? -- jc.-- ... ... : ^A&.S? frff;.' '??' "j V>.- I lihin Goods for Summer Wear Beautiful Line of Lawns at 5, 10 and 15 cents yatfd T J. K. Hdyt, WASHINGTON'S GREATEST STOK.E Sewing Machine Needles for any machine made. No further bother about getting needles to fit your sewing machine. There are over 50') different ma-' chints on the market and we can fur nish shuttles and other parts for any of them. The best needles and oil, and all kinds of repair work. Not how cheap, but how good we can give you for your money. KUtBQN PHONOGRAPHS AXD IUCCORU8. Ask for catalog. RUSS BROS. Tbe Picture Framers. fjiHE OEM 1 HEATER THE LAST LOOK ? -Dramatic-. HIS OPPONENTS CARD ? Comedy. THE LIFE BI'OV ? Dramatic. XOTHIXti IS LOST ? Corned j. ILLUSTRATED SO^Ci. (rood music throughout the* en tire performance. We always furnish an amusing, instructive program; Good seats, polite attendants. C G. MORRIS& CO., BROKERS WHOLESALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE Arrivals this ^veek. 2 Cars Meal, 1 Car 20th Century Flour, 1 Car Flake White Lard, 1 Car Kingana. Reliable Meat, 1 Car New York Statt Apples Cabbage andiPotatoes. - Get Your orders come along. iterators We have just received our splen did line of - "White Mountain" Refrigerators = ? "the chest with a chill in it" ? in solid stone lined, white enameled and plain, which w6 are offering at economic prices. You must bear in mind it is not the cheapest refriger ator which saves, but theone which saves ice the best. A White Mount ain will use less ice and retain more cold air than any other refrigerator on the market. ^ We sell them on a guarantee to suit or money back. JEFFERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Exclusive Agents. Ref r Delinquent Tax Sale; Town of Belhaven Hy vlriue of tbe tax list ?nd execution placed In my hands by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Belhaven and the levy made thereunder, ?Md the laV^authorlzlng sncb sale, I will on Monday, May Z, offer for sale ?t'puM'c auction at 2 o'clock, p. m , at tbe Recorder's courtroom, the real estate of the pmrtlea hereinafter set out and the real estate as described In the said tax list, unless the -taxes and coBt on.tfie several parcels are paid before the time st ateitfhbove. This April 2, 1910. ? ? GEORGE H. HARRIS, Town Ta* CeUeoter. Names. Lots. Description. Taxes. Cost. Total. J. K. Fly an... 5a J. 'T* Johnstos 1 Makely Montgomery Makely Montgomery W* H. MoMejr Mf> W-. Reepees Johm W. Russ Swindell L. B. Tooley Pantego A Bel. Realty Co. Pantego A Bel* Realty Co. JV'li. Johaso*. Thorn. Ballard C. R. Clark. E. A, Cl#r* .f ? J..JL Collins. 2 Henry Harrell 1 iUtiLMm * 1 ?WaHer Rufln 1 Uwli Satchwell ? . . 2 rMfc iif*? 1 n;m< W. Belhaven. . $4.60 Home . ; 540 7a Belhaven .... 1 Belhaven . . . ; 23.00 1 Home 4.34 1 B. 8L. 4 00 1 Pan. 8t 1 Home .44 1 Pan. 8t 1.10 2 r. 8(4 85a W Bel 26.46 1 Main 8t .<0 COLORED. 1 Belhaven .... 2.91 1 Has. 8t 1.01 8 Belhaven ?... 6/98 BeUtaven .... 4 80 Home 442 Home 8.40 Home - .00 Belhaven ...J 1,80 $2.09 2.00 1.90 240 2.00 2.99 2?09 2 .00 2 >00 $6.60 7.60 25,00 6.26 6.00 ffij '53 iltchwlck 1 Belhaven 1 Belhaven 2,00 . 6 91 0>99 8,91 4 W ' '?.??* . IM ?>(? IM 141 >.?? IM ?*. i.M 4.M l.? ?.2? .?? IM 111 0w- ?? iu ? i**. ' ? * N1m OtMiHlk, Two ?tj amr old iidito waito! iq> t? ' bv vtqdow where ticket* were to |H> auk) for tnu pofnfatr cqdctrl TkeJ w?ot?l ticket. W WI, Ul(tita; Hot. ?In Ibow for tht h*coo4 ?renins wore all gone: "tkli wu tbi tun popular entcrtalimietii of the tirfc. -l'oi to totTT. toy deort" pottered one of tbe old ladles to ths other. "We did wut to ia, didn't we. wad wo wmitea to go botli ulgbt?T" "*WI cowldiCt v gi*e. vt two tickets tnr ^och tlljUt?' luquirod tSe ottitr "You haven't two ' seats anywhere' for t|>? m>cond night?" -No. ma'am, Couldn't giro yon nose roowi" . . A 4'wot resolution beamed upon ber ocitfle face. -Then." sttd Btio firmly. "give mo four tickets for tbe tirat ntsbt We will make ^hein do:" "Why. sister." quavered the other, "y'oifre going to Invite somebody?" VN**7 ?aJd fTlc. "but if We cau't go both ulghts1'? She i>aused, bewilder' ed. quite out of her calculation. Tbes ? happy thought struck her, and she added. "We'll g6 twice the first ulght" ? Youth's Companion. v A Wandering Lake. Lake Nor. in the Tab! desert,- In southwestern Asia, which has been culled the "wandering loke." presents a phenomenon about which contra dictory views have been entertained. Perbnpa tbe Swedish explorer : Sven Hedln has given tbe most plausible explanation touchlug tills phenome non. It appears, according to that -explor er, that the Tarlm river, entering the lake from the west, brings down dur ing the period of bigb water late In summer a great quantity of salt, which has the effect of driving the lake lying ou the level floor of the desert toward tho southeast But the sum mer wind, ^rifting the surface sand and darkening tbe heavens with dust, blows generally from the northeast and it. too, tends to drive tbe lake be fore it The combined effect of tbe urging by tbe wlm) and the river 1s to force the lake southward. Yet It is thought the migration of the lake Is uot constant In direction, but It eblfts back and forth Intermittently, according* as tbe circumstances change. 