with Alexander street i 55 yards; thence south 72 cast S5 yards; thence northwardly with Alex ander street to Church street, and arltfc Church street to the beglnnlrig, containing one-third of an acre, more or leas, it being the aame conveyed by T. R. Boyd and wife to W. B. Redditr, by deed dated December 27, 1905,' and recorded In aald Regiater'a office in book ) 35, page 398, which la alao referred to and conveyed to aald W. B. Reddltt and wife by aald Jno. T. Jones. Thla March 19, 1910. L. T. REDD1TT, Mxecutor of W- B. Reddltt, Deceaaed. KOTICE OF BALK. Br virtue of a power of aale con tained la a certain mortgage <h4 (Ton Samuel Smallvood to John C. I Rodman, dated March 14. 1*07. and duly reoorded in tbe oBce of the Beg later or Deeda of Beasfort county, In book 148 at pate 245. the uado May, Kit, at II o'clock noon, of?r for eale at public auction to the high eet bidder, for cash, at the courthouee tar In Washington. N. C., that cer tain place or parcel of land lytag and helm In the tout? of Beaufort and State of North Carolina, and la' Washington township, and described and l^lllt as follows, to-wlt: Near the city of Waablngton at the suburb known aa Washington Heights, being Ms numbers eleven (11) and twelve (It) in btoek number twenty-eight 4>t) According to Holes map of said property. a cdW of n ttpt tared la the oBce of the Register of Heads of Beaufort county, and la hereby referred to tor a mot* com plete description. This the 14th day of March, me, JOHN C. RODMAN, Mortgagee. W. C. Retain, Attorney. wnocoruu. , By virtue of the power of sals con tained in tbe mortgage deed execut ed by Ed Galling and wlfs to W. B. Reddltt. dated December II. ills, and duly recorded In the Resistor's oCce of Beaufort county. In hook lit, page 114, which l> hereby re ferred to, and n* executor of tbe Bald W. 8. Reddltt, deceased, I will sell at public aaotlon, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the courthouss -'door In Besufort county, at noon, on Monday, 18th day of April, ltll, all that tract or pa'roal of land, altuatW In Richland township, Beaufort conn lows; ' - ? Beginning at Allen Btllley's tins at Us northeast aide of the Washington , snd runs with tbs northeast - of said road aouth 17 1-1 east 1.11 chains to a stako; thence north t| 1-1 eaet 4,71 ohalns; tbence aouth ?f 1-1 weet to the beginning; coo to. hare JOU that your good luck will not turn tomorrow? IN8CRJB TODAY with WM. BR AG AW & CO., Make Your Sewing Machiite Choice rience? that it In without exception the very best Sewing Ma chine that brain* and the wry best mechanical skill can pro duce. It's a time Rarer, a labor Raver, and does absolutely per fect work. ?f(4 We want yon to try a Southern "Furniture Company ? clre it a thorough teat in your' own home. If it isn't all that we claim it to be, your money cheerfully refunded. SOUTHERN FURNITURE CO NOTICE. Having this day qualified aa ad ministratrix of the late Fran tea M. Kingsbury, deceased, all persona in-! debted to the aaid estate are required to make immediate payment, and all j persona baring claims against aaid estate are notified to present them duly itemiied and verified within 12 months from this date, prescribed by laV, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery This the 4th day of April. 1910. JOSEPHINE De 8. WHITNEY. Administratrix. NOTICE. I have this day qualified before the clerk of the Superior court of Beau fort county aa administrator C. T. A. of the estate of Martha A. Paul, de ceased. All persons who may have /uat claims or accounts against her estate are hereby notified jto file the name with me duly itemised and veri fied withes -one year from tiSis dats, as prescribed by law, else this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons who are Indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate .settlement with me as ad ilnistrator. This 23d day of March. 1910. HUGH PAUL, Administrator. