ffiSHlNilCN DAILY NfcWS *r ?HBLJBHKD SVERY AFTERNOON EXCBPT 8UHDAT. j?0. tU Ka < lOkTWATKR PIUSfTINQ COMPANY. I. L,. SIAVO, I SBUrad u * 6. 1?0?. at tha pMtotBoaat Waahtmrton. N. C.. under the act ol Mnrch 1. 1179. 1 11 1 . ? . SUBSCRIPTION RATBS: Vonth. ........ J -It Four Month* / 1.00 ?U Months,... . 150 v>u# Year. I.?l Subscriber!! d*slrlng the paper dis ?oiitlnued wili please notify this offlc* ob date of expiration, otherwise. It will bo continued at regular subscrip tion rates until notice to stop La ro %elved. ft you do not get The Dally News a~?inptiy telephone or write the mtn v*er. and tbe complaint will receive tti.rp-dluiw attention It Is our d*slrr ?0 P'Osse you. FRII>AY, NOYKMUER 23, Parties leaving row.i should no Nil to let the New* lo'l-w them dat'i ?Ub the n??7S of tV.nolr.gton fr**i **i> crl?t?. It will prov?? b vftlaaM roiupiniun, roai'ne ?n *f?u II v?. ? lot ?*r from home. Tbnue at the sea ?V>re or mountain* ?llT A?o Tb New* s moBt welcome Interc?* <*?? VUMtOT. All article* sent to T- j Xers fo vibliraMon ?no?i b* ied by '!? . nr\>.?*?. otbvr^'lee they *i!l cot l?' THY APPLE TKUKH Plant apple trees; or..? or one Iran dred. or one thousand. Cr?son and other Western 6tatcs ' have found a gold mine In raising apples for the retail mT'tcts. ?"?? paring them for the purchaser wltli grsat care a:id ciur'ns for tbcm ac- J Cording!/. T* i.? rot tiie raising of fancy ap . t!.is (cr which t.'c plead, but for i-vro attention, more Irtolllg^n* nt t'utlon to the apple tree. To ctt gcod results you must taUc c~:z of the orchard r.tl the year vc*:?d. You must dig and prune and npray and gather as If the profit for the : ?t defended on that one act. The rllmate In Kentucky has not cTnnged, neither has ;t changed In Tmccsaee, Georgia and Alabama,. T!.<? apule trees have been neglected for other things of more pressing im portanc-e. In planning for the new crop and a'.l the crops that are to follow take the apple Into consideration. Begin with the selection of the t?it varieties for your market Then the best stock suited for your, cMmcte. "*"hen study apple culture and ow i? week by week all the year. "I hat is what pays. But you say, ???!??? apple crop around here is a ?ol'.ure and the trees are dying i out." Neglect Is killing them, as It will i rrur livestock. Begin over again I T crm from your neighbor's failure rr.f! plant apples for the market; apples to s?*!l-?Home and Farm. TAX ?'X tiOlNG TO UUi) m Ir.dy of the house pre f ?;* f!!tim')cr the Payne tariff .1 still In operation. She n 'r-io a k; nono taxed 60 per cf nt " r \r.ir brus!: is tariff-taxed 4 0 ? ' . r.ud the rubber '-onb 3.* rrr.t. :: it celliloi:! the tlx Is G5 r. r-v ? pound rlid 30 ;;cr con: { diUtViT.pl. *? ' o'h bri:.-'- <h tuscd 10 per ?Af'. .tT"! the tocth paste or pnnce cr iv)vO,ir GO per cent. The cold cream Is taxe.l 60 per rent and SO per cent also for the hands, the rose oltment and the toi let powder. The toilet water Is tariff-taxed 50 per cent, and In addition 60 cents a pound. The kid curl papers are tariff-tax ed 40 per cent. The cotton bedroom slippers em broidered with worsted, are taxea 60 per cent, and In addition 50 cents a pound. The cotton sheets sre tariff-taxed 45 per cent. The woolen blankets, 35 per cent ar?! in addition 33 cents a pound. The co.ton quilt Is tariff-taxod 60 ?"?r cent. It Is cheapsr to have a quilt of eiderdown skins. Thai pays only ZZ per cent. The fenthers In the pillows are far!ff-taxed 60 per cent. ? The tlck irsr the*, bol ls ihera Is taxed as cot ton cloth. ?" Tho curlci hair for mattree*es Is trxed^io per cent; mattresses of rotten tieVIng filled with vegetable substances are taxed 4 5 cens a round additional. k The wire for the bed springs p?jrs the hlgheet Juty of tho kind used, ?Bd In l tent s ponn<t. An this rau.t iterar be leae then ?? per ? Tks b?d lisalf. If woo*. 