J ?^ If 4 - K. Hoyt WASHINGTON'S GREATEST STORE |THE HEW AVIATION HAT For Ladies and Misses The season's newest Millinery Novelty. All colors. See window. J. K. HOYT, \V \SHINGTON'S GREATEST STORE Norfolk Southern Railroad Oilers Mo KAI> t,TY? N\ C? BEAIFORT, X. C. MOIlKHaut'c Hotel Opens June 1st.) ? AtlGHTFl L SEASHORE RESORTS. 1)EL1 y 'iOW Sunil?y Week End Excur* Extrcmelst Convenient and Best Service To stun Rate*. On Suit* ? Juno to September. VIRGINIA BEACH ? CAPE HEXRY. VA. The Only Seashore ResortB In Virginia. Ev ery Conceivable Form of Amusement. Surf Bathing. Excellent Hotels and Cottages. REASONABLE RATES. For comnlste information apply to any Xorfol k Southern' Railroad Ticket Agent 01 addres s H. c. HFDGIXS, Gen. passenger Agt., W \V. CROXTOX. Asst. Gen'l Pabs. Agt.. NORFOLK. VA. Norfolk Southern Railroad. NEW CONDENSED SCHEDULE Effective June 5th. West-Bound Pullman Sleeping Cars East-Bound READ l>OV N HEAD VP Daily Daiiy Bxcept No, Sundav 15 No. 11 ;? a. rn I". fin p it, i.v l ? i ' ni n t:i ?.* I !? tu. .... . |.i X . dk . glut) . . . X w iJerti . . . Daily -""Daily No. Except 16. Sundav No. 12 \r ??*: i m. .? nr. p.m. . !.v. I.;?; .i.m. 111. 4." a.m. At* ... 12. 1." p.m. I.v : : i r... :m?.i a.m. .i.v. l.'.nr. .i m. ..M a.r.:. I.V. : 1.1- r . |.K ? L\. :? ? ? ; m. 1 J r..r.i. ? 1 11(1 Xov Her:: IScr::. :i : r \ c- i A 1,. Sis hleepinjr car* : v rr?::jiecii? :i ;u \VH v.*. v. sii.*::?- . int. Goldsboro: ,J. 1.. 1 i Tii l.vf Agt-r.r. Wa.-hl. u*. add res* ii c. nrixsixs. r, p. a \v. \v. cmxTf.x. a. g p. a. F T. LAMB. Pro=iden ? f?nd Gener: I Managt r. NORFOLK. VA. Lime, and etc. Car loads a specialty ASK US FOR PRICES J. H. Harris PLUMBING and SUPPLY * WWM*. ...MM t . v>*rs .??3. Gem Theater f 1 O? -O ?jr> -- The Minotaur A Yitagraph production of ths olO Gnek legend of Theseus. I ? ' ' ' '* 1 It Might Have Been An amusing corned y by the Lubin Sentimental Sam A well acted sad clearly photograph ed comedy-drama. HOa'STftfr, Rocky Hountaiile:. H??U .iitf * sr.j ? vi j - ? Aip^'if.cfof /OOi' ?r. l , In anil BUK>l.naa Jreath.t . T, ttxl Back- oj?. ItsRv a . xtm r>rm.? c?ni? a box ?ei._ at .u-Ja ^ HoLLiiisr- Dnta Compact, JTu. ftOLDEN HU6GETS FOR SALLOW i??0Ptf DR. BARDV'a LiRCG STnRE CITY MARKET. (Quotations furnished by H. B. Mayo & Company.) Beeswax 27? Eggs ^ 16 017c Tailow 4( Chickens, grown, each 30 @ 4 5c Spring chickens 15? 26c Ducks 20? 25c Geese ....... t 40 (Q 50c Green salt side3, lb 6c Green hides, lb 5< Dry hides, lb 10@12H< Wool, free from burrs, lb. .. 17< Wool, burry 10$ 16< Lamb skins 15@30< SheerMngs 5?10< Corn, bi.thel 70^75< Unfamiliar Commodities. ?'Any book in particular, sir?" aske< the young woman In charge of tin book cour.ter of a large. depart inen store. "This Is n great novel" - - MJloi far n>c." said the olil gent!*1 man, wbo had been *?xarrjnlng tSi stock in trade with nn hit of consider able disapproval. "I'm looking f?> something lens ephemeral. Where di you keep the classics, young woman Lamb's Tales.' for example?" The young wo tun n looked puwried. "Bacon?" said the old man. "L'rabbc Fox . "I doD't know about fox." snld tbi young woman, "but I guess what yoi must be loukln' for is the provision de partiuent."