DBVILI.EU CRABS, l-OBTSMOl'TI Mullets, Uirgeit rod Beit Melon" at (IARFIEL.D CLEMMON8. 1< Eaii Water Street. Phone lit. , I HAVE OPENED A BBBF MARKE1 . on Bknint'i Road. near the towi Une. Would like to haw the pa trooage on the paople of Waah ton.' Alio a full line of groceriei M. G. AYERfl. That mild. ?9fllhlns ll?uid, D. D D. Prescription, itops the awful 1>L ft OK old gold or silver, old-fashiou fui niftire, brass candlesticks, andlrom blue plates and pi a tt erg, & c. WU be in Pantego the middle of July. Ad dress Pantego, C. M- Travers. 8.1 BOYS' HLCE SKIKii: KXK'KIH -..vAfrcker Pants Just reoelved at J. K HOYT'S. CHINA A8TKR IN ALL COLOR) for sale by Mrs. R. L. COTTON East 8th street. f^ICE^ H FLOWERS Jl Write, Phone or Wire J. L. O'QUINN & CO. RALEIGH, N. C. Your Wants, as they are Head quarters for everything in the Florist' Line. Pnone 149 : for sale Honey Comb N*"* 'Phone St. Walter Credit & Co \ n on cat of 8AUi. ^3 CNDBR-4ND BY VIRTJ1C -ji power of sale glten >7 Sec. ttl 7 or rlsal of HOS, tb<'?nderslgfi?d >111 on the lUfc da* ol Auriit, 1910, -it' l J ? o'clock, noon, b?11 at publta auction to the highest bidder. at the Mutun. Machine Co. Wharf, In the 01 1 r of Washington. K. C.. th? folio wins tr scribed personal property, ?ls: The atom venal "VANCEBORO/'I together wltb all of tacftlg, lumlttii'', fixtures u>4 apparel The said aole being made' to satiefr Mens against the eald steam reaael existing In faror of tbe undersigned. Term a "" sals Cash. MUTUAL MACHINE CO. Thle Jnlr ?th. lno. 5 . W ? Bloudhw Curea Btralns, ? ? Rheumatic Ilrulses, Sprain*. ? :ai> OfcfiT. K.'C, J ntlc Hotel Opwia IGHTFl'L SKASH ost Couvealent a ?ion Kates. On Sale ? J VIRGINIA UKACU ? L\\ The Only SttshoN Reeoi *7 Conceivable Form ol v Bathing. Excellent H REASONAULI For complete lnformi NorfolK Sent hern Railn address H C. HTDG1KS. Get W. W. CROXTON. Am? NORFOLK, 1 1,1,1 '24 Hours nt the S.-u-hor* ; I * ' / / Kl'MTlAL Til A IN. * - Every Saturday From RaJHrfh. Wilson, (.rrenvllle, and In 1 ';?*?/ r<^jntsUiUe Stations to Mop^hrart City anrt. Lowest Week Fail Rates. ' - Refurhfnjt u ';" V>' V 1 ; -rnkfJ* v' ? Beaufort and MolwfiqM W? TO SCffl fcVg* A DOLLAR SAVED iff a dollar made, one'* ?? PLACED WITH US WILL OON VINCE YOU THAT WE SELL I! LITER GOODS FOR LESS JIONKY THAN ANY STORE IN TOWN. * . .-..V . SEW SUPPLY OP FRUIT JARS AND RUBBERS JUST RE V ED. v WHEN V'H VOI R ORDERS DONT FORGET ~ \MOUS CANTALOUPES. The NORTH C^ROLIfJA State Normal and Industrial College ? ? _ , . . ? .. . _ .. _ I > for tin Worn of Yeatesville ? in New 3er. Mr. !.| A. Wilkinson, of Belhaven In the city today. Miaa Ula Marsh Roper has return ed from a visit to frien4s In Bath. ri# ' e - k kMra. J. T. Qreen and; daughter, o l ha veto, passed through the this' morning to. visit llorehead Oit: [and New Bern. ^ Miss Lila .Tayloe? of iiarlowe, is ii the city, the guest of Jjlrs. C. A. Cut ler, on Eaat Water street. ? . ? ?flUJ .Mrs. S. P. Willis and family re turned this morning from New Bern. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W.l.vI. Leary, o Qoldsboro, passed through the clt; this morning en route to Kdenton ti visit friends.. ? Sir. and Mrs. W. T. Marsh, of Bel hAven, passed through the city yen terday for New Bern. ^ HUNTER'S BRIDGE. Crops seem to be Improving eomo from tho recent bwTj rains we have been having in our section. Bat corn Is damaged badly and the cotton *is very small. Mr. W. W. Campbfcl is making im provements on his house this week. Mr. E. T. Campbell has returned from your city, where h/ has b?*sn at telding Teachers' Institute, and re ports a fine time. * Mrs. W. W. Campbell and Mr?. W. R. Tette^ton ar^ visiting relatives in your city this week. We are glad to welcome Miss Ber tha Whaley back in our midst. She has been attending A. C. at Wilson for the last. two yeari,. and spent eight weeks at. QreenvilW in E. C. T. T. 8. She entertained many of her friends at home last night. Cream was served and all .report a Jolly time. Mise Florence Sawyer la spending the week with Misa Mary EL Howard. Miss Vestie Dixon spent the night with Miss Mary B. Howard Saturday We had a line Ice-cream supper at Surry Saturday night, the proceeds to help buy an iron fence to. .30 