35 p?r cent UrlC tax? It bcaas 45 par caat. The bra** catlings and tubas for a bad are taxed 46 par cent. *o that you may not brine them in and as semble your own bad. The el arm clock that wake* yon ia the moraine 1* tariff-taxed 40 j>er cant PREVENTING MILLET SMUT. Soaking Seed In Solution of Formalin Prevents the Di*caa?. During the past year n fungous dis ease of mUiet appeared at various place* In Iowa. The botanical section of the lows experiment stutlon found ujwn larestlgutlou that the disease was millet smut, a trouble very common In HEALTHY MILLFT flEAD ATJD ON"t AFrECT-I EI> B* bMCff (Photograph by Iowa State college agrl- ] cultural station.! the millet crowing sevticun of Europe. It was probably lmiwricd to ibis conn try In seed brought from (Jerinany. l'rufessor Pnnnnel timls that tlio dis ease can be prevented by Koakiug the seed for two bcurs iu a solution of one pouml of fi.ru-. illu to forty-Ate gal ions of water. TLc claims oi' millet ns an Impor tant solifng food rest npon the fact that It 1* a good mill; producing food. | that U yield* well on good land, that It tnay be growu as a catch crop and I iu hot weather In some iu^tauve* after another crop ha* been harvested. Its weal; polut as a soiling crop 1* fhe short reason during which It can be fetl. When it comes to a choice be tween buying some new tool you need on the farm and putting the money in the bank, better buy the tool. It will help you gain the money back and save toil into the bargain. Sorghum For Hog*. The Alabuma experiment station finds that sorghum pasture for fat tening hogs bus very little to recom mend It. Wben used with corn It gave better gains tban corn alone, but tho gains were uot profitable when tbe sorgl^um was cut and carried to tbe hogs. They made better galus when allowed to graze it. K seel lent gains were made wben the Juice was ex tracted and fed. but for tbls purpose tbe price was worth but 1.8 rents a gallon. The expense of cx tract lug the Juice prohibits Its use. In every case sorghum was much Inferior to the legumes, and since lr left the land poorer its use for hog< was discour aged where legumes could be grown. Uso of the Wceder. T'.ie wecder Is a very useful tool in the cultivation of potatoes when prop erly used. It should be ruu crosswise of the rows after each cultivation as i long as the size of the plants will per mit. It helps to pulverize the surface and destroys many of the weeds lu the] rows where they cannot be reached with the cultivator, thit? making hand hoeing lefis necessary. Some growers continue to use the weeder lengthwise of ihc rows after the plants are too large to permit running it crosswise by removing some of the teeth from di rectly over the row.?American Culti vator. Providing Early Qryns. Turnips If left in tbe ground will prodm-e early greens in spring, and so will the stalks of cabbage if they are left with the roota in tbe grouud. go wans; King olExternals \ Sells itself .wherever introduced. Imitators i have tried to imitate, j and substitution has been attempted. But once GOWANS always Qowansfor inflammation and congestion. It ffina ua phnanra to recom mend (Jowarn Preparation for loAamwuttip*. stpecintljr of th* throat ami ebmt. Wa have $oki Glowao* Preparation for manj BnHinmrn.k.O. tOYTMJUn UVEITMTM MME t,'<w . ? LEGAL .. = NOT1CE*,. By virtue of the power of uli contained In a mortgago deod exe cuted by George R. Grist and wife, Robert B. Key* and wife. John Free man and wife to MalacMa Key*, dat ed November IS. 1*08, and duly roe^ ordod