A 9 ^ * * " lukz * ?. ?' w. NO. 120 ?faj&iiBiitsit I IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Olbba and tanllr arrtrad la the rlty latt -renin* am! ?re today mm tns Into th? district Dr Olbba Is on* of the lead In JT j rxiabers of t)M North Carolina Con ference harlng sued Kim of )ta moat Important itatlona. Ho auccosda Rer .1 M.-CI.U? Mill llHhm-KUr of the \Vaahln*ton district. He mad family are welcomed to WanhlnRton and toe ^ with la that their attj ?monf?t ua ^wlll be pleaaant aa well as profitable. Glbb? will preach at the Flrat hud 1st charch next Sunday morn find ovbntnK and expects to hold it quarterly conference on ^crej^ng December the leth. 'WAY DEAD city of the death Bloanta a widow and one ton to losa Th.? re ireraMHQl1 ead for Inter He **a ?a? of the county** moat InfluentM- ?IK|Mua and maty friends CMflgBMkt the rpnnty. I Th. Dally N>?. ?gH?f>n,.>athy to tha I I embroider* , In pretty Xfti to box. f IJ*0. mm ? ?*<t| rca rrom with some idstlons from ? the school board and the superintendent. We have endefttored to give * ? a Hood school tor the past ^ a2d hay? tried In this volume ot reports to glra you an honhet ana (altM-t *t> t ha. boon f slac-orely hoife ib.t you win take the Ume to read It taretully. both your ova Information and (or the aid you may renter to the eenool. 'e knowing what la being done and what the school* coK. ' ' * r . | Requesting your aid amf i-oopen. tlon for the eaM of the children In the Khoola and with beet nlahea l an. ... . | Very sincerely. JW .'"1 N. C. N^flOTD | Dee. tO. 1110. Superintendent. 1 It la hoped that every patron aqd erery taxpayer will take time to read the report. If any person who'de alres a copy of this report doea not recelr. same within the next few days pleaae notify me and 1 shall be I glad to furnish one. N C. KEWBOI.D, j Superlntendont StOreS Are Patronized ,v 2l?. ff J The Washington merchants outer this week upon a week of buetne*s that promisee to eclipse any record of the same week in recent years In I the volume of sales. This prospect has' been brought about by the fact that during the past week there has been a constant rofch of trade In prac tically all thr stores. The people nre buying liberally. The .Washington ?tores are doing s flne business this Christmas and the people contem plating attending the city during the prseent week should read the sdver tlsementa In tfcs bally News. It would pay them handsomely nn-1 ? Gay lord local No ? bow with humble Wil Of thu ? : the tew mount for r ?l? has bom taken from "Rewired. That In the low of Capt- Wm White, thla ITBloa la, ment? the loua of a brother who w. an artJen; upholder of the pc*e?pls of thta order and will prove a great loan to the community and the pobMc. A. clllen who at the advanced agn of seventy-four (74) w?a found In the forefront lighting (Or thoea thlnn that Wood for proem, actuated bjr the same stern senae of d{fjr' that made him a soldier o f the ' Losl Cause" of tba sixties. ' ? "Resolved, That the heartfelt arm patby of thta local be extended to his family la their affliction. :. 'tt | I "Rewired. That thew resolutions be spread upon the record* of thla local and a copy be transmitted to tbe family of our deceased brouie. pnd t(> each of the county newapa J. W. OATLORD. W. P. QAYLORD, B. M. 8MJTH, " . I . l J Committee. HA!) A VKRY NARROW * E8CAPK PROM DROWNING Wbltnev. a young son of Mr. anu lifts. W. B. MdUhenny cam? near be ing drowned last Saturday And bis bravery was commended on all aldea. He was In a boat between the castlo and the market and 111 some way tbe boat was overturned causing htm to have to iwim for hla life. Although the water was cold he succeeded, nevertheless In reaching shore. It was a narrow escape and he haa been ?*t Greatest Department [ helpful Una for sift buyers who e's the store to do your shopping, Its aot a task if you t the store, so you can see at a glance * "11 Buying Days Until Christmas s than any other articles given for gifts wm iiliiBBMllflllHBHflMMMH black :ltid color* HJM lln*Y?*.t?. ?S.M. TOK ANI> HKK1/ o mom. look* beiter, wear. longer ?l.M per box or ?. of heavy mat- ?1? '* '' '*?**, ? i Plain* Tlnen Handkerchief,, nil Width border*. ia 1* to JKR. -O-? , , . V .-.f? III. >11 . !?IKKW*A? ? ? N>? antral ot lace Jabol*. ?Sr I , ni'RflKIl OOATH Guaranteed water proof ?s.ou ?mU Chlldreta' Handkerchief!. lol tlil, > In a hoiIV per box ??