J. K. HOYT stor; CJancy Lawns for that Summer * Dress. Inexpensive, too. Beautiful patterns to select from. Price 10c. ya BIG REDUCTION IN ? ? . '! Ladies' Wash Suits $2.50 Suits for 3.00 " M 4.00 " " 5.00 " u 125 Ladies' Skirts for 1.75 44 H(l hve thtm in all colors. Plain and Fancy. EHQfcfl&lVE AGENTS FOR McC ALL PATTERNS. THE PURE FOOD^ STORE Buy your groceries at the Union Grocery Co. ? The Store far-Thrifty People. You are always sure of best quality and lowest pric.s at the Pure Food Store. We sell wholesale and retail. Country produce bought and sold. Branch store on Market street All orders delivered prompt ly. Call 'phone No. 327. Eergero-i's Famous Cantaloupes daily. Norfolk Southern Railroad. NEW CONDENSED SCHEDULE Effective June 5th. West-Bound Pullman Sleeping Cars East-Bound READ DOWN READ UP Daily Daily Except No. Sunday 15 No. II a. id. 1 10.00 p.m. Lv Nor oik Ar.j 6.43 a.m.! 3.55p7ii? 3.i5 p.m.1 3.20a.m. Lv Wa*i:it.gtou Lv.j 1.33 a.m. 10.45 a.m. \.jl5 p.m. Lv N't w Dfrn Ar. ;1?.15 p.m. < 09 p tn.| 4.18 a.m. I. v Greer.vllle Lv.j12.20 a.m.! 9.20 a.m. |? iu.( 4.47 a.m. .Lv Form vi lie Lv.|12.03 a.m.] S. 51a.m. S.J6 p.m.] 5.41 a.m. \lJt V."il.?on Lv. 11.10 p.m.. 8.00 a.m. i 7.J5 p.m.; S.iiS a.m.JAr Unleigh Lv.; 9.00 p.m. J C. 15 a.m. | NOTE ? These trains operated daly between Norfolk and New Bern rlu Washington; a:iia Washington. Nos. 15 and 16. "NIGHT EXPRESS.'" carry Pntlmar. sleeping cars between Raleigh and Norfolk. Makes colse conncetipn at WILSON with A. C L. to and from Wilmington, Rochy Mount. New Bern, Kinston via Ooldsboro. AUo makf? direct connection at RALEIGH with R. & S. P. Ry., to and from Fayeticvllle; with Sou. Ry. to and from Durnatu and Greena boro, and with S. A. L. Ry to andfrom Henderson. Forfull information anc s?-rv-atlon of Pullman Bleeping car space apply to W. J. Williams. Tjcke; Aont, Wll: .. 1* \\\ Tatem, General Ag ent. GoldHboro; J. L. Hassell, Ticket A?ent. ( vllle; T. H. Myers, Tfeket Agent. Washington T. H. Be;;uc?t. Tc ' Agent, New Bern, or address u a Hi o. p. a. v: \v. \ ) '>xton, a. g. p. a. j L T. LAMB. Presl.ki.t and (Wr.^rnl V. ir .er. ? LK. VV. Daily Daily No. Except 16. Sunday * No. 12 ?? ?? J Norfolk Southern Railrcaa * SlORl.n EA!> CITY. X. C\, BK.UFORT, X. C. Atlantic Hotel Open* June 1st.) DKMfJHTFn, fcKAHHORK RESORTS. Offers Most Convenient and Bwt Service To Extremely Low 8un?lny iinri Week En?I Exfur s'.on Rjfpt. On Suit* ? June to September. IIRG1MA BEACU ? CAPE HEMtY. VA. The Only Seashore Resort a In Virginia. Ev ery Conceivable Form of Amusement. Surf Bathing. Excellent Hotels and Cottages. RKAtfOXABLE RATES. por complete information apply to any Norfol K Southern Railroad Ticket Agent ot addres'- __ ? * . H C. HUPOINS. G?n. passenger Agt.. Alt. o? o Elektra Method in His Mr. w. If WtilwW'el'IL F. D. 1. was in The New* oflfcto this morning and says that he 4m m-'thf ln|H goose. The fowl 4s well-f eathorett but Is . not quite growrfp it may be Men at the carnival' grounds hfu lernoon. - -? WILL STOP AT PAMLICO BEACH. Beginning Monday. July 4th. the steamer Hatteras will stop at Pam lico Beach each day for passengers and freight. Attend the opening ball Monday night. ' TWO-YEAR-OLD GIRL drowned in wabhttb Mother Absent From Room for a Few Mlnutrt and She Fell In. Pocahontas, Va., July. ? While Ha mother, Mrs. J. H. Meadows, was ab sent from the room for but three mln^ uteB, the little two-year-old girl fell into a wash tub about hatf Allied with water, and when the mother returned