J. H. BUI1, GREATEST - STOkE. Widow Bo/S Suits JONM ' _or_ QUALITY AND DISTINCTION Style surpasses any of our {pre vious showings. You could not get a belter suit or have better If you paid your tailor double. All we aak is that you give us a look on thla line. * J That School Suit or Extra Trousers for your boy is here?up to size 17. Prices $2.00 to $10.00< See Display in our East Window. NEWSPAPER IKE MEDIUM Ih the many who OUGHT to buy your property hard to find? Have you about concluded that he has placard blindness? Or perhaps It occurs to you that a window placard has. after all rather a LIM 1TKU CIRCULATION, and Is therefore a poor thing to rely upon IF YOU REALLY WANT 'lO SELL! Buyers, you see. have a theory that real estate that Ib of any Im portance. or that Is DESIRABLE. Is SURE to be advertised in the newspaper when the owner wants to sell It RIGGS HOUSE WASHINGTON, D. C. The hotel "par excellence" of the National Capital. First-class hi all appoint ments. Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from the White House. An illustrated Guide to Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upon re ceipt of two2 cent stamp's 0. G. STAPLES, Proprietor. nxrt UNION Tu Norfolk am! Virginia Ik'acli Thursday. Sept. i.'rh tiit ? NORFOLK XOtVHKKN RAILROAD very cheap rules front Raleigh. Wilson, (iivpnvlllp, Wash ington, KHhavfD. Columbia, Oriental, H*?aufort u'd M<>reh**d City Going: Ticket* sold for all regular morn ing train*. September 13th Returningi Good co leave Norfolk on any regular train. Sept 17th MH.IOW THE CROWD See the splendid Batue??hlp Fleet now engaged In target practice off Virginia Heath. Get t nnji'.ete Information from nearear ticket ag?:u. W V. CROXTON, o. P. A.. 9-15 Norfolk, Va Gaiety Theatre A. I*. It A It N EH, Manager All Feature Picture Program IIMND HOYM ORCHESTRA ? New Songs New Music I. A HOARDING SCHOOL BiV MANC'K" Vltal* la only part of rbe treatment, for a small pouch containing roosted salt and flowers of thyme must be tied upon tbe abdomen aa (Irmly aa can be borne, this being considered to counter act the effect of the luimiul dlnturb ance caused by tbe rolling of the ves sel. Known to ihe ancient Greeks as "tbymlan salt." the preparation has at least the authority of old age. while its efficacy Is* uot without modern ten tlioony. And the belt Is better than salt and faith better than the belt. . The First Iron Ship. Tbe first Iron ship has more reputed birthplaces than Homer. Both the Clyde and tbe Mersey claim pre-emi nence In this respect. Sir E. J Robl son of Edinburgh designed an Iron vessel In 1S10. which was not launch ed till three years later, and It Is said that an Iron boat was worked ou tbe | Severn even as far back as 1TST. Steel was not used In the construction of merchant ships' hulls until ISM). Old salts were not alone lu their belief that wood was cieajt by 1'rovldence to float, but Iron to go to tbe bottom. A naval constructor of some repute once said -Don't talk to me of Iron | ships- They are contrary to nature."- | Chambers' Journal. i Sulphuric Acid Bums. Bums from sulphuric add are easily cured. Just remember that plulu wa ter?lota of It?must be poured on tbe victim of a sulphuric add accideut at once, even to throwing the party into tbe water if possible. This acid on tbe sklu feels like tire. With water quickly applied In ?reat quantity tbls acid is rendered harmless. Men have been burned with It repeatedly with out harm through a knowledge of this proper antidote If not treated promptly the most horrible dlsflgurv ments result. The police department of Paris exhibits wax figures of faces of victims of the foreign practice of throwing this acid In one's face. A prompt treatment of water would have rendered the acid harmless. Urt(*.wieh Hill. Probably no 1:111 In the world has had so strangely varied a history or 1 played so lm|Mirtant a part In tbe af fairs of men as that at Greenwich. The granite line across the footpath on its summit la the meridian from which the longitude on every British map and chart In calculated. All Englaud Its time by the mean solar clock. There I* a large galvano-magnetic I clock fixed on the outside wall of the I observatory and divided Into twenty j four hours. There are still many w bo I believe this clock la kept going by the sun. They do not know that the Oxed stars are tbe real timekeepers from which Britishers check their dally progress.? London Graphic. Letting His Light SMns. If anybody wanted to sec something curious Just come with him. the mar ble cutter said. 8omel>ody did. So he led tbe way to a monument that bad inscriptions engraved In three lan guages-English. German and Hebrew "Same thing In each one." he said. "You can see for yourself what it says in English?a good citizen, a good fa ther. a good husband, and peace to his soul. Tbe relhtlres had that eulogy printed in all three languages because their friends are kind of mixed on tongues. Some can read one thing and some another, and he whs too good a man for anybody to pass hy unaware of his virtues simply because they couldn't read the language on tbe tombstone."