Last Edition se= WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 24. Wit. ? >T PAID SUBSCRIPTION OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH .CAROLINA fliui (111 BOLL WEEVIL Atlanta, fla., Nov. 13.?More than 100 delegatee repreeentlng all ot the cotton growfpg states gathered in the convention here today to dla cur.s but one subject: "War on the Bolt Weevil." The delegates were welcomed by Governor Joseph M. Drown and May ^ or Robert F. Maddox. It eras ihe concensus of opinion that the bbll weevil can fee tally fought, bat It will b< sary to revolutionise farming meth ods. It waa pointed out that ae the weevil will he across the southwest ern borders of Georgia by ltu it la aeceeeary to outline a can agalnet the peet as early as riiJ& We. t _yJ Dr. W. D. Hinds, state entomolo - gtft of Alabama, declared that starch of the weevil, the pUnter ?id tan off the cotton stalk as mm as the erop la ptftked. He eald that thle will kill ?? per cent of the weevils. ! Wtl Mr. ad Mrs. Fred Gardner of llamatoo, N. C.. announce the en gagement of their daughter. Bert, to Dr. John Watklna Williams of Kver etta, N. C. The ssarrlage Is to take Place some time In January, It 11. The bride-elect Is one of Willlan ston*a popular and attractive young women. She haa been a resident of that town for the peat three years and counta her frlenda by the score. Dr. Williams la an old Washing ton boy and a son of the late Mr. Samuel H. Will lama. He la a grad uate of the University of Maryland and Is practicing his profeealon at ?vims mhise he is Urge and lucrative practice. ? The marriage will be a society event of the new year. Reaaoaable Objection* What la your chief objection to movln pictures? The duat that has accumulated behind them.?Birmingham Age LLI UtlKIUUMIO 163 REPUBLICANS D# c.. hj?V. M ?Tlw Democratic representation in th< next house will be 227 as agalna 163 Republicans aad one socialist according to the rostor. of uo houjM published -today. The figures site the Democrats i roojorlty of 68 and * plurality o ? 4. According to this publication Kai ui Is the only state of an/ six. which has s solid Repabllcau aele gstlon. , "? 'vXl V A number. however, conn in on J one Democrat, among (those thui Included being Iowa, Minnesota. Ca Ifornla and Wisconsin. All of the Southern states bav< solid Democrsti* delegation* excep Maryland. Vlrglnls. Kentucky an< Maryland aad Virginia ea N har? one Republican, while Tsanesve aad Kentucky each have two mam tugs of that party. Colorado Is possessing s mucl large raprsseataUoa, prsears cloei upon her heels with twefcre Demo crate out of thirteen members. Illinois has eleven Democrat* it her membership of twenty-five. Mas sachusetts four out of fourteen; Michigan two out of twelve; Ne* Jersey seven oat of ten; New York tWbnty-three oat of thirty seven; Ohio sixteen out of twenty-eigm, tad Pennsylvania nine out or 'thlr tmo. Missouri's delegation conalsts ol thirteen Democrats and threo repute llcans. The Nebrasga delegetionjs even ly divided?three and three -as li Maine's?two and two. Oklahoma has two Republican! and three Democrats. "Wasblngtor rapragenlert hg three rapab*ll?sns AH of the states having one repre sentative only are republican. The old fence around the Eplsco^ pal church graveyard Is being re moved and It will be replaced b> a handaome and nttractlve concrete Special SKowipg Of Stamped Linen Sofa Pillows, Centre Pieces, Guest Towels and Table Covers. I Embroider)- designs of all descriptions. ? TH? H/GH-AflT ? STATEMENT OF CONDITION or THE Tlrst National 3&ank "of [ VPa*l>lngto<i.?^ortfe Carolina AT THClCLOSe IOFIBUSINC9S HOV. 10, >*10 RESOURCES '?:< /? f c "1 . > Loui *Bd Dtocounu - - $UMK.? Overdnrft. - - ? - 4M.M , U. S. Bond. .... 3MM.M Other Bonds .... Dm from Bank, .nd Cub ? PWe Per Cent Pond . Ji' v > . ?'"mSSSm Li ABILITIES Capital Surplus Undivided Profit! . - ? J.iM.M Note. Outttaodfaw - - Do* to BI1U Redlecounted , - ' ' ? I- ' ?HM?M* TIMEICERTIFICATES , Four per cent. Certificate of De posits issued In exchange for funds (hat are to remain for three monlhs nim! rturtt 11 FUNERAL Tula. Russia. Nor. 18.?Thiougt out the night and during the ?arty It ours of today spoclal train* arriv ed at ?A?lka, the rallioad station near. Yaabajru, Pollna estate. bearing doleguttona to the funeral o>f Count Leo Tolstoi. Student* from Moscow occupied 33 coaches. Following Tolstoi's written rw> quest his grave has been named ^Poverty Oak" in the spot where In Childhood he burled a green rock ing horse. This reference was to an episode la the early life of Tolstoi and his brothers who with childish rites consigned to the earth a hobby horse In the belief that