v?$* EiKte.lKS JB? I'liatoi) v a. under the act ot , Wrrb S. 1878. amemmmmm" 1 1 ??n 1 " ; V HI HSTRIPTION RATEfl: One Mftntb t .*6 Foot Months 1.00 it* Month. 1.50 0?? Ynar 1.00 9uhaerfb?m d-slrlng the paper dU ?ettttnued wlU please notify this office ma date cf expiration, otherwise, it wtll bo continued at regular eubccrip ratee until notice to atop la re If yon do not cot The Dally Newa promptly telephone or write the man ager. end the complaint will receive bbn^UtH attention It !? our d*clre THURSDAY, DKUK3IBKR 19, 1910. Partly leavlna wwn nhoulrt no? Ntll ?o '#1 t }?* Vnw* fn'Iner ?h?m Hull* ?tth ?hp nc<* Thow> -it th* or mniintnlnn wll* Unn Th? Ma<*? ?? ????? v?1ron?# - 4 < n ??."? ?? ?? ??. V. LTVE-SAVTNO SERVICE Pew measures pending before Con gr#?ps nr? o' wr" ro-ii.iw t'on tb-n Mil ?,. crer*o tvo pPp'nrpr o' ti?o -? In" S?r*-V? V- r-r''a ?*??? *? pn-+~?? ?rS ?*/* ? '' ?? 1 ~??' .'"? 1 ?*?"? ( pf ??rn. Mton-I.A* fsr +vnt T? j c'nl'v n*^onc tho?o w^o l*now of the pr-oit o-n-V rf )?nrn|p. m?r? r>f t^ft [ (Ml I i 'i??. O?<'' PonTfTT* hi? Stij tOf> I tpri'" In ^f'nir l"?flon ?n IhTl. T* cor***!** t^'O d'?M*ict nrr?no?l. | f1r?r?o ? ? r\ cri?i fo n r?>H?prt l'?f I fcf ?' nii<-(nfon ('"pt"' f> f 1''?*-??*I 1/MnoM rt' ??*. I tf#*Ti?? end members of life-saving1 Ci*w?. th?? Md fore? o' tfiA wf*irp; second. to nrovlde a pr*d ?'????(' ropIo of increase In torn pensat'on for t^e ?""> ofr nrnnosltlons, to those famil iar with the service as at present j carried on. mer't, aonroval, and tfcelr adnntlon would meet. It is be lieved, with goneral favor. Although one of the most hazardous services fpn Hi? t?m done to make !t attractive and to re tain trained men than in almost any other branch. TTnd?r the nresent svstem when m?>n fe?s too old to hold uo his end with yo'i???er mi?n he Is released, nr tiru'lr "knocked out," and men In thei* nr'me are substituted. No mat ter bow many years of faithful ser T?Ca have been rendered: how m*iv time* t>e "worn out'* one has risk ed his i'fe in pursuance of his call in e. all comnensation ceases, and the life-saver Is left, in some Instanc es. a nubile charge. A retired list, in keeping with ?ome o*her demrtments of the gov- , ernm?*nt, seems but equitable and fa'r in the Ufe-eavlng service; In fact it appears alipost an Imperative | rfeceesltv. Such a measure is almost lnd'spensajilo ' to a thoroughly effi cient service, because of. the reluc tance of superior officers to deprive of their means of support such wor th T subordinates,' who have exp4nd ?4' the vigQrouq, years of their lives in the fafjWfto*sorvlc o of the govern ment; that justice", both Tto the em ployes and to the public service, de mands it; that this nation 4a. the On ly one of the leading nations that lias ta'ftt mad? sottt#provision or this kind'for its employ** Who have be come incapacitate#' In service. The second proposition contained In the hill calls for an increase in pav of surf men, keepers and super intendents of 10 per cent for each ?re year*' sendee, not to ^exceed 40 p*r cent. ' The same provision has been in Offect for some years in the army ?Bd nary, and also In some branches of the civil establishment, such as the revenue cutter service, the pub tie health snd merles hospital ser vice *n this department. Thi? rradnw'ed Increase Is intend ed as a recognition of the increase*. r*??e of man's ss?VI?*s as he galas In and * fc ''*dge of his m. It furnishes a defln'te MlL. without of promotion through the In higher Dee. 20th, 1911, or this notice will plead Id bar ot their IV All persons indebted to Mid es tate will please make Immediate pay i his 20th day ef Dec. 1U0. LULU J. MILLER. Administratrix Bryan W. Miller, de j_W. A. Thompfcon. attorney. Will Promote iicauty. Women doeiring beauty get won lorful help from Ducklen's Arnica SoIt banishes pimples, akin pruptlons, sores end boils. It makes the skin soft and velvety. It glori fies the face. Cures sore eyee, cold eeres, cracked lips, chapped hands "Pest for burns, scalds, fever sores, nits, bruises and piles. 