+? Linen School Handkor I 55? douii. mid tops. 8llTer Comb ibbk Navarro U rushing retnr. La Junta. It developed today from reports of United Mexico to Ike state American ad van t fortnne are flocking across the Tax aa line, and Joining the ravolu in Chihuahua liaued ordara that thla be prevented, and department of Ju.Uce agenta a Ion? the frontier have been warned by telegraph today to heap a sharp watch for armed Americans trylnf to eroaa lata Mexico. jfc,. ,' i Notice baa been received by the poatoOce department fram poataj ad ministration ft Mexico that President Ola* haa Issued an order prohibiting <he lfe[K) nation Into Meklco by mall of arms and ammunition of any kind.' The Mexican exchange olBcee have been directed by the order to return to their origin and arm* and amuni tlon which may be container] In the malls received at thoae offii c? from other countrtee. | The opinion tn diplomatic circles here It that tbe revolutionists are rapidly gaining groond *<"hltK<ahun despite contrary reports from SI Paso and the strict censorship czerctsed over-press wires by tk'e Mexican gor emment. " .:r;t? f ";J' Ambassador Wilson at Mexico City telegraphed the state department to day that th? recent report that Ouer ero Chihuahua, had been captured by the troops, vas erroneous. Revolu tionists stl! lhave control of Gaerroro according to Mr. Wilson's dispatch. He >ay* that the revolution is' spreading In northern Mexico. | THT GRAND JURY FOB THIS TRRM OF COURT The foUowlVs *re the member* of the grand Jury for this term of Beau fort county superior court: C. P. Ay cock, foreman; M. V. Bell, J. B. Gerrard, L. L Cox, J. T. Linton. R J.' Boyd. O. B. E. Cutler. W H Jackson. W L. Laugblaghouse. Suf folk Miles. McQ. Rogeraan. J. D. Purh. J. R. Paul. O. H. Tlllott. 3. W. I-an*. P. O. Hardy, C. H Warren. H. If. Ca^aday. 1? . BISHOP HTRANOK >T RATH LAST SUNDAY The Rt. Rer. Robert Strange. D.. bishop of East Carolina, paid his annua! vlalt to St. Thomas' church laat Sunday and preached both morn Ing and evenitffc; ~ i . '7/ . ' | Both sermons were Joglcal and thoughtful atfd much enjoyed by the [ons. At the night hftsbop administered the six candidates. Itiens of Rath THK RHFORTH ARK THAT THK BXWOTTIU* IS TO AID BORIL* I .A?1ICT TJ'IS IS SOW KK.VUCI) BY CASTILLO Emtemau, Mr Now Orleans. Dec. l#.?The for mer United States gunboat Hornet now Hying In the MlnsiMlppl river at this city ta making preparations to clear this port tomorrow morning for Central American waters. 8he is being cloaely watched by United Statea marshals. ' w Reports to central American cir cles hare gay that the Hornet is to aid In a revolution to be started in Honduras by former Preildeat Man not Bonllla. Ttie veual la expected to clear u ier conmiud of Captain C. John son. "> 1 '' ?? J The Hornet has hurriedly taken sboArd two hundred tons of coal and provisions for thirty days. < THa* the visit here Of Dr. 8alva dbre Castrillo former minister gen eral to Washington from Nicaragua, has oomethin* to do wtth the haaty clearing Of the Hornet and thnt the! exftenise is being borne by him, is the report. It Is rumored that the or far mer President Bonllla New Or leans several weeks arwyraa for the purpose of securing a suitable craft that would be of assistance in strlk lag a blow at the DavlUa govern ment. The vessel according to her ^ap* tain, wU< dear lor Cape Qras tan U* ballast with a crew of six firemen, tour sailors and several officers. At' the time of Bonllla'e visit the Hornet was owned by a New Orleans firm which bought the boat from the govt em men t last year. It was about this tlme that the vessel was purchased by a Mr. Beer, #ho owns five ichooners hi the Central American trade. Repairs were started at once on the Hornet and Is now in trim shape. She is to tak? the place of the schoon ers in the trade, according to her owner, although he stated that the Hornet la subject to sale, either bo fon she clears this port or after she central America. It waa re ported ihftt president Estrada of Nlc araugua would lend assistance to Bonllla. It is also reported that General Lee Chrlstmaa Is in on th? deal and Is expected to take an active part in the revolution. " \ I: '. ? v. The. attention of Federal officers was called to rumors and United flutes Marshal Victor Tolsel with a force of deputl?s has kept close watch since. vV::?;* ; So far no violation of the Federal law has been detected. Cotton Market. Cotton seed, per ton. 10.00 Unt Cotton. U?W Seed cotton. 