? B ? OPPORTUNITIES RATE, 1 cent per word, d six words to the line, mz payment with copy. AnsWn to ads. any be received it this office To Insors prompt attontion ell edver tlsements should be la tmsinesc jfflc? by 12.45 m. Ada. by messenger, tele phone or moll siren careful attention FOUND? SEVEN DOLLARS. ; W. T Bailey, Jr. 2. IP YOU HA VENT TIME TO WRITE your letters call Phone t6, Cham her of' Commerce rooms.' If 1st Myrtle Marsh, public stenographer WANTED? A YOUNG LADY CLKRK to work In store. Apply 208 West Main street. IS - Human Vanity. "Some women are terribly vein," ?aid tbs censorious person. "Ym," replied \IIm Cayenne, "they are. And. by the way. did yon ever notice a man who was fixing himself up to bare his photograph taken T*? Washington Star. 95.06 HEW AH I) FOR RETURN OP bill book loat about June 1. Dr I. M. Hardy. . Established 1840. BALTIMORE STEAM PACKET OCX OLD ft AY LINE FLORIDA, VIRGINIA ?c ALABAMA Flnsst United States Mall Steam ers South of N^w York, equipped with United Wireless Telegraphy and every modern convenience for the plessurs and comfort of the traveler... Leave* dolly, except Sundays, as follows: Portsmouth V . 6.S0 p. It Norfolk ??????? ? >0 P. M. Old .Point 7. SO P M. Steamers arrive Norfolk . 7.00 A. M. Connecting with all llnss South and Wsst- Tickets sold to all points, North. Best. West and Canada. For laformeUon as, to- -tickets, stateroom reservations, .etc., apply by 'phone, wire or letter ?o i J. W. BROWN. JR., Southern Passenger Agent, Mala 'street, Noffolk, Va. Riees house WkSHMGTOIi. B. C. Tbe bote! "par excellence" of the National Capital. First -class ki all appoint ments. Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from tbe White House. An illustrated Guide to Wariunfton will be mailed, free of charge, upon re ceipt of.two 2-cent stamp s 0. G. STAPLES, Proprietor. s*a I ^ fa Ice bagged jmd for out-of-town ' _ You cmn order bj freight by express, by boat or by team. ' ?Phone 83. CRYSTAL IC WASHINGTON, Kept Um King at HdMfr . , ;Tr or ?he put year* we "have kepi the Kin# of 'all UxatlYes-^-ljjr. King's New LlfQr Pills ? In our hone and they bave proved a blessing tt all our family." writes Paul Mathoikaj of Buffalo, N. Y. Easy, but 'sur* i nmwly ' fur all Stomach, Uver and Sidney troubles. Only 25c. at Dr. Hardy's Drug Store. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candidacy for solicitor of the First Judicial Dis trict of North Carolina, subject to ths action of the Democratic District Convention, and do earnestly solicit the support of all Democrats In my behalf. >*7 E. Jl. DANIEL. Jf.' ANNOUNCEMENT I will be a candidate before the Democratic prlm&rfea and the next Democratic District Convention, for the nomination as Solicitor of the pint Judicial District ot this State I request the support of all Demo* crats. If nominated and elected I promise to discharge the duties of ?aid office, fairly and Impartially without fear or favor. February 1, 191#. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS. If you have stomach or bowel trou ble, heart, liver or kidney disease, Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea will Jo you more good In less time, than iny other remedy ? because It re i to res 'natural conditions.- At all A rugg Is ts, 36c. Hardy's Drug Store. CITY LIST TAKER. I will be at the City Clerk's qfflce sach day from^i a. m. to 5 p. m. dur ing the month of June for the pur pOee of listing the tam of persons iwnlng property within the city lim its. The law makee It a criminal of fense not to list your taxas W. B. WINDLET, List Taker. A Dreadfnl Wound rom a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, I reworks, or of any other nature, de nands prompt treatment with Buck en's Arnica Salve to prevent blood K>Ison or gangrene. It's the quick set, surest healer for all such wounds is slso for Burn*. Bolles, Sores, 8kln Eruptions. Ecsema. Chapped Hands, ?rns or piles. 