? ? rggpvp 7 - ??*.? - :': m&F AILY NEWS First Edition WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY AJTERNOON. SEPTEMBER 5, 1910. *,v* Of the Soaahern Kills Two. WERE 20 MILES APART i FRANK LUiLfKUSt 3 FARM KM, K1IXBD NKAR I.KVIM.ins ? KCW COW CAUSES THE 1>KATH UK MR-v FLORENCE HATLKV AT CONCORD, SATURDAY. kiu?d at a distance ot twenty miles apart U the record rnadu- by the Southern passenger train No. 37 this moraine, as It passed through Rowan an dCa barrus counties. ?* ? A-t UuwooJ near Spencer an uni dentified Irish peddler wa, struck and tn*tantly killed aa be stepped out of the way-^gt a freight and was struck by the fast vestibule. At Concord Mrs. Florence Hatley; While trying to lead her cow otf oa the southbound track and wg, killed as wag the cow. No blame wa a attached to the train otow on accopnt of the aocldent*. Lexington, Sept.,, 3.^Frank^ x Bil lings. a farmer of Ootton Grove township near Lexington, was struck ood Instantly killed by train No tT] here this morning. He was walking on one of the tracks when north bound train No. 44 approfshed and he stepped over on the southbound track and was killed by No. 37. He leaves several children and was SO years old. Concord, Sept 3.?Mrs. Bll Hat ley. a white woman about 3t years] off. who Uves at the Cannon mill, was struck snd instantly. killed by the Southern^ fast paaeenger train No. 37 'this morning about 10 o'clock. Mrs. Hatley was driving a cow down a una 11 path along. the edge of thm. railroad track directly oppo site the powdec Nation of the South ern Powder Company and on the approach of th? train the cow be came frieghtened and bogan to run along the track. Mrs. Hatley held on to the chtln wd-atls?ptifltia hold the cow but to no avail and a few seconds before the train reached them the cow made r daah acros the track. Mia. Hatley tried to follow but she only succeeded In getting on the outer edge of the track when the engine struck her hurling her over the em embankment. Death resulted Instantly. Both arms and a number of ether bones were broken and her body was bad ly brnlsed and mangled, presenting a most horrible spectacle. Mm. Hatley 18 survived by her husband and two small children. TOO LAZY TO GROW COTTON. The British Govern men t has fall- I ed in its attempt to make Bgypr * I rival of our South In cotton growing. I A fow years ego considerable uneasi. I ness wSf felt In this country lest the I British would be able to develop the I Industry along the Nile to the extent I that It would hurt our cotton grow- I lug. But after spending millions of I dollars irrigating areaa and In expe- I rlmental work the crop last year wan I smaller than the year before. Laxlnesa on the part of the natives I la the princlpsl cause. They will not I work but prefer to steal or beg for I a living. One enterprising planter took or- I ,. er a number our Sout'mrn ne- I groea in the hope thef hey would I make ideal laborers on. h'a cotton I .plantations but In a y?i- or iwn they I got as la ay as the nat!rcs and a)?>| refused to work. I In that country a strip of cotton I is all thst a man needs in the way I Of Nothing and as all he has to do I to secure ht? food is to ateal a few I bananas every day work seems to I him a useless effort. The British government Is very I much dlsooursged ovor the ^xperl-1 rnent so fsr and tt looks as though I tl.o tutotfr* Is no* likely to hold any I furt^^r terror* for our AmeVlcan I growers ofiless some enlerplslngl Yank** invents ,ome mechanical cot* I ton pJrker Snd 'adopt* plows and cal-1 tivator.. that w111 ruh under their I own power. ? BAND OF ROBBERS^ Hold Up and Murder Paymaster and Companion, SECURED SUM OF $5,000 THR ROBBERY OCCURRED IS SIGHT OK BRICK YARO TO WHICH MEN WERE GOING ? THERE WERE FIVE ROBBKRA IN THE PARTY. Hudson, N. V.. Sept. 3.?Masked men sprang out of the bushes along side a lonely lane this afternoou. held up Dent Fowler, paymaster of th$ Atlas Briok Company tnd his nogro driver, shot the driver dead, wounded Fowler and made off with a chest ot pay envelopes containing $5,000. George Ragsdftle was killed in stantly; his head was torn away by two 44-caliber revolver bullet*. Ha was 60 years eld and. a trusted em ploye. %' V Fowler waa wounded'ovor r the h#art end died without ever regain ing full < onseiouaness. He ^ 21 years old. a eon of Everett Fowler of Haverstraw, N. Y. Tbe robbers e* Saturday Is pay day at the yards the Atlas Brick Company and ac 'ebrdtng to custom, Fowler called at the Nswburg bank for his 3>ay mon ey, sorted it out into the proper amounts, ticketed the envelopes and started to drive back to the yards. It was raining and they rode with the buggy top up, the boot well rais ed In front and their heads far back In the hood. That made it eaBy for tbe robbers. , Just what happened when the hold up came will never be known until the murderers are caught and con fess. Fowler died beforo he could ut ter more than a few unintelligible words. _ ?