I _ Strictly Tailored Suits -Built qq Mannish Lines New York Fashion Magazines say: The best so ling suita are those that qre built on Mannish Lines. These Suits fire uiade with short. Straight jackets and narro fv skirts, colors brown and Brow n mixtures. Some New Arrivals at $19.75 and $24175 Beginning to-tnorrow this space will contain WRIGHT'S DAILY SMILE Watch for it. A new one every day Wright Tailors Right ?AND? Wright Presses Right Tbo Rsataursnt Piccolo. WriflnK from Dresden, ao American say s. '"There la at least one thing In s Germsii restaurant for which one would look In vbId In oar country. That Is the piccolo. You may think that I ineun a musical Instrument and that any ore be* t rn In anj country kiIkIh linre one of these, but you are wrong. My piccolo. the one at the restuuruiit. Is a human being. Fie Is a boy twelve to flfieeu years old. who swilKtK tii** regular waiters. Be wear* tlie rcgulmlon waiter's rimtune and k??k* fuituy In hU sr.iiii'e could iii'Ui pin-%. ,-r hi our country."?New Voii. ii.; .. it. Crcats-J a Ne* Word. fi tt.ii. the tltlnl Karl S|**ncer who a?l?!*sl 'i uoij to the laiigunge In couse qllciice of :i witger The bet was that by cut Hub 1 IT the tall part of his over coat lis* cnrld brim: into fashion over coats so short that th?? skirts of the ?intercom won lit show beneath. lie won iiK wager, and "speucer" become the name both of thai garment anil of the femir.'te oui- afterward construct ed In Its :il;eoc?? The ifirnje has added more tli;iu ore unnie to the terminology bf costume. Kverybody kmavs "Wellington*." mid the billy cock hat I* said by some to he really "Billy Coke." from Coke of Norfolk, earl of 1 .He ester. Hut none of these example* lu the sphere of clothes rivals what the linrl of Sandwich did when lie contrived the slice of meat between bread as a de\ Ice to enable him to go oc gamhllt:.; without leaving off for a meal ?London Chronicle. Getting Acquainted. "We hesitated about renting this place." said the woumu w Lo bad Just moved in. "until we learned that the families on both aides of us ?.wncd their houses, it Is so unpleasant to Mvo where the people next door are al ways changing and you never know what kind of neighbors you are going 10 have." "Yes." responded the womnu on the ?ther side of the fence. "That's oue reason why we're trying to acll our bouse "?Chicago Tribune. The Swish cf the Rod. A college president iu au address on pedagogy suid: "Aud oue of tiie most rcxuurknbie 1 thaugc* iu the last thirty years of j teaching i? the abolition of . orporai puulsbmeut. A boy uf this iieucruttou I is never whipped i'.ui bo>s? of the last generation tuust l:nve Is'lieved I that their iu?iruclors all bud for motto: j "The swb?h i* i'...her lo tUv | taught.'" USING POULTRY MANURE. ? Throe Farmer* Express Opinion* About It* Value as Fertiliser. Tbe following opinion* concerning the qk of poultry manure were gath ered by rbe Orunge Judd Farmer: "As poultry mauure ta tbe richest 1 and moat valuable farm fertiliser 1 take speelsl care of It. Tbe ouvt prof itable way I bare'found In dispo? lug of It I* to use ft as a top dressing for grain. (I Is also especially val uable for onions and newly net atrmw berry plant*. Corn nod nesriy all garden crops do well with It. It Is especially rlcb In nitrogen and Is quickly available for tbe use of plants. 1 never mix It wltb wood ashes or any thing that contains lime, because lime set* free tbe nitrogen In tbe form of ammonia. Sifted coal nsbes are not objectionable, nor, la gypsum. Sand and loam are useful: dry muck Is espe cially so"?Henry R. Ingsll*. Greene County. N. Y. "1 here applied several hundred bushels of poultry manure mixed with twice Its bulk of stable manure in tbe fall or early spring to corn land that was badly run down. Tbe result was a yield at the rate of eighty-throe bush els of corn to the ncre. 1 have also used considerable poultry manure on the garden, bnf here It should be applied lu the 'til and harrowed or disked tn to give best results. If apnllrd in the spring It often burns t # r plants. My Ik'SI results have eotm on the corn. !n my estimation It Is much better thr.n any complete fertilizer costing to KM) a ton. provided It Is kept, ?'ry by being mixed, ns mat]e. with i-:ltd; or other good absorber.