16th day of April, It *0, of wbieh the following !? a true copy: The State of North Carolina. qgo the Sheriff of Beanfort County ? Greeting; You 4y?. hereby eomamnded to summon Atlantic Manufacturing and Stave Company, the defendant above named. If it be ftound -within your county,, to be and Appear before the Judge of our Superior court at a court to be held for the County of Beaufort at the courthouse Id Wash ington. on the 11th Monday after the first Monday of March, 1910, It being the 23rd day of May. 1910, and an swer the complaint, which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior court of said county witkxn the first three days of said term; and let the said defendant, take notice, that if it fall to answer the complaint within the time required by law, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint. Hereof fall not, and. of this sum mons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of rourt, this 16th /day of April, ttlt. (Signed) GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court. This 29th day of April, 1910. OEO. A. PAUL, -Clerk Superior C^rt. HALE UNDER MORTGAGK. Under and by virtue of the power of sale, contained . In a certain mort gage deed, executed on the 19th day of April, 1904, by and between 8. T. Nicholson and wife, . Mrs. Annie E. Nicholson, to the . First National 'Bank, which said mortgage la duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Beaufort eounty. in book 199, page 979* reference being hero* by made to same for particulars, the undersigned will on Friday, the 10th day of June, 1910, at is o'clock m.. at the courthouse door In Beaufort county, offer for sal* to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed property: Certain pieces or tracts of land, lying and being in Beaufort county,' State of North Carolina. In Washing ton township, and described and de fined as follows: Nineteen (19) lots in Nicholson TllUb yj?; lots numbers (?iBfrTir, lit, lit. 199. 194, 169, If 64, 155. 199. ll9, 174, 178, 191. T190. 194, 198 , 999, 909, as shown on plat made by R. T. Bonn*r of a cer tain part of a tract-of land purchased by 8. T. Nicholson of Hattie W. 1 Banks and-fltbers, and Is on record Iq the Regls1&f$4)4^rgt Beaufort coun ty. . Aho^ne^ovtf #1-4 ) undivided This May 9, 1919. ? . -riRBT NATIONAL, Ward Sl Grimes. Attorneys. HALE UNDER MORTGAGE. Under and by Yirtue of > the power of sale contained fn a certain mort gage deed, executed on the 8th day of Auguat, 1908, by and between W. A. Res peas and wife, Hattle Res pass, to W. H. Bo wen, which said mortgage la duly recorded In the offlcegfef the Register of Deed* of Beaufort county. In book 162, page 1SS, reference be* lag hereby made to same for particu lars , the undersigned will on Friday, the 1 0th day of June. 1910, at IS o'eloek m.', at the courthouae door In Beaufort county, offer for afcle to the hlgheat bidder for cash, the following described property: Ascertain piece or tract jot land ly ing and being In Beaufort county, Staff. alMpeeafd^tti Jong A ?*e Town shlfc; "* surtjvdetcrtbed and defined as follow?, to-wlt: Beginning at the Ria6^ke Raflroid 'Jg Lumber 06m pany's 6brnir ifear the Main road In Ptoef0was.gi,P.rtak4; t hence ^oxtlh wi^dly i%$nA?e main road ; to the foot at the oU thonca ,w the oW, rote north w??44jpta the Roan o*f' Heflroni) t l.unlwr Company'' line; ;b?ne? with nld eoropaoy'a lin, eastwnrdly to' the b?(lnn{tlf. convu lse Jtr aaUmattan one, aer? more or )ms. > It bolng the urn* tract or par c?J,of lu a. con ninrt to PrentUJ 8. Watare Hi lftto.ta W. H. Bfi^en. November ui racUtora* Id book l?t. PMtTH*. of th. KeKlitf r'i ofloa ?( Beaufort county. If itrw trf wa% '?m> '' ? te*tUtnn PMl. 0?n?r of Debt. Ward ft Grime*. Attorney, . I. J. Br#aY Grin ite o f t he Stmt* of do bc^ehj certify corporation did, on the prtl, J ? 