fASHINGTCN BAIL* NEWS! PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON I EXCEPT SUNDAY 1 No. 124 East Mala 8tmt. vh>kwat*:r printing company. Publishers. J. I. MAYO, Editor and Mtuuger. Telop bene No. 290. ? | ,n f Entered as second-class matter August S. X9D0. at the postofflce at Washington, N. G-, auder the act of March 3, 1879. w SUBSCRIPTION RATES: \ Oae Month .f .25 Four Months 1.00 8U Month* 1.50 Dm Year S.00 ? ? ? .... - ? ? Subscribers desiring the paper dis continued will please notify this office oa date of expiration, otherwise, it .will bo continued at regular subscrip tion rates until notice to stop is re oelvcd. r It fCu do not get The Dally Newfi | ?promptly telephone or write the man ager, and the complaint will receive trtm-dlate attention. It is our desire to please you. Tl'K-SUAY, SKPTUMllCK IS. I?)!*' Parties leaving ?own should not i Tall to let the News follow them daily with the newa cf \Yash!ngtou fresh | aa<l crisp. It will prove a valuable j companlun, i ending to ycu like n let ter from bom". Those st tbn sea- ' shore or mountains will find The; News R most welcome inter^st 1i*k visitor. All arilcles ?i?ht to Tie Nc*? for pubHuUt/'. mip ^i^ned by wrfter. f.l?ac" wIM nr? publisher. si r ?-fi>. "W\y tnuuirf :r.? Y.i..!-:-... ls. V ScOfc "to a ?. . - . :j\iy And ?!'<* Chariot !?? Oi . ..-r that "The N'* ? v' r?c ?ion siii.;: ?o. . 'hv' Ci'.'x ai>si h-ilHr.;/ piiii,r.a?wcvcd ? itlsfac t. - - * ?p re! .? "'tr-'lon of rh!i r.in: . ? j . ir?>: V- ? V J# ibore Nu? \ handle rt>u'i'l* ?"? *:s" ?-nr in tJ.e .?r ?.r uls yar<! ?.ca; th? porter to it - * **:n Wo W"k hi? M:* n % ,;r.l i ?:: I*. Jn regard to 0: uoMyr audio I novation of pre- fie.*; -n t ' ? Mllv.v-.'V - - .r'". !. Peer -Vhmxzl h-.. 1 Vrop v..-.- . 1-ij ito the Nc.'h agal" ? < J.../. ttrre?>MV. . ? chii::- vi-.n'i 1 ? " 'nT- v. JH v cn rv rr>. \ t!>; '<>- -.vhlcb ! *h i!5 n: -one. tt J.to Sop end a'l. *o *'?" :iri ^"snn ? m ? ?*??. v!d ?: ? trrr.M. '.s cur belief tb.it the N'ew York S .voodrburic i-.ar '"holerf * ? net trylne ut nil to predict an cri-'v winter. hut simply !(ne"Y that the Colonel had swing around the clril* and was headed for hom^.? Chicago Inter Ocean. In al*'t*?fr- "he "bos-'es" In his Wester- - Colonel Roosevelt BhOWg * m '^-^pg?38" ha**c ?"? f-v. ir. the plr4 -, -s * r r .. ns. ?. . -\l way- -r '' iuci|> or. x.rc.::.- -sJan Frar.^ ? ????? ? Gyroscopic i? u - ? ?r Worker* Why Is it not as important for an Individual to keep his balance as for a ship or a railway train? A Ger man Inventor thinks that It la. and h?> has devlsei individual gyroscopic balancers, which will prevent a mar. from falling when he IB working un der conditions of danger. Say* a writer In Popular Electricity (Chi cago. August): "According to preas report', an American version of the man monorla! system In whir ? . roa coplc fly-wheel keeps the car from tipping wllT soon be In service. A European inventor has already de monstrated by a test On a fair-sized ?teamer that a similar plan can be used effectively to overcome the roll log of veaeele. <r-, ? , * Now a thin! bja reasoned that the balancing car* or ships "is no more important than that of .indi viduals working under onusukf and ror Instance, ? windows of mur tall bulMIU cut work to kMt ?d "?M? U tr?* to Ma b*ck iou? Wlul. 1W u lu would do U Maad <w on Um ground. Site; .imp. m.k. uii vouibw to a comldaratll* extant, but them solves azc hindrances to free work ing. ?Were the window cleaner a blood leas machine, we might simply equip bU interior with a cyroscopic bal ance wheel. Next to this Is the ex-1 ternM arrangement just patented by Hermann Zoom, an archltest at New Brandenburg. He proposes to strap a light frame to the man, currying a pair of hoops driven at high speed Ai opposite directions by an electric motor. [_ A practical test of this scheme will be awaited with Interest; and? attention, prohibitionists' ? might not the same plan with a storage battery sullying the energy thwart kho unsteadiness of a topper?"