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S HALE tasters District of North Carolina. By virtue of an order of sale is sued out of the United States District court for the Eastern district of North Carolina, on the 4th day of April, 1910, notice la hereby given that I will sell by public auction for 'cash, on Tueaday, the 12th day of April, 1110* at 9:20 o'clock a. m., at E. R. Mlxon'a Warehouse, Washington, N. C., ninety-seven (97) sacks of crack fed qora skipped by 8. D. Scott Jfc Co.. Mmflfr. Vs., and seised sad con deaned by the United States because the same was mis-branded in vlola tion of the Act of June 30, 1906. CLAUDIUS DOCKERT, Uat ted States Marshal. April 4. 1910. T1QU? IS FOR YOU. N ' The time is oat mad I must hate >ur fa see, Why mot pay without sgtrt cost? I am sow levy lag on Uad for taxes aad prepariag m y llat for the paper. Do you waat your Vfopsrty advertised with aa addition al cost of 1ST If aot, come in and tie at once. Poeiti vely I eaaaot wait longer. Those haviag go laad may aspect me to levy oa their per sonal property or to attach their wages. 1 hope all who owe taxes will fettle mow aad save the cost and re nters me of aa uapleaaaat duty. Very respectfully, 0*0. E RICKS, . Sheriff of Beaufort Co^ March If. It** nr NOTICE OF SALE. By vlrtueyfr the power of aale con tained la a Mortgage executed by R. B. Jackson to the Mutual Machine Co., dated 28th day of October. 1009, and duly recorded In hook 112, page S*4r Register's office of Beaufort fcounty, which Is referred to, I will offer for aale to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash at the oourt^ hnnae door, In thn tnwauoL Washing ton, N. C., on Monday the 18th day at April, 1910, at 12 o'clock, the follow ing described property, to- wit. Orfe steamer ealled the Earl at Washington, N. C-. burden, six tome gross. The saM stressor can he asea aad examined at amy time, laylag at jthe dock Of tha Mutual Machine Oa. 1 Thk March 11, 1010. notice. Having this day qualified as ad .rffnlstrator of the late J. J. Smith, deceased, all persons Indebted to said estate are required to make immedi ate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate are notified o present them to the undersigned rlthln 12 months from this date or ?his notice will be plead in bar of ?heir recovery. rThla the 7th day of March. 19 10. J. J. SMITH, Administrator No, Cordelia, rain checks never check the rain. Dr. Neeley's WONDERFUL Wintergreen positively cures Rheumatism I Permanent results as sured-not temporary relief. If troubled with tfali dread disease try one bottle. Prices 5?c. and $LS# per bottle. For tale by DR. HARDY, Sole Agent for Wash ington and vicinity. - AM<WNCBMfeSrr I Till be a candidate before lb. Democratic prtmarlea aa<V tha nail Democratic Dlatrlct ConranLou, for tb* BomiaatloQ aa Solicitor of tka Flrat Judicial Dlatrlct of till* SUta I request tka aupport ot all Dam o crata If aoolnated ud elected 1 provlaa to dlacbarge tka dutlea of MM Met, fairly mad impartially without faar or fmbr. February J. 111*. NORWOOD L. SIMMOKa BANK OF WASHINGTON. Washington, N. C., April l, J 910 of th? Block Waahiagtoi banking hou* noon on Thursday LATHAM. Caahler Don't Believe it When people tell you automobiles are going to do away with fine CARRIAGES, don't believe it. Thousand* of people have stylish ?Quipages, ? and WE KEEP THEM. T ^ BASSELL SUPPLY COMPANt ______ Personal Mention Mr. JOfcn Roberta, of Swan Quar ter, la in the city today. ? ? Mr. W. L- Odan. of Bel haven, ar rived |n the citythia morning on bua- 1 Ineaa. Dr. Pr?d Spencer, of Hyde county, waa to the city yaaterday on hla way to Rale lab. ? ? Rev. Joseph Fulford and wife, of I Jaaaama, are Washington visitors to- J toy. ? ? Mr. J. H. Leigh, of Belbaven, ar rived in the city thia morning. ? " I Mr, Ed. Jenuette returned thia a. m. from a business trip. ? ? Mrs. N. E. Price, of Rath, is in the \ city today, shopping. m m Rev. C. D. Malone, of Bath, pass- I ed through the city today en route to ] Vanceboro. ? ? . Mr. Jim Tyre, of Qaylords, is in | the city today on business. ? ? Miss Ethel Malone, of Bath, is a| Ihe city today on business. ? ? Mr. 1. H. Reddttt, or Edward. )? In | the city today on business. ? ? Representative John F. Latham, of Jduema, was here this morning at tending the meeting of the County Democratic Executive Committee. ? ? Mr. Claud Roberson, of Aurora, [ arrived In the city thia Aorning. ? ? Mr. John Hawkins returned today ] from a business trip to Aurora. ? ? ? Mr. Joe Buckman left this morning I for Washington City and Baltimore. | * ? 