AY AFTERNOON. JULY 2, 191*. have no ).rt.dlttlon over r?Uro.1* been a most strenuous one In Washington. . The monotony of dhll time* was brushed aside foe the' time being by the car nival, the' tent sbOw and baseball games. The week cloeed with the Democratic comity contention. Mon day the Incoming week opens with ""the celebfatioa of the glorious Fourth and young America will doubtless pay full justice to the occasion. The day promisee , to 'be one of Interest here. "^SBp|Rp5>^ The Uniea Oroccry Companv^ve opened a branch grocery store in tab Rodman ballding on Market street. TO Si:il PATIENT. v * -r Dr. Jack .Nicholson wga carried to ounU Creek, yestorday on the gas >at Red Wing to aee a patient. Til* Imp* of tk? Bouth Mm i brwkliis up of ? our bl? el?nu ooltlT*Ud bj iblttlw. tabor M? Uw d?rv?lopgmt of a ivmacijfcj at thrifty and Intel wbtte Tarmerv, owning their VI. I mU that I Mr so (arm horn-. upalMnl. With the lacrewlng prcw serity of the South th?r* la no Mm why we should not have the ume beautiful farm homes one sees in Wisconsin and Illinois. The whole farm looks different when It Is set off by a beautifully painted farm home, and it seems to me that It must make a difference In the spirit of every member of the family. A pretty home inspires an atmosphere of prldo and cheerfulness which will not give young and old ? oortain added dignity but also make*e very body -on the place do better work.- It is a common say ing that where a good road is put alongside a shabby house, the ownor of the house Is very quick to make improvements, bo as to have his home in harmony with the good road. And on the same principle, if a man has a beautiful home lie Is likely to begin to improve his farming practice and quit any piddling and shirtless moth ods_ifcat would 'be out of keeping .with his house. VII. 1 said that I saw no one-room school booses. And when I say this I mean also that I saw nothing of that indifference to public education of which >.he one-room school house is an Index. VAlI. I said that I saw no farms without live stock. Dr. Butler has already [pointed out that the average farm I worker In Alabama, Louisiana and [Mississippi gets only $13 a year from | the sale of live stock, while the aver sgo farm worker In Iowa. Illinois and Indiana gets %2 12-?1 6 to l against our people, and this Is a Very live and meaningful "16 'to 1" Issue; whatever m<> be said about the old free sliver ratio. r IX. I said that I saw no burning of evgetoble matter. In Champaign county, Hilnois, I traveled over some of the richest land in the world, but I quickly found that dhe farmers thero did not think their land rlctf enough to Justify them In 'banting | their .corn staH^s and wasting the EARLY SHOPPERS . >-\hA H*? ' Tonight will get the plums 1 of the special offerings-It is sim ply a matter of making money -1 bfpfiving it. IIMiliHa Store closes promptly at 10.- . 45 P. M. Come early and have a plenty of time, P- T* $ offerings ad erings ?. 'paper. ? if I Iht? our baby. tail her I kissed hfr with lota of Jove and I am ?o sorry ever to have beea cross to her. "L*ave my locket on ma. but wear my wedding ring. I have loved it eo end careeeed and kissed It eo u the outward algn of the happiest mo ments of my life. * ; *^HLgTrj f" Hr* Cstlett. who wee born In Vir ginia ,twenty-four years ago. and her husband, who was from South Caro lina, met three years ago at Falls Church, Vs. They {ell JriSove at first sight and were married in . April, 1909. Since the birth of her daugh ter, Mrs. Catlett had'fceen very ner vous and her morbid nesa was height ened by the fact that her little girl, named for her, cried much ,of^ the time. ' ' . GAIETY TO REOPEN .The Gaiety to Open Mono ay ? A. P. [ Itarnr* to be Manafcrr and Plnro Pliiyer. ! Messrs. Aronson ? Browne wish to announce that the Gaiety will open ; Monday with one of the best picture 'programs shown In Washington and will give aa extra attraction as a Fourth of July offering. The Gaiety will be in charge of Mr. A. P. Barnes, who la considered the beat inorlng picture piano player in North Carolina. Policy of th? Gaiety will be strlrfly first-class pictures and illustrated eongs. no vaudeville. OKCHESTHA RKTURNS. The Forbes orchestra returned yes terday from Hamilton. K. C., where they furnished the music for a danco at that place Thursday evening. The members report a pleasant tttne. The Street Commissioner i nvltes the editor of the Dally Kewa and the public to inspect the work he la do ? ?.?? .xv- ' humus and fertility there is la them. "The farmers arouod here say that it takes two or three years to re cover from the loss ?