AIMS HOUSE WASM6TM, D, & The bold "par exce#eoce" of Aft National Coital. First-class iu all appofat Oppoaite the I). S. Treas ury; om Mock from the White Boom. An OhNtrated Guide is . O. G. STAPLES, free^dSwe, npoc^MH ceipt of two 2-ceat stamp's Permanent results u " sured-not temporary K relief. If troubled with this dread disease try one bottle. Prices 50c. and )1.N per bottle. For sale by DR. HARDY, Sole Agent for Wash ington and vicinity. MOHniUi houtkkrn railroad COMPANY? NOTKJB July 1, 1910. All local freight trains will b? an nulled Monday, July ?th No freight I will be received for loc^l atatlone to CO forward July 4th, lilt, , (_ ?T. H. MYERS. Agent. ?t Vuklmtw, tn tb? state at NorU Carolina, at tke elm ot kualnaas. June 30, 1?10. RESOURCES. Loeuu And dUcounts tS70,17?.C? Overdraft., .eenred tod *? ' rtf unsecured 1 0?l.7? V. 8. Bonde to secure circulation . . 12,600.09 Bo?4a. securities, etc . . . 8.000.00 B^aklng/house, furniture and fixtures 2.000.00 Due trom National Banks mot reserve agents) . . 14.37C.00 Dt?e from State and Priv ate Basks and Bank- -"/S. Ken* Trust Companies, and Savings Bsni^a,, 2,344. 8t Doe from epproved re serve ageute ........ . 10,161.48) /Checks and other ,cash Items . . 604.02 Notes of other National j Banks 486.00 Fractional paper curren I cy, nickels, and cents. . -374 68 Lawful Money R?*erve In - ? Bank, via:'* Specie ,x 311.187.60 Legal- tender ? % notes . . . . ; 8,461.00 .16,648.60 Redemption fund with j , , U. 8. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) ... 1,136.00 Total 31 LIABILITIES." Capital stock paid in ... , J Surplus fund Undivided profit, less ex panses and taxes paid. National Bank Notes out standing Due to other National 13,600.00 3,748.16 Total >*....3136.888.88 BUte o( North Carolina, County of Beaufort, ss: 1, A.. M. Dumay, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. M. DUMAY, Cashier. Correct ? Attest: C. M. BROWN. J. B. FOWLE, D. M. CARTER. Directors. 8ubeotibed and sworn to before me this 1st day of July. 1910. L. A. 8QUIRE8, Notary PttMjr. ' THE TINSMITH. Mr. J. A. Phillips. baa returned from Winsteadville where he has been en gaged In doing tin and iron roofing during the past three weeks. He is now moving Into new quar ter* opposite the courthouse and will .be glad to have his friends and cus tomers call on him there. RIVER ROAD STATION XKWa' Re*. 3. W. Fulfota will conduct **r*lc?? Wedneeday nl?ht. July is, at the Charitable Brotherhood hall ft Bunyon. Everybody la Invited to at tend. Nocomle, your correspondent, haa been very 111 for the put two weeka. i NOCOMft. I The Emergency Remedy ?Be, Nc ud ?i.m. ook VV I t m zz ^f^onLight and Water C?"~ *"""" i , , t company. Ml ss Ad Die Pollard, of Bath, puMd] through the city yesterday enroi to High Point to Tien friends. Mr. Q. L. Swindell, of Bel haven, la in the city today attending the j county convention. ' Mr. O. P. Davis, of Pungo, is la the City today on bnirtnss i. TjcT; Mr. G. C. Bpruljl, of police of Pant?go, Is In the city, today. Mr. C. H. ^MBsell, of Belhaven, arrived in the city tqdAfct - ' Mr. J. C. Duke and sdn, Prank, are in the city, the guefaf Of Sherfff C. B. Rieka. Mr. Pred leathern, of HabIId, is at- 1 tending the county convention today. Mr. W. J. Hsrrfs, of L?*chville. it in | the city today on business. Meters. iP.'T. Baynor Add JL Mill er,' bf Belhaven. arrived ' in the city today to attend the county conven tion. Mr. Chaa. Doughty returned this moraine from a business trlfr to Bel haven. * Meeacs. N. W. Paul and Daniel I Paul, of Pungo, are in the city to- 1 da*r Mr. C. P. 'Ay cock, of Pantego, la | attending the county contention. Mr. W. R. Tetterton, ot Jesaama, isl in the city today. . Mrs. G. A. Plynn and eon, left this] morning for Baltimore to visit rela- 1 Uvea and friends. Mn. Pred Whitney and daughter, Miss Josephine, left this morning for Catsklll Mountains, weetein New Y6rk. ? Mr. W. O. Lupton, ot B?