In SSreSr Yesterday a lady Wjho saw the extra good I values that we are offering in this department, re marked: "If those hose are aa good as they look, I'm going to buy all my hosiery here." We feel asanred of this lady's business in this department. That is just how much confidence we have in our new Imported Hosiery Line. It is to your interest to become ?*??' quainted with it. Yours very truly, J K. HOYT. NOTICE OF tjALK I'NUKK ^XKC'l TIOX. Under and by vtrturo of an execu tion directed to me out of the Su perior court of Beaufort county. N. C.. in a Judgment duly docketed in the said court in an action wherein Pamlico Grocery Co. was plaintiff, and E. T. Willard, C. E. Wlllard and B. P. Wlllard, were defendants. 1, G6o. E. Ricks, Sheriff of Beaufort county, will on Monday, the 1st day or August, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon, sell for caBfc, to the highest bidder, before the oourthouse door In the said county, all of the right, title and Interest of C- E- Wlllard and B. P. Willard In and to thoBe certain tracts or parcels of land situated In the State of North Carolina', Be *u fort county, and Washington township, levied upon and attached in the said action, and moro particularly bound ed and described as follows, vis: First. That certain lot designated as' lot No, 3 in the division of the laftds of the late Edwin Woolard, which Is duly recorded In the Regis ters office of Beaufort county in Book 34. page 36, being the lot as signed In the said division to Edwin Woolard; beginning at the northeast corner of lot No. 2 In the Bald divis ion on the line between Beaufort and Martin counties, running with the said line south 63 east 8? poles, thence south 45 west 400 poles to the vun of Moyes Beater Dam Swamp; thence with the run of the said swamp to the eastern line of lot No. 2 in the said division; thence with the said line north 45.5 east 415 poles to the beginning. Containing 210 acres, more or le3s. Second. That cortaiti lot or parcel ?,/ land designated as lot 2?o. 4 in the division of the lands of the late Ed win Woo.ard above referred to, and which said lot was conveyed by the said Edwin T. Woolard by p. E. Woolard by de^d dated January 13, 18*0. recorded hi the Register's office of Bea.ifort county. in pook 80, page 2SG. Beginning at the northeast corner ot lol No. 3 in the said division above re ferred to, on the county line, and with the said line south ?3 east 144 poles to John D. Perry's line. In Grassy Islaud Swamp: thence with the run of the said swamp and the said John D. Perry's line to the run of Moyes Beaver Dam Swamp; thence with the run of the raid swamp to the eastern line of lot No. 3 in the Bald division; thence with the Bald line of lot No. 3 north 4 5 east 400 poles to the beginning. Containing 210 acres more or less. This Juno ' 1313. ano. zl ricks. She ?? Beaufort County. Nttpol vonN C?rtt. was of Hie unconquerable, die kind, the kind that you need most when you have a bad cold, cough I or lung disease. Suppose troches, or' cough syrups, cod liver oil or doctors j have all failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discov ery Satisfaction (a guaranteed when uaed for any throat or lung trouble. , It has saved thousands of hopeless sufferern. It masters stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, la grippe, croun. asthma, hay fever and whooping cough, and Is the most safe and certain remedv for all bronchia) affections. 50.. 11.00. Trial bottle free at all druggists Gem Thealre ? 3 REELS 3 ? A II- Feature Programme. ROOSEVELT IN CARIO. A Sc?nic Travel Picture. * PURGED BV FIRE. (URBAN). A Dramatic Film of Quality. MEPHISTS AT tL\8QUKRAD& (Oaumont). Hand-colored Com edy. TOURING THE CANARY ISLES. ..(Oaumont). A beautiful scenic production. DRIVEN FROM HOME. ' (LUBIN). A drama of considerable strength. TlwWM m. When H. H. Rogers vm tn the prime of his power, saya a New York writer, be formed a "friendship part nership" with Mark Twain and Thom as Brackett Reed and took personal charge of their affairs, looking after tbem as be wonkl a couple of children. It wos great fun for all three, and especially Rogers. Neither Clemens oor Reed bad suy sense for business. The big ex -speaker came to New York a poor man. Five years later be died suddenly, sud bis estate assayed over $000,000. He probably bad no Idea what he was wortb at any stage. Rog ers made as much or more money for Clemens. In the Long Ago. "Adam." asked Ere. "wbat are yon doing?" "I'm discovering Mars," he sstd. looking down at ber to rest bis neck. "1 wonder If It has any inhabitants." From which we learn that Adam al ready knew about as mnch concerning Mars as the modern astronomers do,? Chicago Tribune. Satisfied With Himself. "Haw any serious trouble with your new automobile r* "Not a bit So far I haven't hit a single man without being able to get sway before he got my number."