DKYILKD CRAIiS SfiftfiBBNuffifft. V - FOR SALF?TWO BOATS, ONE AS 18-ft. gasoline launch. In good con dition, and on? small, ijfcir row boat; also ono Cwy'a Iron safe? weighs 900 1|?. and practically new. apply 4l B. DRAUOHON. V : vS ' Imperial Pool Room. MOLGfl AND WARTS RKMOVKD without pain and loaves nu acar. Sat isfaction guaranteed or uo charge. Aek for Prof. R. U Eambeardt, at FakU* Barber Shop, opposite Hartal Louise. ' .*? * ^ * A ^VANTKI)?tO BUY OR EXClitNOfi old gold or silver, old-fashion fur . niture. brass candlestick*, andirons, blue plates and platters, ft c. Will be In Pantego the middle of July. Ad dres? Pantego, C. M. Tfavers. *.13 FOR HALK?OIVE GOOD FAMILY Horse, one good milk cow, one cart. House for rent No. 420 0. Main street Appftr to H. R. -J - JBAfy - ' ?' ? ? * Some purgatives contain such strong drugs that, while they cause the bowels to move, iqjuro the deli cate linings of stomach and Intes tines. Holllster's Rocky Moutain Tea Is not In that class. It is slight ly laxative and at the same time healing and soothing. Hardy's Drug Store. ? ?' ? -?> ?' * V'. _??- ,-..V ?? *?? . CUT FLOWERS Write, Phone or Wire \ J. L O'QUINN & CO. RALEIGH, N. C. ? Your Wants, as they are Head quarters for everything in the Florist' Line. Pnone 149 Him MAIL -CLERKS WANTED Tbe Govern in en t Pays KUflwaj Mall . * Clerks WO to *1,900. and Other Employe/Up to $2,300 Annually, i Uncle 8ajn bold spring exam inations 'Pf country for Railway Mai Custom House Claries, Stenograpner*. Bookkeepers. Departmental Clerks and other go* ernment Positions. Thousands of ap pointments will be made. Any man or woman ovet; 18. In City or Coun try, can get Instruction and free In formation by irrltty st once to the Bureau of instruct), 61 M. Hamlin Building, Rochester. N. Y. Hicks' CAPUD1NE Cares 8tek Head Also Werrpus Heaoacko. Travelers Headache and a?h?s from Grip. Btomaes Troubles or Fema?-) trou bles. Try Capudioe?U'c liquid? Meets immediately. Bold br drug gists. If. II and SO oenu. Just in Time Wwdlwtoa People M?/ Wait ja?< u. time with kidney 111* arlnc the back >< ' vv iMkacbe beoomee chronic ' i erlous urinary troubles set tn 'Joan a Kidney Mill wlU f I Me. ' Her* la taatimony to i ere . litre. J. 8. Btok>? V hand . onanli s ( ear*: Ime I alfcM,- a at.crely froM kidney and bltd l*r m : cat. My kidneys wer* weak an. u-v.'clif paaaaiea of ?fc* .crr-Moi- i ta tnese ' organa -?M r j .at u-reyancf I a 1st ?? l .Ml. art. through ni? 11 tom.G >a4 l ?booting ?.*?*.. ae-oaa my There waa : w*^tyuab :om per ocr* or etxt7. sajs k?rt> feasor B. A- Moore of tbe University of Wisconsin. writing to Farm and ^ 'r A tars* portion of tbe sdvenced yield of corn In Wisconsin bee twin brought abeot by using definite select breed* of kilo dried seed that bee hlgb ener gy end vitality. Better culture baa of course contributed to tbeyefolt. We cannot emphestee too much tbe importance of baring eeed Corn grown la doee proximity to where it l? to be need. It nenally takee several yeer^ contlnnal growing before corn becomea tborougbly acclimated to tbe aurrooodlng environment of eoU and climate, and if a radical change la the corn will deteriorate. Aa far aa poealble every farmer aft er getting started with blgbly bred eeed should grow and develop, bis own-eeed from year to year. His Bret efforts should be toward selecting for *s Ideal corn plana He should bare in bis mind those special character^ Buch tCrai# oa left, row U. tw . _ of good aeed oorn; erst* on 1 U. sixty-two poaoda. The two ears 4 which theee rowe vera planted loosed equally good.