wi. own** PITS PEIMLTY ' London. Not. It.?Hawley Hanrey Crlppen ?m tucuud In the court yard of PeaUmvHle nt ? o'clock \ XWn morning for Uio mardor of his wife Boll* Elmore Crlppen. Hs "went calmly to htnltoom on tb* scaffold. wearing the'atyllah clothe* which taad'bMn his attire during hla trial. J Before hla execution Dr. Crlppen ate a light break Cast and received the last riten of the Roman Catholic church from the Rev. Father B. M. CarrtUe Ho had awakened early and hla face was pale and drawn as he re ceived hla apirltual adviser but he bore up until the end. Shortly af ter Crlppen'a execution the official announced that Crlppen had died without confesaing or making a statement of any kind. Despite this fact the Evening Times, a sensation al London paper conducted on the 'American plan. publlahed today what it declared to be an authentic confession by Crlppen. made by him to tup old friend. The little American .'physician showed no trace of agitation as he went to his deatlft The condemned man walked the twenty yards from his cell to the scaffold without a faltering atep. Bilia. of Rochelle. the executioner, declared that never In his long ei Verience at his grewsome trade had he known so game a prisoner It was a bleak foggy day and Crip pens' laat glimpse of the world was ittrt a cheerful one. Christian Convention The Chrlatian convention ha sbeen in session here for the past two days will adjourn tonight sine die. The convention has boon on* of the most successful and proflta We in the hiatory of the Christiac church. The place of the next meeting will be decided today?probably Ayder will be selected. This afternoon i Sunday school meeting will be helc and doubtless will prove one of th? most interesting servicves of the en tire convention Rev. Dr. Robert Hopkins, ration al superintendent of Dlblo School! in American will make the princlpa address. His subject will be "Thi Hible School and the Christian Con quest of America." Special music has been arranged for thla occasion. Tonight the closing service ot the convention will be held. The son? and ppraise service will be conduct ed by J. W. McLeary of Mlddleton; and addresses will be made by Rob ert M. Hopkins of Cinclnati on "Home Missions"; Mr. John. Wood of Georgia on "Benevolence" and also an address on "Church Kxten sion" by (?. W. Muckley, secretary of the board of church extension. After these addresses reports will lie heard from the respective com mit lees. Everybody is cordially invited to altond any and all service*. Among the distinguished visitors attending <he convention*"aro" Prof. Ifllhty*rger of the department of musi< and Prof Dunlap of the de partment of lajin of the Atlantic Christian College, Wilson. ,%n Kditor's Snrakiiiu l>e*it-e We don't rare anything about nude figures or undressed art, but We have a sneaking desln- to see a" fat woman looks when she in with out a corset The fatter a woman the tigheter she draws her corset. We don't know anything about such things, but wo have a notion that some of these fat women flatten out atl over the floor when they unloos en their corsets at night . Railway Car WHmIi. ? Everybody knows how the wheels of ? railroad car are fastened to the ?xle. Tbey are shrank on?tbat Is. put ??n hot and allowed to shrink in cooling ?o that they are practically a solid piece with the axle. These ram go around curves. MMt will l?r observed that the outer rail covers a great deal ?tore ground than tbe Inner oue, ?o that to turn tbe curves and finish even th? outside wheel must of necessity travel considerably faster tbau the In ner one. Yet It Is fixed solidly to tbe axle and cannot make a fraction of a revolution more than tbe other one, yet tbe axle remains intact, and tbe ? curves are passed with untiring regu larlty. Balanced. ?TIave you beard that Long Jim has Tun away with Jack Hammond's "Confound it. Long Jim owed me tore pounds!" -Poor old Jack Hammond waa so up Mt be has committed suicide." "Then I come out square. I owed "? A. P. _ r i r i H m - ^ ?' h ?W| . . # ; ?? .: f: You Are Cordially Invited to Attend IggHlHKL ___ ? 1 a vi 11jcxi viii loiniao v/uviiinx Formal Christmas Opening ' 5 UNO 10 GENT STORE / NEXT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25 From 3 to 5 P. M. From 7:30 to 9:3* P. M. Santa Claus will be there and give to each Boy . and Girl who writes their name in his book a present. V ? i. / No Goods Will Be Sold Daring The Opening Washington Concert Band will furnish Music. ? ? The store will be closed all day Thursday and Friday until 3 P. M. I ^ Biing the children to see Santa Claus. Thomas' 5 & 10 Cent Store Nothinc Sold Over 25 Cent. Washington, N. C. <:? Question Molly is a sweet little miss On whom I call o'olghts; And long we sit clone ui>? like this. Both lost in dreamy flights. Now, as v.e coddle up to end). A Question gripes my noddle; While she's what fellows call "a ?. peach." Am I a mollycoddle? ?Puck. FOR FEVKKl.HHNF.ftS and ACHING. Whether from malarious condi tions. colds or overheating, try Hick'* Capudine. It reduces the (ever and relletes the aching. It