**?Fred Urundy. Greece County. III. "livery day I sprinkle the dropping l?>aidt In my poultry house with sifted ??oil ushes and clean them oJ every morning The c:an'.:re secured |s *nre::d on the garden In r'^'^r^oce every otlier fertiliser. My garden i'?\its those of all my neighbors."?E. I* f.eek. Suffolk County. N. Y. THE. FARMER'S CREED. I believe in stacking, in the point ed tcps grouped in every grove and barnyard. I believe in the manure spreader 1 believe in fanners' pic ntcj and Chautauquas and fishing trips, in retting away for a day now ar.d then after the ?ummer season's work is over. I believe in the fall pastures of rape in the stubble fields when the blue grass takes its stun ner rest.?Iowa Homestead. strong Lungs. "I'opley's looking bud. What's the matter with him.'" :"LUUg# " "You dor."! say! Y.'euk. eh?" "No, kiruug. There's a new baby at bin bouse that keeps him awake nights."?Philadelphia Press. "1 If you don't believe that MOORE'S MODERN METHC~S wffl save money in your o^ice ^ Let us send on approval (of a hft taial lay Loose Leaf Bipden, a Cabinet ifid Recotd Sheett on any aI these forq^s: Eur I (fay prore em H?an pay yu i not they cotf yaQ nothing. w The Daily News' ta of the feme opinion today as yfeeterday when It Intimated that 1( the male sex ejuld only lot Into the contest to tour Eu rope the voting from the rery Orst would have been at fever heat, but things are loomlnr up from the la dles' aide of the house juat the same. Vote* are crowding in on the contest manager all^the while and the read ers of this paper can rest assured his task assorting them, giving proper credits, etc., la no Jcd to be ovlcd. But we are digressing. If a reader does not believe the menfolk are becoming enthused In the Dally News contest all one haa to do Is to juat hint the trip and the rest?well, Just suppose yon mention It yourself. But don't discard the fact the wom en are enthused?you can bet your life they are. When they are arous ed on any measure or acheroe dollars to doughnuts the thing is a success right from the start. In this European trip to fonr young ladies free of cost, there Is no "lfa" and "anda." It'a free from the time your feet presses- the car floor In Washington until you feel terra flrma again at the atarting point. Great trip, historically and educa tionally and the young ladlea who win In the conteat aro going to be the envy of more than one?see if they are not. A Daily News man in making his rounds todsy for items had the pleasure of talking to several gen telmen In reference to what this pa per is going to do for the young ladloe in this section of the state. All interviewed wero loud In their praise of the efrort being made and they all wore a unit as to the ad vantages to he derived thereform. Congressman John H. Small said of the trip: "There is no intelligent person who has the opportunity who would [not gladly make a Euiopean trip. There Is scarcely one of the cour-| tries of Europe, including Great Britain which would not amply re pay a Journey across the water. Its ancient cities with their historic buildings and their art treasures of I fer a constant temptation to the American to pay them a visit. I wish I could make the trip, and I envy the fortunate party who are te make this trtp as the guests of! the Daily News." Mr. Seth Bridgman, president of the Bank of Washington and one of our most honored and highly esteem ed citizens, stated that "the trip being offered to the four young la dles ly the Washington Dally News was worth more to them thnn yearn of schooling and fortunate would be the young lady who was successful." Mayor C. H. Sterling said "that the very fact of the trip itself was edu cational.' It is an offer no woman who desired information could af ford not to work for." Gaiety j Theatre A. I*. BARNES, Manager SPECIAL FEATURE PROGRAM TO NIGHT. 