>h?v?n, It1 in the city today on business. Prof. N. C. Newboldrfleft this morn- 1 lng for Boston to attend the meeting I of the Natlonsl Educational Assocla tion. ! Mrs. G. C. 8prulll returned to her homWn Pantego this morning from an extended visit to friends in Green ville. . Miss Helen Newbold left this a. m. I gSjMfiuom ttmsc Miss Mary Pendleton who. has been TltfUag Hit. Jobn H. 8m?ll, loft lor her home in Elisabeth City this morn ing. V' * Rev^W. A. Davis left this morn ing for Plymouth, where i?e will con duct services tomorrow morning and lat night. T C Lieut. A. L. Pendleton, U. 8. N., left this morning for his home In Elis abeth City. Mr. ft. H. Gay, of Surry, Is in the city today. Messrs. T. N. Tyro and 8. H. Saun derson. of bath, are in the city at tendlpg the county convention. . Mr. . Mac Alligood, of Jessama, in the ^Uy today. Mr. -H. B. Wallace, of Route No. 2, is in the city today. . Jlr. Ho'rton Cutler, of Jeasama, 1b Id' the city- teday. " ? > Messrs. 0- W. Bowen and J. V. Latham, sr.; of Surry, are in the city today. . . Messrs. J. F. Tyre *nd-?. yette, of Bath, are attacking the county convention today. -4 - ? Mr. J. B. Arch bell, of Jjath, is in the city today. ?' 6 or 6 doses of "f6?" wlH core any case of chill* nod fever Price 2 Sc. Falling Hair Can Easily Be Stopped, Also Dandruff and Itching Scalp. If Parisian Sage doesn't' atop fall ing hair, Itching scalp, and eradicate dandruff in two weeks, Brown's Drag Store stands' i*eady to tafund your money without argument or red tape ot any kind. Psristan Sage will put & fascinat ing radiance Into any wrman's hair In a few days. II quickly cools the scalp and drives away all obnoxious odors. Busanne Calahau,.#f Hotel Royal, Bucyrus, Ohio, on March 26, 1110, wrote: "Last August my mother's hair be gan to come out very badly and her scalp wafe so sore It was very bard to do anything for It. We decided to use Parisian Bage aad tt proved a grand sueoeee In every way. Her hair stopped coming out, dandruff all dis appeared, soreneea aU left the scalp and her hair Is coming in again very qioely. We only used tkrm bottles. We recommend It to every one seeding it aad feel tAta we cannot praise Parisian Sage too highly." . Parisian Sage la sold by druggists everywhere aad by Brown's Drag Store for 66 ceats a large bottle. Mali orders, filled, chargtai prepaid, by Qlroua Iff*. Co.. Buffblo. N. T B?t ah? ??M to Irt tte ? Ax) ?rt>c II la U la, > I She toad Um Itm wm art mm what tl Had twea mrlud ap to be. . UONT LOT ?Oll CRYSTAL MOB KTAV I* THK ?OH. 'Phone S3. CRYSTAL ICE CO., WASHINGTON, N. C. Announcements FOR TRK.lSl RKR. I hereby announce inyeelf u a can didal# for tba office of Treasurer of Beaufort county, subject to the ao tion of tbe Democratic priniarles sad convention tq be hpki for the nomi nation of cQonty officers. ]f nomi nated I will not aek for more than two term*. e. R:MIX02ir" ' ANNOUNCEMENT. ??0* r To. the Democrau of Beaufort county To tbe Democrau ot I take tbls method of announcing myself a a a candidate to tbe Houae of Representatives subjoct to tha Dem ocratic primaries. If elected vl will endeavor to do all in my power for tbe betterment of of tbe State and county: Thanking you In advance, I am. Youra respectfully, N. B. MITCHELL. FOB COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To tbe Democratic voters of Beaufort county: I hereby announce my candidacy for tbe office of County Commissioner In Bath township subject to the ac tion of the forthcoming county con vention. If honored with the nomina tion and election I, shall strive to serve the people of the county to the beat of my ability. I ask the support and encouragement o(*aU Democrats and all others who desire to vote for me. Respectfully, GBORGE M. JORDAN. FOR TREASURER. I This la to announce my candidacy I for renomlnatlon for the office of i Treasurer ot Beaufort county, sub ject to tbg action of the Democratic pri milts*. . ' . J " ? I have endeavored at *11 tlmea to ?how my appreclaUoe- <*f the truet reposed in me by the Democracy of Beaufort by serving all the people Impartially