25c. at Dr. Hardy's Drugstore. v The NORTH CAROLINA - - State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Worn eri*of North Carolina. Pour regular Courses leading to Degreee. .Special Courses for Teachers. Pall Session begins September 14, 1910. Those to enter should apply aa early as possible. For catalogue and other Information address JULIUS I.FOUST, President, OREEN8BORO, N. C. Lime, and etc. Car loads a specialty ASK US FOR PRICES I J. H. Harris PLUMBING and SUPPLY vCs' F J ? i Davenport has re-] kurped from Belhaven, wh?re she haft been vislUaf O^s month. I -Hon. H. L. Olbbs. of Oriental, fa' jin the city on- professions! business. ? ? C?pt. p. u. 8U?orttorn. o< Mlddle Uon, Hyde county, la In the city to W Mrs. W. J. Hardlson left this morn ing tor Hoke to visit friends and rel A LitUe Miss lfary FO an tain A1H [geod Is \4aitlng In th$ 'western part lot the State. '' ? ? Mlsa Celta Brldgman left ttya morning for Scotland . Va. ? ? !Uiv I. ,W. Acklsa, of Belhaven, is [trf thfe^eity today on business- V t.>l ? a .xT&LBB Mr. Albln Jones, of Pantegi rived in ths city this morning. Mr. D. L. Perry left this morning for piuetown on business.- f ' ? * Mr. Dave Tayloe, Jr.. went to New Bern this morning to attend the game of ball this afternoon. Mrs. If. T. Jennettelett thls.morn Ing for fm?Uaadr\ni^ to visit friends. clrf'RIchardgor dDrar Mr. Of# "Richardson returned thl^ morning from a business (rip. Dr, H. m Carter ; returned this morning frdm a' professional trip to] Mr. Andrew" Latham returned this morning from a business trip In the Interest of the Jefferson fiprnUure Company. ? a Miss Ma^id Bsynor. who haa been visiting relatives In New Bern, la in the city today, en route to her bome in Belhaven. ? ? Mr. J. B. Clark, of Belhaven. lsTtki | the city today. a - ? D^r. H. 8nell returned this morning* fromSa professional trip to Belhaven. ? ? Mr. Claud Gardner went to New Bern this morning to take part In the ball game between Washington and New Barn tlx la sJUtaoon. ? "V ? Mrs. Frank Short, of High Point, f left this morning on the Norfolk | Southern for Scotland, Va. ? ? Mr. Walter Hardlson after aeveral I days visit to his parents, returned | this morning to Hertford. ? ? Mr. Harrel Clark, of Belhaven, is | In the city today. 6 or 6 doaes of "666" will cure an> case, of chills and fever.* Price 25c. A X N'Ol NCEMEXT. To the Democrats of North Carolina: My name having been presented by the Democrats of Granville county as ; one suitable "to. All the office of Cor-! poratlon Commissioner, I have de cided, after advising with many friends In different parts of the State. 1 to tender my services to the peoplo, ; subject, of course, to the action of the Democratic State Convention.^ The vacancy caused by the death of the lamented Hon. B. F. Aycock having been filled by the appolntniaht of Hon. H. C. Brown, a Western man, and he having declared himself a candidate for the unexpired term, of four years, I hereby declare myself a candidate for the terra of six years beginning January 1, 1911. I place my candidacy upon my past record an. a public servant and an earnest desire to serve the people of the entire State in this highly Impor tant office. yiour obedient servant, A. W. GRAHAM. 20 . * Oxford, N. C. Bad Dreams Nightmare, R?*rtle*?ness and Nlgtit sweats all Caused by Indigestion. ?Half of the nervousness In the, [world, all of the disturbing dreams [and nightmares can fce ended in a few weeks by a simple, inexpensive treat ment. Upset stomach is the cause of nerv ousness and had dreams. Tour food is lying In your stomach undigested and fermenting; It is forming poison [ou8 gases which Irritates the pheu mogastrlc nerves that Ieada direct from the brain', and ends In a net work #f tiny branches running caused by the stomach, but do not know In what manner. Ilf you are nervous, hsve dreams nightmare, and do not sleep sound Ulght, get a &Q cent box of Ml-o-na stomach tablets and take on* or two| after or with meals. They relieve dte Brown 1 Drug SU>r? la WMkU?