when. It was un earthed a reign of happiness would ha inaugurated. The novelist often referred U* the disposition of his body In di rections left spedAed explicitly that the ceremony incident thereto should be of the "simplest, without the rites of the Orthordox nhurcb." The special tratn bringing the body from Astapova arrived st the Zasellta station at 8 o'clock this morning. The funsrai party was mot by throngs of mourning peasanta. who since dnyltght had .been weeding their way thither from tho sur rounding countryside. According to the Russian custom. Tolstoi's sons were the bearers and carried the casket on the should ers over the two miles separsung the station from the novelists home at Yasnaya Pollna. The ronte was through a small wood, across gently slanting fields , and| through a wooden park of the estate to the houae. monrn f - ? uoivucu at iuc ueaa o the procession carrying wbtte ban nen, Inscribed "Leo Nlkolaivltrh the memory of your goodness wll never fsde from the minds of u> orphaned peasants." Following the peasants were tw< student choirs chanting memoria hymns and four carriages filled wltl wreaths. Then came the sons troddlnj slowly under the weight pf the caa k$t. The countess snd others pf th< family followed the bier afoot. Arriving at the house, the cor tege belted and the casket wai borne within end placed upon a cat nfslque erected in the author's roon This had been emptied of its furnl ture end was barren except for th< cherrishcd bookcase, a portrait o Tolstoi's brother, and a bust of Dud ha. Here In the old home from whlcl Tolstoi fled twelve days ago to seel solitude that was to be denied him the body lay In state. The public was freely admitted t? the room and for several houra un broken lines of peasant folks an< others of less humble circumstance passed reverently before the bier. The interment on a bill in a for um wood was deferred until late li the sfternoon. Improvement* Admired The Improvements that Mr. Char lea M. Browu, president of the Flra National Hank, la making to hi! borne on Kn.-t Main street are belni mveh admired. This home 1 among the most attractive of thi many In Washington. XAklojc Improvements Mr. N. 8. Fulford is making Im provements to his res'dence on Wes Main street. ADVERT IRK IS TH?! NK\YM. 4 Per Cent Compound Interest On Savings Accounts Savings & Trust Co. Capital $50,0< and Profits $10,009 | [HE SHIM IS MORE SERIOUS THAN GOVERNMENT ADMITS IN MEXICO Mexico City. Nov. 31?Docu aenla found in the hoqse of a rero utionary are said to h%f? remled i conspiracy for tin wholesale as sassination of promlnest govern nent officials, including jr?relgn Mln ster Creel. Vic#- President Corral ind otber prominent Mexicans imong thetn Editor Splndola, own ir of El Imparctal. Miguel 8. Macedo. Sub Becretarj >( the government was also listed or dsath. President Diss was to be taken lut his life was spared because of lis pggt services to tb? country, "he bodies of thoss killed were to >e suspended from electric light rlres In the streets. The building of B! Impartial was 4 hare been destroyed With dyna ilte. v *' ! The papers exposing tbe consplr cr were dtooorere^ dating a raid ?y the police Snnday. Three em >loyei ?%-B1 Impartial. had bees urnlihed with explosives' and had eeu Instructed to uee tt at tbe first eport of the uprising which was ?tanned for 8unday. The selsurs f the plans on tbe day upon which hey were to be executed Is thought d have a great effect In heading off he rebellion. REVOLUTIONISTS RRPULSEI) Mexico City. Not. 2S.?Four bun red revolutionists who took part i the aassault on Parral, referred # In yesterday's dispatches, were tpulsed with a loss of It dead, the ihabltants withstanding the attsck ?r many hours until troo;>? were ble to reach the scene from Chihua mm *f PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Washington Public Schools ?ele braked Thanksgiving Day >jes erday at the school auditorium rlth an appropriate program <wnlch vo8 most excellently rendered. At he appointed hour the entire school narched Into the auditorium. It ras an in?piring sight to ?eo these trlght faces carrying with them bun lies to .be donated to the poor of he city. The kindergarten and first graae hlldren had to be put two on cne hair. The address by Hon. H. 3. Ward vas excellent. He discussed the I rue spirit and meaning of thauks ;iving. showing the ^dvantanen, we. is Americans, enjoy over other na ions. Thanksgiving can only tome is a result of honest diligent work, oil of some kind. Genuine thanks giving is from the heart. The falth ul worker can give thanks to the' fiver of all good The idler oan neither understand nor give real hanks. He did not understand how grown tealthy. vigorous looking voung nen can afford to play pool !n the ?pen day time when God's sun is hining and calling all men tc hon sst labor of hand or brain. He touched upon state prW.e and 'ailed attention to the privileges injoyed by the youth of today?ed icatlon. elvlc and religious. It was i great speech and did much good. About 40 or 50 vialtors were pros it. The children marched to thi front md deposited their gIPts upon the ostrunp: Flour, meat, meal, sugar. 