?m *** *** l PRINTING COMPANY. Publishers, v: -Li ' l?. MAYO, Editor and Manager. ?* Ve#s for publication must be signed by thi W". ' >rh?rwine they will not h' published. CRITICISING fathtr and moth. KR. At a certain stage in tbe life of many of our young people, they fall Into an unpleasant habit of criticis ing their parents. Occasional lapses in English, trival errors in scholar ship?historical, literary, scientific or what, not?old fashioned ideas in matters of tast?. dress, manners and social usages, arc freely commented upon. When daughters get to know more than their mothers, and sons begin to give points to their fathers, there is friction in tbe family machinery which muses many an unpleasant Jar This docs not mean that our young people are intentionally rude or Ill mannered. 'Such habits creep upon them unconsciously. They do not mean to be disloyal or ungrateful to the parents whom they really love devoutedly. They are merelv *???*?*_ less and unthinking in the matter* On their side the parents; often feel too deeply hurt by these criticisms to remonstrate agsinst them. They suffer many indignities in silence when it would be wise to administer the?deserved rebuke. Each generation enjoys privileges unknown to the one preceding?beter schools, larger opportunities for gen eral culture and a more complicated social life. The sons and daughters who profit by thes? good things have their pa rents to thank for them. It would be "more becoming" in them, as the old time phrase has it, to remember their debt of gratitude than rather to look for blemishes. The ideal relation between parent r?nd child Is that of perfect comrade ship. when parents keep la touch with their children's interests, and children confide freely In their pa rents, harmony relgnB in the home. Happy tho family whose daughters aro their mother's friends, and whose sons are father's chums!?E. M. H., In Orphans Friend. BACK TO THE FIRST PRINCIPLES Wood row Wilson said another sen sible thing when he told the guests at the dinner of the Southern Socie ty: "What we wish to prevent is any thing which will relieve our people from the necessity of taking care of themselves. Our system of govern ment has been great because It has put on the rtates tbe necessity of working out their own problems and has put tbe people everywhere upon their mettle, has left their economis and social salvation to their own dis cernment and their own exertion. The present problem of our politics is not tew te redivlde the powers of govern ment but how to revitalise and redig nlfy and redeem tne powers of the states." We venture to say that there Is more political common-sense and wis dom In that one paragraph than in all the speeches that Mr. Bryan and Mr. Roosevelt have made in a year. ?New York World. Remember tbe empty stocking to ?Ul It. The latest effort st "trust busting" 1? liable to llMKk the ?lactlrr ??** ?t Um ooocrwrimal . DO.IB* l?th. 1894, and by J. B. 1 ioiibiuricU and aai ttl offer for sale, for t^ court house door in Beaufort < ty. at II o'elock M-. on the 28th ( of Lecembtr, i910, to esUlsfy the lebt secured by the laid mortgage, he following deecrlped land: Beginning In Broontfeld Swamp. ?t Henry Stephen's 8. A corner, .hence, with Stephen's line N. 2 B. 10 polee to Peed Town thence. S. 81 K. 7-59-100 thence. 8. 2 W, fl8 polee to Brt ? Qeld Swamp; thence, up the ran of said swamp to the beginning Con taining ten acres more or lees. For more complete description see mori gage deed, recorded In the register*? office of Beaufort county'In Book $8. page 453. This November 28, 1910. ELY MOORB. By W. A. Thompeon. attorney. Notice of Sale. By virtue of a power of sale con talned In a. certain mortgage oeea'. executed on the 18th day of May 1906, by Jno. R. Perry to Annie E Nlcholson. which said deed la doly< recrded in thf office of tlie regis ter of Deeda for Beaufort county In Book 129 at page 281, to which ref erence Is hereby made for further particulars. We will on Thursday,the 12th day of January, 1911, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door In Beaufort county, offer for aale to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate, towlt: "A certain piece or tract of land ly ng and being In Beaufort county, state aforesaid, in Washington town ship, and described and defined as follows, towlt: Beginning at an "Iron stob" on the west side 1lne\of Market street extended 25 feet from the eastern beginning of the divid ing line between Annie E. Nicholson ,nnd B. B. Nicholson of what Is nown as the fc.ason Farm, and run ning northwardly with the nald west tde line of Market street extended ? 