10. file in my of. & co a dul) executed and att?eted ctm seat in writing to the dissolution cf ?aid corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof which laid con sent and the record of the proceed ings aforesaid are now on file In my| offlce as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hero unto set my hand and a Axed my of ficial seal, at Ralelg, this 28th day of April. A. D.t 1910. J. BRYAN GR1ME8, (Seal.) Secretary of State. Noncit. North Carolina, Beaufort County, In the Superior Court. Amelia Smith vs. John Henry j Smith. To the defendant above named You are hereby notified that the above entitled adtlon has been insti tuted against you In the - Superior Court of Beaufort County, North Car- { ollna, tor the purpose Of obtaining' an absolute divorce; ? that the com plaint has been filed therein, alleging statutory grounds which entitled the plaintiff to such divorce, and that the summons in said action is returnable into said Court, before the Judge thereof, at the Court House in Wash ington, N. C., on the eleventh Mon day after the fir?t Monday of March, It being the 23rd day of May, 1910, when and where you are commanded to appear and answer the said com plaint within the time required byi law, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein demand-) ed. Given under my hand and seal ofl said Court* this 10th day Ot March,] 1910. ; GEO. A. PAUL/ Clerk Superior Court By virtue talned in a ecuted by 15th, 1909, register's office of Beaufort, county in book 147, page 148, which, Is here by referred to, I will sell at the Conrt House door la Beaufort county, tor, cash to the highest bidder, on Satur day, 21st day of May. 1910, at noon, all thai lot on pascal at land la the City of Washington, N< C., beginning on Harvey street at a stake, and run ning eastwardly with said street to the main road; thence with the said road westwradly to the corner of Miles Hill's 'lot; thence with Miles Hill's line to the beginning ; being the same conveyed by A. D. MacLean and wife to said Frank Eborn by deed duly recorded. This April 20th. 1910.' G. RiJMLEY, j Under and by virtue of the power of tale contained in the mortgage deed executed by William Clark and tfllletta Clark, his wife, to W. J. Nor fleet and N. O. Ndrtleet, dated Jul? 8, 1907, and duly recorded In the Register's office of Beaufort coun ty, ,ln book 147, page 170, which la hereby referred, to, we will sell at i public auction for cash to the highest .bidder at the courthouse door lu Bqfltufort county, on Monday. 23rd day of May, 1910, 12 m., all that tract or lot of land situate In Beau fort county, town of Belhaven, de scribed in said mortgage as follows: Adjoining the landa of Norfolk A Southern Railroad Co., and others, bounded as follows, vis: Beginning on .the main public road 55 feet soutfc ?2 'east from the foot of the J. . A. Wilkinson street or road, and furth er known aa Scrouge town road, run ning with aaid miln road about aouth 62 east 5 5 feet; thence north 47 east i860 or to within 350 feet of the Bul lock ditch, thence north 43 west 66 feet tbenpa aouth 47 west to the*be glnnlng; containing halt acre, more or leas.. Being the same land con veyed to the said William Clark by I deed bearing date the Ird day of Oc tober, ltOl, from Eddie Hargrove, and duly registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort county, N. C., on the 17th day of Oc tober. 1M1, in book 112. of Deeds, on page 146. etc. , - Tto Ajrtj W. J. NORFLJ5ET. N. Q. NORFLBET, | Mortgagees. ! By Norwood L. aimmons, Atty. ? r-y V lU *cconJ h.nd.rood ind Hulls, Land Plaat. <? AW A CQ., ^ ft wastwardly direction to Frank Water*' line, thence north to U? old D?t to* 11m; tfconce about a riorth direction to the hetd of "Horse Ran" branch at the corner black mm; thenoe north l ftt poles; tbenoe eaat 47 polea to the Una between aaid W. A. Ru* i?d C. 0 Davie; tbenca tooth with aald Una to C. 8. D*fW northwaat corner, . a farm ditch; thence with aald ditch to. the begin ning, containing 82 acres more or ?tat . * gaunt. vt. ? Thla April 11. 