New FaU White Goods For Shirts and I W RIGGS HOUSE WASHINGTON, 0. C. T1?c hotel "par excellence" of the National Capital. First-class hi all appoint ments. ' Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from the White House. An illustrated Guide to Washington will be mailed, . free of charge, upon re ceipt of two 2 cent stamp-s O. G. STAPLES, Proprietor. Gem Theatre THF III'LING PASSION <S**v !"it:>) ?A Mexk-an love story. Cow li{'V r?mt Mexican races. m i.KKH or THE WOULD. (Ed it4 ft H i' ''OI RSE?An ? xcitln? time i : it* rs?doni. WITTY STRATAGEM LOVE I llll'Mi'MH?A bosutlful ocean dra : .iiSforQ'.atior. scenes. . i;\rr.HTF? shall oxly AN OFFICER?A military ?_.<1 pcjrietv drama. : t'ei ? ? t. and . t! if tin* lerflr.ft ? ? ?? rt: r. r ' ? h - ,\\|V to r-KXTS. Get Your JOB WORK AT THE DAILY NEWS ICv;?f.i ( of (lie C'tintUliuu of SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. ; \V?: tU ! . N. c.. in th<? SUlf oJ ; ?t l? i" ? ... <:t tiii- rloce i.f '#,!?!? "j. . fi.i i.i-.foi ia-i;s l^MH* m,ir . . It 13.48 t.'iZ ?> !: :i - - -,re?l ... 11 11 l kil l. ... . ! Dil" til I ! Imu;. tMiiK.'i, -IS itmiik i.T 1? liol-J coi.t ... ? ' ?. : .?^Jvc-r to !?'. isiclufl:i . rr.Mio' i?. '? ? unwuy . . . bav.t: i ? ??%??>. 1 "? r" . *' ? S.;riiV i i: 0. ?>?'??. <>0 rr.di%u>-t'. 1-rjt.Ui, le.?a currc-r i.?c* r-ix??- 2.3IV.20 Biils | . 1 ??,('f>0.00 TlttJ^ I l D?.a|<ovli> i'it!.'U !?; 8>\l;:jr4 *'? .. -i 'h clj(??!"?* out .. 1.6R0G& f..>i'15rd Cho<:ki 43. GU Total $14$.774. ;5 of North Carolina, Coun'y of B??mifort, ??: 1, .Ti?o B Sparrow, ra?hi<?r of tho ??Wvo-Jiftnnfd bar,I;, do 'stlesinlj* HW(-Hr mnt tlie al.o\r> Atatrmfi.r lit tri>* ro th* b<"Rt of jay kno?'ledK<> aud liflief. 3KO P. SPARROW. OaebU-r t-.'ttacrlbt-d aod aworn to lxfori iu<* ttiiA fitli day of Sepfraber, 1&10. EDWARD L 8TEWAR7 Notary Public. Corr??t-~Att?i?t: * V. .!. BERRY. BEVERLY O. HOSS. FRANK H BRYAN. 1 a mm III to stingy thtt be Shirtwaists awns. Klaxons and Madras ? and Qy.. The story of Mm*. Albania first! Loudon engagement U m follows: Colonel Maplesoa board of h?r singing at a theater at Malta, and, thinking thai she would be successful, be made her an offer through an agent of a contract to sing In Her Majesty'* the ater. She agreed toy It and went to Londou, but on arriving there she told the'eabman to drive her to the Italian opera house, ile. Instead of going to Her Majesty's, took her to Covent Oar den. \yhich was also devoted to Italian opera. She was shown up to the man ager's office and stated that she bad come to sign the contract wbicb Mr. Maplcson bad offered ber. Mr. Gye. thinking to play a Joke on his rival. Mnpleson. made out a contract, and Albani signed It. Mr. Gye then fold ber that he wa? not Colonel Mnplewon. but that be could do much better by hor. lie offered to tear tip the contract If she liked, hnt told her th&t Nilsson was singing at Her end would brook no rlral. A.~aul decided to let the contract stand and thus be came one of the stnrs of Covent Gar den*. eveutually marrying the son of Mr. Gye. His Final Plea. A Chicago man appeared at the White House one day during the Mc Klnley administration with n petition ' containing 7.U00 names recommending him for appointment as Itrnzlllan min ister. He was a picture framer. und when he was oauvusslng for orders he took along bis petition nnd asked everybody in the picture frame busi ness to sign It. Almcst everybody did. The man was Insisted and Anally reached the president. Always gentle and considerate. President McKiuley explained to the candidate that he would have to consult the Illinois sen ators and representatives about the matter before making the appolutment. "You know." said the president, "we I have to select big men for these big places." "Well." asked the picture framer. "won't 1 be lust as big as any of them if I gi't the Job7'?Philadelphia Satur day Evening To^t. The Lost Umbrella. "I have l?eou coming here for ay < lunch for year#. Init never again." said' a taun lo the hm'.d waiter of a down j town restaurant recently. "Sorry." be gan the waiter. "Sorry nothing. 1 I left the umbrella hero !i'?t.flve minute*1 i ago. there was r.