? Youth's (Jonumtdou. I Fine Point In Larjal Testimony. "So," said the Judge, "you say thn you never wool to Chicago from Ilun tersville. Now. this la a very Iiu |K>rtunt point In Hie case, and 1 glvi you one more chance to explain, foi you anil Snyder were seen ou tbi same train. Now. be precise." "No, sir: I never went to Chicago.' "Didn't Snyder go?" "Yes, sir." "And you were with him. Now, otn with It." "Yes, sir." answered the witness after a pause. "You see. I told the truth, because it was ;h'.a way: W< sat cpposlre each other. Do faced th? engine. I didn't go to Chicago. 1 just backed awny from Huntersvllle,"? Wo m^n's Home Companion. "Yes," said the drug clerk, "I am called up occasionally to compound pre script ions at night." "Isn't a man likely to make mistakes working In semidarkuess?" ' "You bet he is: 1 took in a plugged quarter once."? Washington Herald. ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 L?reby announce my candidacy for solicitor of the First Judicial Dis trict of North Carolina, Bubject to the action of the Democratic District Convenllon, and do earnestly soltoU the ?n:pport of all Democrats In m* behalf. January IS, I9in. B. A. DANIEL. Jr. ANNOUNCEMENT I wlii be a candidate before tfc? Democratic primaries and the nexl Democratic District Convention, for the nomination as Solicitor of the F'rst Judicial District of this 8tate. I request the rupport of all Demo crats. If nominated snd elected I promise to discharge the duties of aa d office, fairly ajad Impartially without fear or favor. February 1. 1910. NORWOOD L- SIMMONS CITY LIST TAKER. I will be at the city Clerk's once sach day from 0 a. m. to S p. ip. dur ing the month of June for the pur pone of llatlnc the tun of persons owning property within the city 11m lt?. The law makoe It a criminal of ?ase cot '/> ifst *-nv I Taker. beat fields. and fbbeccu'a red tactf wm prwii anx^oaaly to the pane. Then she saw Belt and came to the door. "The woods are an re, Mlaa Beth." she 'said axcltedlj. "Your pa's wheat will be done fbr 'If the wind don't change pretty soon." The wbcatfleld was an undulating aea of pale green blades six Inches high. The dry weather had allghtly parched the tips, and Beth bent down to assure herself that the grain wn* too grean to bo affected by the tin even If It should reach the field* When she lor>k"d! up"i:gsln several men were ruanlng acpis* the field. On* or then) kuw her. paused und turned back. 6lowly ab? walked through the wheat, ttr llcbt tread scarcely crush ing i be yoqti^ st(?ots. Her fair cheeks took on the roae tint of early dawn, and her blue eyes were veiled uuder a tblek fringe ?jf lashes. The man watched iier eondog inward him. his handsome ?*?-w drinking' In her frtrsh. spring-like ueanty. Iler pink gown i.-ti | softly about ber slender form as -h* green wheat' rippled about ber fi?et. At last Beth lifted ber shy eves and saw bis good looking face with Its reckless, smiling lips? saw the Immaculate whiteness of bis collar and cuffs and the trim neatness of bis handsome clothes. He carried his coat on bis arm and slipped luto It as she came up with hjm. They had | smMed a greeting Into each other's ; eyes, nnd tbelr first words were cum : woupiace enough. | "The wood4 are afire." said Ralph j Clinton. "Don't you want to go ulcn^ I and see the fun, Beth?" A look of disappointment crept Ustr | the girl's face. "Aren't you going 10 ? tight It. Ralph?" she asked. I The young tunn laughed good its | turedly. "It Isn't necessary. There j are naif n hundred trying to kill It with sand or hack Ore. but It's gut too big a bend way. Beside*, the wind { Is strong front the southwest, and nothiuu can stop It until It dies out for want of something to burn." | "Where Is It now, Ralph?" ques tioned Bctb 'quietly. j "Out lu Deep Hollow woods-** ktpark frour'tbe railroad started Iba I blaze and uway she went! There were fivo miles burned over at Waynevtlle yesterday." ? "Deep Hollow woods belong to my father. He owns rlg'ht through to the farm hire. 