150 feet) one hundred and fifty feet, thence westwardly by parallel lines to the dividing line between Vnnlc E. Nicholson and B. B. Nich olson (300 feet) three hundred feet, hence southwsrdly by parallel line o weet side line of Market street xtended one hundred and fifty feel 159 feet) to a point 25 feet frost ild dividing like between Annie ?. Nicholson and B. B. Nleholson, ence eastwardly (899 feet) three hundred feet to the beginning." This December 8, 1919. ANNIE E. NICHOLSON, Mortgsgee. % Oeo. A. Phillips, swner of the debt. By Collin H. Harding, attorney. l-8c nmiUK OF MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powei it sale, contained In a certain mort gage deed, given by. J. O. Griffin and r panel or land lying and being In :he county of Beenfert and State of lorth Carolina. ownahlp, and on the west lublic reed 74 ?take; titenoe north 7 ei? 30 I to a stake In CaWn Branch, aud Just northwardly of larg<- gum; thence wlth?C*bln branch to t!te beginning, containing 24 1-3 acres. more or lea*. It beittf the lame piece or parcel of land conveyed to V. b. Brlghts by P. A. Nicholson and wife on June 17th. 1904, and recorded In the register's offlce of Beaufort county in Book 126 at page 346. ? This the 13th da* December. me. ?/. -%v. <:?* - S? D. EL BRIGHT, fvi' " I \# 5 ? 'i-J'V j'v.1 /.f wn^, H fcAie ' I NOUFOLKrSOUTHBRN R. R-OM CMANGK QF BCHKUULB. ; Eff*ctlv* Snaday, ^. ISth. Uaipl No, 15 wjl\ leave Washington .4:1 bjl a. m., New Bern H Albastarlo I'lppln Apple. K1ortJ? i. Citron renU, Citron ud Candj from l?c. to Me. lb. In tact ?t a arat-clu'r Oroowr. All ?ood< Phono >7. w E. L. ARCHBELL. AREN'T YOU COMING TO GET THEM??We nj your's are here be cause we know when you see the splendidly complete stocks of every thing that Is newest and best in complete home furnishings whan you realise," upon examination and comparison, just how much of a saving is yours, you will select your home furnishings hare. The goods are better goods, the assortments are more complete and the prices the money saving kind and we will arsange terms at no extra cost to yon. ? TH18 18 THE PLAGE FOR U8EFUL GIFTS. SEE OCR UE1>8. HALL RACKS. LADIES' DK8K8. DIEING SUITS. JEFFERSON FURNITURE COMPANY THESE CQLD MORNINGS. won't sat you ahlvoting?have t terrors for you?If yen j have a ga< radiator In your room ^Bnnecte< with our mains and your own hoot feed pipes. Turn the cock, strike s match and Just fed your apartment grow comfortable in a trice. When you're dressed yon can abut off the gas. so getting heat for a few oeats Ask as hew Jsw. WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER CO. ?"W*BB^g^BW??iygg3BPi"PBWWWPP^HPilWippi>pl To Oui Customers: We %iih to inform our customers that we, biw moved our business into the building, No. 112 East Vlain Street, t?odoon Ea*t of Brown's Opera House, ' the same building from which we moved several pears agb. We have refitted thia building to our 1 present needs and having provided ourselves with ?le warehouse tacilltles, we' are now la better shape thsn ever to serve our trade to the beat advantage. We ha ve our stock so arranged now that we can keep jp with it, tDd give our customers quick and immed iate service. Any orders with which you will favor id will receive the most prompt and careful attention lad Lowes Prices. Very Retpectfully, N. S. FULFORD HARDWARE CO. W holessle Only. Send as your Mali I era For Quick Shipment. fc D fry an Advertisement ? STEPHEN C. BRAG AW - Attorney and Counselor ut-law Washington, N. C NICHOLSON & DANIEL Attorneys at-La w Practice in All Court" Nicholson Hotel Building ohu H. Small, A. D. MicLetOi SMALL, MACLEAN & McMULLAN attorSeys-at-law Waahiaston, North Carolina. ?" 1 1 " 11 . _ ?1 W. D. GRIMES I ATTORNEY-AT-LA>\ Washington, North Carolina. ? M. 1m. B. Hodaaa. Wltof a Hote RODMAN & RODMANJ Attorneys-*t-Law Washington, N. C. V. M. BOND, Bdoatoo, N. C. WOOD U SIMMOT ? IX'MD & SIMMONS A.*> TORNk.YS-AT.LAW ? ? hlngton, North Carotina Practica In attCouata. . ' V. L Vauohan W- A. I buiapam VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W Waafaiasto* and Aurora. N. C. Practice Ik all the court* ?n ^ ? lust Arrived tu> uta, ralalaa, an rran la, M tea. Ml*. ar,.ulta*4 Id ft full Hii?(r Xau QoMo. '?f. ? ^ l business Cards A. PHILLIPS & SAO., I FIRE And Plat* Glass INSURANCE. Valter Credit & Co] ur# wlffc I to compare