HAI,K CHKAF?OVK I'lANo, rue orpin, cook ttoro *nd beater, marble top for center t?hl?. Mru N. T. Mllhollsnd, corner Union Al ley an4 8econd street. 10-1 FOR I>ENT? HOUSE rt)B KENT, corner Union Alloy and Second street Apply to Ur W. A. Blount. For Mlc or R4?nt?One and a half miles from Washington. good farm. Any cno wlsbtnc a truck, dairy or poultry farm vrfll do trail to tee me at once. F< \l, Hodge?. 10-1. LOOT?HICYCLK. PLKAS1: llK turn to this ofCc > and be reward ad. fl.JS- Long Klmonas, all colors, 98?. Spencer Bros.. Inc. Children's hats. Spencer Bros., inc. . -f mm 8c Bleaching, 36 incheifc wide, Tuesday 6 1-ic. Spencer Broa.. lnc POLICY LOOT: LOST OR MISLAID, i Poller No. 113028. tuned by TU Penn Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. on the llf** of George f Leach. The finder wHl plena* return It to the undersigned. Ap plication has been made for the Issuing of a duplicate. Qeo. t. Leach. 6t-o-aw. New Cost 8ulta. Spencer Bros., Inc. 3 YOUR TIMH WORTH MONEY? Would r. , tccofrwphar save you ioni\ Ca'l Chamber of Com Jtfc) and ask tor Miss Myrtla Marsh, public stenoava.pt er. WANT*-1)?OOZHOlOZifZAM MaCJ rjV-lr^5 tbo serrlcao of a .?prerW*i*v? i\ Washington to :.f'. r Lulsciintlar rcnowals cji t? extend circulation by spe cif ?>3tho4i vrl*ch have proved iuu:ualiy surcaesfui. Gilary and commludou. Frevloon experience desirable but not essential While time or spare time. Address v/lth references, H. C. Campbell, Cos mopolitan Magazine, 1789 Broad way', New York City. SANITARY MARKET. V DUDLEY'S sanitXry meat MARKET ? ??CLEANLINESS OUR MOTTO.' WE CARRY THE BEST OF STOCK AND WILL APPRE CLVTE YOUR PATRONAGE. PHONE >84. t -djl Practical Mattrem Maker ami Up liimsr From Baltimore. \ .un her? for a few days and can b? found at \V. R.ilortor & Co.'s ?tore. I guarantee all work. Have had y3Z years tv^brlence. Also c'oan furniture. 9-10 iw. WILLIAM W1&IAM8. ONLY CANDY MAKER C? floors? In hero at No* 110 ? street, with a full lL~e of fresh cSidy rrndo dally, and fruit# of ?!l kinds. ThS rreatest" rantfy xnakfcr, In the South: Call and se him. 9-10 rtf ; IiRaT HOI II OF LIFE Is v'.ien you do some great dcud or discovery some wonderful fact. This ? hour camo to J. R. Pitt, of Rocky llonnt. N. C.. when he was suffering Intensely, aa he says, "from the worst cold I ever bad. I then proved to my groat satisfaction what a wonderful Cold and Cough cure' Dr. King's New Dlscov. -y is. For. nftor taking one bottle, r was entirely cured. You can't say anything too good of a mcd iclne like thkt." It's the surest and be it remedy for diseased lungs, Horn orrhagos, La Grippe, Asthma. Ilay Fover. any throat or lung trouble. 60e. $1.00. rial bottle freo. Guaran teed by all druggists. CITY TAXES " The tax books for the city of Washington have been turned over to the undersigned, and thla ia-to no tify all owners of properly subject to tax that I am ready to Receive tas ea for the ensuing year. They must be collected at once. W. B. WINDLBY, _ City Clerk. Sept. 38. 1910. ? anO ACHING Wb.i??r from M.i.riou. cnaition. ?' Cotton Seed Wanted. Sell to or exchange -with BRAGAW. We main tain competition and that gets you a better price fg your cotton seed and seed cotton. WM. BRAGAW 3c CO., . - -' ' i jt*' I Fli?t ln<ur?ni? A*en? ? In Wellington. N. C. ; I In Bad Fix *1 had a mishap at the age of 41, which left me In bad B>," writes Mrs. Georgia Usher, of Conyers, Ga. "i was ttncor^scioue for three days, and after that I would have faintia? spells, dizziness, nervousness, sick lisac"'.c!je, hitrt pi'.plfctioa and many strange feelings. "I suffered grcat'.y wi'.h ailments due to the change of I 'l c-.i V.irl 3 doctors, but they did no