around Athen's Church and graveyard. There was quite a large crowd present. We have been informed that they sold seven freezers of cream holding from three to eight qnarts; Sold three takes and lemonade, an -3 they only report I T.50 profit. Girls, we don't think there Is much pay in Ice-cream rappers. We are g|ad to see our campaign bringing out so many new .poets In' our county as well as new candidates, r We are glad to see our people so Interested in the two- term policy and sure me mast al think it best to rate then) on a salary. Bat Just give os Paul for clerk. Harris for sheriff. Mayo for. register, Mlxon for treasurer, Latham and Tom peon to represent us, and that will all be well. >&T t or < Dom of -ill" will cure ui cu. ot cmil. ?n? f."T. p<*? away my: s--' ' fri "Crystal Ioe ? Crystal lc? ? CodJ enough ? Cool enough.' " Apparently the moon-eyed bullfrog known a good thlni, and be talks about it. Olve us your order* and we will) ?end you Crystal lee cool enough and quick enough. ""'.yffir t ' A 'Phone 83. CRYSTAL ICE CO., WASHINGTON. N. C. Announcements FOB THEAStR BR. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate (or the office of Treasurer of Beaufort county, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primaries and OOQventlon to be held for the nomi nation of county officers. If nomi nated I will not ask for more than two terms. N E. R.M1XON. FOB COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beaufort county : ! hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner in Bath township subject to the ac tion of the forthcoming county con vention. If honored with the nomina tion and election I shall strive to serve- the people of the county to the best of my ability, l ask the support and encouragement of all Democrats and all others who deHire to vote for me. Respectfully. GEORGE M. JORDAN. FOR TREASURER. This Is to announce my candidacy for ronomlnatlon for the office of Treasurer of Beaufort county, sub ject to the actlpn of the Democratic primaries. I have endeavored at all tlmeB'to show my appreciation of the tru??t reposed in me by the Democracy of Beaufort by serving all the people Impartially and to the best of my ability. If again honored, 1 prom ise a service made more efficient by years of experience In the office. I further state tbat so long as I am the choice of the Democrats of Beaufort county Cor any office, I will (permit them to name the length of the term. Thanking the Democratic voters for their past favors, and asking them to turn out at our primaries and give me their support, I am Yours truly. JOS. F. TAYLOE. FOR SHERIFF. Two years ago I entered the contest (or the nomination of Sheriff of Beau fort county. I found, at that time, that there were many in the*county J who felt that the present Incumbent, Mr. Ricks. should have another term, making him In all about five years in t that office. I was advised by my friends, also many who were support- [ ing Mr. Rlclcs. to withdraw from the contest at that time, they all assur ing me of their entire support two , years hence, or at the present time, in view of which I hereby announce ? my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Beaufort county, subject to the Democratic primaries and convention i to be held for the nomination of coun- 1 ty offices. My policy is two terms for all coun- ? ty officers. * Trusting that I may receive your support, I am, very respectfully. JA8. H. HARRIS. FOR SHERIFF. To the Democrats oLBeaufort county: I take this method of thanking you for your loyal support in the past and to aak a continuance of the same In the coming primaries in renominating me for the office of Sheriff of Beau fort county. If I have served you well and given satisfaction, I "feel sure that I can give yod even better , service in the future; as the records show an improvement each year, the insolvent list for 1909 being less than 2 1-4 per cent. I have worked for the best Interest of the county at all tlmee, and if renominated I will give you the best service 1 can, and at all times try to Improve. Thanking you In advance I remain very respectfully. Your servant. GEO. E- RICKS. