i\ltl:ls TH8 IliH ' D?ri and r of .Raleigh, N O. I. In the Call building opposite Post offlcn. He given a full reading of onw put. present and future lite. Telia you bow to get right 1/ you are wrong. No money In ail ranee. Reference on application. 6-2 5 F/*T OYHTKIt.x, Ml'I.LETS kutd 1r. V lKfactSon guaranteed nr no j Ask for Prof. R. L. Kurahcarv ' ! Pa loco ^arber 8hop. opposite j **** , m ONLY -CANDY MAKKlt. ?? Christian George-the Candy Ken, la here at No. ltd.. Market street. Candle* made freak' dally. He is the greatest Candy, Maker In the Boutb. Call and eee fc!?. 8-*0. Cheetah* Trained Far the Hunt. Trained cheetah* are used la Persia and India In jnuch the fame wanner that hound* aire used to European and North American countries. The game they arr used to hutkt la principally d#er and antelope. The ehvetah la an animal with black and brown spots re sembling 11 leopard, but longer in body and limb. The Indian prlncea keep pack* of them for the hunt The heads of the hunting cheetahs Are usually covered with a hood until within 200 yards of the game. The hoods are then removed, and the animals creep stealthily toward the benl and. baring ?PPtESched as uenr as possible, pounce upon their prey, klllluc *lth one blow of (he pa u\?Popular Mechanics. The Lamps ef the See. Many kinds of Jellyfish are phos phorescent at night and present a wonderfully beautiful appearance when alowly moving through the wa ter. and It la thta phosphorescence wiikrh baa given them the poetic title of -the lamps of the sea.** They arG not Isss beautiful In the dsytlir^. for most of the species sre striped df tint ed. some.being melon shaped, with rows of fringes dividing the section*. The tentacles are often plumed, and. while waving about la graceful curve*, attract or gather In the food uf the animal. The **Portosguase man-of war* la probably the best known, as well aa moat attractive in form, of the wfeole fa mi.W Sunday Popcrc. The Qrst Hueday paper In this coun try waa lb* Sunday Conrter. begun at New York In 1&& Appropriate. Lady Shopper?1 am looking for spltable present for a gentleman. Clerk ?What la your friend'* occupation? Lady Shopper?He ia an undertaker. Clerk?An undertaker! Let mo show you a nice berry aet.? Boetou Tran The Colt's Fut. Watch the colt'e feet. The hoof la liable to break off unevenly and make oad crack*. ' Not to Blame. She-Saturday la our silver wedding. - Don't yep think we ought to kill the * pig and have a feaat? Ho?Kill the pig? I don't aee why the poor animal la to blame for what happened twenty-Ore year* ago.?Lon don Tit-Bite. A CIos* Shave. The Barber?Shell I go orer your fhee twice? The Patrotv-lVe, If there la any left?Brooklyn Life. Ho Chenee to Tell Hobb?How fast can your, ear go? NoUt-Tbe cope never let mo tad out* -Brooklyn Eagle. ? -And.'* eaid the narrator of (mating atoriea. "the explorer ran with all hla might and the Uon wlib all hla poane. "Too are an adroqat* of woman suffrage. What are your reasoned -My wife."?Widow. Dry Air end Electricity. So perfect an Insulator Is dry air that It takes 10.000 Tolts of electricity to leap a gap of an inch. Coooanut Pickcr*. Cocoanut pickers in Trluldad get 90 cents per LQ00, or more If ths trow are re?y talL ,. A CoWe Milk. \ . Four hundred gallons of milk a year is about the average yield of Wealthy eow. Wheat Crept. i4 la calculated that about one-third of the world'a wheat crop la harreet ad 1^ July. ;t ; , Vjfej Potato Production. Germany. Bussla and Austria ex ceed the United States In the produc tue of the power of ssle hi a deed of trust to rae ex by L. P. Brooke and others. November 22ud, 1907. snd re ded In the