? Cleveland Leader. Might Have Nodded. Edna? It's a good thing for ma that silence gives consent. Amelia? Why? ?dna? Last night when George asked me to be his wife 1 lost my tolca. A Child's Character. No artist work Is no high, so noMa. so grand, so enduring, so important for all time, as the making of character la a child.? Charlotte Cushman. Palmistry In Its modern acceptation is divided into two brancbea-r-chlrog nomy and chiromancy. Chirognomy deflnee the outward shape of the band and of Ita members, the thumb and finger. Chiromancy la also derived from tbe Greek and signifies divina tion hy tbe band? that Is. by* the lines, mounts and other marks oo tbe palma of the band. G0OB> TOOLS HEL^ a^MAN THE KEY THAT UNLOCKS SUCCESS IN BUSINESS IS GIV ING CUSTOMERS GOOD VALUC FOR THEIR GOOD MONEY. WE HAVE DONE THIS, THAT'S WHY WE HAVE A BIG. GROWING HARDWARE BUSINESS. ir YOU'VE NEVER DEALT WITH US. "BRACE UP." IT'i TIME YOU WERE GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH US. J. H. Harris Plumbing and Supply Company o the public The apee<ho* were I iborc the ordinary *nd were IHI?d rith rich food for the farmers' hought. The principal address wee lellvered by Ool. J. Bryan Orlmee. lecretary of 8tate, end though he poke about en hour and a half, he ras given the closest attention and ras frequently and Jiearttly applaud ed as he would make some telling >olnt and clinch It, Seldom has a tetter speech been made In this State, le laid down a platform that would >c well for the farmers and all oth ers as well to stand on. His reason ng was sound, and his blows wefo tralght from the shoulder. Col. Irimes spoke without manuscript, tslng only a few notes, all of which Is o be regretted, for that r address hould have been placed In the hands >f all." * ' ? vv The New Berij Sun says that thous ands of people from far and near thronged the streets of that town ruesday night to Tlew the most daz tling and elaborate pageant ever wit nessed In the 8tate ? being the His- J torical parade. Heralding each his torical float were trumpeters In white suits. There were quite a number offloats In the long parade, in apeak of the one from Washington, the Sun says: "Perhaps the most natural and in deed a very interesting model was the colonial coach, drawn by a pair of black horses. In the coach were Gen eral and Lady Washing n and stand ing on the back the footman, ready to Berve. This float was a representative of Washington, North Carolina, and was a very creditable one." Rev. J. A- Sullivan, pastor of the Pi r?t Baptist Church, left this after-1 ?oon for Oak City to attend the louoke Union. He will return horn* Uturdmy night ANNUAL MEETING lfe'legatee are to be Appointed to Waterway Convention. The annual meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce will be held Mon day night, August 1st. It is very Im portant that this meeting be well at tended. At thla meeting the delegates to the Deeper Island Waterways Convention are to be named. This Is going to be the banner con vention of the Deeper Inland Water ways Association. The delegates are to be the guest of the Deeper Inland Watewrays Association, the City ol Providence and the Providence Board of trade. One of the Providence del egates who was working to have this year's convention at Providence stated that there were to be several days of slght-eeeln*. visiting mllle and factories, automoblling rides and other amusements. There wllK also be a regular old-fashion New England clam bake as well as banqueting. This will be a trip which any per son will be well repaid in taking, and. as it Is important that the names so sont In/Immediately that they may be enrolled upon the literature. If you wish to go. please write the fact to the Washington