____ tt# '-.n v < One ol Aurora's U|hl? cltlssna la the person of Mr. Bryaa W. Miller passed away last alght at [ ft : 8t> o'clock Mr. Miller was In hi* 62 year and loaves a widow sad two efcQdvoa. No man la that commun ity possessed a wider circle of fttsads. Hs was ever- in the front, for his church and the ap building of hie cummunlty. For years he occupied the respon-. slblo position of Justke of the Peace. Ia this oBce ho wss fair and Just. as hs waa im Tory tnpt committed unto hlfl About two weeks a*a gangrene developed in one of his limbs and the sequence was it hsd to be smpu-i tated with the hope that the opera tion would prolong his life. While he rallied from this trying ordesl the disease bad gotton control of his entire body and ho fell on sleep last night surrounded by loved ones and friends. Besides a broken-hearted widow and crushed children he lesv es four brothers Messrs. I. W. Addi son, John and- J. E. Miller. Not only was the deceased a con alatont member of the Methodist church but also was a member In good standing of the Odd Fellows and Charitable Brotherhood. The entire town of Aurors mourns to day the going of this popular cltl sen. The funeral was held from the late residence this afternoon by Rev. C. K. Canipe. The services at the grsve wore In charge of the Odd Fellows. The Charitable Brotherhood also attend ed in a body. The Daily News extends sympathy to the bereaved. I How Holiday Rates To BALTIMORE, MD., Via GHESME STEIWSHIP CO, NORFOLK TO llAKTIMORE AND ' RETIRN?*4.00 Tickets sold December 17th, l&th, 2Uth. 21st. 22nd, 2Crd. 24tb, 30th, 31st. Final UmK January 6tb. 1011 For reservation! and tl'lcets ap?!y, P R. McMILLlX . T. P. A.. No. 9j Gran by St. Norfolk. Va. l>ie* Suddenly Mr*. Enoch Wadsworth of Nov Hern died very suddenly at ber home in that town this morning. She was formerly Miss Sarah Rob erson of this city. .Maybe they'll frame tariff bills after disinterested inquiry" in about a thousand year*. ? Washington Post. Cotton Market. Seeed cotton 5.50 Lint cotton, 14.25. Cotton seed per ton. "9.00 Charlotte Cushman't Warning. One icy uighi Churiorte Cushmau and Lawrence Barrett came out of the the ater together. The steps were danger ously slippery, aud it was with difficul ty thut they kept their feet at all. As they totteriugly descended the great actress said to her companion quite in iier Lady Macbeth manner: "Take a rood jjrip on my arm, Lawrence, and If 1 slip hold on like grim death. Hut If you slip in the name of heaven let SO'" Bad Manners. The two women stopped In front of a dentist's showcase. "There, mamma," said the younger woman, pointiux, "I want a set Just like that." "Hush, my child!" commanded ber mother. "Don't you know that it's vul gar to pick your teeth in the street?" A Bright Youth. 8he (archly)?Whom should yon call the prettiest girl in the room? Ho flooklng about blrnt?H'm! Weil, to teM the truth, there isn't a pretty girl *> the place. 8<nne will always be nbore others. I>estroy the Inequality of today and it .will sppea? again tomorrow.?Emerson. | Letter Perfect. ?Vow," bawled the prompter to ths leader of the supers at the dress re hearsal of that stirring Roman drama -Right Versus Might." "are you all *lght with the cue?" The super leader nodded confidently. "As a trlTet," he responded. "When -the man In the sheet hollers 'Katy iFleld!' we get ready, an' when 'e sings ?nt 'Rum an* crackers* "Great Christopher!" roared the de mented prompter. "You mean 'Caitiff, ylekl!* idiot, aud 'Rome and Grac chus!' " "Jeaao. sir/' nodded the leader calm-. Jy. "Well, when 'e ses wot you sex 'e j ses we're to go for the chap In the | Vraas weoklt."?London Answers. TlMf Cw,wini?j ? Irishman on being made foreman I -of a gang of laborer* wished to show his authority to tboe* ooder bin ~ -K?w. look h?*. bon," ?? ?n wiD ; AND SAVE > Let us send I , on?aRgy?I X tili. S Two j ?e r ol^lmm?) ^ lVaOUJ.<MMA< j. M bootO 40 AJphaCmcal h* $7.65 WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS <JAM?A L MA> 114 EAST. MAIN ST ,JAM"L>,AV0^ W?KC Washington Horse ^ Exchange Co.^t New Stock of Horses and Mules just arrived. B. L. SUSMAN, President. VALUABLE BOOK ON LOOSE LEAF BOOKKEEPING ! Explains how you can improve your office method*, save time and money by using MOORE'S MODERN METHODS CALL AT OUR STORE Let ui explain how Moore's Ledger and Record Forms are used. WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS JAMES L MAYO, Pik n?a. 290 <14 EAST MAIN ST. WASHINGTON, N. C. CULTURE. The secret of culture is to loam that a few great points steadily re appear alike in the poverty of the obscurest farm and in the miscel lany of metropolitan life and that these few alone are to be regard ed?the escape from all false ties, courage to be what we are and love erf what is simple and beauti ful Independence and cheerful relation, these are the essentials? these and the wish to serve, to add somewhat to the wdl being of men.?Emerson. Different Sort Next Tima. "Jornes must feci terrible over the loan of hit wife. Sho wna literary, wasn't ahe?" "yen. Ho was all broken up at flrat, but now he's cheerful ngnln. It'* giv en him a chance to try a wife who can cook."