-Farm and FtrealdeJ \i ideal com plant* are to be found In bia general field Their selection ta tbe flm atep in corn breeding. In ordtr to do thi* well the farmer should go through tbe field, following definite row*. at * tltte wben the piaot will show He general rbsrscterlstlcs to tbe beet poealble adthntage. Thi* la usually when tbe corn ie in the milk, aa then tbe leaf, ear and atalk can be studied to good advantage. We eboald aeieet e medium etalk which pats out one good ear aboot three feet above the ground. Tbe stalk eboaMJ have numerous broad bee I thy leavea. When tbe ideal stalk Ie found It tbe plant after the corn bee ripened. After tbe firet plant la fodnd other plants are aclected that conform doee ly to the first Selected stalk, lb this way 200 or 300 atalka are marksA sod aft* tbe corn Is well ripened t? wm from tbero are picked and husked. Tbe ears that are not uniform In character are rejected, and only iboae chat sbow good type ere saved for the second year'a work. Tbeee ears abooid tw> thoroughly cured apd pot away when* mice will not molest tbem or .where they will not be eubject to frequent varttdon In temperature. Tbe second step to corn breeding is known ss tbe ear to the row method of breeding. For this -we nee tbe ear* ?elected the previous year. Tbe ears are tested for germlnatioo and only tbe strongly germinating ear* kept Of these tbe butts and tlpe ere reject ed. and tbe middle two-thirds of th* ear .is generally used. Groond sbotWd be selected upon which simllsr crops have been grown from year to yeer so that the aoU wUi be In a uniform condition. Each earls planted in a separate row until AO or 100 ears are need. Tbe hills are so equal dletance apart end tbe same ree, are PPpiV^? ? :-r *2 '" '?**Wi/". ? ' $&?*? . 3?*"' ft row* that are to be the heavy yield em [>f good ee^d corn early become do tlceable for tbe senernl uniformity which they bold throughout the entire The next year's seed corn should be I secured f*on> these high yielding row* and It will transmit this special func tion of yield and perfection of ear* to | tt? progeny of the next year * ci*bp. ? In aqtne Instances every alternate row )e detaeseled. so as to prevent close fertilization. sod tbe seed corn then from the detasseled rows.- i. . . Good seed corn does not of coorse. guars otee good, csops. Poor soli poor ly cored for will give a poor crpp no matter bow good the need la. Bat using good seed yon sre ware good care will not be wasted by the failure of tbe ssed Id germinating or breedtbg power. _______ TboMsands of Dollar* Wasted. Small grains should be shocked se curely. Thousands of dollars are lost every year ou account of poor work to shocking grain. Brace tbe sheaves firmly and preas tbe beada together clesely nt the top. When well braced, cap to cover the grain and protect It from rains, storms and depredations of birds. See that the shocks sro pot op In good condition for curing. Veproey In England. Leprosy Is said by some to have been Introduced Into England by the Nor mans, but bosptthls for lepers were In existence before the battle of Hast la?*. Leprosy has been practically ab sent from England sinco Elizabeth .* reign. The leper windows to be seen In ancient churches still attest t'd grip which the disease once had on Eng land* lepers belnuK severely Separated from (he rest of the community* a sep aration which extended even to eccle siastical matters. Though Its -ravages were greater among tbe poorer classes It was not unknown among tbe nobil ity and gentry, and Robert the Bruce, victor of Bannockbura, succumbed to It ln? 132& Differences In Woods. Timber is classed as bard br soft. | and the main point of difference bo tween tbe trees that produce these classes is that tbe soft wooded tree hps "needle leaves." slim, nsrrpw nnd almost unlfor-.u la breadth, while the hard wood treoa hap- t leaves of various sh-pes. Again, some soft wood trees carry couch, such trees ly ing termed conifers. Itesln. too. Is more characteristic of aoft than of hato wood. To the class of soft woods belong the pines, spruces and firs, and tbe most common examples of these are yellow pine, white dr. pitch pine an? spruce or red dr. In the common er hard woods ate oak, beech, mahog any, aah, walnut, plane, elm, birch and ebony. THa Horse's Ears. Whether yon drive a single horse or a team the principles are the aame. but in driving a pair see to It that each horse does hiMhare ?f the work and no more. A pan- of horses, more