Bright's MirUt, across the bridge and get the best meat and sausage. delivered at your door. 11-80 c. ? J The annual meeting of the share holders of the First National Hank will be held January 10th, 1911. at twelve o'clock noon for the purpose ef electing Directors tor the ensuing re*r. A. M DUMAY, 1-1 chg. Cashier. FOR CHINA, ART18T1C AND UNI que, call and tee Bell, the Jeweler. Ml - * . | JEWELRY. EMBLEM PINS ANT) Suitable Christmas gifts. Bell, the jeweler has them. Call Quick, tfc IF YOU WANT THE BEST MPH IN aurance see E. O. Malltson. agent Penn Mutual Life Insurance <Jo. 1-17 ONE HUNDRTD ACRES OF LAND to rent, one and a half miles from this town, apply at this offloe. 28c FOR SALE?One pony, buggy and harness. Cash. Apply to this offlee. 19-21.p. . rVM " I THE LEADING CONTESTANTS FOR THE AUTOMOBILE, GIVEN AWAY CHRISTMAS DAY BY I. K. HOYT, ANY OF THIS. LIST CAN WIN OUT BY GETTING DOWN TO WORK: . Miss Ada ' Miss Rosalie Hill Miss Rovenls Stowc _ i Miss Naomla Mayo. | Geo. T. Leach, Jr McQulre Overton. Frank Mlxon. Geo. Taylor. Reginald Fulford. Contest closee Dec. 14th, LI p. m. AU8AGB, 18c per pound; S pounds 88*; 5 pounds and over 15o per pound. Phone No. ?. H. N. Blount's F*rm. 19-tfc f NORFOLK-SOUTHERN RAILROAD Greatly improved schedules. Nos. 11- and 18 now operate Sunday Ralafeh District. Beginning Sunday December 18th. Raleigh District, trains Nos. 11 and 13 will b* operated dally, except Sunday between Raleigh and N* via Washington, and on Sun between Raleigh and Washing Beaufort District. Train No. 16, ht Express with Pullman sleeping t for Norfolk will leave Goldsboro, fat 8.45 p.'m. leave Itlnston 9:40 p. leave New Bern 1U05 p. m.; ar rive Washington 18:88 p. m., arrive Norfolk 8:09. Train N*. 18 "Night Hxpreee" win leave Washington 4:18 a. m. leave New B*m 8:40 *? m.; arriv* Kineton 0:88 a. arrive Goldsbor* 8:00 a. si?h dlstr Suffolk No Aun la Mkadala of , tralaa I U4 I ? tlx *al -JS 'V Dlatriat?Trala Mo. t* win ten M T:*? ?. a..,mum u at ?ra? mk. aad arrlTO Suffolk at ?:t* a. K ?ddltloaal Tralaa oa Batkaraa Rnalb?Loan Balkavon ?:10 a. m. ?U ll:*# a. rotaratag leare ?aefcoya 1:11 a. ra. aad J: If. p. m . daily ?eo?i Buador Oalambia Araaefc - '..aatfe Ccou* Ma t oo ?. ?? arrit, ?trmoiutt J;*i a la., loaie Ply?o\ltk f ?S ?. m.i mf* rlrm Mdoaloa ll:M a. ft.Wro Mon taa 11:11 a. m. l?a?o Mnckfya 1.10 v. m . arrtvo Colombia 1:4* p in: Klght Hipraaa-?Train No. c ?UI Nan Bdantoa 4:41 a. m. laaya Hart ford a. m . Lata ?IMakath Oltr ( it aad ?rrl?. Norfolk ?:#? ?. ?? Motor Oar mar on Currltaek Bitaa-Uar, Moadan 7: IB a ? dally, arrlra Norfolk ?:?? a. m. laa : CO., MV ?I "Hints toil for cfauxe-c( ? ' ? /. LOUISVJLLB,KT?U^^.* V;; 1 irgton Daily fTk& - SXG1/U31VI> Ii iM'/ WS&C: IHW - FOR.THl-S E/XOlU>S.l'/B, X.- .. . P. & O. STALK CUTTER LEADER FOR 55 YEARS It is Heavy- Weight properly distributed to dc successful work. Beware of the light flimsy machines to sel cheap. Only Stalk Cutter made with Cushion Spring 01 the-Hitch. Absorbs shock and makes driver's sea steady. Full line Farm Implements. J. H. Harris Plumbing & Supply Co. Washington, N. C. WHITLEY & CHERRY ? WASHINGTON ,.N. C. Household Supplies of Every Description All kinds of Furniture, Mattmgs, Carpets, R ugs, Shades Curtains, Stoves, Clocks, Crockery, Bric-a-Brac, Sew ing Machines and Supplies. Cash or Easy Payments. East Main St., Next to Browns Dru(f Store. Holiday Goods I *"* ? Be? our Hne of PAKCT GLASS and China Ware. Wo hare a nice line of iron and Tin Toye, Do!la, Doll Curiae* and many other Uim in HOLIDAY goods. ? & ;? ? Cheapest Place in Tovn. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. ? a YEARS YOUNG WHAT IS IIUKET It it ? h?i. .it*. ' | ii > -pihtid MniN cf tlmma ll | nrntniai u?>... t?t, ri? v.,n .jilted novel hi evtrj bmmm, b^flt V'\>V J pla?iot poetij, iw4?bh .A .-y-t; . 