1. HER MOTHER'S WEDDING | GOWN?-A real Vltagrapn. 2. ON PANTHER CREEK ? A Western drama. THE MAN OF BORNEO. Another one of those extremely laughing pictures. 4. OTHER PICTURES AS GOOD. Same Hours. Same Price, A Bright Student. Darin? n went examination lo the theology of the Old Teatament the following question was asked a young clergy mnn: -What language did Ba lanm'n aits speakT After a moment of thought a smile flashed se rosa bU face, and be wrote hi* answer. I look ed at the paper. He bnd written. **A? syrlan."?I.lpplucott'a. Thing* Ha 8e??. j "He's a terrible drunkard. Isn't beT -Yea. but bo's n good citizen." "How con that beT* i "Erery time be baa JlmJams be goea to tbe cmirtbouM and pays taxes on a I pnrk of pink and bin* dogs."?Clew | land Leader. Antieipsted. Margaret? Did you tall tbe girls at tl*#? tea that secret I confided to you and Jnnepbtne? Katharine?No. truly I didn't Josephine got there first? Harper's Bazar. Gem Theatre 3m the |mt TRAIN HOI.D-UP, and other good picture* tonight. THE OREAT TRAIN HOLD-I P ? S*naa(lonml m?lodr*ma. TKB CLINK Or OOLD?(Oauaiontr A dramatic aim. UFI I* SKWBOAL. AFRICA ? A Oaumont 8c?nlr and Educational *4lm. . ?MB Or JWAI (Path*.)? ? 4 Mr of ?t in the l county in | ber. 1B.1? at IS o'clock, in., sell for CMh before the courthouse door In Washington. N. C.. to the higbeet bidder (be follow in* described real estate, towit: All that certain tot or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the State of North Carolina and City of Washington In that part known aa Gladden town, being part of lot No. (71) seventy-two. Gladden Town, which is known as tae Haven's pas ture lot and being the Identical lot of fend conveyed to the said parties of the first part by party of the Srd part by deed March 1st, 1906. This S6th day of August 1910. WILEY C. RODMAN. Trustee. Kottee of Bale! By virtue of the power of s*le contained In a mortgage deed exe cuted by W. A. Brldgers and wife to H.H. Satterthwalte, dateh 29 day of April. 1909, and duly recorded in Book, No. 148, page 119, register's office of Beaufort county, which is referred to. l will offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door, in the town of Washington, N .C. on Monday the 17th day of October. 1910 at 11 o'c'ock, the following de scribed property, to-wlt: That certain- lot of land aituated In the town of Washington, N. C., adjoining the lands of Maud A Bra gaw, M. O. Brown, deceased, M. W. Latham and others: Beginning at the northwest corner of the lot own ed by M. O. Brown, running thence in a southwardly direction with said Brown's western line, a distance of Go feet! thence at right anglee to said Brown's line in a westward ?y direction, a distance of 54 feet 10 inches to M. W. Latham's eastern line; thence In a northwardly direc tion with said Latham's line a dist ance of CO feet to S. T. Nicholson's line, being the northern line of lot purchased by Maud A. Bragaw from Thoa. A. McCarthy, adminis trator of Jas II. Sparrow; thence with said northern llna in a east wMrdly direction a distance of 54 fpet. 10 lnciios io the beginnnlng: Subject io rlgb' of way along a lane1 lo fee: In width across the northern end and easiermost sld? of said lot I heretofore granted to Maggie W. La-' tham and M. O. Brown. This Sept. 16th, 1910. K. H. SATTERTHWAITE, Mortgagee. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the final report of Lawrence Brett, Wai ter Jarvis and A. R. Davenport, the Board of Viewers of Mattamuskeet Lake Drainage District No. 1, form ed under the proceeding entitled, "S S. Mann. H. C. Carter and others vs. T. C. Mann, J. A. Mann and others" for the drainage of Mattamuskeet Lake and adjacent territory, under and by virtue of Chapters 442 and 509 of the Public Laws of 1909, ot North Carolina, was filed In the of fice of Clerk of the Superior Court of Hyde county, on Thursday the 15th day of September, 1910. and all parties to said proceeding and owners of land within aald district, are hereby notified that the hear ing of Bald final neport. will be had before the clerk of the Superior Court of Hyde County, at his office In said county, on Friday tbo 7th" day of Oct. 1910.at which time and place any land owner within said dis trict, may appear in person, or by counsel, and file his objectloh, If any he has. In writing to said report. This 15th day of Septemoer, i?lu. H. J. ttPENCER. Clerk Superior Court, Hyde Co. j HOttM. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage given to me by W. H. Boyd and wife, Bet tie E. Boyd, dated June ?, 1903. end recorded In the Register's office of Beaufort county In Book 122, page 368, I will ofTer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, at the court-' house door in Beaufort County on October 24, 1910, at 12 o'clock, m . the following described trsct or par cel of land: Beginning at W. J. royd's N. W. corner cn the Creek-, mer roid and running with said Creekmer road N 87 W 10 20-100 chains to tne corner of the land own ed by the J 8 Tripp heirs; then with their Une 8. 18 W. to the O. W. Guilford field; then with Oullford's ditch B 8T E to W. J. Boyd's 8. W. corner; then with said W. J. Boyd's line N 8 E %9 chains to the togla niag, containing 40 acres mors or lees. This Sept. 81, 1810. W. H WHITLBT. Ml 1M MortCWM. v note* i f - 8r TlrtM of tti* power of wlo coo U1m4 la * mortcmc* 4o*4, ?ecut?l ?r mu r?m- to w. r. ummi. ??< Od 30th (U/ of W?nt?r. ?#?*.' o'clock, th. | "TTL eatate ol ttat certain lot sh? town of W North Carolina, adjotnln* th. John CImbom. Ju Cherrx and oth-1 ere: Beginning on Fifth street 221 Wt from tho line between lota Noa I 80 and 93 and rum with David I BrorWn's line S3 feet; thence with | Jas. Cherry's line 43 feet and 1 with John demon's line or. feoc to Fifth street and with Fifth atreet to the beginning, and U the same lot of land which descended to Em ma Dunn as one of the two heirs at-law of her father, James Dunn. This Sept. IS. 1110. W. V. SMALL. Mortgagee.' $500 FOR THREE DAYS' WORK Hew It Paid a Kansas Bey te Uae ni.Uav n.fnm i liiwvr. Miort rnwni| tviwhi Last year the extsnatoo department of the Kansas State Agricultural col lege Issued a circular urging disking wheat immediately following tbe head er, to be plowed two ot three weeks later. Moat of the farnsers thought thla*would be too much trouble for the Increase la yield it might bring, but a boy In Bdwarda county persuaded hip father to let him have thirty acres on which to try that plan. His older brother also had thirty acres adjoining his hekl. which he pht In In the or dinary way. tbe aame aa bl?father did 1.000 acres. Tbe soil was The same, the eeed wheat wae the aame. and the The only factor that differed In the history of the crop waa the dlaklng of the wheat stabile immediately after the header. Yet the wheat thrashed out forty-elx bushels and ten pounds to the acre for the ground that had been so treated, and the brother*a yield was only twenty-five bushels. That waa about the average for tbe L000 acres of the farm also. Wheat at 00 cents woold pay the boy who disked before time to plow sbout $500 for three days' work. T ransplaniing. Transplanting snch vegetables as to- j matocs and cabbage la of valuo In making the plants stocky and In de- J veloplng the root system, in trans planting <*an> fthould be taken not to break too many ipots. If tbe ground fs molsjened before tbe plants nre tj;ken up the dirt will cling to the roota nnd few of them will l?e broken. Tbe pardon trowel la, the ho*t.Imple ment with which to tnke up plnntx fur !n:n?pi:i:ulnj;. The xuroe luxrrunjent BUiy lie u*ed^ to make tbe hole In whlvb the j-lnntK nre to he plneed. See t!