9 . Dr. J. T. Nicholson, of Batly, was j In the city this morning. * ? Mrs. w. B. Bridges left this morn- 1 Ing for Roanoke, Va., to visit friends | and relatives. ? ? Mr. J. B. Killlngsworth, of Beck vith, is in the city today on business. ? ? Mr. W. A. Woolard, of Bath, was a Washington visitor yesterday. . ? ? Mr. Joe Satterthwalte, of Becl;- 1 with was In the city yesterday. ? ? Mr. Horton Cutler, of Jessemu. was here this morning on business. ? ? Messrs.* H. 8. Ward, N. C? New bold, Norwood L.S immons, *W. L. Vaughan and others attended the pic nic and educational rally at Zion schoolhouse yesterday. Ill II, DING GARAGK. Mr. J. Havens Is erecting a garage on hts property on VanNorden street. MUCH GRATIFIED. The .Confederate soldiers comiaa Dear Ladies I It's Parlslaa K age That Makes Thai Other Woman's Hair no Kewiirb ingly Lustrous. When we say that Parisian Sage ii the most wonderful hair tonic, dress ing and heautlfler known to mankind we are simply stating a fact that you can eaally prove. Get a large 50 cent bottle, today; ysr.lt fpr two weeks;- 1f lt'lsoH the most delightful and refreshing tonic you ever used; if It doesn't drive out dandruff, atop falling hair or l(^hl?| scalp you can have your money hack. Mrs. Francis Kosf), 41 W. Jessa | mine 8t. St. Paul, Minn., on Nor.- 14, used several la none that Saga dan thoee grower sticky mand .1 ...ii-. ???ICE ?> Put your green vegeta ble* on Crystal Ice. It will keep them criap and ten der. 'Phgne CRYSTAL ICE CO., WASHINGTON. N. -6r *OU UKAl>ACftiK? CapudlBe. | Whether from Colds. Heat. Stom I acb or , Nervous ('roubles. Capudlne Will relieve you. It'e liquid ? pleas I ant to take ? act? Immediately. Try lit. 10. 20 and 6*c. at drug stores. | Pessimists tell ua the world isn't eroding better ? even, though the "coon-song" erase has bumped the i bumps. ? Chicago News. |? ? ?????? ????????? '? Blooding Loosens the phlegm ? !? Cough immediately snd per- ? '?'Checker manently. cures a ? ? Cough. Croup, Whooping Cough ? ? and all Throat and Lung Affec- ? ;? tlona. The best remedy for chll- ? ?_dreti. 25c, 50c and $1 a bottle. ? ? Mrs. Harrlette Wells Allen. ? ? Osffney. S. C., sayB: I have had ? ? Bronchitis for about twenty ? ? years and Its the first medicine ? ? that has done me much good. ? to the city on hearing that Hon. J. Bryan Grimes is to be the speaker Memorlsl day, are much gratified over the announcement. Mr. Grimes Is a son of the late Major General Bryan Grimes, of sainted memory, and the old soldiers are glad to know that a son of one who wore the gray so bravely is to tell them of the Sixties. An elaborate program is be ing arranged by the Daughters of the Confederacy for the coming anniver sary. The Children of the Confed eracy under Mrs. H. ,-R. Bright, will play a conspicuous part in the day's ceremonies. OAKDAI.K CEMETERY. Those who have visited Oakdale cemetery recently speak In the most complimentary terma as to Its condU tlon. The entire plat has been clean ed by the keeper and the lots placed | in a condition that is praiseworthy. I The cemetery should ever be kept In this way. The Brink is Near j Few Washington People Know How Xear It Is. Every time you neglect backacho. Allow the kldneya to become clog ged, Fall -to cure urinary disorders, You get nearer the brink of Bright'* disease. Doan's Kidney Pills will save you from danger. Proof of It in Washington testi mony. Miss Sara Manning. 