over. taxless well * driven sre sure to get In tbe bsblt of wsndering over the road. To drive well you most keep your eye end your mind on the horse. Watch his ears. They will be pricked fsrward when he la sboqt to shy. droop when be la tired, fly back Just before he "breaks*' (into a gallop) and before he ki^ks. ? Before kicking, too. a horse usually tucks In his tall and hunches his back a little. When you observe any of these indications speak to him sharply and puU up his hesd. An automobile came whizzing through a small town and bowled over a prominent resident Among tboee who saw the accident and were ex cited by It waa a young ph^iclan Just | beginning to practice. "A doctor! A doctorr be cried | "Somebody ran for a physician r* "How about yourself T suggested an I acquaints nee who happened to heat | ?aid the j m Failed in Health -My mother died tlx yens ago," writes Miss Rnffc l Ward, of Jerseyviile, IIL, "and 1*7 ne to c?re tor six children. I had never tx cr sirs cnci ?' \ with the Ifrx'". of her death, was too i.-r if; r "I tyled in bealt I wj i. ?' - t'r e j d d:d not want to go anyv . n> --v ,y. : : :d the headache ad ttv ; >1 - --".v 7 ,1 "A very dear Ire iJ a*- -v J j. ; . n > - had done ' tr -n r ? ro-^ to ? :xv .cd to tie . If *" ? 't$V 7,4 ? The Womaa's Tonic restored, relieved or prevented and women's red, by Cardui, the woman's tonic, best if you need ? or not do not delay, but commence to ute of delay, only lets you slide furtl to take Cardui today, for MTt. *? ? cwwrtu, l.<)7 urln lp.I of the Eaatern C*rolln. Traln n?j Scboul. Ur?enllow4ll. who has Mn the guest of Mrs. C. H. Powell eft for her borne In Jfow Bern Ukls Horning. Mr. J. B. Latham, Jr.,^#ho has been 'laitlng his Varenta. Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Latham, has returned to his home u St. Lonla. Mr. J. M. Waters went to Pluetown Ills morning on business. MpT ? '*3 Miss Eva 8prulU, who ban been ho guest of her sister, Mrs. W. C. Plggott. has returned to her hume n Mackeys Kerry. ? ? Mr. J. L. island, of ;Vanceboro, ia i Washington visitor. CHOIR TO MEKT. The members of the Methodist Church choir are requested to meet it the church this ernlng at the us i&l hour for practice. WK RRCF.rVR neveral 'phone mes sage* dally, saying, "my brother, sis ter or friend will be down to *>lt for pictures." Don't you know such mes sages sound good to a photoKrnpber's ?ar. Don't Imagine for one minute I lon't appreciate thlfc. I want to thank the public in general for their sup port, and for the many kind worJfc of ancouragement received dally. ? ? BAKBR'8 STUDIO. THHKK COMiUWpMIB. Editor of Daily News: ? 1 coo in your payer nine candi dates for county commissioners, sub ject to the' DemocrJft convention to be held here next^.^ek. I hap pened to be a spectator at the last county convention, and. It was sug gested by someone and found to b4 favorable that they nominate three Instead of seven. However, it was postponed till the coming convention. I clalnf it was a good suggestion and ought to be carried out at the com ing- convention. I wp! give my rea aons for being in f^vor of three: Wake county has twice the popu lation of Beaufort county; ia Wake county they collected $250,000 in taxes. In Beaufort we collected about (68,000. They have only three com missioners for Wake county. If Wake county ean get along with three, why can't Beaufort then? I notice for several years a majority of the commissioners are selected by certain high-up politicians; some call them "ring" leaders, and after their selections are elected to com missionershlps they are tools in t|e hands of their selectors atod usually give a majority for anything they wish the board to act upon. I think this state of affairs has gone on long enough. Givp us three commissioners like Messrs. Wolfen den, W. H. Wilkinson (of Leachvllle) and C. M. Brown?men who have prospered In life?men who have n will of their own. plenty of brain; men who will not have to be dic tated to they are elected. They would do the business of seven