* Although the shooting was done within three hundred yards of the Jitate Firemen's Home and within "sight of the yards themselves it was neither seen nor heprd. The polled" have to piece together. theUl^ry of crime from huftet lvalet/^nM f"<>t prints.- . Five shots were fired, two of them tore away the side of Ragsd-tie's head. The third struck the paymas 1 ter atft>ve the heart. The fourth and j ' fifth passed through the back of the raised buggy top. From the size of the holes it I would appetu* that the robbers used 1 regulation army 44-callbre revolv jers. From the footprints there seem to have been five in the band. Tho hold-np and the shooting must have followed_each other al most with the rapidity of the shots themselves. It can be seen thatj somebody grabbed hold of the horse's bridle. If a demand for the paymaster's box was made he never had time to refuse or comply. There is no evi dence that he tttempted to defend himself. Hi8 revolver is tsll rlpan Huddlod In the buggy top. muffled 'n the boot, he must hsve been shot down like n trapped animal. From this unreasonable haste the police deduce that the robbers were un reasonably terrified. If was variously reported here this afternoon that the murderers got 115.000 and $7,500 but advices from Xewburgh. where the money was drawn, place the amount st $u,000. PROGRESS! YKXKflfl ATTRACTS Tho county which does not mako v*re. : mid Is content to keep a '?urs t during, this progressive age *Mrocl? no horaeseekers but breeds dfftcontrU among the enterprising cltlienu \vho have the misfortune to be located in a' do nothing county It la getting so now that live men'. leave dead communItlea and ma*o a bee-tine for'cities and counties which are actively in the march of progress. Therefore, it behooves a city and county to be progressive and be up and doing or else lose its best *en, while utterly falling to attract newcomers. It is getting tt? be a new thing for the progressive portion of a dead county to manifest a determination to put loose from a county which Is maklpg no progress, or very little if any,?Wilmington Star. Fall Demands Crystal and" Jewel Trimmings. Let us show you our New Line. ISABELLA TQNIQHTI Will Be the Attraction at - ' Oper*| ~Hou"e Tonight. The opera. Isabella, will bo. on :he boards at Brown's opera house tonight Cor the benefit of the Ocean Ftre Company. Some of the clty'3 best musical talent lie In the cast, and this should assure Its success. The curtain will rise promptly at 8:45 The costiftne for Columbus which failed to show up Friday has arriv ed and. ho will be seen In it tonight. The ft re inert deserve a full house, firery home in Washington Is their mercy. All should attend and help them secure only the most im proved apparatus for fighting that dread monster?fire. Isabella promises to be an attrac-j tlon not yet surpassed In Washlng-j ton by home talent Tickets are now on safe atBro^wc'sl drug store. 8ecure yo?0F. seats early [ and arotd the rush, jp ? -$ *? ^ WITH THB SHARP SHOOTERS New York's little bosses are busy digging a ditch in which to bury a certaln Bigger Boss, Why ndt?, toake It large enoo^ f<^ all bosses, big and little? The peopfe1 will assist in filling it. 2?New York World. The gold brick has disappearsd in these dogs of high finance, and In Its place has appeared the gentle art of buncoing the Indians.?Milwaukee Sentlenl. A woman suing for divorce says her husband has sulked for 40 years. For patience she ranka in Job's class.?New York Herald. The Police Gazette used to adver tise itself by offering belts to prist* fighters. The Outlook hires a spe cial car for an ex-presldent. ? Prodvidence Tribune. The Kaiser says he Is "the Instru ment of the Lord." W*hether