'It means a serious loss to him." said fleth. "It's too had.-Betb, but nothing can save It. sojftbere's no usa lu worry ing," returned Ralph carelessly "Come; let bs go and see tbo fuu. 'l'br Wootjs are- great at this time, you know. Teclups you inay find a toot* j casln flowcT." J "Walt a aioment." said Betb. nnd she turned 'and with flying feet re created the Held to the barn. Wbei. she returned she carried a shovel In one ba.cd. . "There!'' she panted, thrusting the atensll Ibto bis unwilling - grasp "Take tbntnlong. Ralph. I'm ashamed to bnve ybfi appear there unprepared to fight tbei fire." ? "Not In i these clothes? not on.J-our lifer* ejaculated Mr. Clinton Inele gantly. jli carry the sborci for the looks of sie thing, but If 1 fight c forest fire.it will he by proxy! Rome of the neiroes fmni the hollow will be ymoked. out and glad of a job tc tak?? ray, 'place for a consideration. eb',M V "Those' poor oegroes!* c-rled Beth, disregarding his selfish speech. "1 fur* got ail a jout them. Their little bonies will be ftilned. Let us hurry. Ralph. In spile of your Joking 1 am sure you aro going to help In u time of need like this." Without farther pnrley Ralph hHpod Beth oier the fence and Into a wo.id land pah. through which they hurried tt a greater speed than the young man faaded Given tbia time and oppor tunity. he felt that the April ?w?U ware as Weal jpot In whlcli to as* Beth the momentous question that had verity on bis lips fpr weeks. He wai quite sure of ber answer, for | she had shown ber preference for h!n daring I be past wfoter. aod his clever wit bad quite thrown Ban Wyatt (Into the shade raw. country KMllitrlopr of negro vablnn wan doom ed. rt>e Ore to romlpg toward thiui now. end they could see the furm* of raeo through i be smoke. Strong"-, fantaatl; forms i hey were, front Irsl'y beotlni: bock the encroscblog dame* or sborel ?Of tooseoed aoll on tb%yappln* Q tr that ata a loos tbe ground Tb* group of cabin* wan untouched, but In grave danger. Tbe uoforttiooi# j occupants were removing tbHr \**h | blta of fu ml tare, nod two ran?di*>-kt< carta were t>elng titled with the ; Old Uncle rater Green occupied a Of state la one out A tot terlag | cbalr It Mpilwte p ibo oooooy antiea of tbe frtgbtoned mute In the abaft*. Weeping and praytug tod la ment log. they moved doloroualj down I tbo rood aloof which Both bad just ] come. v% "Go down to tbo farm. Judy." aald to the dominant spirit of tbe group. "Rebecca win take care of yon tilt tbo danger la over." Out of tbo thick, of smoke a man turned and recognised her: saw her standing there to her pink cotton dreos daxed by tbo smoke. Beside her was Ralph Clinton leaning on an Idlo abov ol, whistling softly as he watched the battle with the approaching flames. . Ben Wyatt leaped Into the road and confronted them. Clad In blue flannel ahlrt and corduroy trousers, hatleee. bis Bnn browned face and arms black with soot and grime, be presented n sorry contrast to Ralph Clinton. But somehow Beth's glance caugtit bis steady fr-io and lingered there for a brlof Instant, snd she saw nothing tn despise In Ben Wyatt. homely farmer that he outwardly was.' "Get back there. Clinton!" co- -> wind ed Ben angrily. ^Tak\t B??t? awny from here. Ci;n't jnw seo !?'