5.?0. ICR. A8HBURH TAKKN HOHB , . ?; YBBTBRDAY , >? ' 1 ?1 ?.? : ! Mr. A. r. A ah burn wbo "U Black en with paralysis laat Saturday nl?hi ?Id taken to tie home of kts a.-ugh ter. Mr*. M HadaM. wu carried to hi* borne OB W. Saoandatreet yester day afternoon on * etnjttber. condition HUH to be more favorable today.' Hl? many friends la Waak Ington wlak bin a speedy recovery to JjJjiptef ?ip' ? %&?- Js&pp '? ' ... ? ? jl?... - : ..?J HKVBRAIj casks bsfovuc ? THK MA TOR THW MORNING Hie Worahlp tke mayor tkla moment dt th, city kail. They were for drunks, dlaorderly conduct, etc. Tke uaual flnea were administered. ?. *? SIMMONS '!& - ? '' XEXT SrSUAT I.. Slmmbas will ad > youm Men's Christian Lea Sunday afternoon at tkair , tke Blount balldlnk at ? account of the IncleroentT of ? The following rue* were disposed of yesterday: Stale vs Roecoe Key*, continued. 8tat? vs. Neal Brlmmage and 8am Bryant, gambling, guilty. Brlmmage sentenced to 10 days ou roads and Bryant to 40 daya on county roads. State vs. A. L. Bell, assault, not vatfy : ' v . * $jTJ State vs. Bd. Moors and Thos 811 ver thorn, affray 811 vert horn not guil ty, Mocr0 guilty and sentenced to SO ?ays on rMdi BUt, Jno. Gray Hodge,. dis turbing uMBblr. plead, guilty to simple aMault. Pined ?10.00 and But* r, J no Pcrker, c. c. w.. Plead (Ulltr. lined ?6.?0 ud Bute ?? J no. Bd wards. A. D. W. Plead entity. i?l|Hlent raapended npon payment of eoaU. U | ' I 1. I MAST TORTUHKb .? I nsflVD. ? With New York. December his body from ankles to neck a of burns and his face and feet frost bitten, Eward Ditcher, of Scran ton. Pa., Is lying in the hospital at North Hudson. N. J., todsy In a serious con dition. Dllchor, absolutely stripped of clothfrg, ran Into the barroom of a small hotel ht Gran ton, N. J., last nlgbt and fell unconscious to tbe floor. When he revived momentarily, he was only able to tell his name and murmur weakly: "Burned In fire by men." Dlrchsr then became unconscious. He prpbably will die. The police V>-| day are seeking all possible clues as to tbe Identity of his torturers. ' M. E. PISTON W IS MISSING Aahsrille. Dec. 18.?Re*. D. J, Miller, pastor of Bethel Methodist church, this city, hss bees missing from bis home since last Friday af ternoon and, despite the ""diligent ?earch made by bis family and frinds be has so far kept bis whereabouts a secret. It Is not believed that Aft. Miller mat foal play, as he was saen at the Baltimore railway station last Friday afternoon, and presumably took as east bound train. It Is stated by dreads of themles Ins minister that be has been la tall lac health for some time, and tbs despondency resulting therefrom con nected with financial worries la con nection with bulldiag aa addition ta 'his church, It Is believed, have caused a temporary Aberration of tbe mtad. Mr Miller has here bat no chll dred. He' assumed his present char#* a year A CRMfmiAB CAROL This year It will not be necessary Mr you to so to a mualc stors aad pay a high price for the Christmas Boas to be sons as r^*>romineat part of celebratlns this great day of re joicing. Real I sins the great public demand for a Xmas sons of this kind, ar rangements hare been made to give, free, the worda and mualc of n beau tiful Chrlatmas CaroJ with every copy of next Sunday's New York World. /Jhfl?U?#a* Us great demand yOJJ - copy of next Sunday's World should be ordered in ad ranee, |D0 YOUR XMAS SHOPPING AT ? Bowers-Lewis Co. Washington's Biggest, Best and Busiest Store Selling Dependable Merchandise FURS For,"the next few.days we will make special prices on our entire stock of high grade Furs, See window display ^ ^ ? ? Mexican Drawn Work <1.50 and $2.tOj valu? Table Covers and^ Scarfs, holiday price 98c Special Sale Oa Gut Class and Silver ware to dose out before Xmas ss> Down Ouilts $5.00 to *7.00 L?own Quilts holiday prlct ?^ , , lg?$4.98 U Umbrellas Ladier and gents Gold and Silver Handle Umbrellas, regular $6 and >8 values, holiday price - H98, Handkerchiefs 100 dozen Ladies Sheer Linen Embroidered Hand kerchiefs 35c. to S*c. Vsl ues, holiday price liPCs New Arrivals . la Ladies llaad 1 prices 59c to IS. We have thousands Of other which we haven't space to mention. A visit [to our store will verily our statement. rs-Lewis Co. V - > tl' k OirlKirtliin"' ? ? r.' ? . ?. $&?>' ' >" Li

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