1910. W. & RIDDICK, Mortgagee. Bj- Jaa. MaCor. Asalgasa and Ownar of Debt. By Norwood L. SlmmOha. Attj. / NOTICE. North Carolina, Hyde county. In the Superior court The 8tate Board of Education against Pennsylvania Company for Insur ance on and Granting Annui ties, William tawald Dundas, Eifxa Dunaaa Oldham, Harriet Dnndas Oldham, Agnes D. Seddinger, Thomas Dnndas, James Dundas, Marie Turley, Charles Dundas, 8a " rah Dundas Johnson and husband N. D. (.JohnSon. the unknown heirs of John Vaughan, Robert Porter and Benjamin Kugler, and the stockholders of the North Ameri can I^and Company, whose names and number are unknown. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior court of Hyde county to Re move cloud upon title to a tract of land situated in said county, owned by plsfntiff, and for the pur pose of excluding defendants, who claim an interest in said land, from any claim or Interest therein; and the said defendants will further take notice, that they are required to ap pear at the next term of the Superior court of Hyde county, to be held on the 10th Monday after the 1st Mon day In MArch, the same being the 16th day of May, 1910, at the court house of said county, In 8 wan Quar ter, N. C-. and answer or demur to the complaint In saUL action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded In said complaint This 13th day of April, 1910. H. J. SPENCER. Clerk of the Superior Court of Hyde County. NOTICE OP EXECUTION ?ALK. v.. North Carolina, Beaufort county. Fenner B. Guilford vs. B. F. Hollo well. - - By virtue of an execution directed to the underolffaed from the Superior court of Beaufort county, in the above entitled action, I will on Mon day, the 6th day of June, 1910. at -2 o'clock m., at the courthouse door In Beaufort county, tell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy Bald execu tion, all the light, ? title and Interest which the saiid B. F. Hollowell, the defendant, has In the following real estate, to- wit: First Tract. A certain tract of land In said county, and In Richland township, and more particularly de scribed as follows: .Beginning at B. H. Thompson's southwest corner of the Heber Rives tract, and running south 2 degrees west with the road to Frank White's northwest corner; thence east with Frank White's line 163 poles to South Creek; thence with the creek north to B. H. Thomp- j son's corner of the Heber TOlr&sj tract; thence north 84 west 156 poles j to the beginning, containing 7?-acres| more or less. Second Tract. On the south side Pamlico river and east side of South creek and bounded as follows: Beginning at the main road in James Deal's line at or near Eddie Rives' corner; thence with the said Deal's line to South creek; thence the va rious courses of said creek Richard Wlndley's line; thence with said Windley's line to the main road; thence with said road to the begin ning, containing ?2 acres, being the same more or -less. Saving and excepting from the second tract, above described, the following: Bounded on the south by 8. Deal; on the west by C- A. Hollo ? ... __ the north by- a tract 0f land, allotted to B. F. Hollo wan m his homestead; and on the swamp road, being three cuts out of the sec nearest to the 1 Just walk up ahd get a peep. You don't know how thing* look. Pic ture?. pictured, everything pictured. Pictures of loved onee^> pictures of faces that make hemes happy. At Baker's Studio. . ? ? V \. . Is in tht ? (be clip newspaper great wed a r '*ture of uic in iu?. Laying it upon tbe desk, she said: "This is e picture of the veil." "How did yon happen to be at this wedding instead of in youc place here In tbe store?" ? "It wss aiy luncheon hour, sod 1 went to tbe wedding > Instead of to lonch." v Tbe manager skilled, . t"Oan yon positively Identify this veil an the one jou saw ysrterday r Itlu b. Wok It up Uflkv band. ?m). unfolding It. rao her fingers through tbe meab and into tbe tiny folds where tb*oranjfe btoeeoma were caught, then with some difficulty jggked out three little plecef of rice and handed them to tb* manager. J J She went back to *l(Wr counter, aDd tbe "charge' customer." whose ac counts rau red in the thousands each year, was rendered a bill for "$3t>0 for the use of a bridal veil worn by her daughter." """ ? check for the $300 waa Immediate ly sent, and tbe wealthy "charge cus tomer" still continue* to