reglstera office of Beau fort county In book 136. page 466. [which is hereby referred to. default baring been made In payment of the Indebtedness mer4by secured. I will sell at Courthouse door In Beaufort county on Wednesday. September 7 th. i?l#, at noon, for caah to the highest bidder, all that lot or parcel of land In the City of Waahington, N. C.. at the corner of Fourth and Gladden streets and in' that part of said city known as Gladden T6wn. being part of LOt. No. f.0 and being the same! conveyed to A. D. MacLean by Charle* Blackball and wife by deed'dated No vember 14&. 1905, recorded in said register's office In book If5. page U0. which Is also referred to, and convey ?d by said A. D. MacLean to L. F. ^ Ha having been executed to so-'1 he purchase money. August 6th, 1910. / t ST i; g. rumley; ; ?< ' ' 'Trustee. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. [To all whom it may concern: Tak? notice, that John C. and W,. C. Rodman hare this day dissolved the partnership heretofore existing between them In the name of the Washington Drug Company, and have sold the same with good will and assets to K&sfs. A.'C. Moyt. W. L. Vaughan and W. F. Rhyne. who assume control of the same from 3 o'clock p. m.. August 9tli, 1910, J. C. and W, C. Dodman arc responsi ble for tho debtu of the Arm contract, ed prior to that time, and tho pur chasers are responsible tor r.ll obli gations contracted thereafter. J. C. and W. C. Rodman have no furthern connection with the business, and are not responsible for any obliga tions except as above. This, the 9th day of August. 1910. J. C. and W. C. RODMAN. Trading as the Washington Drug Co. Having qualified as executor of the estate of Mary T. McDonald, de ceased. late of Beaufort county. North Carolina, notice is hereby given that all claims against said estate must be exhibited and presented to the under signed within twelve (12) months from this 26th day of July. 1910. or thin notice will be pleaded In bar of thole recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate are required to make Immediate payment SETH BRinOUANX. ' -- Executor of Mary T. McDonald, Deceased. This 26th day-of July, 1910. NOTICE OP flALK. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust to me from A. W? Btyron and wife. Marianna Btyron. dated Slat day of January. 1907. and recorded In the reglater'a offlce of Beaufort county fn book 144 at page 233.1 will on the 12th day of September. 1910. at 12 o'clock m., sell for caah. be fore the Courthouse door in Washing ton. N\ C., to thevhigheat bidder, the lowing described real eatate. towlt: ? (1.) Situate, lying and being In Beaufort county. North Carolina, and In Pantego township, and being that certain tract of land ;well known ai the Jackie Clark homeatead or Law rer' 3 Clark land, adjoining the landa of john Clark on the west, the Leacb vllle public road on the aouth, the landa of 8tyron and Lovlck on the east and Pungo river on the north, containing one hundred (100) acres! more or leaa. (2.) The landa allotted to Mar garet Lovtck and Marianna Sty ron in the partition entitled "John D. Clark, H. J. Lovick and wife, Margaret, and A. W. Btyron and wife, Marianna, Ta. Lawrence Clark. Catharine Clark and W. H. Wilkln aon, guardian ad litem of Catharine Clark," aald land being lota Noa. 4 and 5 In aaid partltl conalatlBg of1 tracts or parcels Noa. 1, 2 and 3 of1 such allotment, to which and to the, final decree therein, recorded In the regiater'a offlce of Beaufort county in book 81, page 895, reference la hereby made; aavlng and excepting out of the aama the a tore and lot in the town of Leachyllle conveyed to W. J. Harris; alao the.wharf hereto fore leaaed to the 8tyron Trannporta tloti company; alao the 19 1-2 acres out of the aaid land conveyed to Mra. Margaret Foreman; and the grave yard. and one-half acre given to M. E. Church, being the aame lands de acrlbed in the aforeaald deed of trust. This 11th day of August, 1910. JT.J). MACLEAN, f * * - Trustee. lift. HAKUV " IiiCOO ST. WE . The use of', mineral waters and inlutrui in lmu of coatlveneaa, la deo .