like we have had In the past, and there would be less confusion, of course. There are other good men all over the county?Just a? good as the above gentlemen, but 1 happened to think of those named, who are'lnflu antial men. I wish to say that the Brat vote I ever cast was for Sam uel J. Tilden fpr president of the United States, I have been a Demo crat 54 years, and never have asked the party for anything except pro tects. J. P. FLyNN. Washington. N.' C. FOR COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself '4/can didal* for county commissioner from Chocowlnity township subject to the action of the primaries and coun ty convention. My service as " com missioner in the past should"be .en dorsement enough for the people. If honored with tfie ^ oflfce ;Z I ahall endeavor to do whatll think light and beat for the people/ 'Z> Respectfully, > FRED WOLFBNDEN Chocowlnity, H. C. v'l cr 6 doses of "M6" will cure an) ?sje uf chUls and fever. Price ate. Don't Get RudDowo Vee* mi mkmbK. It T?u har, Sidney or Bladder troubl., Dall bead WlU. DIUlneM. NOTTOUUSM. PslH n til* back, and (Ml tired *11 oyer, tat a package of Mother Gray a Aua rallan-Leaf, the pleaaant kerb core. I D9T*. (alia. Wa ten many tea imonlaU (ran ?r?teful people who kare n*e regulator It haa no equal. Ask tor What 1* more .tUMU.r to tl ?M mm which re?y> a hwfly chunk of cool CiyMal let1 "Fine as ?'lk." Try It with Crystal lew. 'Phone 83. CRYSTAL ICE CO., WASHINGTON, N. Announcement FOK TREASURER. I hereby .nounce mysolf as a can didate for the office of Treasurer of Beaufort county, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primaries and convention to be hold for the nomi nation of county officers. If domi nated I will not ask for more than two term*. E. R.MIXON FOR COUNTV COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic voters of Beaufort county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner in Bath township subject to the ac tion of the forthcoming county con tention. If honored with the nomina tion and election I shall strive to serve the people of the county to the best of my ability. I ask the support and encouragement of all Democrats and all others who desire to vote for me. Respectfully, GEORGE M- JORDAN. FOR TREASURER. This is to announce my candldacy for renomlnation for the office of Treasurer of Beaufort county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primaries. , I have endeavored at all tlmesltoi show my" appreciation of the trAic reposed In me by the Democracy of Beaufort by serving all the people' impartially and to the best of my ability. If again honored. I prom ise a service made more efficient by years of experience In the office. I further state that so long as 1 am the choice of the Democrats of! Beaufort county for any office, I will I permit them to name the length of the term. Thanking the Democratic voters for their past favors, and asking thom to turn out at our primaries and give me their support, I am Yours truly, JOS. F. TAYLOE. FOR SHERIFF. Two years agoJ entered the contest! for the nomination of Sheriff of Beau fort county. I found, at that time, that there were many in the county who felt that the present incumbent, Mr. Kicks, should have another term, making him in all about five yeara In that office. I was advised by my friends, also many who were support ing Mr. Ricks, to withdraw from the contest at that time, they all assur ing me of their entire support two years hence, or at the present time, in view of which I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Beaufort county* subject to the Democratic primaries and convention to be held for the nomination of coun ty offices. My policy is two terms for all coun ty officers. Trusting that I may receive your support, I am, very respectfully, J AS. H. 