she found the little lifeless body sub merged and dead from drowning. A physician* was hastily summbned but It was useless. Mrs. Meadowv had been washing, and called from the room, she took the clothes from the tub, which sat on a chair by the table. The child was playing about the room, and with no thought of danger, tt was left behind. The only feasible way for the little tot to have fallen in wjw to have climbed on to the table to splosh the water. THE WRIGHTS LOBE OUT. New York, June 30. ? The United States circuit court of appeals today, denied the petition of the Wright Company asking a modification of the decision dissolving the temporary in junction*- obtained by the Wrtght Compaay against Louts Paulhan. Ihe French aviator, and the Herring-Car- ! liss Company -of Hammond, N. Y. NATIONAL GINNER8 MAKE COTTON .CONDITIONS 83.JJ. j Memphis. Tenn., June 29. ? The i - . port of ihe National Gtafters, Assocla- | tlon, issued here today, ^ives the con dition of cotton up to June 25 as ?2.3 per cenL The report by States | follows: ? Alabama .81 Arkansas .77 Florida .81 Georgia 80 . Louisiana 80 j Mississippi 84 Missouri .82 ? North Carolina . . ..... . .77 Oklahoma .' .90 South* Carolina .. .77 Tennessee . . ... 86 Texas '. . . .85 General average 82.8 ? l'KOPKIATIOXS AT LAST . SESSION IN FULL DETAIL. | Following arc the appropriations in-?de during the session of.Cohferess jurt ended (second session of Iho Sixty-first Congress), not counting private claims, wlilph will Aggregate several millions moro: Agriculture $13,487,636 District* of Clumbla .. . 10,608,000 Military Academy. . . . 1,856,249 *my . 95,440,567 Pensions ? J65, 758,000 Postofflce 141,000,000 -dir.! . ,4 . , #,760,766 .Iiry . 1' .935,199 - v^? ? ? '1#t0 1 16,081 . cniCo:'.c.i j ....... ^ C, J 17,000 rgent deuaienc) ... ^7,609 Klvcri Sand harbors. , . T 3l^77,fl4 Ctrll bill 117.t04,?7* General deficiency; ?. j :.ig it houses l.m^sn gaggte rf.in?.ri 1 at TeateerUle U tie tot, one of t\ tune to fall and Just in Time Homo WMfatActoa People Ma j Wilt Till Il*i Too Late. Be sure to be In time. Just In time with kidney Ifls Mean a ouring the back K l Before beckache becomes chromic; Before serjous urinary troubles set In. Doan'a Kidney Pills will do this. Here is testimony to prove it. Mrs. J. 3. Stokes. Twelfth and Evans streets, Greenville, N. C., says! "For some time I suffered severely from kidney and bladder complaint. My kidneys were weak and irregular passages of the secretions from these organs caused me great annoyance. I also had bearing-flown pains through my abdomen tnd ' Bharp, [.Shooting twlngee across my loins. There was a sensltveness oyer my kidneys and at limes my limbs pained intensely. I finally read of Doan's Kidney Pills and was so ranch Im pressed that I procured a supply and began their use. (They soon relieved the pains la my sides aojl J resored my Sidneys to?f dltlon. EX present I aw ] ter in Biflrj pray. I give ] ney PiUaCHt cVedlt for t provenWIlV For sale" by all doilcriL Price 50 cents. FpaI-er:ViH?,- ":> Cdy. Buffalo, ftew Tork?hoj? agents, far the United States. Remwmber the name ? Poan's-^-end take no^tftiMV CONVENTION CALLED. The Democratic Congre?Jonal Con vention of the First Congressional District of North Caroliua Is hereby called to meet in Edenten, N. C-, on Wednesday* July 6, 1910, at ?. o'clock p. .m for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress and trans acting such other business as may properly come beforo the convention. A. Ir