Mt?? Ada and Nina Rhode* went to Aurora tbto morning to At H. B. Hardy of fh? Kai?**u News and Observer wu her? today ?a fete way to Aurora to attend the Com Judging Day. -v ? ? .a. Bditor Jamea L Mayo went to Aurora this morning to attend the Agricultural fair at that place. ? ? e Captain A. W. Styron Is Aurora today atcending the exhibition of farm products. Mr. David Dell went to Aurora this morning. ? ? e Captain Paul Jones of the Tarbo ro Military Company Is in the city ... xi'lW Mr. J. F. Cox. of Bath Is in the city today. , Mr. C. J. Kfnion of Sidney is in the city today on businees. Capt. Walter Jar vis of LakeNnd fax arrived In the city this m5fhi lag. 5 or C d?ir.rj of "006" will cure any ease ot chills and fever. Price 25c. Important Mc**t|ng. It wi'l lie Interesting to the frier la! Aluninl of the State Norn : ! and Industrial College of Greensboro, n. C.. to know that there will be a meeting of tlio Beau fort county branch of the Alumni Association of this institution at the home 6f Mrs. Junius D. Grimes, to rn or ro v., Friday afternoon at 4 ?'clock. ?*" Ruairifss of Importance la to be transacted, and a full attendance is, therefore, desired. THK FIRST TASTE linnrun! to l?rink Coffee When a IUby If parents realized the fact that j rofTee contains a drug?caffeine?I which is especially harmful to chll-j tfnpti. they would doubtless hesitate; before cluing the babies coffee to, Urtak. C^'When 1 was a child in my moth-, etei arms and first began to nibble jmigs at the table, mother used to |vv mo sips of coffee. As my pa rent* nsed coffee exclusively at nrats F nover knew there was any il^ig to drink but coffee and wa ^^*A?d so T contracted the coffee tabit early. I remember when quite youfcj; the continual use of coffee *jjj affected ray parents that, they ^led roasting wheat and barley, thcu ground it in the coffee mill, as a xwfcsUtutc for coffee. -B*it it. did not taste right and "Ibey went back to coffee again. "That was long before Postum was ?e?y beard of. I continued tg use Coffee nntit I was 27. and whei* I got into offlce work, l began to have nervous spells Especially after "hrcakfast I was so nervous I could Kiit?Iy attend to my correspond ence. ? CAt night, after having coffee for supper. j could hardly slee.? and *in rising in the morning would feel . wtmk and nervous. friend persuaded me to try IWum My wife did not like it dl first, btrt Inter when boiled good ?trojg ft was fine. Now we jr?"?d not glre up Postum for the ^*t coffee we ever tasted. **C can now get good sleep, am fjpo Jrom nervousness and head I recommend Postum to feoff<vn- drinkers." ^|r^fad "Ta? Road to Wellvllle." in ^here's a Reaflorn." 7'v I r,'A'l the ufjovc lettt*r? C new <mn npponn. fmm llliie to time. I t?r,. If,?I,nine, true, ami full of hmn Ink-rest. ! .Notice By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a i-erfaln mortgage date nnr4uol?Ar 3rd. TWS. executed by Nathan J. Godley and wife to W. A. Blount, which said mortgage is; recorded lu the Register* office for | Buxefort rounty In Book l.*3 atl pegc 337 and is hereby referred In. I will on Monday ihe 12th day of ] Berember at twelve o'clock, noon, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, j for cash, at the courthouse door in . Beaufort County the following de-j < write j real estate: A certain tract; or parrel of land lying and being in j Utaufort County and Chocowlnltyi towBtfcl**. it being a portion of the ? land c ? <yed to Xathan J. Godley1 by F. . Von Ebersteln and wife | by deed dated November 30th, 1901,' wfir >. i Aid deed 5k rr-carutd in book 1 112 at pa :o .">1. pad belr.r: tliatj portfen of 1; tid which h--# not j Imei'ii hereto fere rof.Te>cd by the. said Kethan .f. CJod!ey and wife by j deeds recorded ic ?he registers of flc? of