charge.? Chi cago Ueooru-Hfrald. J. W. J. Sears. Belhaven Mrs. J. 8. March and daughter Nancy, arrived In the city today, the ?bests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roper. Mr. Will Boyd, ofipinetown. Is in tbe city todaw on fcuflnesa. ?V '? Mr. P. L,. Vollva, of Belhaxen. is in t^e city today. RENT! NO * BRIDAL VEIL An Incident of a Fashionable Wedding In New York. "Not long ago one of the wealthiest "charge customers" of a well known department store in New York pur chased a $900 \ wedding veil for ber daughter, which, was charged to ber account and duly delivered. Tbe wed ding waa i large one and celebrated at high noon in one of tbe downtown churcbeas It happened that ota of the glrla from a department store went rot for luncheon; at this hour and, eeelng a fashionable wedding in full awing, skipped into tbe church with the, Crowd and Into one of tbe back pews. After tbe ceremony was over she hurried beck to ber place behind tbe counter, too busy with ber special sales to even think abont it. Tbe next morning, however, when she read ana account of tbe magnifi cent wedding In ? church and a de tailed deecrlptlon of the wonderful veil worn by the bride, valued at 1000," she laughingly told ber numer ous friends In that department that die "bad been one of tbe honored go seta and bad seeu that $500 veil Wttb ber own eyes." Just at this thrill ing point of ber story one of the floor men stepped up to her and eatd: "Yon are wanted at tbe manager' a More Proof Parisian Sage Stop# Falling Hair and | Make* it Grow,- oeV)foney Back. j People who are not using Parisian Sage are not using the best, most de lightful and refreshing hair grower and tonic in the world. Parisian Sage is die big seller now adays because when once tried no on? evw goes back to the ordinary com mercial tonics. y; Read this: Mrs. Alberta Van HI at, 72<? Monmouth Bt., Trenton, N. J., on Oct. 14,. I90t, wrote: "I have used Parisian Sage, aid can say safely, that It has been *ery beneficial t? my hair, stoppiafcf my l*alr from fall ing out, and . curing dandruff, ana making my hair much thicker an? rticer. , w . ^ , ?, Last summer I had the measle* and my hfclr came out In haudfulla, I thought I would fcava to have it cut off. I got a bottle of Parisian Sage, used it, tad It eared me from having thy hair cut off." UlOM U*>U (UtUtM, to IM din draff, rt*p Mux k*lr u4 t+ky 'ajLklni tiih or BOIIT bock, it .*o*M'? k*r tawiictlx. >? Btt kotU. lor (0 oAu. .Aaitr ?MoM BUod, ckarc? trtpoid. Of i??M Wkn 9?raui ??. oo., *????; n t. Ml ??? ' ? > f vr ' Mac^ Shows DBR CANVAS ON ATLANTIC COAST LINE R. R. LOT ALL WEEK OF MAY 16TH i A A DTI CTC Song and Dance, Balancings f*lv 1 Trapeze .Slack Wire, Cook. edy, Magic, Hypnotic Illusions, Ffire Eating, Sword Swallowing, Blackface Comedy and many other acts; traveling in our own private Hotel Car Caroline. Don't for^cet^ Date, all week of May 16 ONE PERFORMANCE EACH NIGHT at 8.30. 10c. Admission. | THE HALLIE MACK SHOWS : 1 C E =:= Soon will the m'osqulto twang his gui tar, And the lightning bug light his lainp, And -the toad-frog hop with sheer >.** light Around hlB toad-stool camp. This doesn't rhyme with Crystal Ice. but you may may get your Ice boxes and refrigerators ready just the%ame. ?Phone 83. CRYSTA^ICE CO., WASHINGTON, N. C. FOR H?AL>4&H&? thick's Cepudlne. Whether tmm Colds, Heat. Stom ach or Nervous rroubles, Capudlne will relieve you. lt'a liquid ? pleas ant to take ? nets immediately. Try It. 10, 26 and 60c. at drug stores. Ever-Busy Woman. A newspaper writer, sympathising with women because there la.no long* er any tradle to rock, or hardly ? baby to care for, no home schooling necessary In the present* ? of the modern kindergarten, no Sewing to .Ae In this ready-made ace. lltU* hous* work In this, day of flats and suites tad resUurants and prepared foods, aaks with concern : "What are we go Ice to do with tbe woman out of a lob? Let him put that question fsce to face to his woman acquaintances and dollars to doughnuts be will And them all so busy trying to keep up with tbelr engagements that