* burning a crop of corn stalks." so a thoughtful' teu ton told me. and I could not !hui con trast the careful economy of these farmers with the wastefulness of tho South. Here w? not only burn our corn stalks, but too often deliberate ly set A* to-ouk old fields ahd burn up in a few hours* tittle all the humus *nd vegetable matter which Mother Mature has spent years accumulating in an effort , to build up our- wasted soil*/ In Illinois the Sttlks are btthef eu* up and laft on the land or'elM hauled aside and rotted and then re ?tared to toe toll. i'. deserves the pptronage that the/ are receiving. The teat wk again pack ed last night and eVery act wai well applauded. The coated lan b a rV among the beat that hare ever been ltf"thia city, and they keep the audiencp In langtater all the time by their wtity saying* and fnnay acta. I The bud furnished e* blea" and ewtnea." and no doubt they will have a large crowd present. A laatinee was given, this afternoon and quite a number o t children and grown people attended. Mr. Adams' shows '.will always be welcomed to our city. We are glad to have such clean shows as this com pany has presented every night thlB week. Curtain rises promptly at 8:30. Admission. 10 conts. The Democratic County Convention Largely Attended The convention was called to order by W. C. Rodjnan, chairman, who In a few words explained, why the con vention was called on Saturday. The convention meets on the same day In each county of the State, and It ia done to save all candidates un necessary expense and that one coun ty may not be iqiluenced by the vote of another. Geo. L. Swindell was called to. the chair as temporary chairman of the meeting. He was escorted to the chair by Messrs. Harry McMullan and Jno. H. -lionner. W. K. Javobson, J. ?. Mayo and Harry McMullan were requested to act as temporary secretaries. Upon motion the temporary organ isation w%b made permanent. Roll was called of the precincts by the secretary for \he purpose of as certaining if a quorum was present. All precincts answered and a resolu tion was Introduced by Jos. P. Tayloe and adopted endorsing Hon. Jno. H. Small tor Congress. Resolution. RESOLVED, by the Democrats of Beaufort county In convention as* . sembled. that, lir consideration of his j faithful and untiring efforts in behalf of his constituents and of the First Qongresttional district, Hon. Jno. H. ] Small 1b endorsed for re-election as a member of CongresB fcnd the' vote of this county shall be cast for his re nomination. RESOLVED, further, that we at test our approval of Mr. Small's course In Congress and oui? appre ciation of his seal snd ability as a public servant ^nd that his conspic uous record of achievements entitles him to the hearty support and en dorsement of the militant ranks of Democracy. Adopted. MoJ. Wiley C. Rodman was re elected chairman of the county exec utive committee. i In Monday's News the complete vote for the associate justices of the Supreme court, corporation oonmlse ioner, solicitor and other officers will i be published as welj as a fall report I of the convention. . BOTH READY for He h~ HEAVY TRAINING CEASED I it>'M ?tu it wHh u*m the t im&BRstzi.'fct R?fe6, N?r:. J3rn. ? 3am*s t. i*n* ') rlea" and JOhn Arthur Johnson to Bight ir? both ready to fl|bt Both men completed the long training work today and wilt merely do tight exercise throughout the three days that will elapse before they face each "other In a C3-foot ring to fight out th* heavyweight championship of the* wo?d on July 4. Ad Johnson walked toward his dreaalng room today after boxing sev eral rounds he 'was asked what work he contemplated tomorrow. "I am thiytigh." he aald. "this closes my am ready. My training ii fin* tMd. With the exception of a sprint now and then to keep myself in tfhape 1 shall do no more work," was the ?on ?r Jan"" J WT. u,< It?h n>r lirno On. 1 Today marked the real Inraslon of Reno by the country's light follow ers. From east and west they arrived ? every train crowded to Its capac ity. A conspicuous arrival from the coast was Stanley Ketchel. the mid dleweight. who Is championing the cause of Jack Johnson. Jack Grant, of Portland, Oro.. a well-known former refereo and light promoter, plso came in. Withdraws Suit. Chicago. July 1. ? George Little, former manager of Jack John.-on, through his attorney today withdrew his sytt against Johnson. In order ing withdrawal of the su!t Little an nounced that ho and the black champ ion had settled their financial differ ences. BASEBALL TODAY. The Western Bloomer Girls base ball club have^arrlved In the city and are playing the Washington team. Quite a large number of people are Ip the city attending the game. While the Dally News Is going to press they are playing, so the results cannot be published today. There will be another game here Monday, July 4, between the Swan Quarter team and the Washington boys. A large number of people are expected from Swan Quarter and oth er places to pritness this gamo. The Fourth will b?ya big day In Washing ton. Maud Nelson, the famous lady pitcher, was In the box for the Bloomer Oirls this afternoon and the Indian did the twirling for- Washing ton. ERECTING RESIDENCE. | Mr. M. M. Jones Is erecting a neat and attractive residence op North Market street, Nicholsonrille. TONIGHT AT THK (KM. It Is no exaggeration to say that Elektra, to be 'shown at the Gem to night will give, the patrons an oppor tunity to see the greatest motion pic ture ever exhibited here. This film la ? creation of the famous Vltagraph company. Elektra swings Imagina tion back to ancient Greece, to the herblc days of King Agamemnon and of the Trojan - King , Priam. It deals with the tragic results of Jeal ousy, hatred and awful retribution; It Is the theme used- by Richard 8trauss in his greatest opera. The piece is superbly staged, costumed and acted. Monumental buildings, chariots with splendid hiyeea; lofty chambers and the appolntmenta of ancient royalty are gorgeously shown. Don't miss the great Grecian tragedy. Other pictures to be shown are: Volcetrtc Eruption of Mt. Aetn%, a Striking photpgrfphjo Sim bringing the scenes of destruction and devas tation rery cloee. The operator and his "work close to . life scene of dis turbance and the effect is more than ordinarily im] INSTALLATION ???