good, so I concluded 1*3 try CiTc'.L U Einca { Ccrtlui, 1 am so much better and can do aU 'r. y UwscwcijL" PsCARDUI The Woman's Tonic Do not allow yourself to get Into a bad fix You might get In so bad you would find It hard to get out Better take Cardul white there Is time, while you are still in moderately good health, just to conserve your strength and keep you in tip top condition. In this way your troubles, whatever ttiey are. will grad ually grow smaller Instead of larger?you will be on the upTgrade -'";'."ad of the d ,wn?and by and bye you will arrive at ths north pole of perfect health. Get a bottle at your druggists' today. *, Health of Animals Best Because of Good Digestion An interesting interview was re-? cently obtained with Dr. Barker whose theory and medicines have; created such a sensation during the past year. Dr. Barker, in speaking of the re markable success or his medicine, had this to say on tho subJ^R: "My medicine regulates the stomach. Thai is why It is successful. ,The human body today has become degenerate, and Is the cause for most ill heaUh. In the horse, the dog, and the wild animals generally, you see no nerve exhaustion, no chronic debility. They are not shut up day after day with practically no exercise and they are not able to stuff themselves with food when their bodtev'have not had enough work to Justify It. The hu man race ha* been doing this for years, and look at the result?halt tho people are complaining of poor health, not real lllneaa?just a half sick, tired, droopy feeling. They don't really know what Is the matter with them. I know that all the trouble is caused ^y weak, pver-worked stom achs. I have proved this with my medicine to m.xny thousands of peo ple In most of the leading cities of the country. This is the real reason Sure Cure for the Blue*. A leading society lady of New York who had a bad case of' "ner ves" was ordered to go on tha stage by her physician. "That's the only Vay to set cured," said he. She was .too strips end needed good, wholrsome '!t>ertia,u from the carcs of life. The "IAiucheon Trio*' song, by J far the motU.rcS!I?Tttni; vocul feature) of ''The Kcho," now raying at the I Glo^e Theatre, New York is "Jav.j what the doctor ordered" la the wa: j of a Tejuvenator of good Spirits. 1: i will bo given, words and music ] complete, with Sunday's New York I .World. OdSr yb\xr copy of Amerl-' ca's greatest Sunday newspaper , from your newsdealer' In advance. ' STAGGI'nS ^UKKPTICS. * TTiat a cl?ar>, nice fragrant com pound liko Lsucklen'a Arnica Salvo will Instantly relievo a bad burn. cut. scald, wound or ptlos. staggers skep tic*. But great cure prove* It'a a won* derful hcalor of tho worst sorea, ul cere. bolls, felons, ectema. ^chapped bands sprains and corns. Try it. 25c. at all druggists. WHEN IN New York City Stop At The Aotel St. Andrew, Broadway & West 72 St. ABSOLUTELY FIRE - PROOF A High Class Family and Transient Hotel Exp- xt ?ubwa, button at door and n?nr thtatre and ="jcrping district. Sln^lD room: cr au&j, etc.- javing baths. Long distance c^jphaoo ?n each for the demand (or my preparation." Among those who have recently been converted to Dr. Barker's theo ry Is C. J. Kent, of Danielson, Conn., who says: "The bloodine Corp., Boston, Mass., Gentleman:?It Is much pleas ure that I inform you how I was in duced to try your Bloodine by Mr. W. W. Woodward, the leading druggist of this city, (or indigestion and im pure blood, and I can truly say that It helped me wondePftlly. I would recommend it to all who are suffer ing from these much-droned dis eases. Yours very'truly, C. J. KENT. Danle^pn, Oonn. eOnts:?I can Vouch fflfctho truth of the above