?New York Press. The Spit ef Ceremony. Among tbe AkUruyu of Bast Afrtcs. described by Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. flout (edge in ?'With a Prehistoric People. to spK upon a person or thing Indicates good will. "The blacksmith spits upoo the sword be has forged bofoco hand lac it over to the owner. So. too. ooarteey demands that a nan should sptt In hia hand before offering H to a friend, and the female rlaltora spit npon the newly arrtvsd youngatsr as a sign of welcome." Been la aM0and there are relics of the earne Mlm In the habit among the lower lissn of ? spitting on a coin. m ?r?m. ftt Toal(kl?All N?v MimIc ?r l Hoa|t by the BUad Bo JO. Tonight there will be three full reeU of picture? presented, and new ?one* and music by the Blind Boy* at the Gnlety that will, without' question. prore to be one of the best ell-round programs shown here In some time?e? the pictures are somewhat different from the. usual run of the one's exhibited here lstely?and a complete change of music by the Blind Boys r ndered all through the program. "A Hourdlnic School Romance ! (Vltagraph) Love Drama. It's a1 genuine vltagraph story told In the Inimitable Vltagraph Way. "The Barry Slaters"?The clever acrobatic feats done by these clever little .. performers. . will certainly amuse you and keep you well enter tained. "The llone Settler's Daughter" la a beautiful little drama by the fam ous Pathe Freres 8tock Co. This entire program Is one that will certainly be appreciated. 80 don't fall to visit the Gaiety tonight. Last Hound. Rev. A. McCullan. presiding El der of the Washington district. Is now making his last round on the district, prior to the meeting of the aanual conference at Elizabeth City. This year closes his admlnlstra 4bn on the district snd he will be assigned to some other field by Bish op Hendricks at that time. Mr. McCullan has proven to be one of the most popular and efficient presiding elders Wsshtngton has ever had. and that he Is compelled to sever hls^onaection with It It to be regretted oy all members of that denomination. OLD HICKORY CHIPS. The farm vote is more apt to vote as It reaps than as it* sows. It can be definitely stated today that Colonel Roosevelt will be a candidate for President in 1912. but will faintly support Mr. Taft for the nomination. Rumor hath It that President Taft's favorite quotation Is "the world Is out of Joint. Oh. cursed sptte. that I was ever born to set It right!" Some time Mr. Taft must fancy that It was all a dream; that "Ted dy. the Terrible" Is still on the job. An old man was arrested At Bev erly the other dsy on ronfesslon thst he had a plan for the reorgan ization of the O O P. Maybe that's what will become of the Colonel In the end. \ Evidently it is as hard to get an "undesirable' out of the Cabinet as it is to get one Into the peniten tiary. The theory that people eat too much often ha* been expollted. but never proved. Perhaps some of the world, if they had the chance, but a benign protective tariff safe guards them. Nicaragua must not only be good but stay good. Business may not be a& brisk as politics Just now, but It is surer of itself. Governor Harmon and"* Mayor Gaynor aren't saying any more than If they were sawing wood. How prosperous Europe would be If It could pick two crops of Amerl can tourists a year. Any city that |s dlsaatiHflpd with the 1910 census can begin blowing about what she will be in 1920 Why not give the precipitation of aviators In the dally weather re port? It looks as If Washington fans will have the fun of feeling sorry far St. I.? n.v ?np| thousand yuri ago. fi: ? Convention! would be more In teresting it Colonel Roosevelt could U persuaded to contribute some oi the red-hot sinnin he ui?d to send to congreee. The Democrat* and the Inaurseuta hare discovered that the old saw. "?Politics makes strange bedfellows" la a surprisingly accurate observa tion. t There are (ears that Mr. bong worth wa? so Intent on keeping htB car on the ground that his foot slip ped. r ' Mr. Champ Clark is no longer a rainbow chaser. Ho sits down and walta for the rainbow to come his way. An Investigation frequently devel ops a variety of reports to meet ail shades of popular taste. A sentiment Is growing in Europe to the effect that Russia should be compelled to exercise the same rig orous vigilance over its cholera germs that It bestows on lta popula tion. Possibly the attack at Sagamore Hill is being rummaged for one of those things that It is difficult to un derstand. There.la always the right kind ot weather in some parts of the United States according to the weather map. Eggs are selling for $2 per dozen In Alaska and they are cold storage *ggs at that. Senator Qon-'s championship of the Indians may look like the blind leading the blind; but It seems to be effective nevertheless. ? The market reports from Elgin say "butter' 1b "stronger." That la why It Is able to lift Itself higher. A South American, promlnenve thinks his section of the earth ought to go In extensively for wheat raising. Raising wheat beats rais ing caln. ' Another comet