\aly harmful. The natural reataly la HolllsteVs Rocky Moftn Tea. Purely vegetable, a mild ra. which doea noi gripe nor the bowel muscles. Hardy's Wreck. Barton. 'iolf, l. mUL to be one of Uwi hottest place* on earth. For six consecutive week* there the thermometer has been uowa to stay above 100 In tbe shade. It varlea tbe monotony, however, by occasional climbs to 125 degree* or so. fetter* Is no rainfall, and no well* ?xhrt, for at* tempts to reach water even at a depth of 500 feet have failed. However, in the bed of tbe ocean, a mile from abore. copious springs of freeb water gush out This water la" caught aod brought to land In goatskin bag* by native divers, who tell their merchan dUe at good prices. These submarine springs are'said to be supplied from a mountain 000 miles away. Lor\den*a Big Bell. "Big Ben." tbe bell lu Westminster clock tower, London. Is known tbe world over, bat It Is incorrectly named. Sir Benjamin Hall, the first commis sioner of works, doting whose tenure of office the clock wss erected, bad far leas to do with It tlian Lord Grlm? thorpe. who designed It aod was tbe moving spirit In its erection. In Jus tice to him It ahould 1m known as "Old Grim." Dells. The Ivory doll of tbe Boman child was too costly for the ages that fol lowed the fall of the empire. For many centuries dolls must have been chiefly of home manufacture. Tho first ahop made dolls nfter the middle ages were tbe Jointed wooden dolls of the Netherlands. The** were known In England and in this conotry. too, id colonial times mm "Flanders babies.'* Golf Defined. On the terrace of a country club, overlooking a green dotted with sheep, a group of nongolfer* were taking tea. ? male nongolfer. who took his tee through a straw, said thoughtfully: ' "Golf might bo defined as billiards gone to grass." i "Spleen on the green, I'd call it," saki a female nongolfer. "Or the last flicker In tbe dying fire of athletics," sneered a young football player. "The misuse of land and language," suggested a tennis champion. "No, no; you're all wrong." aald "a famous sngler. "Golf Is simply n game wherein tbe ball lies badly and the player well."?Washington Poet. Art at Home. Believe me. If we want art to begin at home, as it must, we must clear onr houses of troublesome superfluities that are forever in our wny. conven tional comforts that ore not real com forts and do but make work for serv ants and doctors. If you want a gold en rule that will fit everybody this Is It: "Have nothing in your bouses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be besutlfUL"?William Morris. Changed Hsr Opinion. "What Is the msusolenm. dear?" asked the wife. "It Is one of the most beautiful tombs In the world." explained the huaband. "It was erected by King Mausolus in honor of his wife." "How perfectly lovely of him!" "Yes. He had it built while she was alive." rTbe wretch!"