testimop^J?Mr. C. J. Kent, sb he had beeiqKfering for a long time with bad bTOd and Indi gestion, and after using three bottles of Bloodine he is a well man. '* (Signed) W. W. WOODWARD. Druggist. Bloodine costs but 60 cents for the usual 91.00 size bottles. Mail orders filled by Bloodine Corporation, Bos ton, Mass. . Hardy's Drug Store. Just Received ! New Buckwheat, Pan Cake Flour and a full variety oi new Cercnls. Walter Crzdlc & Co 1'HOXK HO. A Frightful Wreck. ot tralu, 'automobile or huggy may cuueo cuts, bruises abra-idrw. sprains or wounds that demand Bucr.ion's Ar nica Salve?earth's greatest beuler. Quick relief and prompt euro :esult.-?. For bun s, b^ila, sores of <iii kinds, eczema; pbappod hands and lips, sore eyfes or corns, iu inpnint, Surest idle A M.\N OF IRON NERVE Indomitable will arrd tremendous cQ?rgy are ti*jver found where Stom ach, I,ivcr. Klanoys ana Bowels are out of order. If you want thc?y? qnal Itfcs and the success thoy use Dr. King's New Life Pills r.a match less" ros"l"tors for - 'Jen brain and strong body. 25c at Dr. Hardy"a drug store. ^ jf ? A Drwulfnl Wound from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, ftrftforkn. or uf liuy other nature. c? manda prompt treatmeut With Buck lers Arnica Sal re to prevent blood uoiton gangrene. It's the quiok net. surest heeler for all such wound; as aJho for Burns, Balk*, Sores^ flkhi #up'.ions, Kcitrma, ^happed Hands, | or piles 25c. at Dr. Hardy'* I ?'rug Ston. UFE ON PANAMA CANAL has had one (rightful drawback?! malaria trouble?-that has brought suffering and death to thousands The germs cause china, fever and ague, biliousness, janndicp. lassitude, weakness and general debility. But Blectrle Bitters never (ail to destroy Asm and eure malaria troubles "Three bottles completely cured me of a very severe attack ot malaria,' write? Win. A. Fretwell, of Lycama N. C., and I've had good heattk ever since." Cure stomach, liver aop kid ney troubles and- prevent typhoid 50c. Gusranteed by all druggMC Popular opinions, on subjects not palpable to aense. ar* o(ten true, but akLiigi ? Personal Mentions :||s=========s=====s: Mr. J. T. Skittletharp. and Mm. Luther Rice, who have been visiting Mr*- F. T. Woo lard, have returned to their home In Bath. ? ? Dr. 8. T. Nicholson. Jr., of Savan nah, Oa . and Mr. J. T. Nicholson, Jr. of Florence S. C-# are In the city today enroute to their home In Bath, Mr. R. A. G. Barnes, returned ih i morning from WiTson m ? Mrs. Q. W. Swindell of FairdeM arrived In the city thla morning, the gueat of her slater, Mrs. J. H. Sim mon* on Wqst Second street. ? ? > ? Miss L4da Wilkinson, of Belhavesl la In the city today. . ? p Mr. W. R. Tetterton of Jsssama, Is In the city today on business Chief of Police M. J. Fowler re turned this morning from New Bern Mr. J. W. Burbage of Bath is In the city today. I Mr. and Mrs. K. T. MlUholland, ex pects to more to Winston-Salem Monday to the regret of their many friends In this city. ? ? Mr. W. A. Tankard of Bath Is In the city. case of chills and fever. Price 25c. I 6 or 6 doaea of "?C6" will cure any To Speak Tonigtit. :? Congressman John H. Small left this afternoon for Capbell Creek. N O., where he Is to addres sthe citi zens of that diatrlct this evening. They are to hold an election in this territory on October 15 to ascertain whether or not there shall be a ape-' ctal tax for schools and Mr. Small Is to address them on the importance of carrying the election favorably Jmprovenu-nts. Improvements have been made to I the store building occupied by Mr. W. S. Frizzle, corner of Main and Respess streets. Twin Hoys. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Drannon of Latham's Cross Roads are today re ceiving congratulations from their many friends in their neighborhood. Two fine twin boys have been added to their home to sweeten and bright en it."* Congratulations are in order from the Daily News. Resolutions of Rcspcrt. Departed this life September 2, 1910, he was in his ?6th year. Aa the sun was sinking In the western horison, the soul of Broth r Lewis Alii good aacended to the father that gave it. He was :i faithful member of the Cheritr.bl* Brotherhood Lod?e No. 1K He leaves a wife aud four children to mourn their loss?Mr. S. F. AH Iff oo J of Washington, N". C., Mr. Anson gCVi oi Wilmington^ N. C . a:r] v.r?. T. If. if .Mtnyan C r.->, A!!lgt:nd v.-j3 well .a hi* rurrrattciiy. K? ws* l ar.d uI?eetiortf.tc ?'r' a true friend. HI* word tvn* . c?3 was evpr honorable and ..!n. hr dealings with his feflov.- jrau Thtrcforo, be It resolve-'. Vl.r* the d??.itli of Bro. Lew'.3 .Viljjosd tti?? Y?. 3. FL. has lost one oi v. est Jii.'iiiU rs. T.osolvi d, T'.iat v.*e cxtvnd ot>~. dfTKa; 3ympath;* to the bereaved; . ? .Ivea and exprera our hope that' e.Tn to Kreat a loss to us, all may I btPoverrulPd for good for him thu. doeth all things well. , ?.evolved. That n copy of tiles? resolutions be sent to the Washing-1 tefn Progress and tho Daily News, to tilt sorrowing family, and recorded In the minutes of thc C. 3. H. lodge. NO. 1 W. S. D. fiBDRN, J. G. MIXON. J. M. COTTON. / Committee. 5 or C doses of "G66" will cure any case of chills and fever. Price 25c. 8waying Chimneys. A chimney 115 feet high will swny I ten inches In a high wind without danger. CALL US UP Whtatnr jrou want Buit ?w^Cir^. Uttir Hal>. anything alaa la th? printing Una. '*? ghre PROMPT SERVICE adi Si?i?? *.- ICE C = ? ! CRISTHL ICE : TELEPHONE 83 CRYSTAL ICE CO.;| Washington, N. C WHY SO WEAK?! Kidney Trouble* 5isy Ke Sapping | Yoa* Life A way. Washington Pco plfc Have Learned This Tact. Wh*n a healthy man or i? begins to rufi ?lown without appar ent cauBe, becomes weak languid, dopressed, suffers backache, head ache,, dlzty spells and urinary disor ders. kidney weakness ma> bo tee cause of it all. Keep the kidneys '??' '1 and they will keep you well. Doan'. Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and keep them well. Can Washington readers demand further proof than the following statement: J. Frank Powell, West Tarboro, N. lC., says: "Last spring I had an at | tack of La Grippe and after that, j suffered from backache and pa'ns! across my loins. If I stooped or lift- j ed, sharp pains darted through my [ body, causing me great misery. ; Doan'B Kidney Pills were finally re commended to me and I procured a j box. I can say that they gave me I more relief than any other remedy I | had ever tried. The use of one box i ! removed oil symptoms of my trouble j and I have not had a return of them, j Doan*s Kidney Pills have certainly | done me a great deal of good and consequently .1 am pleaced to recoui- \ I mend them." For Bale by all dealers. Price f?0 ! cents. Foster-M'.lburn.. Co , Buffalo, j New York, sole agents for the Unit-; ed Stales. Remember the name?Doan'a ? j and take no other. A In'OTRE dame ladvs appeal *'o all knowing sufferers of rheuma- j tlsm. whether muscular <t of the 1 joints, sciatica, lombagos, oachache I pains in the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a hom? treatment which has repeatedly | cured all of these tortures. She fee! 1 i it her duty to send It to all Bufferer? j Free. You cure yourself at home asj thousands will testify?no change c. cllmato being necessary. This slm- > pk discovery banishes the uric ac'' j from the blood, loosens the stiffened ? joints, purifies the biood, and hrigh* |ens the eyes, giving elasticity and' tonrj to the wholo system. If the I above interests you. for proof address Mri? Summers, Box H, Not; Daue. Ind. I HEAI>ACIIE?t!i<k*? l** ? ? Whether froir. Coils, Ileai. ?'