<< one near our fable. ; and the waiter must have teen It." "If we rtnd It"- "Find It? It Is 1 found, I tell you, and I'll have it nou or you'll never see me here again." The man. tlushed with excitement, was walking away when he was ball . ed by a man who had entered by the rear door; "Say. Frank. Is this your 1 umbrella? I picked It up when we hn ished lunch Glad you were still here." "nor1, but not still." the bead waiter i whispered "The umbrella has been [ found, but our customer has been lost for a few uays. He'll be oslmmtd to I come In for a little while."?New York j Tribune. 1 Gone For Good. Some folhs in foreign lands hare their own way of determining whether their relatives who have migrated to this land of our* have become hope lessjy Americanized. One old lady In Germany reached her conclusion lu a way that can be appreciated only l?y; j those wb-> know the type of the Ger-1 i man butter dish, deep as a bowl, and! ? the Gern:an reverence therefor. Ijist' I week her granddaughter in New York I receive*! this sad lament: j "You will r.ever come back. You :in?' lost to us. Hans (a cousin) arrived hero from New York on Monday and reports that you have even given up I our deep 0?rman butter dishes and I are u^lng f-shallow Utile plates that A:.:::4 like."? New York Times. Mcdern Kids. "So von yoi:r now little broth er?" asked the visitor. "Well. dearie. Trill you *?>!: Mm to ir.e? I'll give you $1 for every .uncc he weighs." "No, I Tiun'tr' aiuitivred the an;e! child i "l-'onr. I.vr;! little s!*ter!" learned! fbe *?:<:: >:? And why not?" iiniwarod tin* tiny tot.', ?!?!: *in.l'. >ring Up-"WaUM> be only, wcte'r* iimiadi. Com** hark tiextj I'll *"e if we can't make a deal.**?Cleveland Leader. His V/aak Point. A man who takes a hnBines* view of things v.brM recently naked bis opln- i ion of a person of q?ltc a poetic tem-. pemmenr replied: "Oh. hfe's one of those men who have soaring* after the infinite and divings it ft it tbe unfathomable, but who never pay cash," The C?s? Aitarod. Brown?Is it correct to xpeak of a man as "of tbe male persuasion?" Jones?Yes. If tbe subject is not mar ried. "What has that to do with the mat ter?" "Why. when be Is married bis wife persu&di-s UUn." Recipe For Longevity. ^ People live longer in North Carolina , than anywhere else In the world, chief ly because they lead tbe aimplo life.! drink buttermilk and eat blackberries , fresh in summer and dried in winter.? Balelgh News nod Observer. No Profit In It. "What are yon kicking about? Bbe! returned all yonr presents, didn't she?* J "Yes. but tbe expressage ?mounted to more than tbe ?? worth!" &?.:. i *im I thought I'd bore th' tliruiu. Have yott "OO Begorrnh. I -Ob we're all dona for, thiol" ?Ud the third. They'll charge us rolght from th* other sotde of Oireland." The old gentleman looked over his r\*ou are quite safe. ginttemen. Wnlt till we get to th' next statlou " As soon a* the train palled up the llttie gentleman Junjped out and came back wjtb three fltst class tickets. Handing tbem to the astonished stran ger*. be said: "-Whist! I'U tell you bow I did it; I wlnt along th' throln. Tickets, plaze; tickets. piazeP I CIM. and these belong to three Sajon towr ists in nuother carriage." Banks on tha Lookout. A merchant Jn a large city allowed Ills name to be posted in his club three times for nonpayment of dues. A few days after the last posting he applied to his bank for a loan. Wheu the np plicttion came up to the hank's credit man?that newest of a bank's Impor tant officials?he lulled out tho ens tomer's history card. The latest entry was one typewritten sentence. "Does not pay his club due*: three times delinquent." The loan was refused. The merchant was either carelcss. near broke or unappreclatlve of his credit standing. Any of these reasons looked bad to the banker. Business meu do not realize bow closely their banks watch tbem?bow much the banks are bound to know abont their affairs, bow much seem ingly small things In their dally lives affect credit, and big' things that they sometimes want to conceal too.?Sys tem Magazine. Eddyetone Island. The smallest inhabited Island In the world is thrt on which the Eddystone lighthouse stands. At low water It is thirty feet In diameter. At high water the lighthouse, whose diameter at the base Is eight and three-fourths feet, completely covers it. It