?Chicago Tost Dr. Johnson's Fruit'Appetite. No man ever welcomed the return of tbe fruit seanun uiore heavily than did Dr. Johnson. Of straw oerrles and cream be declared that he could never hove enough, though In his Inter years be devoured enormous quantities of them. A voracious eater at nay time. Johnson's appetite for fruit was limit less. Mrs. Tlirate saya that be used to eat seven or eight peaches before he began his breakfast. Ltlfcr Forter, at Litchfield, nsed alwayF to keep the best gooseberries on the hushes In her garden until Johnaon came down to pick them. Imagination. It la imagination ratber than rea son that distinguishes man from brute, and no person wbo la devoid of Imagi nation can know extremes of happi ness or misery. Happiness in a great measure depends on tbe faculty for r~ Cash In Hia Own Field. Papa?See that splde?%ny boy, spin ning hia web. la it not wonderful? Do you reflect that, try aa he may. no man could spin that web? Johnny?What of it? Bee me spin this top! Do you reflect, try u be may. so spider could spin this top? | His Hours. Grace-Dr. Squills la practicing now. I isn't he? JBthel (blushing)?lea. , ! Grace?What are Ma boors? Ethel?From 8 to 10 usually, b hls'n."?Llpplncott's. Ika f IfflpniH.n ? ij whit U this Rockefeller of r -Hocta. ot mBmbI -II ? Lilian Bonnor returns r? tettUy from *n extssJod nut t" Swtork, Philadelphia. WUtlUtnn, Baltimore ?nd Atlantic City Bin hts been ab*oat two mosttu ? ? Mix Ada Rhode. !? hscli Horn * visit to Aurora ud 0th?r point*. Mluaa Saner Mlion. of Core point, AOico .lone*, of Vandemere. Launs Rowe and Lena Mlion. of UnSil. arc In th* city riiitinc Mr* L n Hi; ?? ?a Ea?t Main itreet fo. a waak. ? ? Mr. L. W. Batsman, of Plymouth, a popular Knight of tile Qrl:\ la a Waahlngton visitor. ? ? M. an! Mift. Jack Bold and aon, of Plymouth, wore In the city yoator day. Ulwss Maud aud Allc* Bp?ar bare returned homo from Hyde county They wars accompanied by MU? Cartwrlght. of Bwmn Quarter. who Is their gueet on Bonner ?treot. ? ? Prof. R. T. Bonner, of Aurora 1b In th* city. hi i' ? ? i Mr. John Elliott, of Surry, Is In the city today. ' \ , ? ? Mr. W. 8. D. Eborn; of Bunyon, is In the city today. ? Mr*. Mattle Marsh and daughter iRosa, of Bath, are-in the city, the Ijguest of Mr*. E. Lh Roper. I * * Mrs. J. D O'Kaal and Miss Eula re visiting relatives anil friends in Hyde county. Mr; R. B. Cowell left on the N. & 8. this morning for Vanc?boro | business. Mr. M. Jordan, of Plne'town. was lit th? city this morning. >Ir. alen Waters teturned this morning from a businesK trip to Bel haven. * ? Miss Ruth Credle, of Pantego. in In the city visiting relatives and friends. * ? Mrs. A. M. J-atliam an.l rhlldren have returned from an extended vis it to Edwards. ? ? Mrs. Edgar Jackson and rhlldren. of New Bern passed through the city this morning en route tQ Nor folk and Ocean View. ? ? Mrs. L. T. Tetterton who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Lona Peele, who was operated on Tuesday for appendicitis returned to her home In Plymouth this morning. ? ? Mr. Horton Cutler, of Jessama, is In the city today. . ? * Messrs. Rob Hlckson and L- W. Mizzell, of Vanceboro, are in the city today. . ? ? Mr. Paul W. Rear, a prominent member of the Norfolk bar, arrived in the olty laBt night to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kear on Blast Main street. Th* Music Was Fatal. A New York politician once found necessary to attend an entertalnuu-nt at an o/phons' home, and he was bnv Ing a bad time of It. The selection by the boys' buud wus pnrtlculariy dls tresslng. Turning to n friend, the poli tician *ald with a shudder. -No won der they art' orpliniiH."