Rnaufort'counfy !n books 14'*. * page *8oVj, book WC, pare 36 3, and book u&O at page 147. the same tract of land herein conveyed being all that portion "of said tract de ?rribod in said book lli at page St2, which Ilea on the west aide of ?tte Norfolk Southern raUroad. the mftd tract of land estimated to con tain seventy five seres ot land. This November 12th, 191*. w / BLOUNT, ? ' *J Collin H. Hardlo*, AUornej. New York. Nov 9.?In the ? brought by Jshn W. McKinnon, agent for the stockholders of ths Na tional Bank of North America In New York, against the Continental Finance Company to recover upon * note mads by the company to Its own order and disco anted by the bank (or the sum of 96Q.OOO, tome, now light was thrown on tha intrica cies of the Morse school of ftnanc* yesterday before Judge Hand and a Jury In/ the United 8tates Circuit court. Counsel for the defendant, J H. Dougherty, made some interesting statements in outlining the story of the note. Prom his remarks It appears that Morse was not the sole originator of the system which resulted in the downfall of the bank. Moras was convicted and sentenced for using the moneys of the bank In the pur chase of ice and steamship sto&c and making false entries in its books to conceal the?e facts from the Comp troller of the Currency. It appear ed from Mr. Dougherty' s opening that Morse was the inheritor and con tinuer of a system that had Us be ginning earlier. At that time gen tlemen of standing and wealth and politicians of eminence were stock holders and directors of the bank. Uefore Morse's time eald Mr Dougli orty, the hunk appeared to hive In n csted some of its moneys of dopoa itors In the purchase 6f lsrge blocks of railroad and industrial stocks, some of which they sold ht a prof it. Counsel averted that by zssana of this class of purchases the brr'/, ac cording to Its reports, in one yoar I made a dividend of 36 per rent, for stockholders. He csked tho jury if : any bank, by the loan of money and_ discount of paper, ever made any such profit. He thought that the profits must J have come from purchases and sales of railroad and industrial securl ties. The testimony of Thomas Sturgia, President of the Continental Finance Company, doing a banking business at No. 25 Broad street, explained ho'v the bank happened to have the note of the company for 160.000. Morse approached Sturgia and others jot the finance company and asked I them to go into an ice pool with ! him and some of his friends. They' I were to give him a check for $7,000, which would be the only money they I would have to advance. But as a I memorandum of their Interest In the I pool they were to give him a nom ' Inal note for $00,000. This was to I be considered merely in the light of | a memorandum and was not to be I paid. They were to receive and {transfer to the bank 1,000 shares of Ice stock. When the pool was I wound up the notes were to be ac counted for. having been renewed from time to time. They understood 'that he was not to discount It, though no such agreement was*ever made. a-IjI5! The note wns made by the com pany to Jta own order. Soon after it was Slv,*?T ?(urg1? heard that it was in the hailds #? ih# Rational Hank of North ArnenVS itf Vot'V, and he went over to ss<? Mr. Cu!*tls. the president of the banh. About it The oompr.ny was depositor at bank with understanding it was to ft1* ac ccuntsd the note and that Mof*# h?.d understanding that It was to t*<? ac commodated with loans, and Stmffta did not want the borrowing ability of the company at the bank reduced by the note. - Curtis assured him that it would noi b4; and so did Morse. He did not know then that the bank had dis coutned the note and that Mora** had received $60,000 pn it. In June, 1908, Stufgi? heard ill*. Morse wa* going abroad. nfii as the note would mature Jit AUSuvt. he jv'ent to see Morse ifcfti.'i The lattor ttfld blM that he coilW rent'.