25c at all >ru#g!stt The longest way home la when a man's wife has her relatives there NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD h'oute of The "Night Express" Schedule lu effoct Dcccmber 18th. In. t?. ?the lUtiuwing scu*tJwle ua < '!? published as in formation oul: >ii'.d - re not g.:aiaftteed. .. s.n.i 'i?ave. \\ ua!i.agton: \'OHTfr "?-vyri 2:20 a. ra. daily?Night express? parlor sleeping car for Norfolk ? c?cepor may be occupied at 12:35 a ?? 10:^0 a. m. daily?for Norfolk, con nects for all points North and West rarlor car service. t 3:5 p. m dally ezccpt Sunday fo ( Helhaven. ? WEST pni'ND 7:00 a. m. dally except Sunday fo. Greenville, Wilson, and Raleigh, con nects North. South and West with al lines. 4:00 p. m. daily?for Greenville, Wilson and Raleigh. 2:30 a. m. dally?for Greenville.! Wilson and Raleigh?connects North | South and West. SOUTH BOUND 4:15 a. m. dally?for New Bern, | Klnston and Goldsboro. 10:07 a. m. lally?except Sunday j for New Bern. 3:50 p. m. daily?for New Bern, | Goldsboro and Beaufort. 3:50 p. m. Dally for New Bern. Goldsboro, and Beaufort. For further Information and re servation of Pullman Sleeping Cnr space, apply to T. H. Myers, agent, 'Vashington, N. C. W. Ii. HUDSON. W. W. GROXTON. Gen. Supt. Gen. Pass Aft Norfolk, Va. Santa Claus is now on the home stretch. Saves an Iowa Man's Life. The very grave seemed to yawn ' efore Robert Madsen, of West Bur ington. Iowa, when, after seven -veekB in the hospital, four of the est physicians--gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative rower of Electric Bitters. For, af ter elebt months of frightful suffer ^ng from . Uver trouble and yellow Jaundice, getting 6o hefp from other remedies or doctors, five bottle* of this matchless medicine completely cured him. Us positively guaran ***?!? fhr.Stomach, Uver or Kidney troubles a 4 never dioappolnts. Only 60c at aV Druggists. if? ,'i >. i ? 5 This will not be the qniet week fa the barnyard. ro? UK A l> ACTOR?Hick's CapwUwe *Vhetk#v from Colds, Heat, atom ?cb or Nervous iToublee. will rslleve yon It's l!qu<4? >?l to fake arts ?etmedlafely Tr* ,A ?' ?? 4rriv ?*ores NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Traffic Passenger Department OYBTfcRMEN'S CONVENTION Elisabeth C'ty, N. O. Dee. SS. ltlO Oreatly reduced raise via Norfolk Southern R. R., tickets sold Decem 27tb. rood to return uatll De cember t fib. W.' W' CROXTON, court house I ty. it 12 o'elu- ?? w miu ??/ o{ Uacwaixr, lijo. to ?U?!y th? debt Mcured Uj tlw .uld mortg.ire. ih? following dewriped Und. Beginning in Broomflold Swamp, at Henry Stephen's 8. EJ. cornei. thence, with atephens line N. 2 E. ! 210 pole? to peed Town Road; thence, 8. 88 E. 7-46-100 poles; thence. S. 2 W. 218 poles to Broom fleld Swamp; thence, up the run of said swamp to the beginning. Con taining ten acres more or lees, yor more complete description see mort gag? deed, recorded In the register'? office of Beaufort county In Book 88,. Lpaje 453. This Nofember 28, 1010. ELY MOORE. By W. ,A. Thompson, attorney. Notice of Sale. By Yirtue of a power of *ale con tained In a certain mortgage aeeo, executed on the 13tb day of May 1905, by Jno. R. Perry to Annie E. Nicholson, which said deed is duly recrded in the office of tie re$!c-, ter of Deeds for Beaufort county in Book 129 at page 231, to which rc' erence is hereby made for further particulars. We will on Thursday^he 12Ui day of January, 1911, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door: In Boa'ufort county, oiler, for sale to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate, towit: "A certain piece or--tract of * lan 418, the undersigned will on Mon day, the 18tb day of Jaauary, 1911, offer for sal* at public auction to the highest bidder for easfc, at the court honse door la Washington, N. 0., at It otsjoek noon, all of