^B T!ic I'mrtival Girl. What do we mean wh?n we say "She is a practical girl?" De wo imvly that the person mentioned as sirapl: r. ;:ood business woman? No. A practical girl is the happy | possessor cf m?ny admirable traits. She !s plain, sincere, deliberate. 0l?| Uulstic and successful in most of| her efforts. In'lee J, the majority of people do#J not realize the value of such a girl. They i?uy "Oh. rhe la right clever but rather plain and old rnaidish." The pretty IvftterOy like maidens win their admirations Light, airy and shallow creatures they are to be sure, too proud for necessary du nes, and filled to over-flowing with deceit. L>ui when the quiet, unassuming pi"! occe Impresses you, unless the flttv; :b on your side, you have a life !o!?j: Irioai.. She >Jre" not forjvt you when sor row ..ml poverty struggle tj over v. i.tlai ??"- V.rtu once was rich an 3 popular. Vpi:r fu-iulcf ar?* bc.ro a*u sle is us *o even more than ? if: of rh? Ul. Tii0 v.v-:i'.:le womr.o things twice ' T're cf'?rc *he 1?! '??!!>?< ??! toll's bui-.tUP? uocie I l*> !:or an? . ? . r ?; *u <?* Air cnat!e.? \ :???, ;?'! n*i?d ter nhej ?1 aiwayr forfeit c.t so*- others. ?u acursx.K yonr liol> :on:c, but passes .inv rtriut" when j v-cnUonlng them, i. * ?: *o "on act*. ;; ic - -u\ iec when >v1. ; >isrl f Mom :c:tR in her arn 11.. l :;ro?s ijo the right ifctag ind _ : ??.-cd?-. V.\*r? there f..r.,?r ? butif.nioft" a:nl mor^ pract5-' ca; o'rls th.irc- would be fewer di v^rres a?'J :.rrhsnny home* uday.? llAitiesnaki- liitC*. * The cf a rattlesnake wound t?olf into the ap plication ot :? few dimple rule*. In the in*- t j Ui ? ? ? ;i person wounded oy ? u ti?t!??- vo.'y thine h?* . ?...!?:*?! i -lo?tha? Is, i*????# tear iSK ci: *. .? ? f-; ,.4V. ue..;. T'. ii :-.l di'sier. .. *' v.j v ?? i: :~ote rapiJl}. ' si- e::lxnly dowi. at>r! I.:..', h!* handkerchief around rl ? Vr. ? ? ? v. hrov.!* off ?M-r.cvs: ::.t 'rot?n -:i!i a lO'irnt ?? *?i* ? Iri'fiiatlop it effect ual'.y shut off A< ?yK X \ v :nii. liking rp.:e <! r: if ? ...... tv-etii ?n<I no car.* I i? lr. v. o j''.. l:e may now i.uk vi<cr?vi??tv ?i-.on 'Up wound, 't do-* [ ao Rood to suck the original wound. It is quite difficult to get any virus i back through an opening not great j er in caliber than a fin* needle. If all this Is done without delay [ the chances are the patient will | suffer no greater inconvenient* from hie experience. If he cbsn-^t to have a handy stick of silver ni trate he can cauterize the wound thoroughly. Failing that, a brand j from the fire will serve. I After a time he may relieve hie I tourniquet somewhat and permit a portion of the retained blood to en ter the circ-l tlon. ' Th? sji Is capable of taking care of 2 ?.eat deal of pol*on if It 5s I allcviJ to flow into the blood grad 1 ually.?Outing. German consumora are making a strenuous demand for cheaper meat. J We hope they ?will get It and then five us their recipe. Th? Germans have gone after their government I with a demand for a lowering of the 1 tariff. Maybe it would benefit us to do something of the sam<> sort? Savannah Morning News. tare Thing. Browa??Jonoay,, old man, Jim i? tfce world ??? kvi pxQwtat to'jtw for mfcyor so much? .zrstssnwai'x *nd 1 tk FLEMING PRO) ?East of and adjoining Washington? FOR SALE CHEAP See A. C. rfATHAWAY at once. OWN YOUR OWN HOME In WASHINGTON PARK we help you. Removal Sale. *r t W We will move to our new store on Market Street opposite Wright's Pressing Club next week. Now is your time to buy your Groc- r eries at greatly reduced Priccs. Don't miss this opportunity. Phone us your orders. All goods delivered promptly. Phone 327. UNION GRO. CO. Leon Wood NU MBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE Junes W. Coir J. LEON WOOD & CO., BANKERS and BROKERS STOCKS* BONDS, COT TON, GRAIN mut\ PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME STREET, CARPENTER BUILDING. NORFOLK, VA. t'rlvat? Wires to N. Y. S'ock Exchange, N. Y. Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade and other Financial Centers. i^orrespcodenre respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal accounts given careful attention. Moore's Modern Methods "1 will improve your office methods AND SAVE MONEY. Let ns send on approval this equipment: Two 5 a 8 B'-wlen \ 1000 Riwcd 5bwti I (cLoica of 40 !o:ou) ( (J*"7 2 VoLCaftaM (for bok!-; <f> ' -UJ booi.) \ 40 Al^bAbe:!.i; lr..J.exn./ , WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS JAN!l.I> L. "MAYA Pah 114 EAST MAIN.ST. WASHING I :>N. N. C. Just Received A Nice Lot Of Fresh Corned Mullets And Blue Fish Come' Quick E. L. ARCHBELL Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers Book on patents. "Hints to inventors." "Inventions needed." "Why some inventors M." Send rough sketch or model for search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly. Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such ha J. full chargcof theU.S.Patent Office. GREELEY & MANURE Patent Attorneys Washington, T>.'C. WASHINGTON HOSPITAL r- inr===i A well-appointed Sanitorium for the treatment of all surgical cases in a sanitary and up to date method. Skilled physicians andnurses. All the lai^. r alli ances in vogue. For informa tion write DR. D. T. TA^ \Ju) Chier >n. ^PENNYROYAL PILLSSSSVS o and baoith '"palm of n.?,tnatkm.- Xlwy m "LIFE SAVIORS" w> ?irV?' womanhood, aiding tferolopir'-.Bt of mj ua aod bodr. }Jr krwv.vr. remedy for *own Muh tlx-m. uonui do harm?, U become* a rile.wre. Qt.OO PElr. W>X BY MAIL. Sott b? droarim. bp. WoTT,(?r"??tT;t? ~.o. oh* . & ?VTPOKP THE CHAtfBKR OF COMMERCE aaad b?lp advert!**, and mm nil lucream the population of titt town and county, biUai baataaaa. Join the Cbatuber r k&VfJM . And The Best Worker For the WORK! The useful want ads. are Curing a good many busi ness ills nowadays in this city For the business office that is suffering from too many "miscast" employees ?people who might be very useful in some offices, but mere bunglers in others-the want ads. will bring quick relief, Profitable Re-Adjust ments! In all rnes of business the v uJ-. are helping, ? * O ----- Ill ployers * ! a <^1 wisely re t ?jc p ng forces. They are helping to fit per sonal efficiency to the work ?to find the best for the wor H. \V. CAF' ? Uc. Limited I ?ya- Ejt. No? it?-iJA. M. rrac lice Limited la UMtM o? tM Eye. Em. Nox and Throat. Guiddins". Ti.C. WubhigtoD. N C. H. S. WARD JUNIUS D |GRIMES WARD & ( attorneys-at-Law H. C. CARTER, JR., \T1X)RNEY-AT. LAW Washington, N. C. Office Market Street. EDWARD L. STEWART Attarney-at-Law. Ottlc*1 over Daily Newn, Washington, N. C. COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Office Savings Ac Tim Buildlrg Roo.nn i and *. W/ " HING TON, N. C; - STEPHEN C. BRAGAVt J Attorney and Conncelor at-law,1 Wstfbington, -N. C. \ NICHOLSON & DANIEL Attorneys- at-La w Practice in All Court* Nicholson Hotel Building Johu H. Small, A. D. Mac Lean: Harry McMullon. SMALL, MAC LEAN ?t McMULLAN attorneys-at-law *" Washingtop, North Carolina. W. D. GRIMES ATTORNEY-AT- LAW Washington. North Carolina. Practices In all the Coui <s. (Vm. D. Rodman. Wiley C. Rodman. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-nt-Law Washingion, N. C. W. M. BOND. Edonton. N.'C. NORWOOD L. SIM.MOT 3 BOND & SIMEONS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington. North Carolina Practice in all Coutts. W. L. Vaughan W- A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, Washington and Aurora, N. C* Practice in all the courts* Business Cards G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO., FIRE And Plate Glass INSURANCE. HOU.I?Ttir? Rocky Mountain lta faggot* A Bmt IMiciat tor Bwy PMfic. 'jra.K cua ? r (iMoltt j> ulio* *? '/ ?? CTB? DSUS ST iC-i.V. *, < f?: atM mate ' : ??*--- - - OLD B \ Y LINE 9 A IRS FLORIDA. VIRGlNI & aLAB ? iVfA FlnMt Unit But* y : "'"ta in South ol N Tor). ' J>.-tad vmici ijo- ?: ? iM.jr ? V*?t i?? tor ?* trn: \ -f?l ... ...? 'I M. Ji '?? Bt . . . i. T.? r. M. St ??>.?? 1 .on >t . (? A. M. Connecting th all l . South and Tlckt >o)4 -o volnU, ??t. ? d o??, - ro '??m ij . fc 'JUM.

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