* it then. In the* mean time a JhOU?u?-j shares ot icf stock had been |rantf/*rr#tf to cover the atock. though' the Hfctfnce company never saw the sloe/*. ^ the note came due In August i> neW note was sent over by the F'oanc# Company and ttio old ore *vas ye tv.rned to them. The hank went Into the itands p' a receiver. The receiver fojnd the pieco of paper in the handaef the bonk. It is on this paper, which the Finance Cobpany says was only memorandum and for which It never received any return, that the plain tiff is trying to collect $60,000 with interost. "WK PROVE IT"1 Why waste time and money expe rimenting with Rroasy galvc-3 and lo-1 Hons trying to drive the eczema Rcriol from unddrneath the akin when the] Hardy Drug Co. guarantee} ZF.\:Ot a clean liquid preparation for rxtW r.*l use to rid the ?klji of the gorni life that caused the trouble? Onel application will relieve the Itching and often <one bottle Is .nul?clent to euro a minor case of eczema. In ovor 2,000 towns and cJtlds in \merlca, the lending dmgffat bat thr* agency for ZEMO and he wlfl tell yoa ot the marvelous attrea mad* by this dead, simple treatment ZKMO Is recognuea as Ike * and raofct popirtifr trsatmoo roma. pimplev-daudrnff n*4 er forms of skin <ot^ scalp affect* whether on la/nnt ??r gsown Win 700 try a bottle oa our rnondattont ?? Gowana Pnparatkta . Inflammation. ttptcUHj of throat nn<1 cbeet. Vitffli Oowaaa Preparation tor atnnr I jraara aad aarar had a complaint. ] BVRLINQTON DRUG CO., ? trntagton. If. C. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT II TIE Established IK4o. BALTIMORE STEAM PACK ST CO OLD BAV LINK Only Lino operating Steamers Including Sunday between Now folk and Baltimore. < Steamers. FLORIDA. ,u VIRGINIA and ALABAMA. , Finest United 8tates Mali Steamer* South of New York, equipped with United Wireless Telegraphy ;.7?d ev ery modern convenience lor the pi-*; ure and comfort of the la*1 public. Leaves dally, including Sunt day as follows: ?"% Portsmouth, Suaynd . ...5,no prr Portsmouth, Week days ..6 30 Norfolk C;30 jtir Old Point 7:30 pet' Steamers arrive Norfolk ., . . 7:00-ar. Tickets sold to all points North, East, West and Canada. For Informa tion as to tickets, stateroom resis'.u tions, etc, apply by phone, wlro o.- lo. ter to. GEO. O. HOBSON. Qen'l Agent. J. W. BROWN*. JR., Southern Pas lenger Agent, 169 Main street. JNO. B. KIMBERLY, and HOTEL CHAM BERLIN. Old Point, Va. Proverb* anil Phrases Light is the first of painters. There is no objection so (onl that intense light will not make it beau tiful.?Emerson. They only have lived who have lived virtuously.?Sheridan. He who loves so far serves. ? Channlng. Spain Is "next" in the revolution ary barber shop. A man Isn't necessarily a dead one when he gets off the earth. He may be an aeroplane chauffeur. TWO MAJKSTIO Patent HMSM MmWBxun WM Mtnifi J. H. HARRIS PIUMRING & SUPPLY COMPANY Washington, N. C. Pointed Pmragraplm No. Cordelia, a auccessful crap shooter Isn't necessarily a good] marksman. ??- :--v? By Acquiring r/\ extravagant fam- I ily any man can avoid the disgrace of dying rich. Alter a girl finds herself engaged to a man she begins to realise that there are others. j From the viewpoint of a pretty woman in front of a mirror, an hon eat man isn't the nobleet work of the .creator. t --KM MARC0URT.&C0."S5BSfrSf';l mtrw?ATU. ' i Washington DailyC News - 35XG^U^iVj> I/OfJAu As. " "w - j_ mBX^oLi T>Hi<s &xcUl5j&^ wy._ ?_ j SPECIALS FOR Saturday 0 Shoppers! 50c. stl .col. M In wide- fclt>ocf, ? ^C.DrtM Glngtftttlu. light C tlioi dark colors. 5c. Ltulietf i*yn add /ancy IlindkerchleV _ ?'V SL.Vt Ladies whil^Mus'in QQp Skiris lacefiod cm>: trim, Ot ? 