surgical I or musical is not very clearly estab- j llshed.?Baltimore News. There are gentlemen who, though now refusing to play In Uncle Jo Cannon's political back yard, can not deny they have had some pret ty good times there. ? Washington Star. The faithfulness of Vermont to the Republican party has certainly not been for the hope of reward. On the contrary, the decline of popula tion Is a striking commentary upon the failure of a high tariff to pro mote prosperity. Reciprocity with Canada would have been more to the point.?Providence Journal. "j'hope there wlll%e enough good! sense to prevent anyone opposing the I principles for which I stand." An; Ice cream cone, microbes and all. to the first persop who correctely guess es who said It.?^Rochester Her ald. Colonel Roosevelt's war paint In dicates that he has left the reserva tion permanently and that he means to hew with big tomahawk a path through tho pale faces to the White House.?Dallas News. XOTlcfc TO CITY DELIVERY PA TRONS J By direction of the Poetofllce De pa rtment: [ The attention of patrons of this office Id invited to .the advantage of providing facilities for the receipt of tbeir mail be erecting convenient ly accessible "boie/ or cutting suita ble blots in their doors. Such action would enable the postmaster to give a prompt and better delivery service with the means at his dlwpoaal.slnre the carrier* can cover mu<-h more territory In lesg time'if not compell ed to "s*alt for nn enswer to his rln?. Private receptacles for mail arc also a great convenience to the house holder. obviating Jhe necessity of responding to the carrier's call at in convenient moments as -thlt office Is Interested In furnishing the best pos sible service at the least expense. Your compliance with the forego ng suggcstlong will be much appre ciated. ACCEPT* POSITION ' Mr. Robert Rumley has accepted a position with the Walter CVedla Company corner of Main and Glad den street, where he will be pleased | to see his many friends CONVALESCENT. Mrs. J. J. Whitley who was oper ated on at the Washington Hospital last Tuesday for appendicitis I, con ntf?ecent. VjffBlosa something unfore seen happens aji* will be able to lesvc for her home within the next few days. THE BOYS OF DIXIE Norfolk Will Greet Thousands of Veterans. WARM WELCOME ASSURED (.nw-eui) WARaioRa vhom I tai.nk,, - ?"on BR upnux O^'cTmp.' CcluiJ^vT "" North c.r?lln: 16 V',er*a? I reunion her? on Wednesday, it is J tor* within its I bas ?t one tlm? J town. Eiposi^jgn. "4. .r^vri- " wan,.J ,h0 ow ??rvatir? one. " ? con Every member of the rr-mn* ? cmn do ?o. wiU 5* "anion present" when the fln? JT* th?*e p<1 ?. ine Waesslon is call ":??T'0n the **?'?* day. ?nd hrin * **** ??Jority will ,z\rnt ,he,r ??? h?"l lit work ?.r "? "'*'! " 1 satbprln* aad y, h com pll.tied ?, wuoh tha, * =,rrcr,:riS an occasion lon* to i*. r..m? J by nil ?rhA . "''numbered 1 "5 "" ?ho ?>"? ? Part |? ? Ar ?"**n#n" h"> ?-ea 1, lor uk oTmTlnd m"m"er* "< ">* "rand C?mp ana ever,thin, will bc don<. In thr?n? d?ne fake ?* 'tav '? thl? city a pleasant one. The>- win report th(, ?ureau of Information, which will be e.tnM|?h ? t|llc Ho,?l ?ntl there will be assigned to their qnaiiWs To he e? """ in ? hug6 ten, o he erected on the vacant lot at *Zr?z:L?tm ou cou ?" fortT/hT ",?k""5 "'"r "* ' ?? trlns LlPlea,,,-,. trips have boon planned for them ?nd I. ? believed tha, ?,r w? ,en Th?;*!? ,m"""* ,heir t,a?km They ?m fen,, Vlew m tooh.omo ".pot and wlli have a InTTb "" h,rbnr' >"?"""?< ? ' at the navy y,rd (? ? . mouth. They will hear the Confed erate choir .In, (h(, 8omh arn soncv ?nd (hey will ?|,? hoar H(| r,Th~. bv the most dl.t.n * lahed Confederates of North C?-. ollna. wllThh.bl,K fMtUV" 'he "'-'?ration will be the parade which has beer Planned tor the eecond day. Th(> Vjr. flllla Club ha.