In the o&co of the iyegister of Deeds of Beaufort county In book 14*. pace 74; the undersigned will on Monday, the 5th day of Decem ber 1910 at 12 m., at the courthouse door in Washington. N. C.. at public auction, offer for eale for cosh the mortgagors undivided interest in the following described property: North Carolina,^Beaufort County, WashTcgton and Long Acre township; | First tract being the land on wLlch Emcline Grist now resides and has resided for many years?containing 12 acres more or less?adjoining tbe laudo of J. W. Smallwood, Shade Keys and Runyon Mill pond and Showd's Creek. This tract ^la in Washington township. The second tract la owned by Rob art B. Keys and is In Long Acre township and is wcodisnd and which is not at this time occupied?con taining Ave acroG more cr less?ad joining the lands of Nathan and Hen ry Hunter, Edmund Cherry, J:'_a C. [Brown tract and other?, aud is th: same tract of land conveyed by Gee. ft. Ovist and wife to Robt. B. Key*' by deed dated Dec. 16, 1907, and recorded In Boolt No. 146, page 511? Register's Office of Beaufort eountv." rhich deed it herein referred (o zz? mijdo a part of this conveyance. This Nov. 3rd, IP 10. MALACHIA KEYS, Mortgage. Ty Norwood L. Simmons, Attorney NOTICE! North Carolina?Beaufort County. In the matter of application for par (K'a for Geo. Cnpps, Col. .\'otlce la hereby giren^that the ?n Icrslgncd will apply to lion. W. V.*. Kitcliin, Governor of North Caro lina. on Friday, December 2nd, 1910 for a conditional par^dsn for Geo Capps, colored, who was convicted of murder in the second degree, and sentenced to Imprisonment In the atite penitentiary for twenty years, U the Dcccnibcr term cf tic Super ior court of BeaufoH county !n (br "cor 1303. Ail persons wisMug tc opi'.ose tho granting of said pnrdo^ will take notice and be prepared tc viTcr such opposition and evidence as they may have. This 14 th day of-November, 1010 W. A. THOMPSON. Notice of Administration Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Samuel S. Satch nell, deceased, late of Beaufort coun ty, North Carolina, notice it hereby /iven that all claim* against autd estate must be pwnted to the ? n derslgned within tn Ive (12) months from this, October - 1st, 1910, or this notice will b pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Ini oted to sold estate ;ir#? require-, to u? .kc Immediate pay ment. TUls Sit: dJ* of Oct.. 1910. JESS I- H SATCHWELL Adrrlcistr&*.or f Samuel S. Satch wcll, d?ceit I. Notice! The undersigned having qualified i executors of the estate of the late M- D. Rodman, all persons hav ing claims against said estate, will present them to the undersigned v. I thin twelve months from this date m- tli>s notlcj will be pleaded in bai >t a recovery. All persons Indebted to slid en ;atc must settle such indebtednesf .vit'.i the undersigned at once. Oct. 27tb 1910. W. It RODMAN, E. T. RODMAN, Executors, ?Ivr Washington. N. C. True popularity takes a deep root and spreads itself wide, but the false falls away like blossoms; for nothing that Is false can be lasting. ?Cicero. Save* an Iowa Man's Life. The very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Madsen. of West Bur lington, Iowa, when, after seven weeks in the hospital,' four of the best physlclcn* gave him up. Then -vas shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For, af ter eight months <jf frightful suffer nr. from liter trouble and yellow ?ntindir.e. gatttn? no help from other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless- medicine completely .Mired him. Its bosltlvely guaran teed for Stomach. Liver or Kidney roubles a 1 never disappoints. Only *3e at al' Druggists. Intellect annuls fate. So far as a man thtnks, he Is free.? Emer soh. ? Poverty is the only load whleh Is the heavier the more loved ones there are to assist In supporting it. ?Hitchcock. Justice Is exalted* strengthened, md honored fey the Judicious ->t merit.?William Hitter. Power >? with ? food dm I of ae-l Sr ?)r purpose.?Psk | Bj Tlrtu# ol a talr.ed In ? certain Uflcembar ?rd. 19(18. ?x8cut?l bj N.lhl. J. Godler ud wll? to W [A BlowR. which aalil mortsos. 