'HARRIS. FOR SHERIFF. To the Democrats of Beaufort county: I take this method of thanking you* for your loyal support in the past and to ask a continuance of the same in the coming primaries in renominating me for the office of Sheriff of Beau fort county, if I have served you well and given satisfaction, I feel sure that I can give you even better service in the future; as the^records show an improvement each year, the Insolvent list for 1909 being less than 2 1-4 per cent. I have worked for the, best interest of the county at all times, and if renominated I will give you (he ^est service I can, and at all times try to Improve. Thanking you In advance I remahi very respectfully. Your servant, _ GEO. E. RICKS. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. To the Democrats of Beaufort County: As a life-long Democrat and ps 1/ worker who has ijever held offlc# J ?areby announce my candidacy **>r the nomination by the Democratic party for the office of Register M Deeds for Beaufort county. Democracy means an equal cha e for all and no monopoly for any,elt* -r la office or otherwise. Believing tn?t upon observance of this doctrine de pends the succeee of our party, I shall ask ^lor no more than two terms If nominated. Respectfully, JNO. W. MAYO. Aurora, N. C. FOR RHGISTBR OF DEEDS. 1 hereby announce myself-a candi date for renomlnation for the office of Register of Deeds of Beaufort county, and aak my friends throughout the county to attend the' primaries, which will be held August B and ?, and give me their support. Thanking my friends kindly for the hearty support they have given me in the past and asking a continuance of i same In the oomlng primaries, I remain, aa ever, GILBERT RUM LEY. will see Withdraw. T? th? Draocrttlc voters of Bon for'. ????????? - whlcV baa 1, ? **** * purpose of Injuring my I *m iu the race to stay and . If possible. by fair and honest [method*. L-%^7 '' J 1 : Respectfully, 1 \yt : , J AS. H. HARR$L FUR TUB LEG18LATI RK. ) the Democratic Voters fort County: 1 hereby announce soy can | before the primaries for the Uon as one of the Beaufort county Assembly. 1 ask the hm [good Democrats. Respect1 W. A Aurora. N. C. f~ i 1 ,t<" ' ? rKH?A beautl fui- Path# baud-colored drama. ' XW" f&cgtaim i> iK I lie (ialrty. Y011 k.-io^r tbo nes*? Which mer.ns the best. pledge myself to good road system, progressive and economical county government. Yours truly, 8 F. FREEMAN. WHOTLL WIN MY HKAKT??An otber slde-splltter FOB COMMIHMIONKK. By request of many friends I here by announce myself as a candidate for the office of Cdunty Commlslouer. subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries and County Conven tion. If nomluated I pledge myself to work for good roads and econom ical administration of county affairs I aek the hearty support of all Demo crats. Yours very truly, W. 8. D. EBOKN" FOR SALE Honey Comb 10c. lb. 'Phone 80. Walter Credle & Co FOll HEADACIllv? llick'a Cuputlliie. Whether foorn Colas, Heut, Stom ach or Nervous troubles, Capudlne will relieve you. It'* llqut-j?pleas ant to take?acts Immediately. Trjr It 10, 25 and 50c. at drug more* MILD LlljlllO CURES ECZEMA Skin Sufferers! Drop ilrvtuty Halves ami .Nasty Mtsllcinc?. That mild, soothing liquid. D. D. D. Proscription, stops the awful f sale and every Saturday until S?y> ember 3. GREATLY REDUCED RATES From Norfolk. ' Beach. To Virginia Ulelgh $2.50 I2.7G iVIlBon 2.25 2.50 rarmvllle 2.25 2.50 Sreenvllle 2.25 2.50 Vashington .... 2.00 2.25 Fares In same proportion from all tatlons between Raleigh, Belhaven ind Norfolk. The night express of the Norfolk Jouthern offers th best and most con venient service between Raleigh, Eastern North Carolina and Nor olk. Va. Spend, next Sunday at Virginia 3each, the most attractive seashore esort in Virginia. Oet complete information from learest ticket agent, or D. V. Conn, 3. P. A-. Raleigh. N. C H. C. HUDOINS. O. P. A. W. W. CROXTON. A. P. A., Norfolk. Va. RIGGS HOUSE WASHIIIfiTON, D. 0. Tb? hotel "pir excellence" of the NatioMl Capital. Firat-dass iu all Opposite the U. S. Treas Wock from the WWte .x.-. ' ? Ab illustrated Gwde Ik7m||IMI#MI nri11 |. m ? winixion will dc free of charge, dipt of two 2d 0. G. STAPLES, 4 Gwde to j ill be mailed, 1 APLES, I iial