- tendered the ?,'Ctia.t Arililer\ ?nd a battalion of r??r?, V| . Heglmoat with a band. North Car. Una voternc, with band, and ,11 vt,. reran, organisation, T, Virginia t, well as a detail of s,,,.. I.h-Amerlcan War Veteran.. SKRMONS KN40VKD Th^ sermons of Rev Mr. Cror.?r?! at the First Presbyterian rhur*h Sunday morning and at the Payne Memorial bn Sunday Right hare been highly spoken of by those present. I Mr. Crotrell is a coming d!vla? In I hit church and hai a bright -and j promising future L- - ICT CREAM gtTPKR The Phllathea class /of th* ChrUt lsn church will f'>0 am lc? cream mipper on the gram la front of t*e cbtirch tomorrow erenin* for the benefit of tbe church T|iia is. for'" a rnoit worthy cause and should be *?; : rous:y patronlaed. AS SPONSOR Myers Leave* For Beuuiou at Norfolk, Va. MIm Marc J a Rodmau Myers left this morning (or Norfolk to serve us sponsor (or the North Carolina L?l vision U. C. V at heir annual reun I on held this year, by Invitation, 11: Norfolk. At Miss Myers' request. General Csrr has appointed the attractive Miss Lulls D Barham of Newsom: Vs.. maid of honor. Mls3 Barbsm has been here as the guost of Miss Myef* and made chsrmlag Impression on all who met her. ? , In acceding to Miss-Myers* request General Carr he considered the appointment of a Virginian as maid of honor, under ths circumstances, perfectly legitimate and thoroughly proper. THF NATION'S RTRKNGTH We speak of the oil, i-allrojd. cop per and steel magnates, but the real plutocrat is the American farmer. He. It la that holds the balance of power and the (arms are the strong est rorts of the Nation. From the Journal of Agriculture, we learn that in ths last eleven years he has almost doubled the vafoe of bis products, the development with in this time representing a grand total of *4,343.000.000. or an nunl average increase of $395,454. 000. The M'ealth of rtie corn crop alone equals $1,720,000,000. which t ? hiM^d will quickly di '??rlorafrt. Evory brulssu?*e or pie mndt- from vet; in.maturt windfall apple*. There is no doub; that at raw mulching destroys weeds and retains the moisture in the ground whatever other objection* may he made to It. bright hoy Mr. Henry Moore has accepted a l-osltion with th" Pamlico Oro?ery Company a- salesman. He if x i:tig!.t vourgc man. (if/AT VAGRANT. William, the much thought-of go:.t belonging to Mr. Thad Sparrow, .was arrested on Market street yesterday and locked up for being on streets with apparently nothing, to do. Mr. Sparrov. appeared before the prop er authorities this morning and had h'n goatskin released on paying th9 cost of J(l. Willi?m is now' again monarch of all he surveys. * :?? , mrs. mom iUi Mr* Augustus Blount la very ill t* the home of her daughter. Mrs. W. B Branch, otr Market street. 8he one of the county's moat esteem " ns and among -its oldsjt. It MEOICHLJ0LLECE Sensational Publications Retard ing College PRESIDENT INTERVIEWED THE NORTH VAKOI.INA MKMIC.i rol.I.K.t.t: THK TOl'MHTIO.1 POIt A SENSATIONAL 8TOIIV. THK MKK1CAL EXAMINERS NOT TO RECOGNIZE Charlotte. N. C., Sept. 3.?The Cbronlclo today Issued an extra cary rylng a sensational atory Involving the standing of the North Carolina Medical College located here, and which promise* to provoke an in teresting tight among the medical profession of the state. Last sum mer the college was severely arraign ed In a nartlcle la the New York American, following which exploita tion the Forsythe county medical (so ciety took up the matter and pas*ed resolutions which t have ' been for warded to members of the medical profession in the State. The Foysyth? county society quot es an Investigation of the college re-' cently made by the reference com mittee on medical education of the I Amrlcan Medical Association and the Carnegie Foundation in which the college lg assailed aa having prac tically no laboratory and being poor ly fitted, mnuncd. etc.. and unwor thy to bestow the degTee of M. D. The Forsythe resolution aske? that the state board of medical examin ers recognise no further the degree of the college and that the legisla ture be petitioned to nullify that sec tion of the college charter which permits the granting of diplomas. Thrf American Medical Journal of recent date also contains severe stric tures upon th? college by a Mr. Flcx ner who went to Charlotte to make an Investigation. Dr. J. F. Munroe. president of the college wtftfrajtlieen.'about the report, said the cbffrg^ were the outcome of a political fight In the State Med ical Society, which Involves some of the college stockholders/ but with which the college has nothing to do: wrote his r*port of the college lab oratory standing in the door upon his visit to Charlotte; that h<* did not look, nelt^op i*as he asked h to the ia^Joratory. -4 Temperance is the nurse of .