tbey won't have time to answer his foolish questions. The Ruling Pssslon His clothes said be was a tramp, but his brow wan high and his man ner grand. "Madam, may I request - the favor of a pali of your husband's cast-off trousers? These are some what passe." This, with a sweep of a tattered hat, brought results m the shape of a pair of hubby's oldest, which were just about two degrees better than those, the tramp was wear ing. After a critical survey of his ac quisition. instead of tbe polite words of thanks the good woman was wait ing for, the tramp volunteered, with a deep, lonjt-drawn sigh of regret: "Madam. I see four husband discards from weakness"- Puck. ? ????? ????????? ? Blooding Cures 8tralns, ? Rheumatic Bruises, Sprains, ? liniment Rheumatic pains, ? Pains in the Chest. Side and ? Back. Swellings and Tumors. ? Frost Bites. 8ore Throat, ? Quinsy, Croup. Hoarseness. ? 26c and 5Qc a bottle. ? ? ? ? ? ?>* ??????. King Edward at least lived to have had an enjoyable visit to Virginia, and the old suite he occupied In the "Exchange and Ballard hotel" in Richmond 1b now let to lodgers at 25 cents per night. ?? , Holllster's Rocky \fountafn Tea banishes "that tired .'eelitig." Puts new life and energy ntt> the weaken ed body. If your b ick and limbs get tired, brain befogged, thoughts come slowly, and you're subject -to dixry spells, get a package of this wonder ful medicine today. . , Established 1840. BALTIMORE STEAM PACKET CO. OLD BAY LINE BTEAMERfi FLORIDA, VIRGINIA & ALABAMA Finest United States Mall Steam ers 8outh of New York, equipped with United Wireless Telegraphy and every modern convenience for the pleasure and comfort of the traveler. .Leaves dally, except 8undays, as follows: Portsmouth .s. . 5 30 P. M. Norfolk 6 30 P. M. Old Point .7 7.80 P. M. -Steamers arrive Norfolk . 7.00 A. M. Connecting with all lines South and West. Tickets sold to all points, North, East, West and Canada. For Information as to tickets, stateroom reservations, etc.. apply by 'phone, wire or letter to J. W. BROWN. JR.. Southern Passenger Agent, 169 Main street, Norfolk, Va. Hicks* CAPUDIXK Cures Sick Hex) Also Nervous Heaaacho, Travelers' Headache and achu* fiom Grip, Stomacn Troubles or Ferns'-- trou bles. Try Capudlne ? lt'e liquid ? effects Immediately. Sold bv drug gists. 10. 26 and 60 centa The Gaiety THE HOUSE OF NO REPEATERS" JOSEPH NOL.D BY HIS 11KETHREN ? -itlhllcal. THE TWELFTH J1RYMAN. MOUNTAIN? Education*). A MICA, THE CM ANGARA " Follow the Merry Crowd ?FRESH CEREALS - Just Arrived ? Cream Fa- '* rina, Cream Wheat, Pearl Wheat, Cream Hominy, Shredded Wheat, Poat Toasties, Corn Flakea, Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat and Oatmeal. Walter Credle & Co. 'Phone 80. New York does not ?eem to care what KtfTt Hearst and Gaynor um so long as they do not crow all night long. \\/~ CL^II "Ironclad" Galatea we J^eil Cloth at 15 cts. per yard; Flaxon at 17c.; Linon at 10c. A full line of Standard Dress Ging hams at 10c. Oldest Millinery House in Beaufort County. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO SUPERB SERVICE To Baltimore via Chesapeake Steamship Line NEW BAY LINE "COLUMBIA" and "AUGUSTA." Dini.igrooma on Saloon Decks. Elt tisni T s blc D'ht u L iter 75 cents; Club Breakfasti 25 to 64 cents. 1?in? at it nfien ?nd the m ry best service In everyway^ We solicit criticiim cf cur retvice. Leave Norfolk, footof Jacks on at.,[ daily except Svr.day *.15 r- ni.; arrive Bo It in"- ore 7 a. m., connecting with rail linea for Phila., N.Y.. and all point* fctst and West. For all informa-l tlon and reservations address C. L Chandler. G. A.; F. R. McMlllln.T. P. A.. Norfolk. Va. SAVING MONEY Is comparatively easy after itis_ _ . orfce fairly * started. Here is a pointer ror you: - ? YOUR SUPPLY checks up tolerably well. Considering the haarty eaters at your table, it's a wonder you keep as well stocked as you do. FOR FINE GROCERIES when the larder is getting empty, come here. Our finely assorted stock is suffic ient, and your trade is desired. H ?

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