1? recorded Id th? R.gUter, ofliw lor Beaufort county la Cook 153 at 'page 3*7 and is hereby referred lo. I will on Jipntfsy vbo 12t5? day s.-: December at .twelvo o'cWck. r.orr, offer for aalc, to the highest WcWor for cub, f.t tDo conitbou?3 (locr & Beaufort Coiu->t7 *bo, following de scribed real estate: A ceruiu trie: or parcel of land lying and boil Beaufort County and Oh$C'>win;t: township, it beitic a pcrtfon of tiu land conveycd to Nathan J. Godiij by F. H. Von Ebersttin and v/:;. y deed dated ^'ovember 20tb, 1901, wblcb said deed la recorded In book 112 at pace 283, and being that portion of said land which baa not in heretofore conveyed by the ?aid Nathan J. God ley and wife by deeds recorded in the registers of fice of Beaufort county in books 146 page 359. book 14C. page 360, and book 150 at page 147, the a:=t tract 6f land herein conveyod being all that portion of. said tract de scribed in said book 113 at page 282,*which lies on the west aide o! the Norfolk Sout^otn railroad, the ?aid tract of land estimated to con tain seventy flve acrw c: land. TMs j'.s'orcmtcr 12i!i, 1310. W. A. BLOUNT, Mortgage*. By Collin II. Harding.. Attorn.' Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate or Kglert Yeatcs, de ceased. late of iiouufort county, Nortl Carolins, notics is hereby Riven thai all claims sgaiust said estate muct be presented to the undersigned within tWtlvo (12) months from this, Oct IStin, 1910, or this notici will be plcad .-d ?n bar of their recov ery. /' ? All persons Indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pay m jpt. ARTHUR YEAT123. Administrator of Kgbert Yeates, de ceased. W. A. Thompson, attorney, Aurora N. C. This 13th day of October, 1910. '-13 1-a-k 6w. North Carolina, Beaufort County. Superior Court, Spring term, 1910. Peter Lang!ey vs Pleasant Langley. To the defendant above naned: You are hereby notified that the above entitled action has been insti tuted against you in thfe Superior Court of Beaufort County, North Car olina, for the purpose of obtaining an sbsolute divorce; that the com plaint has been filed therein alleging statutory grounds, which entitles the plaintiff to ab solute divorce, and that tho sum mons in said action Is returnable In to said court, before tho Judge there of at the courthouse In Washington. N. C-, on the 13th Monday after tbi 1st Monday in September, ;t belnt the 5th day of 2&<omber, 1910, when bd wherj yea are commanded to ap pear an J answer tuc said complaint within thj time required by law cr the plalnt!3 will apply to the court for tne relief therein demand, ed. Given under my band and seal thir 1st day of November, 1910. GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk of Superior Court Notice! By virtue of a power of silo con tained In a mortgage executed on February 12th, 1909. by J. Wiley Ball and wife to Howard Winfield, and recorded in Register's ofllce of Beaufort county. In Book 152, page 337, I will on Monday, the 5th day of December, 1910, at 19-o'clock, m, at the oourt bouse door of Beaufovt county, at Washington, N. O., offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auction, a certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and beinc In North Carolina, Besufort county, Washington township, and 1escribed snd defined as follows, to wlt: In what Is known as "Wash ington Heights" be'ng lot No t," ir Block No. ?. according to Ha!1'i msp of said property, see deed from Washington Tnveetmefit Compan to J. Wiley Ball and wife, recorded in Book 145, page 69, records of Beau fort county. Being same lot <-1 land wheron said parties of tho first part resided. Nov. 1910. rfOWARD WINFIELD. Nicholson ft Daniel, attorne)*. 