r J If HlWT WASHINGTON'S . Ik. nUl 1, GREATEST - STORE. See our Window lor your Boys School Suit And Extra Trousers NEWSPAPER THE MEDIUM Is the many who OUGHT to buy your property hard to find? Have you about ^concluded that he hot placard blindness? Or perhaps tt Occusw to you that a window placard has. after all rather a LIM ITED CIRCULATION, and Is therefore a poor thing to roly upon IF YOU REALLY WANT lO SELL! liuyura. you see. have a theory that real estat^ that is of any lm portence. or that Ik DI3SIRABLE. Is SURE to be ndv-rttecd In the iH'Wspaiter when th^ owner wants to sell It. THKFI, WARNINGS. Life f My son. I've traveled around the ? world Ami many lunlds I've met; Thi?r? art* two kinds you should a?:?ld - 'llio blonde and the brunette My scui. I. too. have traveled far And many wives I've ween; Two sorts there aJe that you should bar ? The fat?and then the lean. - -Nashville Tennessean. 4 a Mjr son. 1 hit up quite a Rait When younger and foot-loose: And | don "tsay, "Avoid the girls!" IUk-,111He It ain't no use. ?Houston Post. If a man call." a woman 'endearing nnmor, during an altercation, the clmnrett aio that she will get glad and quit "I'm after the corporations." cries Tumultuous Teddy. So he was In 190t and got heir money, too. i RIGGS HOUSE WASHINGTON. D. (!? The hotel "par excellence" of the National Capital. First-class i.t all appoint ments. Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from the White House. An Illustrated Guide to Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upon re ceipt of two 2-cent stamp's 0. G. STAPLES, Proprieto.J roi'i i.au i:x Set* the Hplendid Battle*blp Fleet aow engave*! In target practice off Virginia Hem h. tiet romj,!.^e information from nearest tlck?t agent W W CROXTON, G. P. A., ?-IT? Norfolk, Vs. Gaiety Theatre A. P. HAUVKt. Manager MI.IVD HOW ORC'HTSTRA. XKW MLKlC AND C ATC HY SONGS. KKAIL'KH PIUMiKAM. 1. "OAKMAR IN KGYPT" A Great CfclorM Historical Picture 2. "GRKAT TRAIN HOLD-lP~? Aa exciting film of adventure. 3. "A WIRF.LKS8 ROMA WIT ? A Lov?* Drama. 4. MHAVK UH FROM OUR FKlKftDH"?A lively comedy. Same (prices. 5 and JO cents. Wedding Invitations, Vis iting Cards and Station ery, all Engraved. Call at the Daily New? Office for Samples. L'.. Two Tablets and Stomach Misery Gone Brown's drug store sella and guar antees the beat prescription th,o world has ever known for disturb ed and upset stomach, gas. belch ing, heaviness, heartburn, acid stom ach and blliousuess. It is called Ml-O-NA. remember the name, aud it banishes distress ftom over eating or fermentation of food |n Ave minuter It la guaranteed by Brown's drug store to cure indigestion, sick head ache, nervousness and dizziness, or money back. No matter how long you have suffered you will find a certain ucre In Ml-O-NA stomach tablets. "About six weeks ago I purchased a box of Ml-O-NA tablets for an ag gravated form of .toinacfi trouble. I had been troubled for four or five years, had trl^d different physicians and a Great many patent remedies, but of no use, until I used M!-0-NA. They ?nt:re j were anticipating moving and the news was received with universal, regret by all of their friends. Mr. Howard has for years been one of Washington's highly esteem* | ed citizens. Left Over Cotatocs. I Sometimes potatoes left in the | ground over winter will produce ' good crops the (-. llowlag year. Of 'course such Instances are rare and are not easily accounted for. A (iKKAT KKATUHK I'lUHiKAM At the Gaiety To-Niulit lllind lk>y? In New Music and Catcliy Songs A program that will certainly be appreciated and engaged to the full est extent is the treat In store for all who visit the Gaiety ronlght. Three full reels of picture*, good musk- and catchy song* by the Blind Hoys. *('ae?ar in Kgypl"?A colored drama. A fitting sequel to tne re cent Egyptian firm Kleopatra and not one whit Inferior. The stage settings may be said to be even bet ter. The mlse eu scene bears the hall mark of a consummate knowledge of the art and science of staging, and' we present thl# film In conviction I that Its indisputable merits will as sure to rlt warm praise and a ready welcome. "A Wlrele** Romance"?In addi tion to the fomawe of this greut picture. A chase at sea is a nc* feature in the moving picture Htld and one that adds an exciting inter est to this especially fine film of the Edlnon Company. "A <;???! Train Hold-l'p" ? Alt American production, exciting, beau tifully photographed Don't miss it. "Hare ui From Onr Friend#"*? A good comedy, showing the trou bles of a newly married couple go through In order to get a few qu'.et moments together. The film is one continuous roar from beglnfng to end. This entire program la one that will be appreciated. So come out, with the crowd tonight. Mayor Better Mayor C. H. Sterling who was taken 111 while In Boston attending the Atlantic Deeper Waterway Asso ciation and who has been confined( to his bed since his return last Thursday is reported much better today He is suffering from fever His many friends ho^e he will be lble to resume his oflc.al duties soon. Physical culture never extends to the carrying of our neighbor's bur Jens. A man can dress well on $6.0#r? a year, says * fashion Item. He ca;* do a great many thlnga off* tha amount In the run of a year, pro rtded he can get the $6,000. "arrTiiM& Hotel St Broadway & West 72 St. ABSQLUTELY FBtE - PROOF A. High Class Family and Transient Hotel Express Subway Station at door and j near theatre and shopping district j Single rooms or suites, each having hatha. . Long distance telephone In each apartment. Unsurpassed cuisine. Special Rates for June. July and Aug ust. EUROPEAN PLAN. S. L. ROOT, Manager. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RATLROAI). New Short Line Through Eastern North Carolina via Ralolgh-Nor folk?Schedule In Effect August 16th. North and East Bound. | No. 6, daily. "Night Express," Pullman Sleeping Cars, leaves Wash ington 1.60 a. m., arrives Norfolk 7 a. m. No. 2, daily, leaves Washington at 10.46 a. m., arrives Norfolk 4.05 p. m. No. 54, daily except Sunday, leave* Washington 8.15 p. m., arrives Bel haven 4.45 p> En South ?Bd Weet Bound. No. 6. daily. "Midnight Express," Sleeping Cars, leaves Washington at 2.55 a. m., arrives Wilson B.20 a. m.. Raleigh 7.30 a. m. Connect at Wilson with A. C. L. Railroad north and south at Raleigh with lines di verging. No. 19, daily except Sunday, leaves Washington 7 s. m., arrives Green Jvill? 7.31 a. m.. Wilson 9.15 a. m., Raleigh. 11.20 a. m. | v*. 53. dally except Sunday, leaves Washington 10.07 a. m., arrives at New Bern 11.? 5 a. m. No. l, daily, leaves Washington at 3.10 p. m., arrives New Bern 4.35 p. m., Beaufort 7.03 p. m., Goldsboro 0 p. m. 1 No. 11, adily except Sunday, leaves j Washington 8.20 p. m.. arrives at Greenville 4.1*4 p. m., Wilson, 6.31, Raleigh 7.25 p. m. N. B.?Above st-hedule figures pub lished as Information only, and not guaranteed. For particulars apply to any tick et agent or T. H. Myers, sgent, Wash ington. N. C. H. C. HIDGINS, General Passenger Agent; : W. W. CROXTON, Asst. Qen'l Passenger Agt. Norfolk, Va. j NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD. New and Attractive Tral Service Between Raleigh, V. nd Washington, N. C. Beginning August 15th the Nor folk Southern Railroad vail! place another panaenger train In service between Raleigh and Washington via Greenville and Wilson, making 3 passenger trains each war every week I day. NEW SCHEDULE FROM WASHING* | TON TO RALEIGH. N. C. No. 5, daily, "Night Express." leaves Washington 2.SS a. m., Green vllle 3.53 a. m.. Wilson 5.20 a. m.; arrives Raleigh 7.30 a. m. No. 19, dally except Sunday, leaves Washington 7 a. m . Greenville 7.51 a. m.; Wilson 9.15 a. m.; arrive Ral eigh 11.20 a. m. No. M. dally except Sunday, leaves Washington 3.20 p. in., Greenville 4-14 p. m., Wilson 5.81 p. m., ar rive Raleigh 7.20 p. m. FROM RALEIGH TO WASHINGTON AM) .NEW BERN. No. 12. dally except Sunday, leaves Raleigh at 6.15 a. m., Wilson 8.20 a. m., Greenville 9.40 a. m.. arrive at Washington 10.30 a. m., arrive New Bern n.35 a. m., arrive Norfolk 4.05 p. m. FROM WASHINGTON TO NEW BERN. No. 53. dally except Sunday, leaves Washington 10.A7 a. m.. arrive New Bern 11.35 a. m. No. IS, dally except Sunday, leaves Raleigh a p. m , Wilson 6 p. m., leave Greenville r p. m., arrives Wash ington 7.2 I Vo. dally. "Night Express." lc .Jigh 9 p. m., Wilson 11.16 p. nr. G. .envllle 13.41 a. m., arrives Washington 1.40 a. m., arrives Nor folk 7 am. FROM NEW BERN TO WASHING TON AND RALEIGH. No. 14, dally except Bund--, leaves New Bern 1.45 p. m., arrl j Wash ington 3 p. m , arrives Raleigh, 7.SO p. m. BEAUFORT DISTRICT.. No. 9. dally, leave Beaufort 4.60 p. m . Morehead City, 6.18 p. m.. New Bern 6.50 p. m.. Klnston. 8.02 P. m . arrive Goldsboro 9 p. m. No change In schedule of trains Nos. 7. 8 and 10, between Goldsboro and Beaufort. No change In schedule of Oriental Branch trains. No change In sohedule of any1 Northern division traLas. For oomplste Info-matlon ask any ticket agent* or add/ese H. O. Ha A gins, G. P. A.. Norfolk, I! I nPSE SUPREMACY enjoyed by the French and -*? Italians in the culinary worW U ' there?really grow tu worth-while proportions tn the eouree of a year; and amount to an Increaee of Income. Home-maker* who are really earnest happlneea hunters are coming quit* genreally to be Intolligont readers of the ada. W9 have iplenty of old i for ?ale cheap. THE DAILY NBW8. Gem Theatre THIS RU88LAN LION (VlUgrapn; A pathetic atOTy woven about a fam oui wrestler. WHO'LL WIH MY HKART (Com edy )-rHow a bashful fellow wine the hand of a fair maiden. THE GOLD 8PIDER?A fairy' story, representing a spider ? that spina webs of gold coins. THB RECONCILIATION OF POM (Pathe Hand Colored) ? Dram tic. A DM188ION ? AND 10 CENTS. , A woman afraid that her husba: won't be wordly aid that her wllL . - 7 IT yon need old i purpoee. we have ] THE NEWS office. _Xi ? Few thlnga are aa thoee we try to ge*