?li or i roabie*. w:il rf-ileve ;.'Wi. Ii * i?ir to tak*?r.? > .? ?" 1?V?S ?*lt "? ? Mercy s c.J ?. The:; r ! Loyal ir One foat ?? ?: . sai?-, Then ilicr^ vtcio four! Four little tsffrngeUe Earnest as could be; Onn took another's <-oak. Then there v.ore three! Three little suffraseito? Don't know what,to do; ono cf them lost her heaa. Then there were two! Two little suffragettes All the ethers shun. OnG of them lost her heart?. Then there was one! * ? One lltttb suffragette XPretty nearly done) ? She saw a little mouse? Then there were none Ij superior to the best %50 hair mattress over made.. Needs notlilaj but an occasional sun bath to keep in Order. ?t Is u aanltary sloop producer. Softer and ooro elast.c ill an hair. For aale by v ..A Jefferson Furniture Co. Cool Kitchen Perfect Cooking The housewife with year* oj experience?die woman who knows !.. %*? to cook?Hnd? after practical teat and hard trials, the ith? m..h? la her Idea of what n cook stove ought to be. It Mtiuircs lens attention, c ,mtm less to operate, and cooks all food lii'ilcr tlisn any ntuve ? he has tried. ONLY tM.-VOO WILL- INSTAL L OXE IN YOt'R KITCHEN. Washington Li&ht & Water Co. THI;> WAS ME! liitowN this norm-: to Tin: .Jr-; Von c;?n ln?T?i-> pai ery *up I'llc" with l?M V.lOiioy if w.m Ij sjt, v.li.T" wins a:*' t* I- .?^t ::nd r^Vr -'^v Iv.-t. uiiy ions ...II R. H. HUDSON Indigestion Departs Stomach Agcn>, uad After Din aer Distress S'rppui in 5 Min maker* of rich re! V.i oc end nerve* that never fllwl?: tliey Im-rcuiic vital ity ai.d make ;"i?? wi'-a^c :.'.or<? vigor ous. Etc-nel Lamp*. A common *uper?titton th.it thr an cient* the nrt of making lamps which wc-uUI bum foi.-ror for a lone time obtained. uud It wfls < lalmcd that "lie stiefi lamp iils'-overcd In the ton,b of St-ionce. how ever. has kvtf s- r thju. lujtctlter with other supers? it ktiM.. forever hi rest. sine?? "? !:n?. I-em ?lt?nn infrared that Pre w!ll !?uni '.i a chniulx? fruui whi"|* ?Jir >5- J nTi"iU*ted. .il.l. MY |M ?.o\i: (?hi T?*!K il?? v :i itr... i .v ^kin WiU Cl^UU /1 ?:> It if W-4*lt. y.izi ::l I-v.. ?>: Alta . ? i *? 'im " i '? " ' ??????. -?fit?*r ?? : .M.- rc:a f J: *?? v 'or ? lio : ? . . mv with ? .? * o. 1 ;,,r * ? *i::" ? "o . il??, piro*ani t . per ? ??..!? < r ? ilr*? iTis-. L deiicstt* V skin, ind rcli&oUv a q~> c.u: '-?<>!? tr w.'.l /i'.o >ou po*ll..o ? :ui>i i* :!??? (-ffo ;tlvrn?i? :: r- r.U'l;- Hardy .irujc A Slnnder. "Why ?!.?? vri?!otvH almost nlwnyt nmrry ncnlr. ?" ilftal men ti*!I t.o lalMt^cievchud Tender. Lovo T-?n$. M "Arrj*. tli a I Sni sr.yM y^n'ro In love *tv cr-'taiii j-uo :?? trV "4{urn. tlcli't y?T trtlu a*, "or. siio t-xuppviMti** o*\.rv tiiooualn' thtuc. J nu v "it vt* t'j-?' ii-'r it or tvvi uri-i iim irr. :?u' ? : >i!l Ihero is ;:i I?!**?1?o?hJj!? < i|i:uiuit. Coffee that pleases must be blended to have the right Strength?Rich flavor. We guarantee Jackson Square Coffee "White Label Grade" to be the ttaeet drinking Quality produced?Never sold In but*. ATwiyl In aealed tlaa to protect the original rlchneaa. lie per pound?1-pound can, |i.?0. For gale by all Drat claaa grocer. JACKSON SQUARE COFFEE hat been averted MX BLOB RIBBON* art ONE GOLD MEDAL on Ita QUAL7TY Our (uarantee ia?- purchase a can. If not the "beef by 'erery ?e?t"?the (near will refund your money. ! , IMPORTERS OOFFKB CO.. LTD. Mew Orleana. La. * "Qt'AI.tTY HOl'KH" i-HOA CO, Wboieaale m atrtbotore.

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