8hs Forgot. *',> At 3 o'clock rhe absent minded wo man left ho fee w&h an umbrella. At the subway station she concluded it wouldn't rain and left tbe umbrella wltb the corner newsdealer. When she came back at fl o'clock it was raining. Roys with umbrellas to rent darted toward her "when she appeared at the head of tbe subway stairs. 8he paid one boy 10 cents to -escort her home. Then she remembered her own umbrella. Sheltered by a borrowed umbrolla. she went back to get It Tbe newsdealer looked uneasy. "Just-^ minute." he said. "Oh. Tom, come litre!" * A small boy dodged around the cor ner of tbe stand and handed over a dripping umbrella. The absentmlnded woman looked at the boy: she looked at tbe umbrella. She recognized both. "Idiot!" she said. "1 pi: Id that boy 10 cents for taking me home with my own umbrella."? New York Press. The Amen of Nature. i Do yon ever wonder why poets talk so much al*cut flowers? Did yov. ever I agar of a paet who did net talk 'about! them? Don't you think n poem which. J for the sake of being original, should leave them out would be like those verses where the letter a or e or some ather Is omlittd? No: they will bloom over and over again In i?oems as in tbe summer fields, to tbe end of time, always old end always new.. Why should we be more shy of repenting ourselves than tbe spring be tired of blossoms or tbe night of stars? Ix>ok at nature. She never wearies of say ing over .her floral paternoster. In the erevlccs of cyclopean walls. In the dust where men lie, dust also: on the mounds thst bury bilge cities, tbe Blra Nemroud and the Babel heap, still that same sweet prayer and benediction. Tbe amen of nature is always a flow er.? Oliver Wendell Holmea. Ths First Fork. The first fork? The fork, aa $ mat'' ter of fact did not appear as a table I Implement until tbe seventeenth cen tury. tboiifch as early aa tbe thirteenth century gold and silver ones were made for special purposes. The ordi nary diner wss ouly provided with a trencher, a napkin and a spoon. For knife he used his own. which he ess-, rled about, aod. worse, there was M second trencher, no second spoon. When tbe several courses came along be exercised his Ingenuity and mopped his trencher wltb hh? bread. His 4pooo? well, we ourselves lick postage ?camps?? London Chronicle. Compering Notes. lira. 8)owta#r? Ujr hnehand's so laxy that If It far me 1 don't believe to would get.np In tHte W ?o to bed. ^ Mra. Hew*d?fw4l|rt heetmnd's differ-, eat He see reefy, geqt te bed In Uw , Not too* 1 "charge cusi department .tore In N.w XocK pur cbaacd ? ?soo wrtdtog r?U foe bar aarfthler. wbli-u wis cBurjwl to Iter account and duly delivered. The wad ding was ? large one and celebrated at high noon Id one of t?e downtown It happened that one of the glrla from a department atora went out for luncheon .at this lionr find, seeing av fashionable wedding In full swing, slipped into tbtchujacb Tjlth the crowd, and Into one of .the back pews. After the ceremony >jraa over %be hurried hack to her place -behjnd tho counter, too busy with her speel il sales to even think about It. L The next pornlng. however, when | she reatl an account of the "magnifl cent wedding la cburcb and a de railed d eec riptioit*. of t he wonderful (veil worn bjr.'fMf "bride.- valued -at $300," she laughingly told ber nutner otis friends iuithnt department that | she "had been oho of the honored guests end hud . seen . that $300 veil with her own eyes." Just at this thrill ing point of her story one of the floor men stepped up to her dud said: "You are wanted n't the manager's | office. Miss B." | As she entered the office*; to her per-j feet amazement, she beheld the identi cal bridal veil just under dlscusslou. I "Miss B., cau you tell me if you ever BOW this veil before T asked the man-l ager. "Xes. sir; I on w It yesterday." "Where did you^e** ft V* aiujlfook frouj her pocket the 'blip* plng^iTOm the morning newspaper | with theS^rouut of the great wed ding, the cosily veil and a t ture of the bride. Layhig It upon the desk. I sho said: . . . I "This Is c plctnre of the tell." "Uow did you happen to be at this wedding Infitead of In yonr place her* in the store T* | I "It was -Jiy luncheou hour, nod ij | went to the wedding Instead of to lunch.