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. To the Democrats of Beaufort County: As a life-long Democrat and p? i> worker who baa never held office J hereby announce my candidacy %?ir the nomination by the Democratic party for the office of Register "?f Deeds for Beaufort county. Democracy means an equal cha* for all and no monopoly for any.elt' r ? in office or otherwise. Believing tb*t , upon observance of this doctrine de- i pends the success of our party, I shall ask for no more than two terms if i nominated. Respectfully, J NO. W. MAYO. Aurora, N. C. FOR REGISTER OF f>EED8. 1 I hereby announce myself a candi- i date for renomination for the office of Register of Deeds of Beaufort county, and afek my. friends throughout the cotMty to attend the primaries, which will be held August 5 and 6, and give me their support. Thanking my friends kindly for the < hearty support they have given me In I (he past and asking a contlnuanc^of the same in the coming primaries, I 1 remain, as ever, K'f$5r GILBERT RUMLEY WII JL WO* WITHDRAW. To the Democratic voters Of Beaufort ? County: ;\y;: j! I desire to say that I shall not un der any circumstances withdraw from u? conWtt tot u? oomiMtto* ? dacy. I am Id the we to ?Uj and win, if pottible. by fair and honeat methods Respectfully, J AS. U. HARRIS FUR THJb" LEGISLATURE. To the Moontic Votars of Benu fortt County: I hereby announce my candidacy before the primaries Cor the nomina tion ?? one of the Represenia'-ires for Beaufort county In tha next General Assembly. 1 ask the hearty support of all good Democrats. Respectfully. W. A. THOMPSON. Aurora. N. C. FOR CLKRK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomlnatlon for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Baaufort county and ask that all ray friends attend the primaries and |tve me their support. Thanking my friends for their sup port in the pact and afeking a contin uance of same. I am. Yours very truly, GEO. A. PAUL. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beaufort county: 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for. the office of County Com missioner In Washington township, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries and county conven tion. If nominate*! I pledge myself to a progressive and economical admin istration of county affairs. Very respectfully. ? - O. B. WYNNE. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. To the Democrats of Beaufort County. Greetings: It is very gratifying to me to know that so many of my friends are anx ious that I would stand for re-election to the Legislature of North Carolina. I extend to you my heartiest appre ciation for the favors snd honor al ready conferred end I now adopt the medium of t%e press through which to say to you that If my services In th* General Assembly of North Caro lina, Session 1909, meet your ap proval, and If you believe that fi delity and devotion to duty will be maintained and you desire that I should be one of your representatives in the coming 1911 session, then you may have the privilege of presenting my name for thnt purpos^ before the several Democratic primaries to be held In our county. 5tli and tith of August. And In the meantime I de sire to remain faithfully the tame, J. F. LATHAM. I JesEouin. N. C. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, ro the Democratic voters of Beaufort cdunty: I hereby announce my candidacy tor th6 office of commissioner of Beiaufort county subject to Democrat c primaries and convention. W. F. GAYLORD. Bath township. FOR COMMISSIONER. ro the Democratic Voters of Beaufort County: I desire to place before you, for -e-nomlnatlon, for the office of Coun ty Commissioner the name of Mr. F. Voneborstein. talclnc In itlon Mr. EberBtein's pood Business Qualifications, and also th?? fict that lie has considerable experience In handling the affeirs of the county. I feel that h*. Is In position to serve Lhe people as well as if not better than any othf my ability. Thanking my friends for past favors, we await your i>leai? iire. TH03. GREEN. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, ro the Democratic voters of Beaufort county: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Com missioner in Richland township, subject to the action of the Demo* :ratlc primaries and county conven tion. If nominated I pledge myself to i progressive adn economical admin istration of county affairs. Very respectfully. W. W. HOOKER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ? To the Democratic voters of Beau for county: Ic answer to the several Inquiries made relative to my candidacy for the office ot County Commislsoner. will fay th*?t 1 was appointed to IU1 the metpned term of H. J. Jordan, de ceased. of I?ng Acre township, and I nave endeavored to discharge the du ties of the office fairly and impartially with an eye single to the best interest if the people, and If 1 am honored slth the nomination and elected I will give the best services that my abflity *rl?l allow. Respectfully, H. C. BOYD. 1 FOB COMMISSIONER. The commissioners from Washing ton township, Messrs. Warren and Uanoell, having announed that they will not be oandldatea for renomlna lon, 2 therefore- announce myself a candidate for county commissioner rrom Washington township, subject Lo the action ot the Democratic Con tention. If nominated and elected I. pledge myself to good road system, progressice and economical county to vernmen t N V " ? Yours trrxl f, . , \ 8. F. rRffl?IAN. Theatre A. P. BARNES, Mirage, J'1 Ooiu?dT? j JU KKATVHE 1'RtXiKAM S'~> ???THE JSANUIT'S wSV." an In ?nw, grlppl a*. Western PUtar*. B ? MVY JUNKS' LiSiDLHUIIU," a Vltecmpb Corned jr. 4 7 , rV'V ? *? 1 the UAOP1PE PLAYKR." A beautiful drama. " /' 4 ? 1LLUHTKATED BONO. "HACK to My Old Home." * Suiik Honrs &une Prlcea. republican prj.uarikk. - The Republican primaries for the first, second, third and fourth Wards of Washington, North Carolina, are hereby called to meet Jointly at the Courthouse, Tuesday night. Julj^ 26th, 1910, at b: SO o'clock for the pur pose of electing delegates to the County Convention to bo held July 28th. All white voters who are In favor of local self-government, a free bal lot and a fair count are invited to bo with us. By order of the Precinct Kxecu tlve Committee ? T. E. CUTLER, Ch'm. First Ward. W. M POWERS, Ch'm. Third Ward C. T. BUCKMAN. Ch'm. 4th Ward. Washington, N. C., July 19, '1<|. _ WEEK END EXCURSION FARES TO NORFOLK AND YI1UJLM* REACH VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN rL R. Tickets sold for Saturday ulght trains, good returning, lea\o Norfolk Sunday night, Saturday night, July 9. Ilrst date of sale and every Saturday until Sep tember 3. GREATLY REDUCED RATES From , Norfolk. Beach. To Virginia Raleigh $2.50 $2.75 Wilson 2.25 2.50 Karmville 2.25 2.60 Greenville 2.25 2. 50 Washington .... 2.00 * 2.26 Fares In same proportion from all stations between Raleigh, Relhavea and Norfolk. The night express of the Norfolk Southern offers th best and moBt con venient service between Raleigh, Eastern North Carolina and Nor folk, Va. Spend next Sunday at Virginia Beacb, the most attractive seashore resort In Virginia. Get complete information from nearest ticket agent, or D. V- Conn, 3. P. A., Raleigh. N. C H. C. HUDGINS, G. P. A. W. W. CROXTON, A. P. A., Norfolk. Va. RIGGS HOUSE WASHINGTON, D. G. , The hotel "par excellcnce" of the National Capital. First-class ivi all appoint ments. Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from the White House. An illustrated Guide to Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upon re ceipt of two 2-cent stamp's O. G. STAPLES, Proprietor. FOR FBVKKlSH>'bSrt Md ACHING Whether rrom Maiar'.ou* cmditloos, Colds or OTerheaticg, try Htika* Cap udlne. It reduce the fey?-- and re lieves the aching. It'a liquid ? 10. IS and 50 cents. at drus ate rea. 1 CITY MARKET. Quotations furnished by H. B. Mayo A Company.) lees wax J7C 14c fallow 4C thickens, grown, each 30 CP 40c Iprlng chickens 14J0 25c H*cka 20026c .40 ?60c Jreen salt sides, lb Cc Sreen hides, lb 6c )ry hides, lb 10?13%e Vool. free from hurra, lb. . . 17c Vool, hurry 10016c ?Mnb l&QSOo Iheerllngs ? 6 010c torn, bushel 70075c ia ' " ... I'ilTiii .. Snccau la any line la dependent ?o? perfect health, itrongth and Ti allty, more than upon anything elae. it Holllster'a Rocky Mountain Tea laa helped ao aaay physically and Dentally, It has .urely done lt? ibm n putting men and women on the oad to auceau and fortune. Hardy . >rai 8 tore.