?Success Mujrti zlne. A Monty Savar. "But you urti inking consirterablf risk III letting .vour vuuug men two or tbive *H?' board.", "Yes. there la some risk." auswcred the boardlug Imuae keej?er. "But then ytvu ?ee. tbey wwrry over It so thut they Ios# tbelr apatites. so I save money In tbe long run,**. Diplomatic. "I heller* our boy I# a born diplo mat." "Ua? be shown extraordinary ability us a prevaricator 7" "Well. no. not that exactly, but be can cheat other boys In trnde* aixJ make them think they,are getting all the bast of It." Napslssn and Woman. N a poison L. who was a great ad mirer of female talent arben its ownet dkl not, like fclme. de Stael. direct li against hi mas If. used to say. -Tberv ars woman who have only on* fault ?la, that thay are nof men." ' Man and Woman. When a man get* Into trouble tlx first thing be thin ft of Is. "Qow shall 1 gat out of this flxr When a woman gets into trouble bar first thought la. "How shall I beat bear this misery T ?Wlnlfrsd Black. Cheeky. "Does Winks take any tnagaalnesr "All ha can gat. I don't dare tolfar? one lying around."?Birmingham Ago Herald. Braaa la an aDoy of tin and copper, and analysis-of tbe earliest ex toting specimens demonstrates (hat it was formerly manufactured in tbe propor tions of one part ?f tfej to nine of cop ? notice In Genesis fixes the dis covery and oao of both- these metals ??rdta? to tbe Bible, .t between ??4 aad l.tBS J?rt before I bo Cbrtl CHYS1AL ICt TELEPHONE 83 CRYSTAL ICE CO., Washington, N. C. "IT'S AROMA IS UELKIOl'H. IT* FLAIOK IS RICH. IT'S BOUV IH FINE." JACKSON SQUARE COFFEE lu making gooo coffee. On? c&sential you find. To secure good results You must have a good kind. Your grocer has It. Ask him to supply you. IMPORTERS COlfFEE CO., Ltd . New Orleans. La. KLIJ80N BROS. (*>., Wholosale Distributors. OKKATI.Y KKI?UCKI? It ATMS TO ^ NORFOLK AND VIRGINIA L'EACH Mammoth La bur Day Celebration at Virginia Beach, Monday, Septem ber 5th. Tickets hoI<1 for all regular trains. September 3 and 4, good to return on any regular train leaving Norfolk not later than Tuesday, September 6. Itoun?| Trip Rate*. From To Norfolk Vlr. BerACHK? Mick's Capudlne Whether from Colds. Heat. Stom- | ach or Nervous Troubles. Capudlne | will relieve you. It's liquid?pleas ant to take?-act* immediately. Try | 10. 25 and 50c. at drug stores f CHOICE Cut Flowers. Write, phone or wire J. L O'QUINN & CO. Raleigh, N. C. Your wants, as they are head quarters for everything in the Florest Line. phone i?9 STAGCKRS SKEPTICS. That a clean, nice fragrant com pound like Bucklen's Arnica Salve will instantly relieve a bad burn, cat, scald, wound or piles, staggers skep tics. But great cure proves It's a won* derful healer of the worst sores, \ 1 cers, bolls, felons, eczema, chapped hands sprains and corns. Try it. 2Gc.' stall druggists. UFF ON PANAMA CANAL has had one frightful drawback? malaria trouble?that has brought suffering and death to thousands. The germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility. But Electric Bitters never fall to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "Three bottles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Wm. A. Fretwell, of Lucazna, N. C . and I've had good health ever since." Cure stomach, liver and kid ney troubles and prevent typhoid. SOc. Guaranteed by all druggists. Work 24 Hows a Dey. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Ufa Pills. Every pill la a sugar-coated blobule of health, that cbangas weakness late strength, languor into energy, bra^ft, rag Into mental power; caring Constl eadacbe, Chills, Dyspepsia, 25c. at all drngglsts. V pation, H Malaria. i: ISSUR?; fc& i ifrwy OUR WIRE FENCING IS BULL-STRONG. HORSE-HIGH AND PIG-rSGHT. COME IN AND PRICE OUR FENCING WIRE. AND WE'LL DO BUSINESS WITH YOU. YOU'LL FIND OUR WIRE AND I OUR PRICES RIGHT. WHATEVER BE YOUR NEEDS IN HARDWARE. YOVLL I FIND Ol R STORE THE PLACE TO SUPPLY THOSE NEEDS J. H HARRIS PLUMBING and SUPPLY COMPANY. JUST ARRIVED New Fall and Winter Seed Rutabaga, Turnip, Kale, Coilard, and Rape. 