'Atitoe*. oatmeal. crackers, read pnd other groceries were here great abundance. The to al made a mighty heap on the ros rum. A committee of ladles represent ng the different churches of the ilty took charge of the gifts and Hied and sent out It baskets for he poor of the city. Several pack iges were left for ruture use. The value of the gifts as csticsa| ?d by some of the ladlea aggregated hua and Monterey. Gomel Palack> waa retaken toda by the federal .roups according t official advice* received here. Tt looters who occupied the town lai night were puriued by mounteu p< Uce and eventually dispersed. loi Ing seven killed. The troops loi two. GARRISON AT CAMARGO Matamoras. Taruauipiaa. Mexlc< N'or. 21.?More than a dozen fedei al soldiers and revolutionists . wer killed last night In a pitched battJ between the opposing forces in tb streets of Camargo. A hand of seventy-flve revolutior Ists attacked the garrison, bat wer driven to the country after a flerc encounter with the goremaaes troops'. TR/ B1 Paso. Texas Sot. 23.?A paa aenger train on the Mexico North western Railroad, ruanlng botwee Chihuhua and Mareiia. was fired IB to last alght. and several second rlaaa paaeengers killed. The number, namea and detail could not be aacertalned. as sll th telegraph wires hsve been cut. Fifteen troops from the Pourtl battalion at Metamoras were aen yesterday to Guerrero, a point 101 miles up the Rio Grande to relnforct the Mexican authorities, an indlrat Ing a grave situation. The river on the "Mexican aide h this vicinity Is being closely guard ed by csvalry ruralera and the rui toms guards. Ererythlng In quiet In this regloi and there have been no untowarc acta committed. at least 1100. ^ tV emliren enjoy making the contributions and it Is r mo?t beau tiful thing for them to do. The following program was car ried out by the school: Song. America. School. Invocation--Rev. J. A. Snillvan. Thanksgiving Song?Pa.'t of grade 1A. (a) Jack Front. Kindergarten, <b> Come Little l?eave?, Kindergarten. (c? Orass Mowing. Kinderga-ton. Recitation?Cause for Gladness, Four children grade 2A. Song?A Child's ThanksgUIng? grade 3B. Thanksgiving Hymn?Come ye, Thsnkful People Come- School. Address- Hon. Hallett S. Word. Recessional?School. Depositing gifts on the rostrum Benediction. Take Advantage of Hates. Quite a number have gone fron. Washington to Richmond nn.l Nor folk to take in the football rn:ues todny in those cities. A large party left over the Nor folk-Southern last night for Nor folk on?l several left yesterday niorn'ng via the Atlantic Coast Line for Richmond. About Completed The residence of Mr. M. J. Wright on West Second street, which has been undergoing alteration* and Improvements is sbout completed. It Is one of the city's attract!?'4 and model homes. Mr. Wright and family and Mr B. W. Taylor and family are c/peel ing to occupy It when coui;>lctei! which will be wlthlit the nev.; few days. Thanksgiving Service at Batlst Church Annual Thankgtvlng services will1 be held at the First Bautlat church tonight at 7:10 o'clock. Rev. Dr. Jennie Crosier, who It attending the session of the Christian church con vention, will deliver the address. The address will be for the or phans. With man, most of hla misfort unes are occasioned by man.?Pliny JV HI1VT WASHINGTON'S K nUl 1, GREATEST STORE See our windows for display of j Toys andfHotiday Goods. >v ; ^ e Than Ever ASSUMES VIOLENT FORM London. Eng.. Nov. 23.?The po litical campaign la being waged with a flercenes fialmost unknown in Ktic land, both by politicians on the stump an4 suffragettes on the bat tleBeld. The battle of Downing street, which was fought this afternoon when several hundred suffragettea attempted to storm the premier's resldcuce. assaulted Mr. Aaqulth and Augustine Blrrcll, chief secretary for Ireland, and broke many win dows In the government offices, sur passed all previous spectacles of the sort. About 150 women and aeveral men supporters are In the police station tonight. Following an announcement ?oy the prime minister In the houae of commons that if he was still in pow er at the next aeasloa of Parlia ment the government would give facilities for the consideration