is inhabited by three persons. It lies niue lui'.es o3f the Cornish cost and fourteen miles southeast of Plymouth breakwater. Flat holme. an island In tho British channel, is only a mile and a half in cSreumferejuce. lmt. consisting mostly of rich pasture lands, supports a farm ; house l?esides the lighthouse, with a revolving Huht 15*5 feet above tho sea. j There are about 100.000 islands, large and small, scattered over the oceans. America alone has 5.500 around its coasts. There are 3GT? in the bay of ' Ttio Janelm. IG.QOO between Madagas < enr ami India anil some 1.200 off the j eastern coast of Australia between its I mainland ?ud New G'uiuea. . Jenny Llnd and the Trill. I Jenny l.ind after years of steady practice believed that the much covet I ed frill was for her an impossibility. Slio practiced hours a day. but was j unable to accomplish the feat. One , day. thoroughly discouraged, she was [ sitting In her garden when all at once i she looked up into a tree. Above her | a bird was trilling. She at once went to her piano and through some magic or power of imitation began the trill I and from that day never bad any fur j ther difficulty. Losing His Santas. | A mischievous boy. having got pos session of his grandfather's spectacles, i privately took out the glasses. When the old gentleman put them ou. finding , he could not see. be exclaimed: "Mercy on me: I've lost my sight!" But. think lu, i he Impediment to vision might be the dirtiness of the glasses, he took tbem off to wipe tbem. when, uot feel lug them, he. still more frightened, cried out: "Why. what's come now? I've lost my feeling too!"?London Ideas. An Anoiant House. The ancient Itouians had a catapult that could hurl rocks more than "a mile." "Now 1 understand it." "What?" My landlord told roe the house was a stone's throw from the depot. He must have had it on his hands since the time of the Caesars. A Complex Rest Cur*. "BUggln-i is a very vociferous per son." "Yes." replied Miss Cayenne, "but 1 don't Man.e film. The way a man of his mentality rests his nerves Is by talking so loud be can't bear himself think "?Washington Star. Conter of Toughnesa. Inquiring Tonrist? Would you call this a tough town? Stray Native? Tough? Say. stranger, when we have old home week h^re detectives from til over the conn fry come and pick out just who I hey >vant.?Puck. Conscience. Co::sclen?e is indicator of v.-hu* Is right. That is the province of wisdom based cn knowledge. Con science is the divine Imperative im pelling us to do what we believe to be right , . . _ A v,-?;ole lot of people never blame fhr- fool for parting from bis money until after It is all gone ?Philadelphia Inquirer. DIFFICULTIES. Step boftsiy over ifS-rJhes. One brave step make: the nrxt on? easier. True, the road seeirj more piled up with obtfic!-* as one goes alohg; but. the.-., one :*rwdc Wrong er and more capable wiJi every step, so that relatively we hare an easy roatJ always before'm. At leajt J rv* exactly easy it ^comes morr hterrstag. One leak less to cliacc! to at* Wim. ond, and divorce ?ipof ?nd go oo # ^ ^ hSiiro 1 waotr^ChlMt^ x??* Long He. m mi ? Dr. .SamMt Buell of the lo.t boif of ibo eighteenth cciitury. who used to ;uvach two or three hour*, like Isaac ''.arrows. was ingenious in detaining tils congregation. On one occasion, aft er preaching nearly two hours?as long as be could, f^el secure lu the prosenco of all his hearers?he remarked that be was done preaching t^Hlnuers and that they were at liberty to go; the rest of his discourse would toe ad , dressed to good people. A gentleman who once wont to hear him stated that when the hourglass | was nearly ready to ho turned n sec-, loud time from the commencement of his sermon be said, much to the relief of the person who related it, "Once more." After going on some eight or ten minutes longer be said. "To con clude,", and after another about equal Interval he said. "Lastly."' The gentleman added that he expect ed every moment to hear him say "Ev il erlastlngly." He Came Down Light. j; A Chicago board of trade man who I was not in the habit of attending S church was' taking a walk oue Sunday J laorulng. cud on coming to a church | ct the result: r hour of service be de-1 J c!drd to go in As he entered the au ' dltortmn in whlrh the pews were ad justed upon a sloping floor nn usher stepped forwr.rd and. wishing to con ? suit him as i>? location before con ducting Liui to a sitting, politely in quired: "Would you like to come down pret ty well?" Mistaking the inquiry to be an ap ical for money, the board of trade man iH'pnn to fumble through his pockets , as be drawled: "I'd like to. but I'm not prepared to come down very heavy, as 13 cents is all I have with me."