and to the best of my ability. _ If again honored, 1 prom ise a service made more efficient byj yeara of experience In tbe office. i I further state that so long as I tb^fce^eheW^of the Democrats of Beaufort county for any office, I will permit them to name the length of the term. ' Thanking the Democratic voters I tot their past favors, and asking them to turn out at our primaries' and give me their support, I am Yours truly, JOS. F. TAYLOE. FOR SHERIFF. To the Democrats of Beaufort county: I take this method of thanking you for your loyal support In the past and to ask a continuance of the same In I the coming primaries in renominating me for the office of Sheriff of Beau fort county. If I have served you well and given satisfaction, I feel sure that I, can give you even better service In the future; as the records show an Improvement each year, the insolvent list for 1909 beiug less than 2 1-4 per cent I have worked for the \ best Interest of the county at all times, and If renominated 1 will give you the .best service f can, and at all times try to Improve. Thanking you In advance I remain very respectfully, Your servant. GEO. E. RICK8. As a summer visitor the watermel on always finds an open door. IF YOUR NEIGHBOR HAS Electric Light sad you have sot, Jnst step into hie houc aome evening after dark and compare its light with foar own. Heady each point of convenience, ckinllaw, dear , of, hennty, enerfnlly nod then flgnre ont lor yonrneif if K wonld set pay yon well to have yonr bonae wired for electric lights Uils ????n. lB*|?nt? cm work gladly given. Call or ?fkoa? Ho. M. WASHINGTON KLBCTRIC PLANT. (Ottee City Hall.) ^oorimr Drnii*ii*. County 8upt. W. L. YMfkti will M4 out in a few days the following MUr to all the public school tartrb era of Beaufort county: > ? Wt? tigton. II. G. Jane II. If 1? A County institute (or teachers will be bald at Washington. N. C.. bsglnnlag July XX, and eontinuinc two waaka- Section 4147 of the Bcbool Law aaye: "All public, school tancbara of any county in wbicb such institute and eehool to conducted art hereby required to attend the lane :onttn?oualy d urine ltb seeaion. un leaa providentially hindered, and fail ure to attend the biennial lnetltutn and school aball debar any teccher ao tailing to attend continuously from teaching in any of the public schools of the State for a period of one year, or until such teacher aball have at tended aocording to law aome^county institute and school as herein pro vided for in some other county." ? You are required to bring all the of the text-hooka used in the public schools through the primary and In termediate grades, as the Institute will partake largely of the character | ot n school. For die primary work bring in addition to the readers, some 'tablets and a pair of Rcl&sors. J. Y. JOYKER. 8upt. of Public Instruction. ,W. Q. VAUGHAK. \ County Superintendent. The institute for* white teachers will be conducted by Prof. J, Henry rSttjpamitti. assisted by Miss Elsie Btyjghum, and will be held in- the fiablio School building: An institute tog Che colored teachers will be con 8 doled by P. W. Moore, principal of |ttto -polo red Normal of Elizabeth City, ?apttrlaed by Professor Highemith. Tnto Institute will be held in the Colored Graded School building. 4 Those teachers who attend a repu* i table summer school for teachers will iidt be required to attend the Instl V A Woman's Great Idea to how to makw herself attractive. Bui, without health. "t 1, bird for her to be lovely lu face, form or temper. A weak, sickly woman will be ner voua and Irritable. Constipation and Kidney poisons shoa in pJmples. blotches, skin eruptions end a ; wretched complexion. But Electric , Bitters alwaya prove a godsend toi women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulate 8tomach, ( Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nervea, bright ey*a, pure' breath, smooth, velvetry skin, lovely complexion, good health. Try them. ' 50c. at Dr., Hardy's Drug Store. i po?llne. * Whether ln