1.25 Ladies long crept' ft Flnoclitte Kimonas "v v _ ^*7 5c. Safety PTns atLolzcs, t gm our price a do*. VV ?c. Oo?io*?. Ugh? ?ad <fc?k <<olor<, r?rd * *-~ ?rtl*1??chlng, good (L 1.7c 7c- Calico*" In Uahi M 1 |? j i# out. rpmnaAts * Jc. quality Drew Pln?, all ^ , ?izes, paper XI SI.CO full iln Cotton Hfl_ Blankets, pair 7uC , -.hUdremJMdy mado TCJp J mm. & Outing. ?? '-rsi" 25c isa. ?r.?"" 39c Shirts KM Largest assortment oi\ Wagons, Dolls and Toys in the cit> ' ^Spencer NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Important Schedule Change ? Pullman Sleeping Cars Night Express Raleigh, N. C. Goldsboro, N. C. Via Washington, Greenville, Wilson Via New Bern, Kinston, Washington -And ' - L NORFOLK, VA. Da* Klght b - Day Local Express ItSspreaS BCHEpri.Jf ' ~ ' Exproas Express/ Local ? 8.35 am *11.00 am ? 9.00 ?>? Lv . . . . KotfolM . . Ar ? 7.SO am * 2.25 pm ? 5.4J pm 10.21 am 12.25 pm 10.43 pm Lf . . Elizabeth City . . Ar G.40 am t-t4 pm 4.00 pm 11.06 am l.oi pm 11.31 pm l.v , . . . Hartford . . . . Ar 4.$6 am 1.17 pm 3.14 pm ?11.JO am 1.35 pm 1.05 am Lr . . . . Edenton . ... Ar 4.S6 am 1.15 pm ? 2.50 pm 2.35 pm 1.06 am Ar . . . Plymouth . . Lv a.20 am 11.57 am x * 3.15 pm 2.20 am Ar . . . Washington . . . Lv 2*26 am *10.BO am x 7.35 pm 7.51 am x (.56 pm 3.25 am Ar . . . . Greenville . . . . Lt 1.00 IB x 0.40 art 6.20 pm 9.15 am 6.12 pm 5.05 am Ar . . Wilson (not* 1) . . Lv 11.30 pm ? 1.20 ?ot 6.00 pm xl 1.20 am x 8.00 pm * 7.20 am Ar . . Raleigh (nolo 2) . / Lv * 9.15 pm x 6.15 am x 3.00 pm X10.07 am * 3.50 pm * 2.20 am Lr . . . Washington . . . Ar * 2.10 am *10.40 am x 3.00 pm xll.36 am 5.15 pm 4.05 am Ar . > . New Bern . . . Lv 12.30 am 9.25 am x 1.45 pm -r.. -- - 6.37 pm 6.83 an Ar . . . . Kinston . . . . Lv 11.10 pm 8.07 am * * 8.00 pm ? 6.10 am Ar . . Qoldsboro (note l) . .Lv *10.16'0m ? 7.15 am '-i * 6.50 pm *10.40 am Ar . . }!ore!:cv? City > . Lr 4.22 pm * 7.37 am V.' 7 05 pm *10-55 am Ar . . . . g*2Ufert , ... Lr * 4.00 pm * 7.15 am 'Dally xOally etaept 8u ndar Night Express carries Pullman Blooplof ears between Norfolk <64 Kclelgh rla Washington, Oreenviile ami Wilson, and between Norfolk and a Idsboro via New Bern and Kiflejon/^JVjff r ' - j Note 1. Close connection to or from North and South via A. C. L. R R? Note 2. Close connectlofl to or from points on Southern I^y., 8. A. L. Hy. and R. 6 8. Ry. Three trains between Kafelgk and Washington; Three trains between Golddboro and Washington; Three trains between Norfolk and Ideaton;Three trains between Washington and New Bern. The Norfolk Southern Railroad Is the only line operating In North Carolina with a passenger station in the rlty of Norfolk, Tt. - For complete Information ask: u* Agent or writ* W. W. CROXTON, O. P. t B. U BtXK). Tr?xtc >Ia * NORFOLK. virgin u. jfp T. H. IIYBRff, AfHt. Wa.hlmtoo. N. C. ?JT'lffJII SECRET OF UVINC. If we can ooly come i?ck to ne* ture together every year and ceo aider the Rowers and the birda and confess oni faults and our mistakes under the ?lent star* and hear the river nurnnuriAg in solution we shall die yoyng ev^n though we live long, and we shall have a treason of memories which v.- ll hp like the twin flower, a double blossom on a *ngtd aton. and carry will, ua into tihe unseen world something which will make ?l worth while to be im mortal.?Henry van Dyke. rij Dent WaK. A paper devoted to ' is tbe . the best t ' V . TilEBfc OOtS> MOltNINGH. . SB won t set you shivering?have no . terrors for Jpu?lf you havo a gag \. radiator In yonr room connected with our mains and your own houso 'eed pipes. Turn tho cock. strike a .match and Just'foeL your apartment Krow roui for labile 1n a trico. When you'ro dressed y*>U can shut off the it^fgr a ffw cents. Wi

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