** I Tho manager s roiled. "Can . you positively identify this veil | as the one yon saw yesterday V Miss B. took it up lu her hsnds and. unfoldlng'-ltvy rap her lingers through I the niesh and Into the tiny folds where tile orange bloHooms were caught, then with some dilOculty picked out- three little pieces of rice and handed them to the * ,>l ' She went' back to her counter, and t!ie "char*'' customer." whose counts muged In the thousands each year, was rendered a bill for for the use of n bridal veil xymi by her daughter." A clreck for the $300 was Immediate; ly Hem. aud the wealthy "charge cus tomer'* stl'l continues to charge.? ChK cagn necord?Herald. ? A Powerful Weapon. They wen? examining on old faxh lotied Mbotxun of murderous build. It looked as !f It would bo an effective weapon against anything abort of en elephant, and It* owner was boasting with that?tcoru of fact which is silo w. ed the successful hunter of Ha power., "Doexn't It kick like anything T ask ed one. "Ob. yes, it kicks some.** said ibe proprietor, "but that's the beauty of It Why, ouce I nhot at a grizzly that was charging :ue. 1 missed him. and on he came, if It bud not l>eeM that the gua kicked me so far back that 1 bad time to reload 1 whouldn't have been here to tell the story.**? Youth's Companion. Can You Ask More? Wo are so confident that we can furnish relief for Indigestion and dys pepsia that we promise to supply the medicine free of all cost to every one who uses it according to directions who is not perfectly satisfied with the results. We exact no promises and put no one under any obligation whatever. Surely nothing could b? fairer. We are located right here where you live, arid our reputation should be sufficient assurance of the genuineness of our offer. We want every one who Is troubled with indigestion or dyspepeia in any form to come to our store and get a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home, and give them a reasonable trial, according to direc tions. They are very pleasant to take; they soothe the irritable stom ach, strengthen and invigorate th? di gestive organs, promote a healthy and natural bowel action, almost Im mediately relieve nausea and stomach irritation, produce healthy digestion and assimilation, and promote nutrt tlon. Three sizes, 26c, 60c aa^ Remember you . can obtain Rexall Remedies In WafWngton 'only 'at'our store? -Tfce ReiilTfftore. " ?ke Hardy MA" uxl "AUGUST All" D'Hou Dimmer 73 ccats scores o{ Jhruugfcput I bo state have been c?f?d W .thSf^eciy with in th# giiyt ? ?%j;d testi monial? t'&hUnttt^fWfraSjved froth every d i r ? t i o Buccessiote' Here In W^KfJp and vicinity numbers of .nKU aru trfHing the remedy and m spy of U^taiyjtte prais ing It very highJ^althejifch alBp consumers, the exces sive coat of road .transportation real ly leviea a tax upon all. Whatever |doubt there may have been about the need for systematic road- Improve ment in the United States facta and figures such as these finally dispelled. If there was ever any work calculated ,to fill the proverbial "long "felt want'' It was the *ork of the otBoe of public Have you paid your poll tax? May 1st Is the laat day on which ydu'can pay poll tax and have the privilege of expressing your opinion I at the next election. ' mm ACH1 Foa PEVEUS^NdW aa'd ACHING Whether from Jlalarloua oondlticns. Colds or evertOatlag. try Hick a' Cap udlne. It redoeee the fever and re lieves the aching. lt% liquid? 10. >**ad r dm Hove your Pictures Framed NOW! Don't wait until they be come soiled. WM. B. HARDING tor OIJVBR TYPEWRITERS. Children's v Oxfords A new lot just receiv ed. See them before buy. ing. E L. BROOKS' SHOE STORE Formerly KHIgfac Shot Do. Attractively Priced Underwear Nalnsoek Underwear, full-cut shirt and drawers. 5 piece*. $1,00; also boys' size, 25r each. Men's Balbrlggsn. 15c. 60c, 76c garments. 411 sixes, up to 60. Boys' Bslbrlggan, a good value, 28c garment. Wo sre aho-. Jng full line Ladles' Musttn. Underwear. lace and embrold ejrjr trimmed. 26c to 11.60 garment Child's Muslin Drawers. jLucked o% hemmed, 10c each. J. F. BUCKMAN & SON DANGER! Beware of impure corn meal and hominy. There has been a number of lotfe seized in this State that were shipped in from Virginia and Maryland points, and pronounced unfit for hu man, beast or hog food. J. HAVENS .manufactures pure goods, and car^ give them to you ftesh and sound. He ships from Manteo and Beaufort to Raleigh, and from Warsaw to Garysburj*. Sixty lots of his meal examined inlhe last 10 days* and all pronounced puce goods.