a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In the eooaty of Beaufort aad State of North CareUaa, la Chaeowlatty township, aad ?a the w public road to IHH, with Cabin Branch to the 1 containing U l-? %cros. tao It being the same piece oj- i land conveyed to U Bright by P. A. Nicholson and rife on Juno 17th, 1904. and recorded in tb? register's office of Beaufort county in Book 120 at pace 346. This the ltth day ot December, 1910. . - X). H. BRIGHT,^ ? J L" ;*< ? , ^'-1 - Trustee. \l NORPOUJ-SOCTHEBN R. R. CO. CHANGE OF SCHBIH'LK. Effective Sunday, Dec. I8tb. train No, 15 will leave Washington 4:1a a. m., New Bern 3.40' a. m.. arrive Klnston 0:68 a. m. and, Goidsboro 8 a. m. Train No. 10. lcare Ocrtds boro 8 ft. to., Kinsten 9; 40 p. in.. New Bern lt:?3 P. m.. arrive Wash ington J 2.35 a. m. ,W. R. HuniOn, ? Gonl. Supt. Norfolk. Vo. ' Jg ' W. w. Croilon. C. p. A , Norton:. ? Vm. s?- ?' ?' . HOT ICE! ilk . North Carolina, Beaufort County; In the Superior Court, Before tho Clerk. E. M. Brown,,Adailrilstrator of Jirn ni!o Dunn, di-censed, vs. Emtua Dunn M^Co:, liana am McCoy, Garfield Dann and Will Leary Tho defe&dar.ts, Ransom McCoy and Garfiel^Dunn, above namcJ, will take notlc that a proceeding entitled as a*ov??t. Tk* dissolution tm panly.t bualnaa. aatUr ul w. Hrt Witt rrl*?4ahip u4 r.(r.u, V?T r*?p?tfnnr, L B. L.wlfc J. T UVII. At a regular mill of tk* Basrd >f Ald.rman k.ld aa Nor.mb.r 1 H10. tk* faUawta( ordinance wa Ba It ordalmad: That It .kali tx unlawful f?r an7 DkralcUn t* traal a eaa* of tuberculoma In tk* towa ?l Washington without notltrtaa tka eltr pkraloUa witkln la bra arte, tk. tlapol. kr au.k pkralelan I ta* for eecb tm ?lap.ln? bat.. . tk* time of tk* .a?lr.u*a at in. m. AREN'T VOl COMING TO GIST THKM??We say your** are here be cause we know when you aee the splendidly complete stocks of every thing that la neweit j?pd beet in complete home furnishings when you realise, up On examination and comparison, juet how much of a savins | la y*urs, you will select yotfr homo furnishings here. The goods are better goods, the assortments are more complete and I the prices the mcney saving kind and we will Arrange terms at no extrs. I cost to you. . j I- THIS 18 THE PLACES FOR USEFUL GIFTS. SEB OUR BRASS BEDS. -HALL RACKS. LADIB8' DESKS. DINING SUITS. JEFFERSON FURNITURE COMPANY THKMK miJ? MORJflNOa. won I net you shivering?have i . terrors* for you?If you have a 9 radiator Id tout room coonec wt(>? our uiatna and your own br r?-*-o i??p?-h Turn the cock, strike ? anrt test fael your apart man niK imwi for a low cent* \ek us bow few. V WAMilntvl oiv LIGHT & WATEft CO. ?^ ? VALUABLE BOOK ON LOOSE LEAF BOOKKEEPING MODERN a Otiic?? over Daily News Washington, N. C. p COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Office Savings ft T a,. j0.. Buildlns R.oo.ni? 3 and *. W/ IING roN. N. a - STEPHEN C. BRAGAVN - Attorney and Counselor at-law< . Washington, N. C. ?NICHOLSON & DANIEL rtttornevs it-Law Practice in All Court# 4ichoii>on Hole) Building m John II. Small, A. tl. MacUea* .'*1 Hairy McMullan SMALL, MAC LliAN & McMUU.AN Al'lunNliYMT-t-Ak \Va*hiMvtotl. Nonh (.arollna. K . 4 'TiTS * _ ? T;..rn \V. D. GRIMES HHORNEY-AT-I AW M uhinulon. North Carolina. 1'iactU.-* in jit the Coui u. I WIMTO. t? 1?M RODMAN ft RODMAN] Attorneys-at-Lawj Washington, N. C. j f. M. BOND, Edxmon. N. C. 'NORWOOD L. SlMMOt A K'MD & SIMMONS ?O TORNkYS-AT-LAW V ? h I a? ton. North Carolina Practice In >11 Cowl*. *. L. V.a?han W- A. VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington mod Aaron, N. C. . - ; Practice Ik *11 th? court* ? i ? a Business Card: G. A. PHILLIPS * BRQ.i fS FIRE I And Plate Gh l lNSUR ANCi Just Ami ? , N?* almoiUU7 " Iratll nut*, raisins, cur tried oga, date*. vnd % fall tarlaty of Xmaa < ?0. Walter Credit 6 Ca ' ' JWIJEWB *Wi -? fifcfl ' & If U>. World** DM. No on* hu ?v?r mud* * ???IK wm? ? ot Ont$. Cora*. , iMV lHlfc Wk, ?? ,telt Rh.uiO. trm, r ??