*!? ?Wyceerlyy. MURDERS HIS WIFE . Wake County Man Kills Wife and Then Escapes AUTHORITIES ON LOOKOUT 8tat? Tjk-. *" 8HUTUUX THi: WOM AN'S eve; iiix?wiNti the Tor of heh head off?so rea SO$ ASHIOXKD FOR TRAGEDY. Apex. Sept 3.?Willi a foul oath. Aluiya Raines shot aud killed his wife, Stella Rains at Friendship u lumber siding 2 1-2 miles below Apex, this morning at 10 o'clock. Ho used u breech-loading shotgun which be borrowed from a neighbor for the purpose, tiring a load squarely in her eye, tearing off the top of her head Death was Instantaneous. Loading the gun again he dared auybody to follow him. He came to Apex and caught a southbound passenger train. The authorities at \\Mnston-Salem Greensboro and Durham have been notified to look out for him. No cause Is assigned for this rash act. The woman killed had a bad reputa tion. fgjgE y QUIETLY OBSERVED. 'Labor Day In Washington carried with It nothing out of tfco ordinary. With the exception of the tenks and poet office being closed there was nothing to show that It was a holi flty. The workmen are enjoying the holiday going Aching, tramping In the woods and .driving and motoring to different t>orts of the country IS VERY ILL The many friend^ of Mr. and Mrs .lame* Wiggins, In Washington, will regret to hear of the critical illne*? of their son. Wright, at the hospit al In Tarboro. Last week the little fellow was op crated on for appendicitis and since thut time his life has been despulreil of. While his condition Is about the name today there 1* gra? hope for his recovery. ^Try io b$ something in the world and you will be sotnetl.lng. Alui-iv.; excellence and eXcellei.ce will be yi taincd.?Bolleau. POSTMASTER PAUL'S APPOINTMENT STILL IN FUTIMO RUMOR SAKS T? !>?-? jw?st:aa-*ier a; Wathlnxlun S? {!;?? iu::1)illon nf mctiy local Ke ]>ntil!r:i:iw and iJ i-ortalu rumor.-' art nirrn t tber? will l?e ;i change in cut.* office when the iiuxt appointment made to succeed ilie lm-seiu incum bent. Mr. Paul is n candidate to auc cm-iI himself H..j;ihIi !??? had the j./h i-im-Wcd. hut It :t|ii*?;ar*< that re cent development* hart- mid** liif j ? mh th ill ? or:-in and lie ??' 11hrr.e to i-nr.ioiid with f j which lit- had i:i' notice. j .'i! the rweiit Kepublb-nn 8?nt?* I Convention th?T?- ?? n* .< ji*mi for il? state i hrjiimT)ii*lui' ir.d i*o:jjre--*m:i'i j Mnr^head wdp. ? re:- hi* oppmirnt: ] thi?~ was miexpecU'd It pr?em? there vms i, /inal betwe?r. one rt the deb-jfnt*"* .'rem wherp'jy the Tlutler and Moreh?ad i>ki.k<;atfs k\i'i:?nt!r Deeper Water way AssoHat'.or v Providnce. R I ?:rt- exports "e'.'ii'n J'Mm 'mi. v, Some will :.t wishftr. TO ATTEND ItKl NIOS Quite a number *>! returnn? of tho Confpdorr.cy expect to attend ihe reunion tt Norfolk this. Wc?k. A grTe*r time Is beir.g platr.ed for theai. TWO ADDITIONS There were two additions to the membership of the First Baptist church Sunday night, one by letter OS. br biptiMtl. iforceh promised their support and ca ido^einct!i to Timothy k. Cutler for 'postmaster ir. thi* city, thi? being true, and I hey having won their tight, it look:1 a* If a re< ommeuda ? tlon i>v them would assume th been cine"; s;wtilatIon . ? > v ho would *?jr-i;re fiis ? '* v'is ii| i!m#? uu-rtl iha* j :i !??,?? TPS stj'gli? bo *. 1:r !!???: i.its- ? r?T the Split i : II ;.?!"! hll'-.Vl ! rinks and iheir no: uei*e able to ' r^aeh any ngreenien?. Tli!* i.? still ! possible because tl?* powers that !be would ne*er eonsetii jhat. Mr Out lier bould be named. t<> \ ihit factory i!r W ll Fi?> ;?< or tl?e firm M Ruts l?ro? . Ie!t this mt?rn!r.p for Now York While nway he vI!! wait ibe fiirtor;- of the Victor InRing Ma chine it Ccmdor. V * ? R?vi'j?ti?' Mr. Rusa received a letter from the Vic tor people comtr.ncUnR them on the way they are handling thlr goods In Washington. Ho was also Riven a special Invitation to vl-lt th*- f?? ">ry. | R;;** Bros, have been offered re* territory for a branch taore which 1 they now have under consideration. This local fim carries a most com plete llne of talking machines find poods in the aouth?they compare favorably with the larger place* of tirflness m the clt!es. All the great afnrera of the world car bo heard on the Vlvtor. The su perior make of the Victor is known far and near. % WILL RETURN THIS WEEK. Ret. H. B. Searlght, pastor of the Flrat Presbyterian church, who ha* been absent several weeks on a vaca Uou, la expected to rtvm thla week, j*