12-4 A CALL FOR TAXES. Your taxes hare been doe since Septembec 1, and I have beenN wait ing patiently. Now it Is time yon had paid, and about time fo^ me to set tle with the state. Come is and set tle at onoe. ?>. 7?r* respeetfully, See a. a i OWN ... ? BANKERS at s i()('k\ BONDS. Cm TON IS PLUME STREET, CARPliNTER I I'rivmt* WlriM 10 M. Y. S'Oc.k. fcichiU)**. N. Y. U,., Board ol Truteud other Flo*ock]< Correspondence respectfully solicited, Inv - V iccounts given careful attention. Just Received! ' New Prepared Buckwheat, Horviny Grits, Oat Mep! and Evaporated Peaches. All kinds of Fruit arriving daily. \ E.L. ARCHBELL ? ; . ? ? ,? ; ' I, v FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN When in need of that Barrel of Flour, ?itid we will save you money, A big shipment just re ceived. All brands. Any price. ? ' Call phone No. 327. UNION GRO. CO. WE CARRY IN STOCK caanltf* Bm ? of th? weO-kaowB .. MOORE'S MODERN METHOD#; Tkry w2 pontfve'iy redure y?u? ^CveapcM. WecanpplrPM' 4wMy any of their Loow Lrai Lki.cJerv GaKtneti and Record iodH. Pho*t tar Ntdfru Methods." A catalog ana itstiutttom book combimad. \ WASHINGTON DAILY,NEWS I. n a<o. iu rw no 114 EAiF MAIN ST WASHINGTON. N. C <% 42 MARS YOUNG WHAT IS IT LIKE? It U a kigli-dau, pur^epihted nucuinc of clcwwn. It contain* otic complete copyrighted novel in every tame, h?M? ? haH-do*?m capital ahoc* ai.iric*, pleading poetry, roadahla artlclei, and the jolly-besl uumo> aectiun j-oq crer n*. Every month you will fed a groap oi lcne and timely utidm of absorbing iotcrat ?. \ ?. % .. ?, .. SPECIAL FEATURES 12 GAEAT OOMFIXTC NOVELS. ? AKT1C1XS Off OUR PUBLIC 8CHQ n fascinating short stories. a Annan on.thosc nerves/ SM PAGES or NEW HUMOR. 2000 Pmh Yeulr oi Fiction, F?ct, and Fu LIPPINCOTT'S I WiiWmti 9%wm> PHILADELPHIA. PA. ?END for OUR RPCCIAL MAOAZIRK OmRR Moore's Modern Methods". will impf or* roar AND SAVE Let us on approval (Kit equipment I Tw* 5 i 8 I w.c w. H. C. C \RTER, JJL, Vll ORNEY-AT-LAW Washington, N. C. Office Market Street. EDWARD L. STEWARTJ J Attorney-at-Law. 0!tic over Daily News. Washington, N. C. COLLIN H. HARDING ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office Savins* A Trim wo., Building Room* 3 and w/ 'mo ixjN, n. c; ? STEPHEN C. BRAGAW i Attorney and Counselor at-Jaw Washington, N. C. NICHOLSON & DANfEL - Attorneys at-Law Practice in Ail Court* Nicholson Hotel Building John H. Small, A. U. J Harry McMullan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN A'noilNr.YS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carotin*. W, D. GRtMES : A-TrbRNEY-AT-LAW WaahliiKUm. North witor G. Bsdwa. RODMAN Ac RODMAN] Attorneys-at-Law. - f Washington, N. C , W. M. BOND. IdMttoa, N. C. NORWOOD L SIMMOf S D .'MD 6t SIMMONS TORNtYS-AT-LAW V a Uoflon, North CvoUu Practice In all CootU. IW. L? Vau*hau W* A. Thomjaou VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Washington and Aurora, N. Q. Practice It. all the courts Business Carols I [G.^A- PHILLIPS & BRO., FIRE . And Plate Glass INSURANCE. HOURS MSWALL JR..O Civil Engineer and Surveyor Washington, N. C. Try |Bromangelon Jelly Powder The aioft delicious ever I produced. Walter Credle & Co PHOTO 80. ?' '-'.i% wSPI H\? th? Wo

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