4 mm' '? mm ? ?uu w?" iu d j ^?up ?r IMM u*d thwljr artUa m x ?? SPECIAL FEATURES sssisrffipssu : Fart.mmt the guest of MrHJ. B. Moore on W. Scund street. She expects to spend the month of December In WashinK and Mrs Walter 8. Wolfe re in this city, arrlveo rn S. C- the home of the last Saturday from their bri r. Their future home will be Rocky Mount after February ij ltuyl Miss Ruth Credle of Pantego ar- j rived in tho city Saturday evening en route to her home from 8a!em Female Academy and Collage, Wln 4ton-Salem, where she expects (o spend the .holidays wltlr h ?i4 parent*. Master Charlie McKoel Of Colum bia, N. C.. arrived'In the cHy Satur day from Warrenton High School on his w?y home to spend Christmas with his parents. I Mr. David T. Tayloe Jr..M? home from the Bingham school, Mebane, | to spend Christmas with his rv&rents, Dr. and Mrs. D. T. T*yloe. Captain Wesley Peebles of Bath.j is in the tllr 1 j Mrs. May Belle Moore who has been the guest of Mrs. Margaret Hoyi left for her home In Norfolk, Va.. today. Masters William and Seth Baugh am are home from the Warrenton J High School to spend Christmas. Mr. Heber Wilkinson who has been attending the A. & M. College at Ral elgh passed through the city Satur day enroute to hlB home at Belhaven to spend Christmas. Miss Catherine Small who has been attending St. Mpry's School at Ral eigh Is home to spend the holidays1 with her parents Hon. and Mrs. John If. Small. County Commissioner Fred Von \ Eberstofn of Chocowlnliy, was a! Washington visitor this morning. j Mr. C. H. Fuller and family and friends left yesterday morning on the Atlantic Coast Line for their home In ' Rhode Island to spend Christmas. Mr. Leo Davenport who Is attend ing the state university Is in the city. He Is to spend Christmas with his parests at Pactolus. Mr. Claud Cahnow la In the city from a business trip. Mr. C. Footer returned from New Bern last night where he spent Sun toy. Misses Kaeberlne Bragaw and Mary Fowle are home from 8t. Mary s for the holidays. Mrs. C. B. McKeel and son, Char lie Jeft for their home in Columbia, IjAHOR inspector Coaneautda Puituni Plant lAoalng, Mich., Sept. 21.? ine pure food factories of th? Postum Ce reariCA. ^td.. of Battle CreST Mich., whlca are Visited by from 15,000 to 18.009 tourists annually, entertained an unexpected visitor the other day In the person of Sylvesteh Qreusel, Michigan State Factory Inspector. With practiced and unsparing eye this state official investigated the great group of factory buildings where Postum Cereal, Grape Nuts and Pest Toaatiea are manufactured The result of his visit wss shown by f the following speclsl report which to the Michigan state Labor Mr. Richard Fletcher, Commission er of Labor and 8tatictlcs, lanstng, Mick.,?Dear sir: I hare this day| (Sept. (0, 1910). carefully Inspect every department of the Postum Ce real Co.. Ltd.. Battle Creek. Mich., and 1 think they are entitled to nn ^ ritllf complimentary report for. nurr. All Uxe mechanical i ptUnoes of this splendid factory are la periant condition?everything safe 8BOOND. The sanitary conditions are of th* best. Bverythlng la fnm labid ??tnj in?fresh water, waah rooms. dressing and tellet rooms. TH1YD. With the large number of ?o* employed In the breakfast food department, then have neea nn FOURTH. I find the statistics of ? wagee paid men aad women m* the h*ghost I have found In anv far torr t h??. tMfMU4 l? FIFTH. Th?r do sot *n 5h?d Iribor and.r 1. rori of a** A vol)'- "IOT"V Solicitor Ward's U>t terra of court before J? I, .uceortW b> Mr. Brine houso of TilsabetU City. .he enTlr* tine of tbe court ttoi, week will be taken up In the trial of imuttuHim Humor has It that several nice res idence* are to be erected Jn Nlchol sonviile within the nest few months. 