*:it the rout* ?:re spread out well uud ?iot all i-ompafted in one buneh. Transplanting In lite gnnlen had ln?t :er be done toward evenlns or ou n cloudy day to prevent wilting. If tho endx of part of the leaves are ptnchnd o5JT evaporation will be checked and the plunt'x chance for living through the operation Improved. A little wo- ; ter poured into the bole will help If I the soil Ik dry. A*" piece of paper placed over each plapt and held down with clods for tbe first day or so will | help them to get a Itart. Dairy Product* Worth ?1,000,000000. According to tbe last year book of the department of agriculture, there are 21.720.0no milk cows In tbe United States, and these ore, worth $702,945. 000. The 'nagnitude of tbe Industry can perbapa be beat understood when It la considered that these cows pro duce yearly about flj000.000.000 worth of dairy products! Muslin Window Far Cow Stable. Cows should not stand facing a win dow unleea the window be covered with muslin. By the wsy. the musllp window in a cow stable la better by far tban glass. It gives a subdued light and furnishes ideal ventilation. SUFFERING. Suffering a doubtless as divinely appointed as joy. while it is much more influential as a discipline of character. It chastens and sweet ens the nature, teaches patience and resignation and promotes the deep ed as well as the most exalted thought.?Samuel Smile*. rail Uicas V*WUS, 111 H1CVK.5, ?. H ?^a??i ? I i stripes and plaids, 35 in. | ET *> 1.25 Ladies' fit Men'sUm-QQ_ wufcT. ...... I O ibrellas, guarantuatl Top?y oC Children's Lace Table and Ladles 6c Children's Ready-Made . Bureau White I*wn Dresses * Ccarfs Aprons 25 and 50c. 10c. each 10c. SPENCER BROS. Incorporated. The Busy Store VOTING BALLOT OOCKTIMO lO VOTES '?:* r ?' . ? - For Miss or Mrs Address District No i In THE WASHINGTON* NEWS Tour-of-Europe Contest, ?abject to condlntlons governing Contest. Ballots, to be counted, must be separated and carefully trimmed around border, and deposited unfolded. Use this ballot for yourself or a friend it the Tour-of-Eu rope Contest. THIS BALLOT WILL BE VOID AT 4 P. M., HKPT. 30. 42 YEARS YOUNG WHAT IS IT LIKE? It is ? high dam, pete-spirited iMpriiw of cleverness. It - >1 e copyrighted Do*el in mq> baw, beade, ? hilf-dazea cant*] abort atoriea, pleaaof poetry, rruUbla article*. and the jollr-br* humor section jrou tnr n. Erary Booth yoo will bid . poop of IKK ud timely aitidea at absorbing interest ?. % ?. ?. ?. .. SPECIAL FEATURES 12 GREAT COMPLETE NOVELS. S ARTICLES ON OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TS FASCINATING SHORT STORIES. 4 ARTICLES ON ."THOSE NRRVES. 100 PAGO OP mw HUMOR. 2000 PaffM Yearly of Fietion. Fact, and Fan M. _ _ THE BIST OBTJUNAaU (Uo ? r? UIPPINCOTT'S ?est Waahingtoa Squr. PHILADELPHIA. PA. mmo ran our special magazine oppers Tftsrs /? Only Oum "Bromo Quinine" Thmt Is Laxathro Oromo Quinine mo nv would ova to o$m* a soid m em oat Aiways remember the lull name. Look for thJi Bifrnncuro on every box. 25o. The Great North Carolina State Fair ?AND? "HOME COMING JUBILEE" Will be held at Raleigh, October 17-22, 1910 To Rater the Coataat Kill Oat This Noalmatlng Ballot , 7 COUNTING I OOO TOTES To THE WAflHINOTON DAILY NEWS, Wa*klo?toa. N. C.: I hereby nomlutl at * candi dal* lk Tour European Tour'Contaat: Him or Mr* Street How Ko Town or Cltj i1' Signed Addrea* Coder Ko CIimMum will the ?.? at th* Nemtaator be Mad* latn The Nan take* treat plaaanra In b*tac able to make tkU asadlincement, and alnewwlr truata tkat Hs maar r*ad*ra will s thatr ahare la making tkla offer the moat aucceaaful on* *r*r mad* kr a n*wapap*r _ j > Oaly One Nomlnatloa Will B* Credited to Each OaMM. CM Oat, tin Oat. Brlac. Bead or tL