?Harper's Mag ? i'l:ir. I A Varnishing Tip. When varnishing wood tho work must be done in a worm r?oin at n temperature of at least 75 degrees F. At a lower temperature tho moisture in the air will give u milky and cloudy :tppearnnce to the varnish. On the other baud, at the higher temperature the moisture is not precipitated uutil the alcohol of the. varnish has sufllr. clently evaporated to leave a thin smooth film of shellac. The durabil ity and glotf* are dependent on this. The Blind Man'e Lantern. A blind man in Khoota (a Caucasian rlilagei came back from the riuer on?i night bringing a pitcher o'f water and carrying In his band a lighted lauter.: Some one meeting him said: "You r* blind, it's oil the same to you whether it's day or night. Of what use to you Is a lantern?" '1 don't carry tho lan tern In order to see the road." replied the blind man. "but to keep some fool like you from running against me and breaking ray pitcher." Hia Peers. i "Pa. what does it mean to be tried j by a jury of one's peers?" "It mentis, my son. tbat a man Is to be tried by a Jury composed of men who "re his equals or oa an equality wltiClji.u. so that they will have no prejudice against him." "Then. pa. I s'poee you'd bare to be tried by r. Jury of baldbeaded r..en." The Widow. ^I'ln a town." said a life Insurance ! official, "where life insurance was a| I rare thing a schoolteacher said to a little boy pupil: ' " 'Tommy, define the word widow." 1 " W widow.' Tommy answered, "is a i poor woman with a large family of h children who takes boarders." " Painfully Frank. | Wcdderly?'They say that n man and ! his wife grow to look al!l:<? after they [ have been married a few years. Now. 1 my wife and I hare been married ten years. Do you think we look alike? ? Singleton?Yes. Indeed. You both jj seem to have the same sad erpres-1 i 8ion Might Have Been Worse. |! Rheumatic Patient?Ob, doctor, I do| ? suffer so with my hands and feet! j] Cheery Doctor?My dear woman, only, || think what Inconvenience you would I I liare to sutTer wlthoot them. The Earth. Tommy ? Pop, does the -earth go round? Tommy's Pop-rYes. my son. | But It wouldn't (t it was divided among all tho people who *ant It.? j Philadelphia Record. No man has yet discovered the means of giving successfully friendly advloe to women?not even to bis own. ?Balsae. The War Department. The war department as an execu tive department of the government of the Lniied States wan established by Ra act of congress ou Aug. 7? 1730. The nerretary of war rauks third among the cabinet a* in hers In the line of sur&wsfon to tho presidency, tie be* charge of all rjatiers relating to military affafrs, subject to the direc tion of the president, the distribution of ?torea the signal service, the sur rey and Improvement of harbors and iMMMnfc ^A Ji&S J another eiK Knture Show ?, O.U?B>, w-t^j^J Another fmture program at tho Gein tonight. -'Tjf ?A star filru release by Mejlea. A Mexican line story in which chauc-e plays au im portant part. as it always does in anything ft Mexican touch**, a hors? race in which a hors0 has beeu dis guised wins a rivals money nfcd b girl. Numerous incidents are inter larded which "add to the Interest and increase the attention of tho audi ence. "Rulers of the World"?a very unique picture which by some freak tricks ol photography produce., in a peculitr manner a striking likeness of el Ithe great rulers of the world. This ijlcturi! :.lone will create greatj interest. ?'The Race Course."?la a picture which will create much admiration from all lovors of hors? flesh from the noctety tandemen four in hand to the primitive open tosrn. are the contestants for first i?lnc ?