226 Bonner St.. Washington. N. C-, says: "For a lottg time my kidneys were very weak and the secretions passed too frequently, causing me great annoy ance. My back acbed constantly and I bad distressing pains through luy loins which prevented me from rest ing well. On arising in the morning. ( was subject to headaches fnd dizzy spells. - Doan's Kidney Pills removed if.t backaches and headaches in a short time and restored my kidneys to m normal condition. I am now en tirely free from kidney trouble and can recommend Doan's Kidney Pills rety highly." For ssle by all dealers. Price CC cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Mew York, sole agents for the United Him. * R?m??W the name ? Doan's ? and taks ao other. ? Cheerfulness Is coatkglous. Be fcappf our self and make others hap By. Ton can't be happy Jf ou're nick. HolHeter's Rocky Mountain Tea banish your physical ailment; then yon can "laugh-and the world laughs with you." Hardy's Drug Store. IF YOU CAN GET Better Light with a lamp that him Les* Than Half the Curr?^ what can you afford to pay for the new lamp I it cost of jonr lighting. Wash. Eterri Plant otter, cur ?* SOLE AGENTS FOR PARIS PATTER! Summer r U nderwear Before you make jour purchase* call and j^e our line. They are nobby, wearable aad just the klad itjllab mem love to wear. 11. V. D'a. at 50e. Bcrivw'a at M 1 50<. to 75c. Knit L'udarwear at - 25c. to OOe. It win be a pleasure to show you. SPENCER BROS. SSiSt.. TRY FUSSELLS ICE CREAM The oldest establialiment In America. THE CREAM OF QL'AUTY Write or 'Phone a*? <lelivery promptly to any |?art of the city promptly to any part of the city. WASHINGTON DRUG STORE i GAS LIGHT Makes a store attractive at night. It attracts the public. It h tops u.e passer-by H holds attention. It shows the goods. It Is always on duty. It gives the roost light, and the beBt light, and the cheapest light. Perfect store lighting at least cost Is obtained by using In o an d< scent Gas Lighting In doors and outdoors. Washington Light a nd WaterCo. i lni 1 TRV OUR Piited^herries For cherry roll, cherry tart, and chejry pie they're de lictoua. Walter Credle & Company 'Phune 80. I tf=inr= Can't help from advertising to come extent. I am trying to be wide awake to my profession, am always looking to the top of the bills. I want tbe best regardless of cost. You may keep your eyes on Raker's Studio, something is going on, soon will have a studio fitted up that Washington will be proud of. J am going to try to turn out as good work here as you can get anywhere. We have got things to do it with. We are going to Bhow you a New York studio In a few days in Washington. BAKER'S STUDIO Tonight at the I Gaiety Last Night of : : Vaudeville! The Two Stallings Assisted' bjr i Mr. Archie Chapman, ; The Conirtlst. Good Pictures 1 ? Tonight. Follow the Merry Crowd BEET SEEDS and ONION SEEDS shonldjbe planted at once. Another lot arrived today.' BOGART, a DRUGS and SEEDS " Hicks' CAPUDIYE Cures 8lck Hewl acne. Also Nerroua HeaaacLc. Travelers* Headache and ache* from Grip, Stomacfi Troubles or Fema''j trou ble!. Try Capudlne ? it'c liquid ? effects Immediately. Bold b* drug gists. 10, 25 and 5 0N^enta. HOLLI STKR'to Rocky Mountain Tsa Ni^gsfs A B?wt IMMm tor Bmj PiwIi. ?rinti QeMsa HeaMh i*4 IUrmM Vf x>r. A rpecISc for Conutluatlua, IndlsMtioa, liver and Kidney trouble*, Plmplct, Ecrem*. Import Blood, B?d Brtktta.SlvfgUh Bow* In, Hcadachc aadBa?k*cbc. luKoc^y KuunuinTcaln U*b 1*1 for*,# cent* m box. Oetiuloo mm&m to Hot HTM Dare Coup ast, MikdUoo, Wla. MUHEM NUGGETS FOR SALLOW fUHS DR. HARDY'S DRUG 8TO&B ENNETT'S PREPARED Agricultural Lime makes ever; acre count and ??very testimonial good. Pre pared for all soils and all crops. Write us for prkss and testimonials. AGRICULTURAL LIME CO. Ben, X. C. SPECIAL SALE OF HIGH-GRADE Enameled Ware 2 Quart Lipped Preserving Kedtet,*] 2 Quart Lipped Sauce Pans, 1 Quart Pudding Tana, 1 y9 Quart Pudding Pan*, 2 Quart Padding Pans, 1 Quart Dake Pa a a, 1 Quart Deep Stew Pan, U-lnch Pie Plate*, 3 O- Inch Pie Platea, - 1 1-Inch Waah Tlaataa. For only lOc. each. }For 15c. each. Bftcb pteoa !? warranted to be strictly three coats, while lined, enameled on outside Is a beautiful shade of dark blue. HHE WINDOW DISPLAY FOR SAMPLES. j. It. HARRIS PLUMBING m & SUPPLY COMPANY m rJ h-* -A t ? iJL' > *? &?? x f . :'&4- ''2-~s,.'t

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