'Phone 80. Walter Creclle & Co Odorless, Smokeless, Ex plosionless ELECTRICITY -18 Safe as Sunshine USE Mazda Lamps, And you will have both Quantity and Qualify Ask us about our Special Wiring Offer WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT Some purgatives contain ?ucii strong drugs that, while tney cau?t the bowels to move, Injure the dell cate linings of, stomach urn! imes* tines. Uolllster's Rocky Mow lain Top Is not In that class. It it> slight ly laxative and at the *.-.:ae time healing and soothing. Hardy's brut Store. A Woman'* Great Idea is how to aiaklee blotches, skin eruptions n?;?i r wretched complexion, but ???? trl< Bitters always prove a godsend *c women who want health, beauty j:w friends. They regulate Stomach Liver nnd Kidneys, purify the blood: give strong nerves, bright eyes, pur* breath, smooth, velvetry skin. lovel> complexion, good health. Try them 50c. at Dr. Hardy's brug Store. WHY SALVES KAIL TO (TURK ECZEMA Scientists are now agreed that the eczema germs are lodged not In the outer akin or epidermis, but in the inner akin. Hense, a penertatlng liq uid la required, not an outward satve that cloga the pores. We recommend to all eczema pa tienta tiic standard prescription Oil of Wint^rgreen as compounded in liquid form known as D. D. D. Pres cription. A trial bottle of thia D. D. D. Prescription, at only 25 centa, will Instantly relieve the Itch. We have sold and recommended thfc* remedy for years, and know of wodnerful curea from it* use. We recommend it to our patrons. HARDY DRL'O CO YOU %CAN CURE THAT BACKACHE j Pain along the back, dizziness, head-1 ache and general languor Get a package of Mother Gray's AUSTRA LIAN LEAF, the pleasant root and ; herb cure for all Kidney. Bladder and urinary troubles. When you feel all run aoirn, tired, weak and with out energy uso this remarkable com bination of nature's herbs and roots, j As a regulator It has no equal. Moth, er Gray's AUSTRALIAN LEAF is1 sold by druggists or sent by mall1 for 50 eta. Samples sent FREE. Ad. dress, The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, *. T.' 8ucceae In a?y line la dependent upon perfect health, strength and v? 1 tallty, more than upon anything els* Aa Holllater'a Rocky Mountain Te> baa helped so many phyalcAlly. an< mentally, It ha* an rely dove lea sbar la patting man and women on the road to auccaaa and fi rtune Hardy's Drugstore. Gaiety Theatre A. P. RAMIES, Manager C.'AIETV THKATlfc TONIC JUT. (OMR! ^ iX>MET ;l?i;itf THK ItlJST THKKK IS. Th* Gambler* Doom?Gaumont Draina . < . | Love's C. O. L).?Star. A War Drama. iAn Advertisement Amhw red?Ek fia::a/. Comedy. Kliud Boys 'Jr. ticstia?Nilff S<*d. WEEK END EXCURSION FARES TO NORFOLK ANI) \ hu;i\Za ULKH VIA NORFOLK KOITHERN K. R Tickets sold (or Saturday uight trains, good returning, leave Norfolk Sunday night. Saturday night, .July 9. first data of sale and every Saturday until Sep tember 3. GREATLY REDUCED RATES From Norfolk. Beach. To Virginia Raleigh $2.50 $2.75 j Wilson 2.25 2.60 |Farmville 2 25 2.50 (Greenville 2.25 2.50 (Washington .... 2.00 2 25 j Fares in *ame proportion from nil elation* between Ralesgh, bolhavcr and .Norfolk. The night express o( the Norfolk Sont hern oner* ill l-est and most con venient service betweeu Raleigh, Eastern North Carolina and Nor folk, Va. Si>end next Sunday at Virginia Beach, the most attractive seashore resort in Virginia. Get complete information from nearest ticket agent, or D. V. Conn. S. P A . Raleigh. N. C. 11. C. HTDGINS, O. P. A. W V/. CROXTON. A. P A-, Norfolk. Va. A l>tea