% ? Ur** ? u " "'*"'' HaII, eoraar of TWrd WUa?m Uw tMtallaUoa -f ltii 'jiili *4 **MU? Tk? tm ?* J?"2 5f* ?????*? !?!? !.-?? tin ( ? JrV>m 1 '* V* jtfitifc f - AftiisiUBp t Q?U IMy ItY Monday In the gloriouB 4 th and with It cornea the loan looked-for and ' I expected motor-boat race. It will oc-| 'cur In the. afternoon and every boat In the harbor will participate. A11 1 the boats taking part will assemble at the first red beacoc promptly at 3 o'clock for formation and preliminary Instructions. The race proper will take place from the Norfolk Southern bridge to the county' bridge. The fleet of contestants will be led by the commod9re of the fleet. Dr. John C. Rodman. The Judges or the races will be Mayor C. H. Sterling, Mr. F. C. Kjsiftler and Mr. \v; E. Swindell. A- prise will also be given In the JWIM' row-boat race, x F 1 ' ? yK^ w^?t||nit1iit 'Concert Band Wllf furnish music. I The program promt ax furniture Install ed. The rooms are large and airy. A large crowd Is expected there all through the summer. The hotel is sit uated upon the bank of the beautiful Pamlico. Fishing and bathing Is al ways good along Pamlico river, but it is best whore tho hotel is situated. Mr. J. B. JWhHtthurat, one of Au rora's^best businer* men, has charge I of this hotel, and he promises the people that they r.ill got the best of ' service. An excursion will bo run 1 from this city Monday. A large | number afe expecting to go down and spend the 4th and attend tho opening dance that will be given Monday I night. Music for the occasion will be furnished by the Aurora concert band. I OFFICE 1KEPA1NTEI). Dr. p. A. Nicholson has been mak- ! in* improvements to the .'ntorlor of his oir.ee; in the way of paint, etc. ! ATEM>I.\'C? CONVENTION. 1 There are quite a large number of \ citizens from dLfTerei^ sections of the I county in town today in attendance on the County Convention. 4TH OF JULY NOTICE TO THE PlRlilC. ? The ordinance forbidding the shoot ing of guns, cannon crackers, rornan candles and other explosives, will be enforced. . .C. H..8TEKL1NO. Mayor. the organization if t%m 8. and C. Club. Tie dim of tbo dub stand a for vomo'Mphere man cannot dispute- Any lady that ban' smoke cigarettes Is eligible for mem bership; If thla la too much for her ladyship., titan she has the province* of Indulging In tnaff, having the pe rogatlve of placing It np her nostrils or employing the old-fashion South ern brush, The club. meets weekly.* and The Dally N'eu-s^understands the failure of man are discussed with In terest pro and con each meeting. As yet this paper has been unable to learn the list of officers; bet from in direct sources It Is ascertained the club is .flourishing and new members are being added all the while. The male sea of the city can look for something to "drop" la the near fu ture. NATIONAL KWCATIONAI* ABSO CI AT IOJJ " ? Superintendent of City School* K. |C. New bold, and County SuperlnUP dent W. L. Vnughau. left today for Boston. Mass.. to attend a meeting of the National Educational Association. M.\!IKK1> IIKVELOKMRSf. Mr. \\ . a. G. Cahoor.. manager of the hotel at Columbia. N. C.. spent yesterday in the city and returned to his home today. While hore Mr. Cahoon said that it was the first visit he had made to Washington during the past twenty years and that he was agreeably sur prised at the improvement and de velopment the city has made. He spoke of our town as being the best -he had visited In Eastern North Carolina. A visit by any one would be con vim-lug proof ol the truth of this statement. FiittiT mi-risT ou-rch. Rev. J. A. Sullivan, pastor. Sun day school at !M5 a. m.', Mr. S. Wil lis. superintendent. Morning worship at 11 a: nr.. sermon subject "Ffclth'ful and' Derelict." Evening Worship at '8 p. m.. eertnon subject - "He Died tor Mb." Ladle*' Aid Society meets on Tuesday afternoon at u o'clock. The taonthty church conference le on Wednesday at s.4? p. m. The weather !s warm, but the church is well ven tilated. services short, and a hearty welcome to all. ? ? ? ? ^ ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. # ? J. K. Hoyt- ? Lawns. " ? J as. E. Clark Co. ? Special Sale. -? ? *Wm. Bragnw & Co. ? Accident ? Insurance. + ? W. Credle & Co.? Pancake Flour. ? ^amllco "Beach Hotel. + ? Gem Theater. f * ? Bloodlne. % ^ 4 ? Doan's Kidney Pllla. ? ? Cardul. * 4 ? Parisian Sage. ? Home Building & Loan Association: i / NEW SERIES WILL BE ??? OPENED JULY , i9io: leiki ? J&tl