Jbr s suffrage bill, a large number of women, inflamed rather than placat ?d by this promise, which was char leterIred aa "nothing more nor lees, thsn sn Insult t9 the cause," left Claxton hall (^search of (he prem ier. They came upon him on the way to Downing street and immediately formed a hostile cordon around Mr. Nsqulth who recently has resorted o all kinds of subterfuges to keep ilmself clear of the hands of the nllltant women. One of them. Hen letta Williams, struck the govern nent leader, and the premier would ?ave fared badly had not larire de achments of police co^te running to "Is rescue. The poll*, had icr?at llfflculty In putting down the dis ?rders and many of the women had o be dragged from the scene with lothes half torn from their backs. The rioting continues into uhe ev nlng when squuds of women at acked the residences of Sir Edward ?ray, the foreign secretary; Wm ton Churchill, the home sectary, ind Lewis Harcourt, secretary of! tate of the colonies. Stones crash ed through the windows of the louses. Sir Edward Greys bearing he brunt of the attack. !? gulte Sick The many friends of Miss Isabellc 'vedle. ?alighter of Mr. and Mrs. Miver Credle will regret to learn ?f her illness. It Is to be hoped that she will ioon be on the road towards recov >ry. The Naval Kcmtvpn The Dally News is glad to loarr. hat excellent progress is being nade towards the organization of a naval reserve here at no distant lay. Quito a number have already ex pressed a willingness to become uenibers by signing the application ind others it "s learned will follow. This is an organization that long igo become impcrathe for Welli ngton. After eight years In Jill Caleb Powers may find even Congress a oelrably pleasant change. BUILDINGS AT TfilHin Durham. Nov. 23.?The announo cd plan of Benjamin N. Duke to erect two new buildings on the Trinity College Campus, one within days a few days of the comple tion, is soon to he followed by an other, that instead of the twin ep idemic and administrative buildings there will be a rectangular group, the second to begin in a few days. At tho Trinity commencement of 1909. Mr. Duke authorized the an nouncement that he would give $50, 000 for another building. An ade quate housing of the students at college was becoming dally more difficult At the 1910* commencel mem, Mr. Duke added $100,00? to the Buildings at Trinity, this gift being meant to cover the cost of the second structure and the joint ure of the two by a monumental tower. To erect both it became necessary to tear down the old Washington Duke main building. The d set ruc tion of this venerated, though anti quated building was to have begun In a few days. Xt was Impossible to take care of students robbed of rooms In that building and it was decided to erect the dormitory. The return of President Few, it Is said, will settle this matter of iwarding the contract and that the work will begin at once. The old Waahington Duke main Dullding will not be torn iown un :11 the commencement of 1911. It will be used for administration and itudeutB* classrooms. In the mean imo the work upon the new dorml ory, an unexpected gift of Mr. Duke trill proceed to completion for the tudents next fall. To complete the group will cO<t he great phianthroplst at least 250,000 making his and nls fam ly'B gifts to the Institution ap proach $1,500,000. TIiIb imposing list of building# is neant to give adequate housing for he college students in whatever* umber they come to college for a ew years. The buildings now in sight will equire more than a year for com pletion. t Mr. Butt Dead. Mr. Thomas Butt of Columbia, N. died at the Washington Hosptt ,1 this morning at nine o'clock. He vas brought to the hospital about wo weeks ago suffering with an ac tute attack of appendicitis. Be ore he was operated on tho sur geons at the hospital had no hopes or his recovery. He was a young uan of about 25 years of age and leld In the highest esteem in his lome. For several years he has been In he employ of the Norfolk South ?rn railroad as engineer. In this 'esponslble position he was f*\ith 'til and e\er watchful of his enm mny'a Interest. His death is to be leplored. Any one thing in the creation is iufl)clcnt to demonstrate a pro\l lence to an humble and grateful nlnd.?Epictetus. Special Prices On Furs. ' We have an immense stock of FURS of every kind. In sets or separate pieces. Special prices for aext few days. Bowers-Lewis Co. Wggmt. to" Wo-fc Wttrti Tomorrow'* THE GEM THEATRE W* want yon to stop In today? come in and see te attest in moving pictures! v ETutcr'alnment for old and young. Sb. . ui*Ku. ?

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