Chamber of Com merce, as there is no inclination not to appoint any one who wishes to take tbe trip. It la most important that Washington have a good strong delegation. Let them see that we appreciate the advantage of the Deeper Island Waterways. Mrs. 8. A. Tankard and Miss Bon ner Archbell left yesterday for Ocra L-oke to visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Swindell and children are back from Pitt county, rhere they were the guests of r?ia ;ives. Rural Amenities. Fair Passenger? But. good grackma. why didnt the train stop here? It fa supposed to. Porter? Ye*, miss, but the engine driver has quarreled with the station master.? Pile Mrle. A Conolusion. ' Urr husband doean't smoke, d* n chew, swear or play cards.** "Introduce me. Widows are my eia I ty."? Houston Poet. RA KEITH RTI DIO. The following peraona have had pictures taken at Baker'a Studio dur ing the past seven days: Miss Effle Jarvis. Belhaven; Mrs. Am%nda E. Wallace, Pinetown; C. 8. Woolard, Yeatesvllle; W. J. Mldyette, Lake Landing; Mlas Rosa Carrowen, Messlc; Frank Mr Ado, Kdward; O. B. Boyd. Pinetown; Miss Ellen Barnes. 2ash Corner; E. ^.Brooks and baby. Washington ; Mlas Pearl Swanner. Washington; A. C. Robertson and N. %? Downle, JameavMe; Mlas Zada i/f ;?*{* not the osooj kind which peacefully goes above Its domestic duties day by day. It Is the terrible driver or soldier act. eaid tP be the most Invincible creature In the world. Against tbeoe day eoefmec do man or band of men. no Hon or tiger, not eren a herd of elephants, can do anything but hor rlediy get out of tbe wny. Among the Barotse native* a favorite form of cap ital punishment is to coat tbe victim with crease nod throw him before the advancing army of aoldler ant*. The quiclcoees with which tbe poor wreirb is dispatched is marvelous when It is considered that each ant can do noth ing more ffcau merely tear out a smnll particle of flesh and carry it off- Vet ( In a surprisingly short time tbe writh ing victim will have been changed into a skeleton. __ Old Saw* and Saying*. ? few old sayings on the subject of food coma to ua rather aa a aurptlse In our as* of daintiness and refine ment. jet they bare their ralson d'etre notwithstanding. "Meat la much, man ners are mora;'* "Cease your cbatter and mind joor platter.-" The ass that bra js most eats least;" "The wing *rttb the liver to blm who's the giver;" "He can give little to hla servant who licks his own trencher." Apropos of this remark. It Is amus ing to note that -manners" waa the name given to the remnants of a meat These came to- the servants na official perquisites; hence onr well worn ex pression before emptying a dlah. "Leave the last aUce ?pr whatever It may be> for manners." though If votes were collected on tbla point it Is hsrdly likely that any of us would have taken It an It stands la the original. Carthage's Greet Snake. The a net sots firmly believed la mon ster serpents of all klnda and of both the land and marine specie*. During the wara with Carthage a great snske la said to bare kept the Soman army from cross! dg the Ragradoa river for several day*. .The monater a wallowed np no leas t ha* seventy Roman ao? dlera during this combat and waa not conquered until a hundred atones from aa ceany different catapults ware tired apod It all at o as time. The monater aknir, and sklo %rre preserved and afterward exhibited In one of the IU> man ' temples. The dried skin of the w?? 120 feet In ISngth. uc to PI lny. * creature cording I "You look bed. old man. Wbsfs the matter?" ?Throe t trouble." "I didn't know you were subject to ?t? < "Tea. I am. This throat belongs to the newcomer in the. next bouse. who practice* singing at all hour* of the night." - - Net Is Past. Finish every day and be dooe with it tfou have done what yon eonM. Borne blunders sod absurdUJea. no donbt. crefft In. Forget them as aooq as you can.-Krnersoa. ** K in. Kitty- Ts . ...?