*oa. thratach tb. atomack. I v, It laalao tba Irrluiloa of tbli jroai ~ aarra ttat ctaaa. tlMM paavK. kU? Flret Woman Leflsndt. Heathen nauons Site' dlfrerent leg ends a* to tb* origin of. womep. Tbe Japanese bailee tb6t ? be crew ?d a tree, tba Laplander* flint sfce was ouce ? rabbit, tbe Persians that abe fell from tba heavens. and tbe Australian native* that abe Waa one* i { tend If you will brine it we will take It. We will do our part to Improve upon It. We will sire you more In number than you bring us. Wei are kind hearted and any time you will visit Baker's Studio you will get more than you bring. fpR HEADACHE ? Hick'* Cup a dine. *?? Whether twom Oolda. Heat. Stom ach or Nervoua Tronblea, Capndlne will relieve you. It's UquH ? pleas ant to take ? acta Immediately. Try It 10. 26 aad 60c. at drug stores. FOB FBVKRIBHVtC*8 am) 4CHIXC 'Whether from Malarious o? ndlflona, Oolda or overheating. try Bilks' Cap udlne. It redueee the feve- and re llevea tba anhtng. It's I'vuld ? 10, SB and BO oenta. at drug etf res. MM m hew. being bats land off Flo lead, the eaptate set* aehare to hoy a wiod trmm a wisan* The f*e waa 10 kroner d during a storm: "O Lord. I am up common beg gar. 1 do wot trouble thee every day. for I nerer prayed lA the* before, and If it please the* to quiver me tbla one* 1 will never pray to th*-* attain aa long as 1 Ilea."?, Af.a^tr Monthly. Norway's Leva Fort Bjornaon. What Bjornaon was| to bis own people la ,beat made clatr by an Inci dent. which occurred at bla beloved AuieataA not king before be waa forced to start on his dual journey to Pfrte in search of another lease of health and Ufa.' * A, re^ment pasaed the place lo the course of a maneu ver. Its commander een} word ahead to the poet asking him i> review the soldiers aa they marched by. Bjorn aon stood oo tba veranda ~*f his bouse, surrounded by flls entire family? a man who had never held any public offlce, mind yoal Aa the troop ap proached on the highroad below offi cer* and men gave tbe salute due to a commanding irooernl or H member of tbe royul buuxe. But tbla was not alL From tbe rapidly moving ranks rose one mighty about after anotber~a spontaneous outburst of devotion and gratitude such a* It has been granted tatx few men tba fortune to inspire. ?Edward Bjorkman In American lie view of Revlewa. ywt i GSiety Theatre] THE HCTOltlAl, PALACE The Cigarette Maker of Seville PILAR MOHAN. Aft CARMEN. Ijr nwtuMd, photographically cor rect. Tlila plctan puts all oUiet> in the Infant class. The Sous and the Min otaur A Dratoa of Ancient Greece. Vita* graph production. Gaiety profec> tion. Nuf ced. SAME PRICKS: (SAME HOURS: 5 and 10c. V 7:80 to 10:3O. ITJLIi B-GLAD-U-KUM. Big Pree-Prlxe Tomorrow Night. Drawing at 0 o'clock sharp. J ' -J ? Be Economical and Use WESSON Snowdrift Oil Fresh lot just received. 'Phone 80. Walter Credle & Co. | Hicks' CAPUDIXE Cares Sink Head sens. Also Nervous Heaaacbo, Travelers' Headache snd aches fi om Grip, j Stomacu Troubles or Ferna'j trou ble*. Try Capudlne? lt'r. liquid ? J effects Immediately. Bold bv drug- | gists. 10. 25 and 60 cents. 48TH ANNUAL CONVENTION "N. K. A." BOSTON, MASS. Greatly reduced Excursion Fares via. Norfolk Southern Railroad, June 20th to July 2d. Travel vta Norfolk and Steamer. Delightful sea voyage. 1 Tickets include meals and- state-room, berth while aboard steamers. For complete Information, apply to D. V. Conn, Pass. Agt., Raleigh, or addreu H. C- HUDOIN0, Q. P. A.. Norfolk, VilY^ / " - Nannie Erlckson, Thief River Falls, Alien., writes: "My father has been using Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea the past year, snd says he cannot praise it too highly. He is glad to recommehd It ' to anyone suffering from headahces or stomach troubles.' Hardy's Drug Store. rhrre U a wonderful nachlue -n im near you. if you have not mm it at work in your own gro eery or market, aak your neighi bor if it is in