?Detroit Free Preaa. School Days Bring Many Problems You owe it to your children to see that they are well dressed and comfortable. How can it be done on the least money ? Stockings have been the greatest trouble. You know the kind that look well until the first recess. If your boy is the right kind of boy, he plays so fast he forgets all about his stockings. To grow he must play that way. Give him the kind of stockings that take care,of themselves? .K.HOYT THE SELF FILLING, NON Leskable Fountain Pen Soli on a guarantee of SAT* ISFACTION NEW PEN OR MONEY BACK. 4 sizes $2.SI ?J M, Sl.00 and S5,M. Made of finest quality Vulcanite with 14 K.-Cold Nibs?Iridi um points. Also specially Mounted Gift Pern. The It different style points In e?cfc aiie insures an cxactij right point tor every use end user. For Sale By ' HARDY'S DRUG STORE Ecklen's Allfound Meat Market Prlc* List:? ' Pork 8U?k ?c pound PorterhouM Ste?k .. 15c pound Round Bteak 15c pound Mix?d Sauua* ISo pound All Pork Snnia ??c pound StsV Boaf 1*0 pound I solicit your patronac*. Dudley's Sanitary Meat Mark* Price List: ? Pork Steak .... 15c poun Porterhouae Steak . . 15c poun Round Steak ....... 16c poun Mlxad Sauaage lie poun All Pork Baueafe .... XOc poun 6tow Beef 10c poun I solicit your patronage. _ ? r improvement in >our office methods you naturally expect to cost more money, but ?. ACTUALLY SAVE MONEY. Let us show you why. Instruction book free. We have a few copies of 'Moore's Modem Methods*, ? 160 page book illuflrating 40 record forms and explaining how they are kept Call or phone for one. WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS JAMES L. MAYO. P-k ?o & 114 EAST MAIN ST. WASHINGTON. PL C. tll'Kjj HARCOURT Washington Daily News I ^trF\~?xcj/ij5iV2/ jJccai/ agjents - ! * for. -;nns K/Xclu-sive. jline/. We wish to.inform our noved our business into the Main Street, two doors East of Brawn's the same building from which we years ago. - We have refitted this present needs and having provided o pie wcrehouse facilities, we are nowi in be than ever to serve our trade to the b st We have our nock so arranged now that we can keep up with it, ind give our customers quick and immed iate service. Any ordert with which you will favor us will receive'the most prompt and careful attenti in and Lowes Prices. Very Respectfully, N. S. FULFORD HARDWARE CO. Wholesale Only. Send us your Mail and Phone Or ders For Quick Shipment. e 1 The Farmcia Frfend HOWARD W1NFIELD. SHOPPING AT HOME! - most deirer and progressive women have learned the im mense advantage of carefully reading the advertisements, rhose who are more doll of apprehension prefer to wanderarooa in different stores hunting for the special bargains aodi attractive articles, The up-to-date woman of todaysits down and take* her and reads the advertise nents carefully before she goes "shop ping" She has learned by expsrieace that the meefcaat win it up-to date in his methods and has the moat desirable offerings, is the one which makes his inftpence felt through his advertising. If he did not do this he would not be an up-to-date merchant. The back number merchant does not advertise. Shopping at botae, looking through the ads before yon start oat, saves time and annoyance and is sore to result in both economy and sstisfaction. It pays to read the advertisements. r.'j TIfKSS OOLI> MOUNINOM. won t set yon ?hlTerJ|ig?have M> terror* for you?If you hare a (U radiator In your ruom connected with our mains and your own house feed plpee. Turn the cock, strike a match and just feel your apartment grow comfortable In a trice. Whea you're dressed you can ahot off the gas, so getting heat for a few ceata. Ask us how fsw. WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER CO. :f@ ?DO YOU Usually Have MONEY ?AT THE? IOPPORTUNE TIME ? Notice, within tho circle of your personal acquaintance and obeermtlon, the enuggee t lomr?the suggestion ' fraught fact that the people who are In the habit of reading ada. us ually have money to buy od rertleed things! If It la not already true of Personally, That whea j<m me TO* mm, mUfrtlwl at a BARGAIN *00 raa a?ualty ukr prompt adTutast of the Mar, It wyi beoom trie at yom wrjr ?bort 'r aftar jroo hara fcacoma a ng ? -jSE WHT IT . v. .V. Worth While v: -'TT ?>? w*#? l-k'- ?? wf-'.iMwi'#. x Si

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