>, Is an; unusual thrilling picture. "The Witty Stratagem Love Trl mo?t boantlful scenery Imaginable, j One transformation scene will create much admiration. "My Daughter Shall Only Marry* An Officer"?A society military dra ma in which there 18 a pretty love story. THE GAIETY TONIGHT | Rio graph MnBterplece?Bli^l Boys' f OHiCgtm ? New Mu?le, New | Hongs. I The three full reels thatvwill be presented at tho Gaiety tonight will all proVe to be one of the moat in teresting and pleasing programs seen here in borne time. Th0 Blind Boys playing and 'sing ing all new music making the pro gram complete. "The Ca] lto Arms'* (Biograph)? Medievalism and rovetousness, a combination common enough 4n the timeg s& graphically reproduced in this film, are really the central points in this excellent picture. While the story has to do principally with a marvelous jewel the real interest lies in the romance and mystery suggest ed by laying the scene in medfeval times. Whatever relates to that per iod In the world's history possesses x peculiar fascination for everyone I and this film will be watched with jmore thnn usual Interest for this rea son alone. ] "The Cowboy's Devotion"?This ls I'a particularly strong Western story, and one of the best ever produced. It has a plot of exceptional heart in i terest with thrilling rides, timely ac tion. and a highly dramatic climax. Other ^pictures equally as good will also be shown, both educational and interesting. Don't fail to hear the Blind Boys.! All new songs and music. ? TO SEVEN COUNTIES On yesterday Mr. Jonathan Havens shipped flour to seven counties, Hal ifax, Nash, Edgecombe. Martin. Beau fort, Pitt and Qreene. Washington's 'tion. flour mill ls fast gaining a reputa tion abroad. HAVK RETURNED HOME Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin of Au rora passed through the city this af temeen on their way homo from Oreenvllle, where they hav? been tho guest of frieada.' It requires more weakness th$h | strength to break a promise. j Some lawyers tight for the right] and others flght/for the wrong. I r Apparently all tho use tamo worn , en have for head, ls to hang hat* | ,on. v ? ' Either success or failure >-omes to I , thp*e who stray from tfco beaten] ba*b. {Ly , H Newton and Gravitation. 8lr Isaac Newton\iever attempted to ten ithe people of b^s day what gravl I tation was. His very frank statement was as fallows: "I do not anywhere I tske It upon me to define tbe kind or j msnner of any action, tbe causes or | physical reasons thereof or attribute | as nttr*etinv o- endued* H HARRIS PLUMBING and SUPPLY COMPANY. B ALWAYS PLEASED THAT'S THE VERDICT OF ?THOSE ?VHO PATRONIZE Our First Class Grocery, WE HAVE THE BEST GOODS THE BEST SERVICE THE LOWEST PRICES Let us please you. Send or phone us your orders. Phone 387 R. H. HUDSON Cool Kitchen Perfect m|p Cooking The housewife utiu year* of cx;ier!cure?the woiuaD who knows how to ct>ok?liti'ls after practical teK and tunl trial*, the KM Kfove is hir idea of utlat ? ok* utoir outfit lo In-. It rfqalrti lea* attention. Cmi^ Iru to ?;iet4tc, awl cooks all food better tha^i any -tov? ?he Imu* iiiotl ON'LV \vilf. instam. (Ms is vol i; umm:\. Washington Light & Water Co. Yqu Are Probably Planning A VACATION TRIP CHESAPEAKE LINE STEAMERS Leave Norfolk Daily, except Sunday, 6:15 p. m. for Balti more, with direct Rail Connection. for Eastern Cities and Resort Points. Elegandy Appointed Steames, Unsurpassed Service, Summer Excursion Rates. For Information and Reservations, write C. L. CHANDLER. Gen. Ag?nt- F. R. MtMILUN. Trtv. Pu. Agt. NORFOLK. VIRGINIA JACKSON SQUARE "TUti 1* ORLEANS Fan: out Coffee." ' Xllrli Aroma?Right FI.tu.t-w BrCttontlml on accoun? .oS doulle strength, gors twice aa far an Hit* M'l'mry gratfes. Nrrt-r In l.till ;i?|y ra s. Vwr giorci lw? If. 23 cli nd ;W ct?. per ponnd. M PORTERS' COIFKK CO., IjTD. "Qualify Hoaae if New Orlea"*." ' KLMSOS TUIOB. CO.. V. holrulp Diotriholora. EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS' TRAINING SCHOOL A State School organized and maintained for one definite purpose:?Training young men and women forTeaching. The regular session opens Tuesday, September 13, 1910. For Catalogue and Information, address ROBT. H WRIGH r, President, R-i it? '? t? ? Greenville, N. CK: Than !m "Bronto Quinine" fhm* Im Laxative

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