* Fred has pro- | postHl ? - . no. not exactly, but It -v. Be asked me night ( my father was worth they say ha la.? Boston Some purgatives contain such| trong drugs that, while they ? he bowel* to move. Injure the dell-| ate linings of Ines. Holi Is tor's IK Pea Is not in that clasi y laxative aad at the baling and addtblng. Hardy'i 1 the viking*. The vikings divided (Mr country up into caotona. which were subdivided Into twelve portions, each under e chieftain. When a malefactor wa a brought to Justice It waa usual for eecfc chieftain to aelect a man froco tbe district over which be ruled and compel him to try tbe prisoner, the verdict of tbeee twelve men being de clared b j the Judge to be final. CONVENTION Chuirman Imucs Call (or tbf Next Democratic C?mty Coovoation. A Democratic County Convention of the County of Beaufort Is called to meet In Washington, N. C., on Wed nesday, August 10th, 1910, at 11 o' clock A- M., for the purpose of se lecting and nominating candidates tor all county officers. Primaries are called as follows: Belharen and Washington at & o' clock P. M-.' Friday, August Bth.^ Plnevllle, Beaver Dam. Chocowln Ity, Old Ford and Tranter's Creek at 10 o'clock Saturday, August 6th. All other precincts n the county at 4 o'clock P. M.. Saturday, August 6th. The Convention Is called by virtue of a resolution passed at the Con vention held on July tnd. It has ap peared since that time that the Board of Supervisors meet on August 6th. They are requested to adjourn in tone for the primaries, as it is thought best not to change the date for hold ing the primaries at this time. W. C. RODMAN. Chairman. A Woman's Great Idea Is how to mak? herself attractive. But, without health. It 1 s hard foj her to be lovely In face, for? or temper. A weak, sickly woman will be ner vous and Irritable. Constipation and Kidney poisons show In phnples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. But Bleetrlc Bitters always prove a godsend to women who wa*t health, beaatjr and friehds. They regulate Stomach. Liver and Kidneys', purUy the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyea. pare breath, smooth, velvetry skin, lovely :omplexlon, < good health. Try them. 50c. at Dr. Hardy's Drat Store. : EatabltaMd 1M0. ? . <, BALTIMORE HTKAM PACKET CO. OLD BAY LINE 8TKAMEM 7f FLORIDA. * VIRGINIA Sc' -.1 ALABAMA rtneat United BUMS Hill SllUi r. south of N*w Tori ?ub . '"d wlrelcM Teleg. Ii e " nienc, t<r ; ?\ ? ( tlfe tranter. & undayi. u follow* i< ? MOP. U. J *.30 F/ M. ? ?? "? t.*o p. U. it ?W. I a It l Norfolk . 7.00 JU M. Connecting with >11 llnM South aid V?L Tlck.l, ,old to kU points, forth . But, W? and Cauda, for ?formation aa to UcllaU. anteroom ?Mrratlona. ate.. appt j by phone, rlrv pr UtUr ?o i J. W. BROWN. JH.. ?".rssr"" - . . - NEW STORE FOR. BUSINESS 'v Wednesday, July 27th. i * ^ ? 1 On account of theinconven _ icnce of moving stock from one building to the' other, we p necessarily will not have all of . our stock placed, but will try and wait upon our customers We will announce a Formal Opening later J. H HARRIS PLUMBING and SUPPLY COMPANY. Norfolk Southern Railroad NEW CONDENSED SCHEDULE Effective July 17th. West-Bound Pullman Sleeping Can East-Bound READ DOWN READ UP 9-20 a. m. I 9. SO p. m. I LT. Norfolk . . AT. I 7.B0 a. m. J 4. 01 p. m. 1.10 v. m. j 1.00 a. m. | Lr. . Wuhinton . . Lr. | 1.50 a. m. [ 10.45 a. m. 1.35 p. m. | | Lj. . . Now Born . . Ar. | | 12.11 a. m. 4.14 p. m. | 1,68 a. m. | Lr. . . Groenrllle . . Lr. | U.41 A. m. | 9.20 m. 4.*9 P. m. | 4.17 a. n. | Lt. . . Farmillle . . Lt. j 11.10 ?. m. j 8.51 a. m. 5.51 p. m. I 1.50 a. m. | Lt Wilson . . LT. I 11.15 p. a. | 8.0* a. m. 7.10 P. ?-'| T.S0 a. m. | Ar. . . Raleigh . . Lr. | 9.00 a. m. | 4.15 a. m. NOT# ? Thaoa train* operated daly between Norfolk 4nd Now Bora Tta Washington; and dally, except Sunday, between Raleigh and Now Bora, tta Washington. Noa. i and ?. "NIGHT BXPRMS," carrr Pullman sleeping can between Raleigh and Norfolk. Makes volte connection at WILSON with A, O. Lt to and Wilmington. Rocky Mount. Now Bora, Klnaton Tta OoMakoro. Also makes direct connection at RALEIOH with R. * S. p. Ry? to and from Feyetterlliei with Sou Ry. to and from Durbam *na Greens boro; and with 8. A. L. Ry to andfrom Henderson. For full Information and reeorr-atlon of Pullman sleeping oar space apply to W. J. Williams. Ticket Acent. Wilson; r. W. Tatem. General Ag sht. Golds boro; J. U Hassell. Ticket Agent, GreenTllle; T. R. Myers, Ticket Agent, Washington; t. B. Bohnett. Ticket Agent. Now Bern, or address B. C. HUDOINB. a. P. A. I W. W. CROXTON. A. O- P. A * T. LAMB. President and Oeneral Manager. NORFOLK. VA ? ? . . -

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