Is liquid- V 25 and 50 cents at drug stores. Ilumly Bonnet* The new automobile bonnets th^ ladies are wearing are Just to cute for anything. Besides they come In handy for night caps.?Rochester Herald. Not Sorry For Bluadrr "If my friends hadn't blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim Df consumption, I'might not be alive now," writes D. T- Sanders, of Har rodaburg, Ky., "but for years they ?ay every attempt to cure a lung racking cough fall. At last l tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The ef fect was wonderful. It soon stop ped the cough and I am now in bet ter health than I hate had for rears. This wonderful llfe-aaver la in unrivaled remedy for coughs, soldi, lagrlppe, astbma, croup, hem orrhages, whooping cough or weak tongs 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all Druggist# What's the t'se? He bought an airship new and trim; Next thing the poor man heard. His wife dertred it on her hat Because 'twas such a bird. Shall Women Vote? If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true rem edy for women. For banishing dull, fagged feelings, backache or head ache. constipation, dispelling colds. Imparting appetite and toning up the system, they're unequalled, fcaay, safe, tare. 25c at all Drug gists. { ADVERTISE IN THQ NEWS. * . . ? 3 i.\*' ^ ?? NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Route of The "Night Express" Schedule lu effect November 6th. N. B.?The following schedule fig ures published as information only and are not guaranteed. NORTH BOUND Trains leave Washington: 2:2? a. m. Daily for Norfolk, con nects for all points north and west. 10:60 a. m. Dally for Norfolk, connects for all points North and West. EAST BOUND 3:05 p. m. Dally except Sunday for BeihaN en. WE8T BOUND 7:00 a. m. Dally except Sunday for Greenville. Wilson and Raleigh. Con necta North, South and Weat with ? 11 linea. 4:00 p. m. Daily except Sunday for Greenville, Wilson and Raleigh. 2:30 a. m. Dally for Greenvlll^ Wilson and Raleigh. Connect* North South and Weat. SOUTH BOUND 2:30 a. m. Dally for New Bern, Klnston and Goldaboro. 10:07 a. m. Dally except Sunday for New Bern. 8:50 p. m. Dally for New Bern, Goldaboro, and Beaufort. For farther Information and in nervation of Pullman Sleeping Car apnea, apply to T. H. Myers, agont, Waahlngton, N. C. W. R. HUDSON, W. W. CROXTON, Oon. PUi Aft Norfolk. V? Physicians Advise a P,-111"*3"''. to koto the boncls (yen and prercnt the pctams c! ;;nil~st 100a jrom gettingnto y->ur systea. The Utest product if soem* is VELV ? u=?-o t*wr Swsp. msu *?-n , *? * f*?y8; ltr:c' Vch.? cos ('a uswyrr, ci urtl us out Boama *1X1 towels, end sol tie (netest p~? * <C,In axisUpation, Kx^estt* bUiou?nos?^ckht3.Jache, fevcrtahcess, a>Bc,na.u.. j, cu. Try - VF LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP1 Trade With a Store You Have Faith la With a store that is just and fair, tbe article's the beat (or the money that can be produced oo one's dollars have greater buying power than yours, we serve all aUke. _The store in Washington that will serve you pains takingly and attentively?and put forth every effort to please you is the Southern Furniture Store. That's the sort of store service you want, Un't it? Then why not trade with the Southerd Furniture Store ?the store you have faith in? SOUTHERN FURNITURE CO. AM I ever ! JACKSON SQUARE C( Du thai different Sam tkat hai Naw Orlaaa. oal.brataO (or Good Coffee Wa pitnlM aack aealad cul to plaaaa, or tha Bros* will ra tal* tka KKkw price. DOU9UB ITRBUQT B?Malcaa It a* Bccasmtral Caffaa Oaaa twt^a ?a.tar aa ckM**r (radaa. k "Tw c?o taau tha OIBtraooa." ' ' IMPORTERS COFFEE CO., Ltd.. New Orleaae, La. Urn SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS \ VIA Chesapeake line to Baltimore Direct Line to Baltimore and all points North & Weat ELBOAKTiiY Apponrrtn hxamciu. perfect diktoq ?> all evmra rtatsroomb Steamer* leare Norfolk dally (except Sunday; f: 15 p. m. from toot of Jackson street, arrlre Baltimore 7:M a. m. Direct connection made with rail lines for all points. For partlcnlalrc. call oa or write P. R. McMIIJJN, T. P. A. SB Granby Street. Norfolk, Va. . THBSfC COLD MORXIWM. won't eet too shivering?have no terrors for you?If you hare a gas radiator In your room oonnected with our main* and your own honso feed pipes. Torn the cock, strike a match and Just feel yoor apartment grow comfortable in a trice. Whea you've dreesed you can shut off the (as. so getting host for a few oeata Ask us how few. WASHINGTON LIGHT &5WATER CO. If you don't believe that MOORE'S MODERN METH 3 will, tave money in your nC.ce Let us send , on approval lot ? hee trial any Loose Leaf Binder*, a Cabinet and Record S',iett? on any of (heaa iornu: Sglr- i _ri6*?r 1 -??- ?..?-< \.+*? JMM* f>ia> ? <.?? ics^Wfi? li^ri U|Hi' 'i> | , JlhH ta*r*>' 1?i ^ H|i f iSC -?-.ifcaSl Pc* T.?. at?4 U prove our Uainu?-pay u?; if nr/iiKey coat you nothing. V'*SHlNC,TON DAILY NF.WS maim .*WAiM.iii.rjH. ? C Try an Advertisement In the Daily News! And watch results.

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