?* no place for a woman?" "Hind you/ own busl'iess. Wyatt!" retorted Ralpb. "Ut to work there on your fool's Job!" There was ro time for f?irthi?r argu ment Tb*** y-'iJr} lli-' at Auction! I In our show window a new Paragon Sewing which we offer to the bidder- During the next two! weeks you are asked to come and make a bid on this splendid f $35 Sewing Machine* wqich is guaranteed^ for 10 years. You will miss a chance of your life time if you do not get this one at your own price. On Saturday, July 2nd, we will award the machine to the | highest bidder. Bids will be kept \ secret until that date. If you have not all the price you can give us what you nave, and pay the bal lance in 60 days.' . Call at once. JEFFERSON FURNITURE CO. >8?8881 WASHINGTON hospital 3QE A well-appointed Sanitorium for the treatment of all surgical cases in a sanitary and up-to date method. Skilled physicians and nurses. All the latest appli ances in vogue. For informa tion write DR. D. T. TAYLOE, Chief Surgeon. Norfolk Southern Railroad Company Sl'XDA Y 8KASHORE OL'TING SPECIAL Jll tWKKX RALKIUH. WII? SOX, KARMVIMjE, (iRIOKX VII.I.i:, \S< >(;}. H KAI> CITY, lsliAU I'OIIT AXI> INTHK.MCIIIATK STATI()XH. I VERY VOW EXCTRHION RATES. Every Sunday, Beginning June 19th, 1910 Hlj{h'Cltu?; Thoroughfare Co^ch. Sunday Excursion ( * iatca to dorehoad Clty>Sunday Only, ind Rot urn [Read Pown. ikt to the Sou x?tt Bsp^|r. \ Laare. 5:16 ft. m . 6 : 80 ft.*m . 1:44 a. m. 5: 57 a. m . 6:02 ft. m . II a m 6: 27 a. m. 6:38 a. m. 6: 43 ft; m 7:01 ft. m. 7: 17. ft., m. 7: 29 ft. m. 7:47 a. m . 8:04 a. m. 8:14 ft. aa. 8:84 a. m. 8:51 ft. m. 8:08 a. m. 9 : 06 ft. m . 9: 81 ft. m . 9:50 ft. m . 9:56 ft. m. 1 10: io a, m.. 10: 25 ft. m. 10:84 p. M. 10:42 ft. m. 10:66 a. m. .11:06 a. m. (11:10ft. m. 12:10 noon. 112:16 noon.. s< ni-:i> (Sunday Excuraion JRatcs to Sunday Only.'Boaufort Road L'j?. land Return. .12:80 night .12:00 nlghtj . . 11:44 p. m. ..U:8***.j .11:80 p. m. .11:16 p. ?.1 .it: 00 p. m. . 10 :45 p. m. .10:88 p.m. . 10:18 p. m. . 8:58 p.m. . 8:48 p.m. . 81M.KE .. 1:20 p. m. . (:10 p.m. . l:tl p.m. 8:11 p. m. 8:11 p. m. . 1:17 p. m. . 7:41 p.m. . 7:15 p.m. ? 7:18 p.m. . 7:18 p. m. . 7:81 p. m. . 8:51p.m., . 8:48 p.m. : smi : IWtiZ: ? Mi"-? - !i2?m-1 82.50 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.50 2.60 8.00 2.00 COO 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.26 1.86 1.25 1.00 1.00 . . Raleigh \ . . llBillBll Knlgh tdalo ., Eagle Rock . . Wendell . . . . . Zebulon . . . WMihui . . Bailey . ... . Neveraou . . Vflioii . . , . Stantonaburg . . . Wejatoftburg ... I. FftnwrUie ,4i. . . Afthdr . . OrjwNMi .... .. Blareon . Grlmealand . . . , , ... . Bryan . lyaiUngton ? ... Cbocowlnity . . . . , . . ThIuM: 1. i. . . . . Bra cm w . . Vanciboro 5 . . ?BrkS8ton ' ! ! I Ar. New oerh Lv. New Bern Ar. _ Hotel... ?fort ?... 82.70 2.70 Itf 2.70 2.70 2.70 >2.70 2.70 2.80 8.10 2.20' 2.20 2.80, 2. tO l.Ttf 1.70 1.70 h?: 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.40 1.46 1.46 1.80 1.80