5 or 6 dose* of "^5#*" will cure any rase of chllls.and fever. Price 2Sc. JUDGE COUNCIL RETIRES; TEN YEARS' SERVICE Judge Council of kltckory, N. C.. who has been holding court at Ashe vlllo for the paat several weeks, with the present term of court, retires from the bench and Is succeeded by Judge CHne of Hickory. Judge Council is well and favor ably kkiown In Beaufort county, hav ing presided over the superior court here for several terms. No min has ever occupied this high and exalted position who retires to private life carrying with him more friends both among the members of the bar and litigant. Judge Council will resume the practice of law In Hickory his, pres ent home. / . . ___ ! WARMING TP. Warming up, old boy! The big oak logs sblazlng high; What a circle of Joy, The cat and dog arid you and I! Sitting all close up? The h^at aint yet spread all around; j Icles on my back A-plnylng leap-frog up and down. Awful cold, old boy. But it don't pay to stay in bed: Shivering now, Its true. But those old logs will goon bo red. > r | Lazy fire, that Is, Throw on another llghtwood knot; Logs blazing high, It's true, But mighty slow a-gettlng hot Hook >k at Nero, there; See how he shakes and whinas and begs, ?Mbst shook himself to pieces, His tail froze fast betwixt his legs. Another knot, old boy, A great big, fat one if you please; I'm burning on one side, But 'toher side about to freeze. Pussy, over there. Seems to be thinking lots of things Sitting mighty straight and tall, .With eyes as big as linger rings. Poker here, old boy, Give that front log a little turn; That Is just what It needs. See now, it's started off to burn. Warming up, old boy! Log* getting hot at last?Oh my! What a clrcle of Jey, The cat and dog and you and O. WALKER DANIEL Hills Point. N. C. ONE ADDITION There was one'kddltion by baptism to the First Baptist church yesterday Rev. J. A. 8ulllvan. the pastor, bap tised the candidate in Waablngton Park yesterday afternoon. Mr. J. 11. Barfleld manager of the Free will Hatftlst, of Ayden, is la the city today on business. Mr. 8tephen Fowler who fs travel ing for Atkins Saw Company Is in the city to spend Christmas with his parents, Chief Police and Mr*. M J. Fowler. CHOICE FRENCH UO HOLLARO BULBS Hyacinths, Narcissus, Daffodills Tulips, Freesias, Taster and Galls Lillles. PLANT EARLY FOR BB8T R] 4VUH. r! ? ? ? ALL SEASONABLE OUT FLOWER.? FURNISHED AT SHORT NO '? - i' ~ tick > v;:. Palms, Ferns and all hot house nlants for decoratkm. Rose Bushes. Shrubberies, Hedge ol*o?* aid Shade trees in great ?a J. L O'QUINN & CO; of Any j in our siocf woad+rfbt moccM*. *+ ?BBWS&Ymn WhoktmU D. ColumbiA,9.C.,Julj It, 1V1< ?ur to-datThave it in homi All Dr?A?U4. 01. 54^ 33^ COWAN ?CtMCAL 00.. OOBM4fl.?. C. ImriMlirfMqataM h, par %mm* The average married man often monders bow bla wife can hare so much faith tn him. FOR FKVEIUSHNRH8 and ACHING Whether from malarious coad! lions. Colds or overhearing, try Hlclfr Capudine. It reduces the fever anc* relieves the aching. It Is liquid- Y 15 and GO cents at drug storea. Some women can look smear words Just as forcibly as some men can aay them. Not Sorry For Blunder If my friends hadn't blundered In thinking I was a doomed victim of consumption, I might not bo alive now," writes D. T. Sanders, of Har rodsburg, Ky., "but for years they say ovory attempt to cure a lung racking cough fall. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The ef fect was wondnrful. J.t soon stop ped the cough and I am now In bet ter health than I- have had for years. This wonderful life-saver is an unrivaled remedy for coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, hem orrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all Druggist* Be polity and kind to everybody, you can't tell who may be thinking of sending you a Christmas present. Will Promote Beauty. Women desiring beauty get -*ron derful help from Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It banishes pimples, eUif eruptions, sores and bolls. It make-, the skin soft and velvety. It glori fies the face, euros sore eyes, cole ?ores, cracked lips, chapped hands Best for burns, scalds, fever sorot cuts, bruises and piles. 