N 0 o COST TO V 0 T E . V ' Descriptive itinerary of European Tour which shows the time of arrival of the Tourists and the points and places to be visited and sights to be seen by ihe guests of the Daily News on their six weeks personally conducted tour of Eng land, Scotland, France and Canada. ITINERARY OF TOUR. MONDAY, JUf.Y 17. >911. Sail from Montreal by Allan steam ship "Pretorlaa*" The Lswrencc route to Europe offers the great ad vantage of traverelng for the first threo day* of tne voyage Vie placid waters and magnificent acenery ot tit* noble St. Lawrence, River, con siderably reducing ihe time spent on the ocean. tiah regalia and other objocts of In terest. Holyrood # Prince, 1670, the former residences of the Scottish kings, contains the apartments us ed by Mary. Queen of Scots, and rel ics of that unfortunate sovereign. In the picturesque Old town are many old houses, some remarkable for their great height two to 12 [stories. Tn the New Town, tne prla SOOTliAND. iripal thoroughfares. Princess treet WEDNESDAY, JULY W, 1010. la noted aa one of the finest and Due to arrlvq. at Olaagow (Windsor ? moat imposing streets of Europe. St. Hotitl) (Cook's Office, 83 Buchanan utreet.) Glasgow is a large and Im portant commcrcial city, the Jhltd cltj in "Great Britain in Population Giles' church. Twelfth century. Is the most incerestlng church. Among other places of Interest are John Knox's House, built in 1409. the old Toolbooth and the 8cott Mon ument- A magnificent view of the city is obtained from Arthur' Seat 22 feet, an eminence within me a reoorfl. K* area te vast?some ltz square allies; Within Its con fines are more tfcan g.000 streets, with a total length oi 3,000 miles, and it contains. te tbe Metropolitan Police District, a population of ron slderable mors than six and a half millions. U has 1,500 churches and 570 newspapers. Prom the time of the Roman oeeupation of Britain, London has advanced steadily In size and importance to Its present su preme position la the civilised world It Is, of course, impossible here -ev en to epitomise Ite wonders, attrac tions-and sights. Its ships contain the commodities of the wbole world: wonderful Institution of ita kind In j planned aad aumptccrrfy r.c?:te* existence; its lltrary contains over j with trltitnrhal archer. ? j? ry. z two million printed bocks. It tas. [t^ina and ?foliagrr. tuvz-r besides a priceless collection or an- churches are nuwkerc ' i m p ;; . ? tiqultUk r.nd objects of srt. London ? c.cst beautiful of r* has In Its palace*, monuments.?Notre Dame tfcc Mad*'! c parks, auclent buildings and historic itxqulrite Salnte CUrfit. ? i sltca a vast store ol interest for K*|r;tdias;y ?l.*i fa t;*tor..* r.s v eryone. (imperial Hotel). itloas ;.nd renMint; tu*b.v .j? jx? FRIhAi, A('Ul"ST 4 J hie pji'.ii ("I'.lilintc ::r" ic-."?sr. Leave by day service via Newhaven j ed, or %! the fine Twelfth een^tu;y cathedral. with interesting cry#t. I^cave In the hfternoon by convenient train lor Hdlnburg (Hotel Cockburn.) THURSDAY. JULY 27. AND FRI DAY*. JULY U8: To be spent in Edinburgh. During Travttt via Carlisle and the pletur the stay a carriage drive will be ta- eeque Midland Railway to London The Jourtiey Is s very interesting and Dieppe for Pari?. l.'Meieet, the ?ru? li.7*:.d-. FllAN'c H \v:.h U:v SATURDAY. AUGUST O T<> WKH'ii;:, !ao Past):* r. 13. XESDAY", AUGUST O. S e historic i'nUis P.-; To be spent in Paris. tCook's Of-' :?? ehrps ur? ?*??> v. ftccs. l Place rle ropern, an-. 3 tar.y* ?*cr$, und .ts to its docks cornea the rommerce ot!?r*tn*'^ offices.? One day earring* ?x-1 a--?s c* tbe four quarters ot the globe.,Its |cursiona will be provided. uud ? n ?Vad teb *oiIcj Tv:* historic edifices. antiquities and a?-|wc'JT|l<"1 b.r ra?l to Versailles Paris'? .on cf Paris, ??. vn i. .? .t i- .. sociations, lto museum*. galleries j 1* handsomest and Kujew Di?-:re-J . ^ f ... and Institutions are of universal ht-,P??'e Europe, the cu^'isl of tlse ' ** ' c* ,f torest. wbile for all English speak-, world of pluasvru. fa?kicu fcr.d eics- . city bounds. iing peoples it has a peculiar sign'.- ( ance. ENGLAND |flcance, a& Jxiatfen i?? identlAed with I*:* unique charm ana dlrLu-Mior. SATURDAY. JULY 29: i important events, men and women,?are Universally re??et.aee: it ere ken. visiting the varloas placen of interest (Cook's offlce, 54 Rrinceas street and Bookingball, Waverly Station) Edinburgh, known aa' tbe "Mdffern Athena" the pictatesque c?:d capital of Scotland is one of the most beautiful and interesting elV les of Europe. It is the seat of a famous old university founded in 3 582 The most striking feat a re Is the castle, an ancient seat ot tbe Scottish kings, which" dominates the city Xrom a high predpltioes rock, la It are shown ttia old Scet one aa the Midland Railway travers es some of the finest scenery of Eng land, Including tbe famous Peak dis trict of Derbyshire. SUNDAY*. JI'LY *0, TO THURSDAY AUGUST 8. To be spent in London, a carriage excursion being provided (Oook's Chief offlce, Ludgate Circus) London may properly be called the metro polis of the world. It is the great est aad richest city, not ocly cl mod ern times, but of wblch history bears ?: s pin r.? i > -f . e fatcot* ^n?'erf-i! Ihco.ivr. 'e cf !?:? ?ei;x< with all its achievements in every | lively typifies tl.v t :e-em>r.ccce Cf''." sphere of humsn endeavor. Its nob-.the Frer.<-h nation !r. archl;ec:ur?? lest fame, Westminister Abbey, and the line arts No ether fitjr in Here arj Its f*: fitly enshrines the memory of Its . the w?-r!d ::fi