PENDLETON. Chairman Detn. Cpn. Ex. Com. First DiatrlrX North Carolina D. n. r RADFORD, Secretary. S* 1 A llrnailfu) WoudiI from a knife, gun, tin can. rusty nil, fireworks. or of any. other uatiire. de mands prompt treatment with Buck len's Arnica Salve to prevent blood 'KJihon or, gangrene It's the qulck osti sisre>-l hsaler for all such wo-icdt as also fqr Burns, Boiles, Sores, Skin Eruption^ JZcieuia, Chapped Hands, tovfle or 25c. at Dr. Hardy's Or a g store. crrr marrjrt. (Quotations furnished by H. B. Mayo f * Company.) Beeswax . . ,r. <-*?:? J7c| gggs 140 j Tallow 4 c I Chickens, grown, each 2.0 @4 Sprlntc nlXnll? I 16? 26c | Ducta <*>??? ?40?Kk| preen nit (Mm. ft w tcl Ore?o hide., lb Dry Wool. Tr*? from burr,. lb. . . " S Wool, li.;rry 10?16c . 15??0c Inp .??'??.. 1^ ? f. i BQ 10c Cwn. buM. 7#?7lc SHAKE INTO YOUR 8HOB? Allen's Foot-Ease. the antiseptic pow der. It cores patnful, smart Ing. ner vou? fee t. and tnitantiy takei the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of Ihe age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It la a cer tain cure for sweating, oalloua, Swol len. tired, aching feet. Always use It to Break in New shoes. Try it to day. Bold everywhere. By mall foj 25 centa In stamps. Don't accept any substitute. For Free trial package, md.lrejs Allen 8. Olnwied. Le Roj. The use of mineral waters and mineral drugs in Vase of cosUveness.1 is decidedly harmful. The natorat remedy is Holllster's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Purely vegetable. , A mLld laxative, which does not gripo nor weaken the bowel muscles. Hardy's Drug Storo. EXAMINATIONS FOR A. ft KL COL LEGE. GO TO THE SKA MlfOKE SUNDAY. Seauhorq, Sunday outing special. Raleigh. \ViUon, - jQreenvllle. nurt Washington, to Morebead qity aud Beaufort, every Sunday. Cheap ? week-end and Sunday f* curslon ratdp, via. Norfolk South ere, Railroad. Special trains leave Raleigh S:lfc a- no., leave Wilson 7:01 a. m., leave Parmvllle 8:04 a. m., leave Gro??n> ville 8:36 a. m.. leave Washlntc'.oi^ 9:81 a. m.Y arrive Moretaead City if noon. Returning special train* (paves Beaufort 6 P- Morehead City M8 p. m. . - ? . , ? j Ask nearest Ticket agent for com plete lnfo'rinatloq. : ? GltKATLY RHDUCKD EXCURSION RATES TO NOFOLK AND VIR GINIA REACH ACCOUNT FOURTH OF JULY. Norfolk Southern Railroad will Mil excursion tickets gtsatj/ reduced rates from Raleigh. Wilson. Greeh vllle and Washington, to Norfolk, *or Virginia Be*ch and return on Julj 2 and 4. final limit July s Get complete Information frt>rc ticket agents, or address H. C. HUO^INS. G. P. A., a . E iiii VTw A- i? ;vi'v i in r_. . . m._t iv. nr* . .. fa-_ From Now Ok Turn row Tomorrows Into Todays "? f-r^y- y^>* j *? J ^ w- ?? ?'?,*? ?*' *\W i '* fe. [V 'i' ^iv f.'?:. ?>??.. ? -ift "i .*$?.? }??>*?:* T q begin to do, now, HALF of the, things k you've put off doing until tomorrow dur ing the past year, would make you? far and away? the -bus iest person in town. , Perhaps it would make you the happi est ? and eventually the RICHEST? per L son in town, too! So why not undertake seriously, witji set jaw and unwavering purpose," to realize some of your tomor row^ plans? > g ^f-5 v*#fe f-V/ I? BMjj atfeit PMT r I* **-**? Commence with your ad vertising! Make it, from now on, the mititantforceforstore-boom ing and [building-up which you feSWe "B^ER ?biiteer? fuller of salesmanship, of purse-appeal, of human inter est. Wake it persistent?as con tinuous as you want your store's appeal to be. isii&i wfV" *