Is reported to be headed this way. it Is to be hopea that It will be a better than the last j one. San Francisco Is waging a vigor-j ous warfare against the rats that | Infest the city. If only that town might manage to get rid of Its Abe Ruefs and 8chmldts. The Ohio 8tate Journsl wonders what would happen if the proof read ers who left- the colonel's name off an article In the Outlook to which It abould be attached. The proof reader would probsbly not wait tc It develops that a magazine now in bankruptucy Is Indebted to Mr. Bryan In the sum of $50. We fear the Nebraskan does not get "Oyster Bay' 'rates for hit out put. Republicans prophets are about due with the fall styles in rain bows. Quite a lot of also rans have shown up In the congressional pre liminary canter stakes. The Colonel mutt have sent Vice President Sherman his speech silen cer. Why Not Get Rid of Catarrah? tarrh; If you have any of them, get rid of them while there is yet time: Is your throat raw? Do you sneeze often? Is your breath foul? Are your eyes watery? Do you take cold eaally? Is your nose stopped up? Do you have to spit often? Do crusts form in your nose? Are you losing your sense of smell? Do you blow your nose a great deal? Does your mouth taste bad morn ina*r Do you hare to clear your throaai on rising, or have a discharge from the nose? Does mucous drop In back of throat? Have yon ringing noises in ths ?art? HYOMEI (pronounce It Hlgh-o me) 1s guaranteed to cure catarrh, coughs, oolds, sore throat, bronchi tis, utnma and croup, or money back. J oat breathe It In. Complete outfit. Including hard rubber Inhaler 91.90. Brown's drugstore and drug gists everywhere Ml INTOtfSI. If you already own aa Inhaler, yon can( buy an extra bottle of HYOU8I for only to cents. Reaember that. ONLY TUt STRONGEST LEATHER GOES INTO THE HA NESS WE SELL. YOU CAN KNOW THAT THE HARNESS YO Bl/Y FROM VS WILL GIVE LONG. HONEST WEAR. WE DO NOT SELL "CHEAP." HARNESS AT ANY PRICE. BUT WE SELL GOOD HARNESS FOR A CHEAP PRld?. BUY YOUR HARNESS FROM US AND YOU WILL BE1 ?HITCHED UP" TO OUR STORE FOR ALL TIME FOR ALL YOU NEED IN HARNESS AND HARDWARE. J. H HARRIS PLUMBING and SUPPLY COMPANY. You Are Probably Planning A VACATION TRIP CHESAPEAKE LINE STEAMERS Leave Norfolk Diily, except Sunday, 6:15 p. m. for Balti more, with direct Rail Connection for Eastern Cities and Resort Points. Elegantly Appointed Steam es, Unsurpassed Service, Summer Excursion Rates. For Information and ReservtdMS, write C. L. CHANDLER Gen. Agtnt. F. R. McMILLIN. Trmv. Pm. A?t. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA JACKSON SQUARE "This la NEW ORLEANS Famous Coffee.** Rich Aroma ?Rinht flavor** Economical 6b account of doable strength. goce twice M far i the ord'nary grade*. Never la bulk?only seated cans. Yoar grocer haa It. 23 cia. and "33 eta. per pound. IMPORTERS' COFFEE 00? LTD. "Qaallty House o, New OHra"*." ELLISON BROS. CO-Wholesale Olatrlbatora. EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS' TRAINING SCHOOL A State School organized and maintained for one definite purpose:?Training young men and women forTeaching. The regular session opens Tuesday, September 13, 1910. For Catalogue and Information, address ROBT. H, WRIGHT, President, Greenville, N. C * ALWAYS PLEASED THAT'S THE VERDICT OF THOSE ?VHO PATRONIZE Our First Class Grocery. WE HAVE THE BEST GOODS THE BEST SERVICE THE LOWES! PRICES Let us please you. Send or phone us your orders. Phone 387 R. H. HUDSON Cool Kitchen Perfect Cooking The bo?a wife wtui years o f si|nalsnni I In ?T~ wko knows bow to cook ?4tads after practical teat and bard trials, tbe gaa More la bee Idea of what * cook atore ought fee be. II requires lew attention, rout Iraa to operate, and cooks all food better than any atore a he haa tried. " ONLY 915.00 WILL INSTALL ONE IN YOCTR KITCHEN. Washington Light & Water Ca Ttmrm tm Omly Omm "Bromo Quinine" That ta . . + .. . Laxative Br onto Ajwmj. Monitor the tail bub.. Look lor tii!? dgnim on tnrj box. lit Your Chances Of "Living Happily Evler After!" Present day conditions of living comes pretty nearly making ad-reading Imperative. Householders find that the ads. really help make the incme stretch over the necessities when it seems sometimes like too Big a Task. Buying economies?a little here apd a little ? there?really grow to worth-while proportions tn the course of a rear; and amount to an Increase of income. \ ' Home-makers who are really earnest happiness j hunters are com'ng quit* genreaily to be intelligent readers of the ads. W? have (plenty of old newspapers tor *sle cheap. THE DAILY NBW8. Gem Theatre THflB KIMIAI MOM (Vltagrapn; A pstbatlc stoar worm about a fam oua w restlcr WHO'LL WIS MY HEART (Com ady)?How a bashful fallow wlna th. hand of a fair maldan. THE GOLD SPIDKR?A fairy 'ton. refcraaentlng a apld.r that ?pin* wain of Bold coins. THE RBOOX Oil J ATION Or FORK (Patba Hand Oolorad) ? Dram tie. ADMISSION S MD 1* OBHT8. A woman afraid tbat bar buaband won't ba wordlj and tbat bar bora will. If 700 ISM old Mwapapara tor w purpose, w. bars plant/ for aala at THE NEWS offlce. P.w tblnga ara as