his. You will aooo f bear about it. Works well upon aay kind of . meat, such ss bacon, dried boefj cooked pork loins, boiled tongue, f sausages, etc. By trading at a place where the' American Slicing Machine is used, you miy know rfaat you are trading where the greatest quantities of such meats are sold and the stocks are fresh. You will understand more fully the reasons for buy ing machine-sliced meats and for trading where the American Slicing Machine is in use, after once trying some of the meats sliced upon it. Something new? PIMENTO CHEESE. Try it. 15c. a jar. JOS. F. TAYLOE, The Qiiality|Grocer, 'Phones 123 and 124 SUPERB SERVICE % To Baltimore via Chesapeake Steamship Line NEW BAY LINE ??COLUMBIA" and ?'AUGUSTA." Diningrooma oo Saloon Decks. Elegant Tabic D'Hote Dinner 75 cents; Club Breakfast, 25 to 60 cents. Polite attention and the very bes1 service In everyway We solicit criticism cf our eeivlce. Leave Norfolk, foot of Jac ks on St.. daily except Sunday t .15 p. m.: at riv e Baltimore 7 a. m., connecting with rail lines for Phila., N.Y., and ail points Etst and West For nil informa tion and reservations address C. 1. Chandler. C. A.; F. R. McMHUn.T- P. A., Norfolk. Va. - MEREDITH COLLEGE - Among the Foremost Colleges for Women in the South. *" Course in Liberal Arts covering nine departments, and including elective courses In Education aud Bible, which count for tfcs A. B. degree. School of Music, Including Piano, Pipe Organ, Violin and Voice Culture; School of Art, including Decoration, Designing and Oil Painting; School >f Elocution; Academy which prepares students for college courses; Phys ical Culture under a trained director. Full literary course per year. In cluding literary tuition, board, room, light, heat, physician, nurse, ordi nary medicines and all minor fees, $210.50; in the Club, $50 to $55 lesa. Next, fcesetvx begins September 14, 1910. AddresB PRE8IDENT R. T. VANN, Raicign, N. C AGAINST THE STREAM IT'S HARD PULLING and nowadays with the cost of living going high and higher one should buy tbeir foods where they can get the highest grade at the lowest prices. We can tide /ou owr the stream by sharing our profits wlrti you and giving you the best quality of foods at aa low prices as you frill pay for inferior goods elsewhere E. L. ARCH HELL. 'Phone 97. ABSOLUTELY PURE No Luncheon or Tea Tomorrow Crullers, Cheese Straws and Hot Coffee will be served Free . YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND The Cooking Demonstration ? OF - Wesson Snowdrift Oil FOR COOKING and SALADS At 228 Main Street, Washington, N. C. Mrs. Jas. B. West and Miss Nellie Newman are demon strating Wesson Snowdrift Oil and will be pleased to have the ladies of Washington visit them at 22S Main street. New methods of baking, frying, cookingand salad making will be demodstrated Saturday from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Wesson Snowdrift Oil is a vegetable product. It ser>. as ev ery cooking purpose of the best butter or lard. It cooks food thoroughly, without pene'rating Potatoes, meats, fish and pastry fried ia Wesson Snowdrift Oil are crisp and done without greasa inside or out. These demonstrations are pr ictical thorough, and offer many suggestions helpful to women interested in cooking. Come. The oil is absolutely pure, odorless and tasteless ?No better weapon to be used in the fight to reduce the cost of living has been found by the women of Washington, than Wesson Snowdrift Oil, which is less expensive and at the same time more healthful and bettei. ? x t , . ? A cordial invitation is extended to every one to attend Menu tor i ea tills this demonstration. Come and be sure to get a can of oil evening: ? . ? ? ? PoUtO Salad, and a cookbook. ? Buy in Tins of Progressive Dealers. i ?? ft'i ? il ? MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BY ?VTtt/ ,vi, ? THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL - CO. NEW YORK. SAVANNAH NEWORLEANS CHICAGO