25c at al druggists Everybody ought to have fair no-1 tlce as to whether December 26 Is to i be wet or dry. Stives an Iowa Man's Life. The very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Madsen, of West Bur lington, Iowa, when, after seven weeks In the hospital, four of the best physicians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For, af ter eight months of frightful suffer ing from liver trouble and yellow jaundice, getting no help from other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him. Its positively guaran teed for Stomach, Liver or Kldne> troubles a"d never dlssppolnts. Onlj 60c at ml' Druggists. Another titled foreigner is willing to help spend a few of the Gould mil Hons. TOR HKADACHK?Hick's Capsular Whether fsom Golds, Heat, atom aeb or Nervous Troubles. Capuuin will relieve you. It's liquid?plea* sot to take?acts immediately. Trj * 10. IB and 80s at drag stores. Low Holiday Rates To BALTIMORE, MD., Vta CHESAPEAKE STEAMSHIP CO, NOKPOIiK TO BARTIMORE AN1? Tickets sold December 17th, 19th, 30th, list, 22nd, ISrd. 24th, SOth. 3let. Final limit January ttk, ltn For reeervatlone and tickets apply, P. R. McMILIJM T. P. A., No. 95 Granby St. J Norfolk, Va. RAILWAY KAIL GLEHKS WAITED 114 vp-H* Uncle 8am rxOd spring ems taatlona tar L? conn try foi Railway Ma . Justom Hons. Clerks, Btenociwpner*. Bookkeepers Departmental Gierke and other gov ernment Poeltloas. Thousands of ap be Made. Asy It. la City or i 'nr. formation by writing at once to tfci Bureau of Instruction. f 1 M. Haaalli Bunding, Rochester. N. T. \ . ee ft mmj oouad moi 1 le the 1 ? <14 *41 .. .. .. ... K .. Ml ??* l-TO Mixed Pea. . 1.16 Speckled FW . . 1.7# Wonderful Pea* .... 1.70* Black Pea. 1.60 CUT Pass > . . 1.70 B. K. Peas 11.10 Qnm nit hides ? 7 Ho Green hides ? *. 6feo ?ry hldM. lb 10? \ WooII. free from bum Wool, hurry ....... unb aklns .....||#10o *h*er!lngs 6Ol0o lorn, buehel 70076c .. ? '3Ro> . .10Cl4tt WHEN IN New York City Stop At The Hotel Si Andrew Broadway & West 72 St ABSOLUTELY FIRE - PROW A High Class Family and Transient Hotel Express Subway Station at door and near theatre and chopping district. Slug13 reams or.8uu.iw. eaoi* isrlar baths. i ' Lonb distance teleimsu. each apartmeut. (7neorpr?ied cuMne. Special . -t.Il- ioi- ki juij a^d Auf? 1st. eu*?cpean pla;:. 8. L ROOT Mnnasor. .i fe; ??????? > Established 1840. BALTIMORE STEAM TACKKT OO. OLD B \Y LINE st?amj:iis FLORIDA, vtrginia:& ALABAMA Finest United States Mall Steamer* South, of New York, equipped with United Wireless Telegraphy and ev ery modern convenience for tho pleas uro and comfort of the traveling public. Leaves dally, including Sun day as followa: Portsmouth, Suaynd ....6:00 D? Portsmouth, week days ..5:30 pm Norfolk .. 6:30 pm Old Point 7:30 pm 8tearners arrive Norfolk . ... 7: O^am Tickets sold to all points Nortit. East, West snd Canada. For informa tion as to tickets, stateroom reserva tions, etc, apply by phone, wire er let ter to. GEO. Q. HOBSON, Oen'l Agent. J. W. BROWN. JR., Souther* Pas senger Agent, 119 Main street. JNO. B. KIMBBRLY. and IIGTHL CHAMBERLIN, Old Point, Ya.. ? ? ? "U . Electric Bitters 1 Succeed when everything elae faih. I y - nenrocs prosuatioa and foma?o naknuaea tbey are die topttnM remedy, as thousands Lavo tejoM. FOR KIDNEY .LIVE* AND STOMACH TROUBLE' U i. the best roedictac ever utt ??e* a ?*#*?? Vjk L ?? jP 1 f Biees house wASHnGTOR.:a c. excellence* Ml C*UL The hotel "par of Ike National First-class hi all appoiot Opposite the U. S. Treae ory; one Mock from At While ~ An iRutrated Guide i wfflbe free of charge, opoo re ceipt of two 2-cent if,l a G. STAPLES, I T*t

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